You can add web API fuzzing to your [GitLab CI/CD](../../../ci/
pipelines. This helps you discover bugs and potential security issues that other QA processes may
miss. API fuzzing performs fuzz testing of API operation parameters. Fuzz testing sets operation
Web API fuzzing performs fuzz testing of API operation parameters. Fuzz testing sets operation
parameters to unexpected values in an effort to cause unexpected behavior and errors in the API
backend. This helps you discover bugs and potential security issues that other QA processes may
We recommend that you use fuzz testing in addition to [GitLab Secure](../'s
other security scanners and your own test processes. If you're using [GitLab CI/CD](../../../ci/,
you can run fuzz tests as part your CI/CD workflow.
## Requirements
## When Web API fuzzing runs
Web API fuzzing runs in the `fuzz` stage of the CI/CD pipeline. To ensure API fuzzing scans the
latest code, your CI/CD pipeline should deploy changes to a test environment in one of the stages
preceding the `fuzz` stage.
Note the following changes have been made to the API fuzzing template:
- In GitLab 14.0 and later, you must define a `fuzz` stage in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
- In GitLab 13.12 and earlier, the API fuzzing template defines `build`, `test`, `deploy`, and
`fuzz` stages. The `fuzz` stage runs last by default. The predefined stages were deprecated, and removed from the `API-Fuzzing.latest.gitlab-ci.yml` template. They will be removed in a future GitLab
If your pipeline is configured to deploy to the same web server on each run, running a
pipeline while another is still running could cause a race condition in which one pipeline
overwrites the code from another. The API to scan should be excluded from changes for the duration
of a fuzzing scan. The only changes to the API should be from the fuzzing scanner. Any changes made
to the API (for example, by users, scheduled tasks, database changes, code changes, other pipelines,
or other scanners) during a scan could cause inaccurate results.
You can run a Web API fuzzing scan using the following methods:
-[OpenAPI Specification](#openapi-specification) - version 2.0 or 3.0
-[HTTP Archive](#http-archive-har)(HAR)
-[Postman Collection](#postman-collection) - version 2.0 or 2.1
Example projects using these methods are available:
1. Select **Copy code and open `.gitlab-ci.yml` file** to copy the snippet to your clipboard and
be redirected to your project's `.gitlab-ci.yml` file where you can paste the YAML
1. Select **Copy code only** to copy the snippet to your clipboard and close the modal.
### OpenAPI Specification
@@ -106,7 +117,7 @@ Select **Copy code only** to copy the snippet to your clipboard and close the mo
The [OpenAPI Specification]( the Swagger Specification) is an
API description format for REST APIs. This section shows you how to configure API fuzzing by using
an OpenAPI specification to provide information about the target API to test. OpenAPI specifications
an OpenAPI Specification to provide information about the target API to test. OpenAPI Specifications
are provided as a file system resource or URL.
API fuzzing uses an OpenAPI document to generate the request body. When a request body is required,
@@ -116,57 +127,42 @@ the body generation is limited to these body types:
Follow these steps to configure API fuzzing in GitLab with an OpenAPI specification:
#### Configure Web API fuzzing with an OpenAPI Specification
1. To use API fuzzing, you must [include](../../../ci/yaml/
the [`API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml` template](
that's provided as part of your GitLab installation. To do so, add the following to your
`.gitlab-ci.yml` file:
To configure API fuzzing in GitLab with an OpenAPI Specification:
1. Add the `fuzz` stage to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
1.The [configuration file](#configuration-files) has several testing profiles defined with varying
amounts of fuzzing. We recommend that you start with the `Quick-10` profile. Testing with this
profile completes quickly, allowing for easier configuration validation.
the [`API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml` template](
in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
Provide the profile by adding the `FUZZAPI_PROFILE` CI/CD variable to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file,
substituting `Quick-10` for the profile you choose:
1. Provide the profile by adding the `FUZZAPI_PROFILE` CI/CD variable to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
The profile specifies how many tests are run. Substitute `Quick-10` for the profile you choose. For more details, see [API fuzzing profiles](#api-fuzzing-profiles).
1. Provide the location of the OpenAPI specification. You can provide the specification as a file
or URL. Specify the location by adding the `FUZZAPI_OPENAPI` variable:
1. Provide the location of the OpenAPI Specification. You can provide the specification as a file
or URL. Specify the location by adding the `FUZZAPI_OPENAPI` variable.
