End-to-end tests should pass with a feature flag enabled before it is enabled on Staging or on GitLab.com. Tests that need to be updated should be identified as part of [quad-planning](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/quad-planning/). The relevant [counterpart Software Engineer in Test](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#individual-contributors) is responsible for updating the tests or assisting another engineer to do so. However, if a change does not go through quad-planning and a required test update is not made, test failures could block deployment.
End-to-end tests should pass with a feature flag enabled before it is enabled on Staging or on GitLab.com. Tests that need to be updated should be identified as part of [quad-planning](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/quad-planning/). The relevant [counterpart Software Engineer in Test](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#individual-contributors) is responsible for updating the tests or assisting another engineer to do so. However, if a change does not go through quad-planning and a required test update is not made, test failures could block deployment.
If a test enables a feature flag as describe above, it is sufficient to run the `package-and-qa` job in a merge request containing the relevant changes.
### Automatic test execution when a feature flag definition changes
Or, if the feature flag and relevant changes have already been merged, you can confirm that the tests
pass on `main`. The end-to-end tests run on `main` every two hours, and the results are posted to a [Test
Session Report, which is available in the testcase-sessions project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions/-/issues?label_name%5B%5D=found%3Amaster).
If the relevant tests do not enable the feature flag themselves, you can check if the tests will need
If a merge request adds or edits a [feature flag definition file](../../feature_flags/index.md#feature-flag-definition-and-validation),
to be updated by opening a draft merge request that enables the flag by default and then running the `package-and-qa` job.
two `package-and-qa` jobs will be included automatically in the merge request pipeline. One job will enable the defined
feature flag and the other will disable it. The jobs execute the same suite of tests to confirm that they pass with if
the feature flag is either enabled or disabled.
### Test execution during feature development
If an end-to-end test enables a feature flag, the end-to-end test suite can be used to test changes in a merge request
by running the `package-and-qa` job in the merge request pipeline. If the feature flag and relevant changes have already been merged, you can confirm that the tests
pass on the default branch. The end-to-end tests run on the default branch every two hours, and the results are posted to a [Test
Session Report, which is available in the testcase-sessions project](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/testcase-sessions/-/issues?label_name%5B%5D=found%3Amain).
If the relevant tests do not enable the feature flag themselves, you can check if the tests will need to be updated by opening
a draft merge request that enables the flag by default via a [feature flag definition file](../../feature_flags/index.md#feature-flag-definition-and-validation).
That will [automatically execute the end-to-end test suite](#automatic-test-execution-when-a-feature-flag-definition-changes).
The merge request can be closed once the tests pass. If you need assistance to update the tests, please contact the relevant [stable counterpart in the Quality department](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#individual-contributors), or any Software Engineer in Test if there is no stable counterpart for your group.
The merge request can be closed once the tests pass. If you need assistance to update the tests, please contact the relevant [stable counterpart in the Quality department](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#individual-contributors), or any Software Engineer in Test if there is no stable counterpart for your group.