Commit dc26ffc6 authored by Matthias Käppler's avatar Matthias Käppler Committed by Marcia Ramos

Add object storage bucket docs

parent 53118659
......@@ -346,3 +346,83 @@ object using `UploadedFile#from_params`! This method can be unsafe to use depend
passed. Instead, use the [`UploadedFile`](
object that [`multipart.rb`](
builds automatically for you.
### Document Object Storage buckets and CarrierWave integration
When using Object Storage, GitLab expects each kind of upload to maintain its own bucket in the respective
Object Storage destination. Moreover, the integration with CarrierWave is not used all the time.
The [Object Storage Working Group](
is investigating an approach that unifies Object Storage buckets into a single one and removes CarrierWave
so as to simplify implementation and administration of uploads.
Therefore, document new uploads here by slotting them into the following tables:
- [Feature bucket details](#feature-bucket-details)
- [CarrierWave integration](#carrierwave-integration)
#### Feature bucket details
| Feature | Upload technology | Uploader | Bucket structure |
| Job artifacts | `direct upload` | `workhorse` | `/artifacts/<proj_id_hash>/<date>/<job_id>/<artifact_id>` |
| Pipeline artifacts | `carrierwave` | `sidekiq` | `/artifacts/<proj_id_hash>/pipelines/<pipeline_id>/artifacts/<artifact_id>` |
| Live job traces | `fog` | `sidekiq` | `/artifacts/tmp/builds/<job_id>/chunks/<chunk_index>.log` |
| Job traces archive | `carrierwave` | `sidekiq` | `/artifacts/<proj_id_hash>/<date>/<job_id>/<artifact_id>/job.log` |
| Autoscale runner caching | N/A | `gitlab-runner` | `/gitlab-com-[platform-]runners-cache/???` |
| Backups | N/A | `s3cmd`, `awscli`, or `gcs` | `/gitlab-backups/???` |
| Git LFS | `direct upload` | `workhorse` | `/lsf-objects/<lfs_obj_oid[0:2]>/<lfs_obj_oid[2:2]>` |
| Design management files | `disk buffering` | `rails controller` | `/lsf-objects/<lfs_obj_oid[0:2]>/<lfs_obj_oid[2:2]>` |
| Design management thumbnails | `carrierwave` | `sidekiq` | `/uploads/design_management/action/image_v432x230/<model_id>` |
| Generic file uploads | `direct upload` | `workhorse` | `/uploads/@hashed/[0:2]/[2:4]/<hash1>/<hash2>/file` |
| Generic file uploads - personal snippets | `direct upload` | `workhorse` | `/uploads/personal_snippet/<snippet_id>/<filename>` |
| Global appearance settings | `disk buffering` | `rails controller` | `/uploads/appearance/...` |
| Topics | `disk buffering` | `rails controller` | `/uploads/projects/topic/...` |
| Avatar images | `direct upload` | `workhorse` | `/uploads/[user,group,project]/avatar/<model_id>` |
| Import/export | `direct upload` | `workhorse` | `/uploads/import_export_upload/???` |
| GitLab Migration | `carrierwave` | `sidekiq` | `/uploads/bulk_imports/???` |
| MR diffs | `carrierwave` | `sidekiq` | `/external-diffs/merge_request_diffs/mr-<mr_id>/diff-<diff_id>` |
| Package manager archives | `direct upload` | `sidekiq` | `/packages/<proj_id_hash>/packages/<pkg_segment>/files/<pkg_file_id>` |
| Package manager archives | `direct upload` | `sidekiq` | `/packages/<container_id_hash>/debian_*_component_file/<component_file_id>` |
| Package manager archives | `direct upload` | `sidekiq` | `/packages/<container_id_hash>/debian_*_distribution/<distribution_file_id>` |
| Container image cache (?) | `direct upload` | `workhorse` | `/dependency-proxy/<group_id_hash>/dependency_proxy/<group_id>/files/<proxy_id>/<blob_id or manifest_id>` |
| Terraform state files | `carrierwave` | `rails controller` | `/terraform/<proj_id_hash>/<terraform_state_id>` |
| Pages content archives | `carrierwave` | `sidekiq` | `/gitlab-gprd-pages/<proj_id_hash>/pages_deployments/<deployment_id>/` |
#### CarrierWave integration
| File | Carrierwave usage | Categorized |
| `app/models/project.rb` | `include Avatarable` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/projects/topic.rb` | `include Avatarable` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/group.rb` | `include Avatarable` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/user.rb` | `include Avatarable` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/terraform/state_version.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/ci/job_artifact.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/ci/pipeline_artifact.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/pages_deployment.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/lfs_object.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/dependency_proxy/blob.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/dependency_proxy/manifest.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/packages/composer/cache_file.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/packages/package_file.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/concerns/packages/debian/component_file.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | :white_check_mark: |
| `ee/app/models/issuable_metric_image.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | |
| `ee/app/models/vulnerabilities/remediation.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | |
| `ee/app/models/vulnerabilities/export.rb` | `include FileStoreMounter` | |
| `app/models/packages/debian/project_distribution.rb` | `include Packages::Debian::Distribution` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/packages/debian/group_distribution.rb` | `include Packages::Debian::Distribution` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/packages/debian/project_component_file.rb` | `include Packages::Debian::ComponentFile` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/packages/debian/group_component_file.rb` | `include Packages::Debian::ComponentFile` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/merge_request_diff.rb` | `mount_uploader :external_diff, ExternalDiffUploader` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/note.rb` | `mount_uploader :attachment, AttachmentUploader` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/appearance.rb` | `mount_uploader :logo, AttachmentUploader` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/appearance.rb` | `mount_uploader :header_logo, AttachmentUploader` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/appearance.rb` | `mount_uploader :favicon, FaviconUploader` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/project.rb` | `mount_uploader :bfg_object_map, AttachmentUploader` | |
| `app/models/import_export_upload.rb` | `mount_uploader :import_file, ImportExportUploader` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/import_export_upload.rb` | `mount_uploader :export_file, ImportExportUploader` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/ci/deleted_object.rb` | `mount_uploader :file, DeletedObjectUploader` | |
| `app/models/design_management/action.rb` | `mount_uploader :image_v432x230, DesignManagement::DesignV432x230Uploader` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/concerns/packages/debian/distribution.rb` | `mount_uploader :signed_file, Packages::Debian::DistributionReleaseFileUploader` | :white_check_mark: |
| `app/models/bulk_imports/export_upload.rb` | `mount_uploader :export_file, ExportUploader` | :white_check_mark: |
| `ee/app/models/user_permission_export_upload.rb` | `mount_uploader :file, AttachmentUploader` | |
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