Commit d0747af4 authored by Winnie Hellmann's avatar Winnie Hellmann

Add dynamic timer for delayed jobs in job list

parent f7c0a18b
import Vue from 'vue';
import GlCountdown from '~/vue_shared/components/gl_countdown.vue';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const remainingTimeElements = document.querySelectorAll('.js-remaining-time');
el =>
new Vue({
propsData: {
endDateString: el.dateTime,
......@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@
= icon('remove', class: 'cred')
- elsif job.scheduled?
.btn.btn-default.has-tooltip{ disabled: true,
title: job.scheduled_at }
.btn.btn-default{ disabled: true }
= sprite_icon('planning')
%time.js-remaining-time{ datetime: job.scheduled_at.utc.iso8601 }
= duration_in_numbers(job.execute_in)
- confirmation_message = s_("DelayedJobs|Are you sure you want to run %{job_name} immediately? This job will run automatically after it's timer finishes.") % { job_name: }
= link_to play_project_job_path(job.project, job, return_to: request.original_url),
title: Add dynamic timer for delayed jobs in job list
merge_request: 22656
type: changed
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