import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import actions, { transformBackendBadge } from '~/badges/store/actions'; import mutationTypes from '~/badges/store/mutation_types'; import createState from '~/badges/store/state'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'spec/test_constants'; import testAction from 'spec/helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import { createDummyBadge, createDummyBadgeResponse } from '../dummy_badge'; describe('Badges store actions', () => { const dummyEndpointUrl = `${TEST_HOST}/badges/endpoint`; const dummyBadges = [{ ...createDummyBadge(), id: 5 }, { ...createDummyBadge(), id: 6 }]; let axiosMock; let badgeId; let state; beforeEach(() => { axiosMock = new MockAdapter(axios); state = { ...createState(), apiEndpointUrl: dummyEndpointUrl, badges: dummyBadges, }; badgeId = state.badges[0].id; }); afterEach(() => { axiosMock.restore(); }); describe('requestNewBadge', () => { it('commits REQUEST_NEW_BADGE', done => { testAction( actions.requestNewBadge, null, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.REQUEST_NEW_BADGE }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveNewBadge', () => { it('commits RECEIVE_NEW_BADGE', done => { const newBadge = createDummyBadge(); testAction( actions.receiveNewBadge, newBadge, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.RECEIVE_NEW_BADGE, payload: newBadge }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveNewBadgeError', () => { it('commits RECEIVE_NEW_BADGE_ERROR', done => { testAction( actions.receiveNewBadgeError, null, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.RECEIVE_NEW_BADGE_ERROR }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('addBadge', () => { let badgeInAddForm; let dispatch; let endpointMock; beforeEach(() => { endpointMock = axiosMock.onPost(dummyEndpointUrl); dispatch = jasmine.createSpy('dispatch'); badgeInAddForm = createDummyBadge(); state = { ...state, badgeInAddForm, }; }); it('dispatches requestNewBadge and receiveNewBadge for successful response', done => { const dummyResponse = createDummyBadgeResponse(); endpointMock.replyOnce(req => { expect( JSON.stringify({ image_url: badgeInAddForm.imageUrl, link_url: badgeInAddForm.linkUrl, }), ); expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['requestNewBadge']]); dispatch.calls.reset(); return [200, dummyResponse]; }); const dummyBadge = transformBackendBadge(dummyResponse); actions .addBadge({ state, dispatch }) .then(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['receiveNewBadge', dummyBadge]]); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('dispatches requestNewBadge and receiveNewBadgeError for error response', done => { endpointMock.replyOnce(req => { expect( JSON.stringify({ image_url: badgeInAddForm.imageUrl, link_url: badgeInAddForm.linkUrl, }), ); expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['requestNewBadge']]); dispatch.calls.reset(); return [500, '']; }); actions .addBadge({ state, dispatch }) .then(() =>'Expected Ajax call to fail!')) .catch(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['receiveNewBadgeError']]); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('requestDeleteBadge', () => { it('commits REQUEST_DELETE_BADGE', done => { testAction( actions.requestDeleteBadge, badgeId, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.REQUEST_DELETE_BADGE, payload: badgeId }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveDeleteBadge', () => { it('commits RECEIVE_DELETE_BADGE', done => { testAction( actions.receiveDeleteBadge, badgeId, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.RECEIVE_DELETE_BADGE, payload: badgeId }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveDeleteBadgeError', () => { it('commits RECEIVE_DELETE_BADGE_ERROR', done => { testAction( actions.receiveDeleteBadgeError, badgeId, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.RECEIVE_DELETE_BADGE_ERROR, payload: badgeId }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('deleteBadge', () => { let dispatch; let endpointMock; beforeEach(() => { endpointMock = axiosMock.onDelete(`${dummyEndpointUrl}/${badgeId}`); dispatch = jasmine.createSpy('dispatch'); }); it('dispatches requestDeleteBadge and receiveDeleteBadge for successful response', done => { endpointMock.replyOnce(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['requestDeleteBadge', badgeId]]); dispatch.calls.reset(); return [200, '']; }); actions .deleteBadge({ state, dispatch }, { id: badgeId }) .then(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['receiveDeleteBadge', badgeId]]); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('dispatches requestDeleteBadge and receiveDeleteBadgeError for error response', done => { endpointMock.replyOnce(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['requestDeleteBadge', badgeId]]); dispatch.calls.reset(); return [500, '']; }); actions .deleteBadge({ state, dispatch }, { id: badgeId }) .then(() =>'Expected Ajax call to fail!')) .catch(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['receiveDeleteBadgeError', badgeId]]); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('editBadge', () => { it('commits START_EDITING', done => { const dummyBadge = createDummyBadge(); testAction( actions.editBadge, dummyBadge, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.START_EDITING, payload: dummyBadge }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('requestLoadBadges', () => { it('commits REQUEST_LOAD_BADGES', done => { const dummyData = 'this is not real data'; testAction( actions.requestLoadBadges, dummyData, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.REQUEST_LOAD_BADGES, payload: dummyData }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveLoadBadges', () => { it('commits RECEIVE_LOAD_BADGES', done => { const badges = dummyBadges; testAction( actions.receiveLoadBadges, badges, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.RECEIVE_LOAD_BADGES, payload: badges }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveLoadBadgesError', () => { it('commits RECEIVE_LOAD_BADGES_ERROR', done => { testAction( actions.receiveLoadBadgesError, null, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.RECEIVE_LOAD_BADGES_ERROR }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('loadBadges', () => { let dispatch; let endpointMock; beforeEach(() => { endpointMock = axiosMock.onGet(dummyEndpointUrl); dispatch = jasmine.createSpy('dispatch'); }); it('dispatches requestLoadBadges and receiveLoadBadges for successful response', done => { const dummyData = 'this is just some data'; const dummyReponse = [ createDummyBadgeResponse(), createDummyBadgeResponse(), createDummyBadgeResponse(), ]; endpointMock.replyOnce(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['requestLoadBadges', dummyData]]); dispatch.calls.reset(); return [200, dummyReponse]; }); actions .loadBadges({ state, dispatch }, dummyData) .then(() => { const badges =; expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['receiveLoadBadges', badges]]); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('dispatches requestLoadBadges and receiveLoadBadgesError for error response', done => { const dummyData = 'this is just some data'; endpointMock.replyOnce(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['requestLoadBadges', dummyData]]); dispatch.calls.reset(); return [500, '']; }); actions .loadBadges({ state, dispatch }, dummyData) .then(() =>'Expected Ajax call to fail!')) .catch(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['receiveLoadBadgesError']]); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('requestRenderedBadge', () => { it('commits REQUEST_RENDERED_BADGE', done => { testAction( actions.requestRenderedBadge, null, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.REQUEST_RENDERED_BADGE }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveRenderedBadge', () => { it('commits RECEIVE_RENDERED_BADGE', done => { const dummyBadge = createDummyBadge(); testAction( actions.receiveRenderedBadge, dummyBadge, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.RECEIVE_RENDERED_BADGE, payload: dummyBadge }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveRenderedBadgeError', () => { it('commits RECEIVE_RENDERED_BADGE_ERROR', done => { testAction( actions.receiveRenderedBadgeError, null, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.RECEIVE_RENDERED_BADGE_ERROR }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('renderBadge', () => { let dispatch; let endpointMock; let badgeInForm; beforeEach(() => { badgeInForm = createDummyBadge(); state = { ...state, badgeInAddForm: badgeInForm, }; const urlParameters = [ `link_url=${encodeURIComponent(badgeInForm.linkUrl)}`, `image_url=${encodeURIComponent(badgeInForm.imageUrl)}`, ].join('&'); endpointMock = axiosMock.onGet(`${dummyEndpointUrl}/render?${urlParameters}`); dispatch = jasmine.createSpy('dispatch'); }); it('returns immediately if imageUrl is empty', done => { spyOn(axios, 'get'); badgeInForm.imageUrl = ''; actions .renderBadge({ state, dispatch }) .then(() => { expect(axios.get).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('returns immediately if linkUrl is empty', done => { spyOn(axios, 'get'); badgeInForm.linkUrl = ''; actions .renderBadge({ state, dispatch }) .then(() => { expect(axios.get).