| **ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to download artifacts running a job |
| **ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to download artifacts running a job |
| **CHAT_INPUT** | 10.6 | all | Additional arguments passed in the [ChatOps](../chatops/README.md) command **[ULTIMATE]** |
| **CHAT_INPUT** | 10.6 | all | Additional arguments passed in the [ChatOps](../chatops/README.md) command **[ULTIMATE]** |
| **CHAT_CHANNEL** | 10.6 | all | Source chat channel which triggered the [ChatOps](../chatops/README.md) command **[ULTIMATE]** |
| **CHAT_CHANNEL** | 10.6 | all | Source chat channel which triggered the [ChatOps](../chatops/README.md) command **[ULTIMATE]** |
| **CI** | all | 0.4 | Mark that job is executed in CI environment |
| **CI** | all | 0.4 | Mark that job is executed in CI environment |
| **CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME** | 9.0 | all | The branch or tag name for which project is built |
| **CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME** | 9.0 | all | The branch or tag name for which project is built |
| **CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG** | 9.0 | all | `$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME` lowercased, shortened to 63 bytes, and with everything except `0-9` and `a-z` replaced with `-`. No leading / trailing `-`. Use in URLs, host names and domain names. |
| **CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG** | 9.0 | all | `$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME` lowercased, shortened to 63 bytes, and with everything except `0-9` and `a-z` replaced with `-`. No leading / trailing `-`. Use in URLs, host names and domain names. |
| **CI_COMMIT_SHA** | 9.0 | all | The commit revision for which project is built |
| **CI_COMMIT_SHA** | 9.0 | all | The commit revision for which project is built |
| **CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA** | 11.2 | all | The previous latest commit present on a branch before a push request. |
| **CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA** | 11.2 | all | The previous latest commit present on a branch before a push request. |
| **CI_COMMIT_TAG** | 9.0 | 0.5 | The commit tag name. Present only when building tags. |
| **CI_COMMIT_TAG** | 9.0 | 0.5 | The commit tag name. Present only when building tags. |
| **CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE** | 10.8 | all | The full commit message. |
| **CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE** | 10.8 | all | The full commit message. |
| **CI_COMMIT_TITLE** | 10.8 | all | The title of the commit - the full first line of the message |
| **CI_COMMIT_TITLE** | 10.8 | all | The title of the commit - the full first line of the message |
| **CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION** | 10.8 | all | The description of the commit: the message without first line, if the title is shorter than 100 characters; full message in other case. |
| **CI_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION** | 10.8 | all | The description of the commit: the message without first line, if the title is shorter than 100 characters; full message in other case. |
| **CI_CONFIG_PATH** | 9.4 | 0.5 | The path to CI config file. Defaults to `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| **CI_CONFIG_PATH** | 9.4 | 0.5 | The path to CI config file. Defaults to `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| **CI_DEBUG_TRACE** | all | 1.7 | Whether [debug tracing](#debug-tracing) is enabled |
| **CI_DEBUG_TRACE** | all | 1.7 | Whether [debug tracing](#debug-tracing) is enabled |
| **CI_DEPLOY_USER** | 10.8 | all | Authentication username of the [GitLab Deploy Token][gitlab-deploy-token], only present if the Project has one related.|
| **CI_DEPLOY_USER** | 10.8 | all | Authentication username of the [GitLab Deploy Token][gitlab-deploy-token], only present if the Project has one related.|
| **CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD** | 10.8 | all | Authentication password of the [GitLab Deploy Token][gitlab-deploy-token], only present if the Project has one related.|
| **CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD** | 10.8 | all | Authentication password of the [GitLab Deploy Token][gitlab-deploy-token], only present if the Project has one related.|
| **CI_DISPOSABLE_ENVIRONMENT** | all | 10.1 | Marks that the job is executed in a disposable environment (something that is created only for this job and disposed of/destroyed after the execution - all executors except `shell` and `ssh`). If the environment is disposable, it is set to true, otherwise it is not defined at all. |
