import { createLocalVue, shallowMount, mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import store from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/store'; import Component from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/base.vue'; import { GlEmptyState } from '@gitlab/ui'; import axios from 'axios'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import GroupsDropdownFilter from 'ee/analytics/shared/components/groups_dropdown_filter.vue'; import ProjectsDropdownFilter from 'ee/analytics/shared/components/projects_dropdown_filter.vue'; import RecentActivityCard from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/recent_activity_card.vue'; import TimeMetricsCard from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/time_metrics_card.vue'; import PathNavigation from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/path_navigation.vue'; import StageTable from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/stage_table.vue'; import StageTableNav from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/stage_table_nav.vue'; import StageNavItem from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/stage_nav_item.vue'; import AddStageButton from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/add_stage_button.vue'; import FilterBar from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/filter_bar.vue'; import DurationChart from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/duration_chart.vue'; import Daterange from 'ee/analytics/shared/components/daterange.vue'; import TypeOfWorkCharts from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/type_of_work_charts.vue'; import ValueStreamSelect from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/components/value_stream_select.vue'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import httpStatusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import * as commonUtils from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import * as urlUtils from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { toYmd } from 'ee/analytics/shared/utils'; import * as mockData from '../mock_data'; import { convertObjectPropsToCamelCase } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import UrlSyncMixin from 'ee/analytics/shared/mixins/url_sync_mixin'; const noDataSvgPath = 'path/to/no/data'; const noAccessSvgPath = 'path/to/no/access'; const emptyStateSvgPath = 'path/to/empty/state'; const hideGroupDropDown = false; const selectedGroup = convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(; const localVue = createLocalVue(); localVue.use(Vuex); const defaultStubs = { 'recent-activity-card': true, 'stage-event-list': true, 'stage-nav-item': true, 'tasks-by-type-chart': true, 'labels-selector': true, DurationChart: true, GroupsDropdownFilter: true, ValueStreamSelect: true, }; const defaultFeatureFlags = { hasDurationChart: true, hasDurationChartMedian: true, hasPathNavigation: false, hasFilterBar: false, hasCreateMultipleValueStreams: false, }; const initialCycleAnalyticsState = { createdAfter: mockData.startDate, createdBefore: mockData.endDate, selectedMilestone: null, selectedAuthor: null, selectedAssignees: [], selectedLabels: [], group: selectedGroup, }; const mocks = { $toast: { show: jest.fn(), }, }; function createComponent({ opts = { stubs: defaultStubs, }, shallow = true, withStageSelected = false, withValueStreamSelected = true, featureFlags = {}, props = {}, } = {}) { const func = shallow ? shallowMount : mount; const comp = func(Component, { localVue, store, mixins: [UrlSyncMixin], propsData: { emptyStateSvgPath, noDataSvgPath, noAccessSvgPath, hideGroupDropDown, ...props, }, mocks, ...opts, }); comp.vm.$store.dispatch('initializeCycleAnalytics', { createdAfter: mockData.startDate, createdBefore: mockData.endDate, featureFlags: { ...defaultFeatureFlags, ...featureFlags, }, }); if (withValueStreamSelected) { comp.vm.$store.dispatch('receiveValueStreamsSuccess', mockData.valueStreams); } if (withStageSelected) { comp.vm.$store.commit('SET_SELECTED_GROUP', { ...selectedGroup, }); comp.vm.$store.dispatch( 'receiveGroupStagesSuccess', mockData.customizableStagesAndEvents.stages, ); comp.vm.$store.dispatch('receiveStageDataSuccess', mockData.issueEvents); } return comp; } describe('Cycle Analytics component', () => { let wrapper; let mock; const findStageNavItemAtIndex = index => wrapper .find(StageTableNav) .findAll(StageNavItem) .at(index); const shouldSetUrlParams = result => { return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(urlUtils.setUrlParams).toHaveBeenCalledWith(result, window.location.href, true); expect(commonUtils.historyPushState).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }; const displaysProjectsDropdownFilter = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(ProjectsDropdownFilter).exists()).toBe(flag); }; const displaysDateRangePicker = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(Daterange).exists()).toBe(flag); }; const displaysRecentActivityCard = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(RecentActivityCard).exists()).toBe(flag); }; const displaysTimeMetricsCard = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(TimeMetricsCard).exists()).toBe(flag); }; const displaysStageTable = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(StageTable).exists()).toBe(flag); }; const displaysDurationChart = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(DurationChart).exists()).toBe(flag); }; const displaysTypeOfWork = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(TypeOfWorkCharts).exists()).toBe(flag); }; const displaysPathNavigation = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(PathNavigation).exists()).toBe(flag); }; const displaysAddStageButton = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(AddStageButton).exists()).toBe(flag); }; const displaysFilterBar = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(FilterBar).exists()).toBe(flag); }; const displaysValueStreamSelect = flag => { expect(wrapper.find(ValueStreamSelect).exists()).toBe(flag); }; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); wrapper = createComponent({ featureFlags: { hasPathNavigation: true, hasFilterBar: true, }, }); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); mock.restore(); wrapper = null; }); describe('displays the components as required', () => { describe('before a filter has been selected', () => { it('displays an empty state', () => { const emptyState = wrapper.find(GlEmptyState); expect(emptyState.exists()).toBe(true); expect(emptyState.props('svgPath')).toBe(emptyStateSvgPath); }); it('displays the groups filter', () => { expect(wrapper.find(GroupsDropdownFilter).