1. The target API instance's base URL is also required. Provide it by using the `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL`
variable or an `environment_url.txt` file.
1. Provide the target API instance's base URL. Use either the `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL` variable or an
`environment_url.txt` file.
Adding the URL in an `environment_url.txt` file at your project's root is great for testing in
dynamic environments. To run API fuzzing against an app dynamically created during a GitLab CI/CD
pipeline, have the app persist its domain in an `environment_url.txt` file. API fuzzing
automatically parses that file to find its scan target. You can see an
[example of this in our Auto DevOps CI YAML](
dynamic environments. To run API fuzzing against an application dynamically created during a
GitLab CI/CD pipeline, have the application persist its URL in an `environment_url.txt` file.
API fuzzing automatically parses that file to find its scan target. You can see an
example of this in the [Auto DevOps CI YAML](
Here's an example of using `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL`:
Example `.gitlab-ci.yml` file using an OpenAPI Specification:
@@ -182,10 +178,7 @@ This is a minimal configuration for API Fuzzing. From here you can:
-[Add authentication](#authentication).
- Learn how to [handle false positives](#handling-false-positives).
**NEVER** run fuzz testing against a production server. Not only can it perform *any* function that
the API can, it may also trigger bugs in the API. This includes actions like modifying and deleting
data. Only run fuzzing against a test server.
For details of API fuzzing configuration options, see [Available CI/CD variables](#available-cicd-variables).
### HTTP Archive (HAR)
@@ -200,45 +193,27 @@ WARNING:
HAR files may contain sensitive information such as authentication tokens, API keys, and session
cookies. We recommend that you review the HAR file contents before adding them to a repository.
Follow these steps to configure API fuzzing to use a HAR file that provides information about the
target API to test:
#### Configure Web API fuzzing with a HAR file
1. To use API fuzzing, you must [include](../../../ci/yaml/
the [`API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml` template](
that's provided as part of your GitLab installation. To do so, add the following to your
`.gitlab-ci.yml` file:
To configure API fuzzing to use a HAR file:
1. Add the `fuzz` stage to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
1.The [configuration file](#configuration-files) has several testing profiles defined with varying
amounts of fuzzing. We recommend that you start with the `Quick-10` profile. Testing with this
profile completes quickly, allowing for easier configuration validation.
the [`API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml` template](
in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
Provide the profile by adding the `FUZZAPI_PROFILE` CI/CD variable to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file,
substituting `Quick-10` for the profile you choose:
1. Provide the profile by adding the `FUZZAPI_PROFILE` CI/CD variable to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
The profile specifies how many tests are run. Substitute `Quick-10` for the profile you choose. For more details, see [API fuzzing profiles](#api-fuzzing-profiles).
1. Provide the location of the HAR specification. You can provide the specification as a file
or URL. [URL support was introduced]( in GitLab 13.10 and later. Specify the location by adding the `FUZZAPI_HAR` variable:
or URL. [URL support was introduced](
in GitLab 13.10 and later. Specify the location by adding the `FUZZAPI_HAR` variable.
1. The target API instance's base URL is also required. Provide it by using the `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL`
variable or an `environment_url.txt` file.
@@ -249,9 +224,12 @@ target API to test:
automatically parses that file to find its scan target. You can see an
[example of this in our Auto DevOps CI YAML](
Here's an example of using `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL`:
Example `.gitlab-ci.yml` file using a HAR file:
@@ -261,16 +239,13 @@ target API to test:
This is a minimal configuration for API Fuzzing. From here you can:
This is a minimal configuration for API fuzzing. From here you can:
-[Run your first scan](#running-your-first-scan).
-[Add authentication](#authentication).
- Learn how to [handle false positives](#handling-false-positives).
**NEVER** run fuzz testing against a production server. Not only can it perform *any* function that
the API can, it may also trigger bugs in the API. This includes actions like modifying and deleting
data. Only run fuzzing against a test server.
For details of API fuzzing configuration options, see [Available CI/CD variables](#available-cicd-variables).
### Postman Collection
@@ -289,48 +264,31 @@ Postman Collection files may contain sensitive information such as authenticatio
and session cookies. We recommend that you review the Postman Collection file contents before adding
them to a repository.