| **CI_DISPOSABLE_ENVIRONMENT** | all | 10.1 | Marks that the job is executed in a disposable environment (something that is created only for this job and disposed of/destroyed after the execution - all executors except `shell` and `ssh`). If the environment is disposable, it is set to true, otherwise it is not defined at all. |
| **CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME** | 8.15 | all | The name of the environment for this job |
| **CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME** | 8.15 | all | The name of the environment for this job |
| **CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG** | 8.15 | all | A simplified version of the environment name, suitable for inclusion in DNS, URLs, Kubernetes labels, etc. |
| **CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG** | 8.15 | all | A simplified version of the environment name, suitable for inclusion in DNS, URLs, Kubernetes labels, etc. |
| **CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL** | 9.3 | all | The URL of the environment for this job |
| **CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL** | 9.3 | all | The URL of the environment for this job |
| **CI_JOB_ID** | 9.0 | all | The unique id of the current job that GitLab CI uses internally |
| **CI_JOB_ID** | 9.0 | all | The unique id of the current job that GitLab CI uses internally |
| **CI_JOB_MANUAL** | 8.12 | all | The flag to indicate that job was manually started |
| **CI_JOB_MANUAL** | 8.12 | all | The flag to indicate that job was manually started |
| **CI_JOB_NAME** | 9.0 | 0.5 | The name of the job as defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| **CI_JOB_NAME** | 9.0 | 0.5 | The name of the job as defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| **CI_JOB_STAGE** | 9.0 | 0.5 | The name of the stage as defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| **CI_JOB_STAGE** | 9.0 | 0.5 | The name of the stage as defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| **CI_JOB_TOKEN** | 9.0 | 1.2 | Token used for authenticating with [GitLab Container Registry][registry], downloading [dependent repositories][dependent-repositories], authenticate with multi-project pipelines when [triggers][trigger-job-token] are involved, and for [downloading job artifacts][get-job-artifacts] |
| **CI_JOB_TOKEN** | 9.0 | 1.2 | Token used for authenticating with [GitLab Container Registry][registry], downloading [dependent repositories][dependent-repositories], authenticate with multi-project pipelines when [triggers][trigger-job-token] are involved, and for [downloading job artifacts][get-job-artifacts] |
| **CI_NODE_INDEX** | 11.5 | all | Index of the job in the job set. If the job is not parallelized, this variable is not set. |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID** | 11.6 | all | The ID of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md) |
| **CI_NODE_TOTAL** | 11.5 | all | Total number of instances of this job running in parallel. If the job is not parallelized, this variable is set to `1`. |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID** | 11.6 | all | The IID of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md) |
| **CI_JOB_URL** | 11.1 | 0.5 | Job details URL |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_REF_PATH** | 11.6 | all | The ref path of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md). (e.g. `refs/merge-requests/1/head`) |
| **CI_REPOSITORY_URL** | 9.0 | all | The URL to clone the Git repository |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_ID** | 11.6 | all | The ID of the project of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md) |
| **CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The description of the runner as saved in GitLab |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH** | 11.6 | all | The path of the project of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md)(e.g.`namespace/awesome-project`) |
| **CI_RUNNER_ID** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The unique id of runner being used |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_URL** | 11.6 | all | The URL of the project of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md)(e.g.``) |
| **CI_RUNNER_TAGS** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The defined runner tags |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME** | 11.6 | all | The target branch name of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md) |
| **CI_RUNNER_VERSION** | all | 10.6 | GitLab Runner version that is executing the current job |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_ID** | 11.6 | all | The ID of the source project of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md) |