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('escapes user input', done => { spyOn(axios, 'get').and.callFake(() => Promise.resolve({ data: createDummyBadgeResponse() })); badgeInForm.imageUrl = '&make-sandwich=true'; badgeInForm.linkUrl = '<script>I am dangerous!</script>'; actions .renderBadge({ state, dispatch }) .then(() => { expect(axios.get.calls.count()).toBe(1); const url = axios.get.calls.argsFor(0)[0]; expect(url).toMatch(`^${dummyEndpointUrl}/render?`); expect(url).toMatch('\\?link_url=%3Cscript%3EI%20am%20dangerous!%3C%2Fscript%3E&'); expect(url).toMatch('&image_url=%26make-sandwich%3Dtrue$'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('dispatches requestRenderedBadge and receiveRenderedBadge for successful response', done => { const dummyReponse = createDummyBadgeResponse(); endpointMock.replyOnce(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['requestRenderedBadge']]); dispatch.calls.reset(); return [200, dummyReponse]; }); actions .renderBadge({ state, dispatch }) .then(() => { const renderedBadge = transformBackendBadge(dummyReponse); expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['receiveRenderedBadge', renderedBadge]]); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('dispatches requestRenderedBadge and receiveRenderedBadgeError for error response', done => { endpointMock.replyOnce(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['requestRenderedBadge']]); dispatch.calls.reset(); return [500, '']; }); actions .renderBadge({ state, dispatch }) .then(() =>'Expected Ajax call to fail!')) .catch(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['receiveRenderedBadgeError']]); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('requestUpdatedBadge', () => { it('commits REQUEST_UPDATED_BADGE', done => { testAction( actions.requestUpdatedBadge, null, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.REQUEST_UPDATED_BADGE }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveUpdatedBadge', () => { it('commits RECEIVE_UPDATED_BADGE', done => { const updatedBadge = createDummyBadge(); testAction( actions.receiveUpdatedBadge, updatedBadge, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.RECEIVE_UPDATED_BADGE, payload: updatedBadge }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveUpdatedBadgeError', () => { it('commits RECEIVE_UPDATED_BADGE_ERROR', done => { testAction( actions.receiveUpdatedBadgeError, null, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.RECEIVE_UPDATED_BADGE_ERROR }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('saveBadge', () => { let badgeInEditForm; let dispatch; let endpointMock; beforeEach(() => { badgeInEditForm = createDummyBadge(); state = { ...state, badgeInEditForm, }; endpointMock = axiosMock.onPut(`${dummyEndpointUrl}/${}`); dispatch = jasmine.createSpy('dispatch'); }); it('dispatches requestUpdatedBadge and receiveUpdatedBadge for successful response', done => { const dummyResponse = createDummyBadgeResponse(); endpointMock.replyOnce(req => { expect( JSON.stringify({ image_url: badgeInEditForm.imageUrl, link_url: badgeInEditForm.linkUrl, }), ); expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['requestUpdatedBadge']]); dispatch.calls.reset(); return [200, dummyResponse]; }); const updatedBadge = transformBackendBadge(dummyResponse); actions .saveBadge({ state, dispatch }) .then(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['receiveUpdatedBadge', updatedBadge]]); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('dispatches requestUpdatedBadge and receiveUpdatedBadgeError for error response', done => { endpointMock.replyOnce(req => { expect( JSON.stringify({ image_url: badgeInEditForm.imageUrl, link_url: badgeInEditForm.linkUrl, }), ); expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['requestUpdatedBadge']]); dispatch.calls.reset(); return [500, '']; }); actions .saveBadge({ state, dispatch }) .then(() =>'Expected Ajax call to fail!')) .catch(() => { expect(dispatch.calls.allArgs()).toEqual([['receiveUpdatedBadgeError']]); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('stopEditing', () => { it('commits STOP_EDITING', done => { testAction( actions.stopEditing, null, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.STOP_EDITING }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('updateBadgeInForm', () => { it('commits UPDATE_BADGE_IN_FORM', done => { const dummyBadge = createDummyBadge(); testAction( actions.updateBadgeInForm, dummyBadge, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.UPDATE_BADGE_IN_FORM, payload: dummyBadge }], [], done, ); }); describe('updateBadgeInModal', () => { it('commits UPDATE_BADGE_IN_MODAL', done => { const dummyBadge = createDummyBadge(); testAction( actions.updateBadgeInModal, dummyBadge, state, [{ type: mutationTypes.UPDATE_BADGE_IN_MODAL, payload: dummyBadge }], [], done, ); }); }); }); });