Follow these steps to configure API fuzzing to use a Postman Collection file that provides
information about the target API to test:
#### Configure Web API fuzzing with a Postman Collection file
1. To use API fuzzing, you must [include](../../../ci/yaml/
the [`API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml` template](
that's provided as part of your GitLab installation. To do so, add the following to your
`.gitlab-ci.yml` file:
To configure API fuzzing to use a Postman Collection file:
1. Add the `fuzz` stage to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
1.The [configuration file](#configuration-files) has several testing profiles defined with varying
amounts of fuzzing. We recommend that you start with the `Quick-10` profile. Testing with this
profile completes quickly, allowing for easier configuration validation.
the [`API-Fuzzing.gitlab-ci.yml` template](
in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
Provide the profile by adding the `FUZZAPI_PROFILE` CI/CD variable to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file,
substituting `Quick-10` for the profile you choose:
1. Provide the profile by adding the `FUZZAPI_PROFILE` CI/CD variable to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
The profile specifies how many tests are run. Substitute `Quick-10` for the profile you choose. For more details, see [API fuzzing profiles](#api-fuzzing-profiles).
1. Provide the location of the Postman Collection specification. You can provide the specification as a file
or URL. [URL support was introduced]( in GitLab 13.10 and later. Specify the location by adding the `FUZZAPI_POSTMAN_COLLECTION` variable:
You can use variables to store and reuse values in your requests and scripts. For example, you can
edit the collection to add variables to the document:
@@ -385,7 +344,7 @@ Postman file. For example, Postman does not export environment-scoped variables
By default, the API fuzzer uses the Postman file to resolve Postman variable values. If a JSON file
is set in a GitLab CI environment variable `FUZZAPI_POSTMAN_COLLECTION_VARIABLES`, then the JSON
is set in a GitLab CI/CD variable `FUZZAPI_POSTMAN_COLLECTION_VARIABLES`, then the JSON
file takes precedence to get Postman variable values.
Although Postman can export environment variables into a JSON file, the format is not compatible
@@ -394,6 +353,9 @@ with the JSON expected by `FUZZAPI_POSTMAN_COLLECTION_VARIABLES`.
@@ -415,6 +377,13 @@ values. For example:
## API fuzzing configuration
The API fuzzing behavior can be changed through CI/CD variables.
From GitLab 13.12 and later, the default API fuzzing configuration file is `.gitlab/gitlab-api-fuzzing-config.yml`. In GitLab 14.0 and later, API fuzzing configuration files must be in your repository's
`.gitlab` directory instead of your repository's root.
### Authentication
Authentication is handled by providing the authentication token as a header or cookie. You can
@@ -436,6 +405,9 @@ GitLab projects page at **Settings > CI/CD**, in the **Variables** section. Use
as the value for `FUZZAPI_HTTP_PASSWORD`:
@@ -474,6 +446,9 @@ Follow these steps to provide the bearer token with `FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_ENV`:
1. In your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, set `FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_ENV` to the variable you just created:
@@ -509,6 +484,9 @@ This file can be generated by a prior stage and provided to API fuzzing through
Set `FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_FILE` in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file:
@@ -548,6 +526,9 @@ You must provide three CI/CD variables, each set for correct operation:
For example:
@@ -563,19 +544,15 @@ variables:
To validate that authentication is working, run an API fuzzing test and review the fuzzing logs and
the test API's application logs.
### Configuration files
### API fuzzing profiles
To get you started quickly, GitLab provides the configuration file
This file has several testing profiles that perform various numbers of tests. The run time of each
profile increases as the test numbers go up. To use a configuration file, add it to your
repository as `.gitlab/gitlab-api-fuzzing-config.yml`.
It contains several testing profiles that perform a specific numbers of tests. The runtime of each
profile increases as the number of tests increases.
+In GitLab 13.11 and earlier, the configuration file was `.gitlab-api-fuzzing.yml` in the repository's root. In GitLab 13.12 and later, it is `.gitlab/gitlab-api-fuzzing-config.yml` in the repository's root.