| **CI_RUNNER_REVISION** | all | 10.6 | GitLab Runner revision that is executing the current job |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_PATH** | 11.6 | all | The path of the source project of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md) |
| **CI_RUNNER_EXECUTABLE_ARCH** | all | 10.6 | The OS/architecture of the GitLab Runner executable (note that this is not necessarily the same as the environment of the executor) |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_URL** | 11.6 | all | The URL of the source project of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md) |
| **CI_PIPELINE_ID** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The unique id of the current pipeline that GitLab CI uses internally |
| **CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME** | 11.6 | all | The source branch name of the merge request if it's [pipelines for merge requests](../merge_request_pipelines/index.md) |
| **CI_PIPELINE_IID** | 11.0 | all | The unique id of the current pipeline scoped to project |
| **CI_NODE_INDEX** | 11.5 | all | Index of the job in the job set. If the job is not parallelized, this variable is not set. |
| **CI_PIPELINE_TRIGGERED** | all | all | The flag to indicate that job was [triggered] |
| **CI_NODE_TOTAL** | 11.5 | all | Total number of instances of this job running in parallel. If the job is not parallelized, this variable is set to `1`. |
| **CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE** | 10.0 | all | Indicates how the pipeline was triggered. Possible options are: `push`, `web`, `trigger`, `schedule`, `api`, and `pipeline`. For pipelines created before GitLab 9.5, this will show as `unknown` |
| **CI_JOB_URL** | 11.1 | 0.5 | Job details URL |
| **CI_PROJECT_DIR** | all | all | The full path where the repository is cloned and where the job is run |
| **CI_REPOSITORY_URL** | 9.0 | all | The URL to clone the Git repository |
| **CI_PROJECT_ID** | all | all | The unique id of the current project that GitLab CI uses internally |
| **CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The description of the runner as saved in GitLab |
| **CI_PROJECT_NAME** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The project name that is currently being built (actually it is project folder name) |
| **CI_RUNNER_ID** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The unique id of runner being used |
| **CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The project namespace (username or groupname) that is currently being built |
| **CI_RUNNER_TAGS** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The defined runner tags |
| **CI_PROJECT_PATH** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The namespace with project name |
| **CI_RUNNER_VERSION** | all | 10.6 | GitLab Runner version that is executing the current job |
| **CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG** | 9.3 | all | `$CI_PROJECT_PATH` lowercased and with everything except `0-9` and `a-z` replaced with `-`. Use in URLs and domain names. |
| **CI_RUNNER_REVISION** | all | 10.6 | GitLab Runner revision that is executing the current job |
| **CI_RUNNER_EXECUTABLE_ARCH** | all | 10.6 | The OS/architecture of the GitLab Runner executable (note that this is not necessarily the same as the environment of the executor) |
| **CI_PROJECT_URL** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The HTTP address to access project |
| **CI_PIPELINE_ID** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The unique id of the current pipeline that GitLab CI uses internally |
| **CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY** | 10.3 | all | The project visibility (internal, private, public) |
| **CI_PIPELINE_IID** | 11.0 | all | The unique id of the current pipeline scoped to project |
| **CI_REGISTRY** | 8.10 | 0.5 | If the Container Registry is enabled it returns the address of GitLab's Container Registry |
| **CI_PIPELINE_TRIGGERED** | all | all | The flag to indicate that job was [triggered] |
| **CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE** | 8.10 | 0.5 | If the Container Registry is enabled for the project it returns the address of the registry tied to the specific project |
| **CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE** | 10.0 | all | Indicates how the pipeline was triggered. Possible options are: `push`, `web`, `trigger`, `schedule`, `api`, and `pipeline`. For pipelines created before GitLab 9.5, this will show as `unknown` |
| **CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD** | 9.0 | all | The password to use to push containers to the GitLab Container Registry |
| **CI_PROJECT_DIR** | all | all | The full path where the repository is cloned and where the job is run |
| **CI_REGISTRY_USER** | 9.0 | all | The username to use to push containers to the GitLab Container Registry |
