title:s__('CustomizeHomepageBanner|Do you want to customize this page?'),
'CustomizeHomepageBanner|This page shows a list of your projects by default but it can be changed to show projects\' activity, groups, your to-do list, assigned issues, assigned merge requests, and more. You can change this under "Homepage content" in your preferences',
button_text:s__('CustomizeHomepageBanner|Go to preferences'),
@@ -17190,7 +17190,6 @@ Name of the feature that the callout is for.
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumcanary_deployment"></a>`CANARY_DEPLOYMENT` | Callout feature name for canary_deployment. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumcloud_licensing_subscription_activation_banner"></a>`CLOUD_LICENSING_SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATION_BANNER` | Callout feature name for cloud_licensing_subscription_activation_banner. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumcluster_security_warning"></a>`CLUSTER_SECURITY_WARNING` | Callout feature name for cluster_security_warning. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumcustomize_homepage"></a>`CUSTOMIZE_HOMEPAGE` | Callout feature name for customize_homepage. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumeoa_bronze_plan_banner"></a>`EOA_BRONZE_PLAN_BANNER` | Callout feature name for eoa_bronze_plan_banner. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumfeature_flags_new_version"></a>`FEATURE_FLAGS_NEW_VERSION` | Callout feature name for feature_flags_new_version. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumgcp_signup_offer"></a>`GCP_SIGNUP_OFFER` | Callout feature name for gcp_signup_offer. |
msgid "CustomizeHomepageBanner|Do you want to customize this page?"
msgstr ""
msgid "CustomizeHomepageBanner|Go to preferences"
msgstr ""
msgid "CustomizeHomepageBanner|This page shows a list of your projects by default but it can be changed to show projects' activity, groups, your to-do list, assigned issues, assigned merge requests, and more. You can change this under \"Homepage content\" in your preferences"