| `SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX` | Specify the Docker registry base address from which to download the analyzer. |
| `FUZZAPI_VERSION` | Specify API Fuzzing container version. Defaults to `latest`. |
| `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL` | Base URL of API testing target. |
|[`FUZZAPI_CONFIG`](#configuration-files) | [Deprecated]( in GitLab 13.12, replaced with default `.gitlab/gitlab-api-fuzzing-config.yml`. API Fuzzing configuration file. |
|[`FUZZAPI_PROFILE`](#configuration-files) | Configuration profile to use during testing. Defaults to `Quick`. |
|[`FUZZAPI_OPENAPI`](#openapi-specification)| OpenAPI specification file or URL. |
| `SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX`| Specify the Docker registry base address from which to download the analyzer. |
| `FUZZAPI_VERSION`| Specify API Fuzzing container version. Defaults to `latest`. |
| `FUZZAPI_TARGET_URL`| Base URL of API testing target. |
|`FUZZAPI_CONFIG` | [Deprecated]( in GitLab 13.12, replaced with default `.gitlab/gitlab-api-fuzzing-config.yml`. API Fuzzing configuration file. |
|[`FUZZAPI_PROFILE`](#api-fuzzing-profiles) | Configuration profile to use during testing. Defaults to `Quick-10`. |
|[`FUZZAPI_OPENAPI`](#openapi-specification) | OpenAPI Specification file or URL. |
|[`FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_INTERVAL`](#overrides)| How often to run overrides command in seconds. Defaults to `0` (once). |
|[`FUZZAPI_HTTP_USERNAME`](#http-basic-authentication)| Username for HTTP authentication. |
|[`FUZZAPI_HTTP_PASSWORD`](#http-basic-authentication)| Password for HTTP authentication. |
### Overrides
@@ -766,6 +743,9 @@ To provide the overrides JSON as a file, the `FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_FILE` CI/CD vari
Here's an example `.gitlab-ci.yml`:
@@ -784,6 +764,9 @@ This allows you to place the JSON as variables that can be masked and protected.
In this example `.gitlab-ci.yml`, the `FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_ENV` variable is set directly to the JSON:
@@ -798,6 +781,9 @@ In this example `.gitlab-ci.yml`, the `SECRET_OVERRIDES` variable provides the J
[group or instance level CI/CD variable defined in the UI](../../../ci/variables/
@@ -823,6 +809,9 @@ You must provide three CI/CD variables, each set for correct operation:
-`FUZZAPI_OVERRIDES_INTERVAL`: Interval in seconds to run command.
@@ -1004,7 +993,7 @@ False positives can be handled in two ways:
### Turn off a Check
Checks perform testing of a specific type and can be turned on and off for specific configuration
profiles. The provided [configuration files](#configuration-files) define several profiles that you
profiles. The default configuration file defines several profiles that you
can use. The profile definition in the configuration file lists all the checks that are active
during a scan. To turn off a specific check, remove it from the profile definition in the
configuration file. The profiles are defined in the `Profiles` section of the configuration file.
@@ -1131,9 +1120,9 @@ successfully run. For more information, see [Offline environments](../offline_de
### Error, the OpenAPI document is not valid. Errors were found during validation of the document using the published OpenAPI schema
At the start of an API Fuzzing job the OpenAPI specification is validated against the [published schema]( This error is shown when the provided OpenAPI specification has validation errors. Errors can be introduced when creating an OpenAPI specification manually, and also when the schema is generated.
At the start of an API Fuzzing job the OpenAPI Specification is validated against the [published schema]( This error is shown when the provided OpenAPI Specification has validation errors. Errors can be introduced when creating an OpenAPI Specification manually, and also when the schema is generated.
For OpenAPI specifications that are generated automatically validation errors are often the result of missing code annotations.
For OpenAPI Specifications that are generated automatically validation errors are often the result of missing code annotations.
**Error message**
@@ -1143,7 +1132,7 @@ For OpenAPI specifications that are generated automatically validation errors ar
**For generated OpenAPI specifications**
**For generated OpenAPI Specifications**
1. Identify the validation errors.
1. Use the [Swagger Editor]( to identify validation problems in your specification. The visual nature of the Swagger Editor makes it easier to understand what needs to change.
@@ -1154,7 +1143,7 @@ For OpenAPI specifications that are generated automatically validation errors ar
**For manually created OpenAPI Specifications**
1. Identify the validation errors.
1. The simplest solution is to use a visual tool to edit and validate the OpenAPI document. For example the [Swagger Editor]( point out schema errors and possible solutions.
1. The simplest solution is to use a visual tool to edit and validate the OpenAPI document. For example the [Swagger Editor]( schema errors and possible solutions.
1. Alternatively, you can check the log output and look for schema validation warnings. They are prefixed with messages such as `OpenAPI 2.0 schema validation error` or `OpenAPI 3.0.x schema validation error`. Each failed validation provides extra information about `location` and `description`. Correct each of the validation failures and then resubmit the OpenAPI doc. Note that JSON Schema validation message might not be easy to understand. This is why we recommend the use of editors to validate document.
1. Once the validation issues are resolved, re-run your pipeline.