# Create a mutex used to ensure there will be only one thread waiting to
# shut Sidekiq down
# Return if another thread is already waiting to shut Sidekiq down
Sidekiq.logger.warn"Sidekiq worker PID-#{pid} current RSS #{current_rss}"\
" exceeds maximum RSS #{MAX_RSS} after finishing job #{worker.class} JID-#{job['jid']}"
Sidekiq.logger.warn"Sidekiq worker PID-#{pid} will stop fetching new jobs in #{GRACE_TIME} seconds, and will be shut down #{SHUTDOWN_WAIT} seconds later"
# Wait `GRACE_TIME` to give the memory intensive job time to finish.
# Then, tell Sidekiq to stop fetching new jobs.
wait_and_signal(GRACE_TIME,'SIGSTP','stop fetching new jobs')
# Wait `SHUTDOWN_WAIT` to give already fetched jobs time to finish.
# Then, tell Sidekiq to gracefully shut down by giving jobs a few more
# moments to finish, killing and requeuing them if they didn't, and
Sidekiq.logger.warn"Sidekiq worker PID-#{pid} shutting down because of #{shutdown_exception} after job "\
"#{worker.class} JID-#{job['jid']}"
Sidekiq.logger.warn"Sidekiq worker PID-#{pid} will stop fetching new jobs in #{GRACE_TIME} seconds, and will be shut down #{SHUTDOWN_WAIT} seconds later"
# Wait `GRACE_TIME` to give the memory intensive job time to finish.
# Then, tell Sidekiq to stop fetching new jobs.
wait_and_signal(GRACE_TIME,'SIGTSTP','stop fetching new jobs')
# Wait `SHUTDOWN_WAIT` to give already fetched jobs time to finish.
# Then, tell Sidekiq to gracefully shut down by giving jobs a few more
# moments to finish, killing and requeuing them if they didn't, and