| **CI_PROJECT_ID** | all | all | The unique id of the current project that GitLab CI uses internally |
| **CI_SERVER** | all | all | Mark that job is executed in CI environment |
| **CI_PROJECT_NAME** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The project name that is currently being built (actually it is project folder name) |
| **CI_SERVER_NAME** | all | all | The name of CI server that is used to coordinate jobs |
| **CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The project namespace (username or groupname) that is currently being built |
| **CI_SERVER_REVISION** | all | all | GitLab revision that is used to schedule jobs |
| **CI_PROJECT_PATH** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The namespace with project name |
| **CI_SERVER_VERSION** | all | all | GitLab version that is used to schedule jobs |
| **CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG** | 9.3 | all | `$CI_PROJECT_PATH` lowercased and with everything except `0-9` and `a-z` replaced with `-`. Use in URLs and domain names. |
| **CI_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR** | 11.4 | all | GitLab version major component |
| **CI_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR** | 11.4 | all | GitLab version minor component |
| **CI_PROJECT_URL** | 8.10 | 0.5 | The HTTP address to access project |
| **CI_SERVER_VERSION_PATCH** | 11.4 | all | GitLab version patch component |
| **CI_PROJECT_VISIBILITY** | 10.3 | all | The project visibility (internal, private, public) |
| **CI_SHARED_ENVIRONMENT** | all | 10.1 | Marks that the job is executed in a shared environment (something that is persisted across CI invocations like `shell` or `ssh` executor). If the environment is shared, it is set to true, otherwise it is not defined at all. |
| **CI_REGISTRY** | 8.10 | 0.5 | If the Container Registry is enabled it returns the address of GitLab's Container Registry |
| **GET_SOURCES_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to fetch sources running a job |
| **CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE** | 8.10 | 0.5 | If the Container Registry is enabled for the project it returns the address of the registry tied to the specific project |
| **GITLAB_CI** | all | all | Mark that job is executed in GitLab CI environment |
| **CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD** | 9.0 | all | The password to use to push containers to the GitLab Container Registry |
| **GITLAB_USER_EMAIL** | 8.12 | all | The email of the user who started the job |
| **CI_REGISTRY_USER** | 9.0 | all | The username to use to push containers to the GitLab Container Registry |
| **GITLAB_USER_ID** | 8.12 | all | The id of the user who started the job |
| **CI_SERVER** | all | all | Mark that job is executed in CI environment |
| **GITLAB_USER_LOGIN** | 10.0 | all | The login username of the user who started the job |
| **CI_SERVER_NAME** | all | all | The name of CI server that is used to coordinate jobs |
| **GITLAB_USER_NAME** | 10.0 | all | The real name of the user who started the job |
| **CI_SERVER_REVISION** | all | all | GitLab revision that is used to schedule jobs |
| **GITLAB_FEATURES** | 10.6 | all | The comma separated list of licensed features available for your instance and plan |
| **CI_SERVER_VERSION** | all | all | GitLab version that is used to schedule jobs |
| **RESTORE_CACHE_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to restore the cache running a job |
| **CI_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR** | 11.4 | all | GitLab version major component |
| **CI_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR** | 11.4 | all | GitLab version minor component |
| **CI_SERVER_VERSION_PATCH** | 11.4 | all | GitLab version patch component |
| **CI_SHARED_ENVIRONMENT** | all | 10.1 | Marks that the job is executed in a shared environment (something that is persisted across CI invocations like `shell` or `ssh` executor). If the environment is shared, it is set to true, otherwise it is not defined at all. |
| **GET_SOURCES_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to fetch sources running a job |
| **GITLAB_CI** | all | all | Mark that job is executed in GitLab CI environment |
| **GITLAB_USER_EMAIL** | 8.12 | all | The email of the user who started the job |
| **GITLAB_USER_ID** | 8.12 | all | The id of the user who started the job |
| **GITLAB_USER_LOGIN** | 10.0 | all | The login username of the user who started the job |
| **GITLAB_USER_NAME** | 10.0 | all | The real name of the user who started the job |
| **GITLAB_FEATURES** | 10.6 | all | The comma separated list of licensed features available for your instance and plan |
| **RESTORE_CACHE_ATTEMPTS** | 8.15 | 1.9 | Number of attempts to restore the cache running a job |