Commit de47cb58 authored by Heinrich Lee Yu's avatar Heinrich Lee Yu

Make sure jobs are picked up after being split

The migration runner only picks up existing jobs that are failed with
attempts less than the max, or jobs that are stuck in pending or running
for an hour.

We keep the split jobs in the failed state so that they can be picked up
parent ab4f0292
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ module Gitlab
# In this case, we just lower the batch size so that future calls to this
# method could eventually split the job if it continues to fail.
if midpoint >= max_value
update!(batch_size: new_batch_size, status: :pending)
update!(batch_size: new_batch_size, attempts: 0)
old_max_value = max_value
......@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ module Gitlab
batch_size: new_batch_size,
max_value: midpoint,
attempts: 0,
status: :pending,
started_at: nil,
finished_at: nil,
metrics: {}
......@@ -126,20 +126,23 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedJob, type: :model d
describe '#split_and_retry!' do
let!(:job) { create(:batched_background_migration_job, batch_size: 10, min_value: 6, max_value: 15, status: :failed) }
let!(:job) { create(:batched_background_migration_job, batch_size: 10, min_value: 6, max_value: 15, status: :failed, attempts: 3) }
it 'splits the job into two and marks them as pending' do
context 'when job can be split' do
before do
allow_next_instance_of(Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BatchingStrategies::PrimaryKeyBatchingStrategy) do |batch_class|
allow(batch_class).to receive(:next_batch).with(anything, anything, batch_min_value: 6, batch_size: 5).and_return([6, 10])
it 'sets the correct attributes' do
expect { job.split_and_retry! }.to change { described_class.count }.by(1)
expect(job).to have_attributes(
min_value: 6,
max_value: 10,
batch_size: 5,
status: 'pending',
status: 'failed',
attempts: 0,
started_at: nil,
finished_at: nil,
......@@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedJob, type: :model d
min_value: 11,
max_value: 15,
batch_size: 5,
status: 'pending',
status: 'failed',
attempts: 0,
started_at: nil,
finished_at: nil,
......@@ -162,6 +165,13 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedJob, type: :model d
expect(new_job.created_at).not_to eq(job.created_at)
it 'splits the jobs into retriable jobs' do
migration = job.batched_migration
expect { job.split_and_retry! }.to change { migration.batched_jobs.retriable.count }.from(0).to(2)
context 'when job is not failed' do
let!(:job) { create(:batched_background_migration_job, status: :succeeded) }
......@@ -185,11 +195,12 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedJob, type: :model d
it 'lowers the batch size and marks the job as pending' do
it 'lowers the batch size and resets the number of attempts' do
expect { job.split_and_retry! }.not_to change { described_class.count }
expect(job.batch_size).to eq(5)
expect(job.status).to eq('pending')
expect(job.attempts).to eq(0)
expect(job.status).to eq('failed')
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