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(GroupsDropdownFilter).props('queryParams')).toEqual( wrapper.vm.$options.groupsQueryParams, ); }); it('does not display the projects filter', () => { displaysProjectsDropdownFilter(false); }); it('does not display the date range picker', () => { displaysDateRangePicker(false); }); it('does not display the recent activity card', () => { displaysRecentActivityCard(false); }); it('does not display the time metrics card', () => { displaysTimeMetricsCard(false); }); it('does not display the stage table', () => { displaysStageTable(false); }); it('does not display the duration chart', () => { displaysDurationChart(false); }); it('does not display the add stage button', () => { displaysAddStageButton(false); }); it('does not display the path navigation', () => { displaysPathNavigation(false); }); it('does not display the value stream select component', () => { displaysValueStreamSelect(false); }); describe('hideGroupDropDown = true', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); wrapper = createComponent({ props: { hideGroupDropDown: true, }, }); }); it('does not render the group dropdown', () => { expect(wrapper.find(GroupsDropdownFilter).exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('hasCreateMultipleValueStreams = true', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); wrapper = createComponent({ featureFlags: { hasCreateMultipleValueStreams: true, }, }); }); it('displays the value stream select component', () => { displaysValueStreamSelect(true); }); }); }); describe('after a filter has been selected', () => { describe('the user has access to the group', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); wrapper = createComponent({ withStageSelected: true, featureFlags: { hasPathNavigation: true, hasFilterBar: true, }, }); }); it('hides the empty state', () => { expect(wrapper.find(GlEmptyState).exists()).toBe(false); }); it('displays the projects filter', () => { displaysProjectsDropdownFilter(true); expect(wrapper.find(ProjectsDropdownFilter).props()).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ queryParams: wrapper.vm.projectsQueryParams, groupId:, multiSelect: wrapper.vm.$options.multiProjectSelect, }), ); }); describe('when analyticsSimilaritySearch feature flag is on', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent({ withStageSelected: true, featureFlags: { hasAnalyticsSimilaritySearch: true, }, }); }); it('uses similarity as the order param', () => { displaysProjectsDropdownFilter(true); expect(wrapper.find(ProjectsDropdownFilter).props().queryParams.order_by).toEqual( 'similarity', ); }); }); it('displays the date range picker', () => { displaysDateRangePicker(true); }); it('displays the recent activity card', () => { displaysRecentActivityCard(true); }); it('displays the time metrics card', () => { displaysTimeMetricsCard(true); }); it('displays the stage table', () => { displaysStageTable(true); }); it('displays the add stage button', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ opts: { stubs: { StageTable, StageTableNav, }, }, withStageSelected: true, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { displaysAddStageButton(true); }); }); it('displays the tasks by type chart', () => { wrapper = createComponent({ shallow: false, withStageSelected: true }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(wrapper.find('.js-tasks-by-type-chart').exists()).toBe(true); }); }); it('displays the duration chart', () => { displaysDurationChart(true); }); describe('path navigation', () => { describe('disabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent({ withStageSelected: true, featureFlags: { hasPathNavigation: false, }, }); }); it('does not display the path navigation', () => { displaysPathNavigation(false); }); }); describe('enabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent({ withStageSelected: true, featureFlags: { hasPathNavigation: true, }, }); }); it('displays the path navigation', () => { displaysPathNavigation(true); }); }); }); describe('filter bar', () => { describe('disabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent({ withStageSelected: true, featureFlags: { hasFilterBar: false, }, }); }); it('does not display the filter bar', () => { displaysFilterBar(false); }); }); describe('enabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent({ withStageSelected: true, featureFlags: { hasFilterBar: true, }, }); }); it('displays the filter bar', () => { displaysFilterBar(true); }); }); }); describe('StageTable', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); wrapper = createComponent({ opts: { stubs: { StageTable, StageTableNav, StageNavItem, }, }, withStageSelected: true, }); }); it('has the first stage selected by default', () => { const first = findStageNavItemAtIndex(0); const second = findStageNavItemAtIndex(1); expect(first.props('isActive')).toBe(true); expect(second.props('isActive')).toBe(false); }); it('can navigate to different stages', () => { findStageNavItemAtIndex(2).trigger('click'); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { const first = findStageNavItemAtIndex(0); const third = findStageNavItemAtIndex(2); expect(third.props('isActive')).toBe(true); expect(first.props('isActive')).toBe(false); }); }); }); }); describe('the user does not have access to the group', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onAny().reply(httpStatusCodes.FORBIDDEN); wrapper.vm.onGroupSelect(; return waitForPromises(); }); it('renders the no access information', () => { const emptyState = wrapper.find(GlEmptyState); expect(emptyState.exists()).toBe(true); expect(emptyState.props('svgPath')).toBe(noAccessSvgPath); }); it('does not display the projects filter', () => { displaysProjectsDropdownFilter(false); }); it('does not display the date range picker', () => { displaysDateRangePicker(false); }); it('does not display the recent activity card', () => { displaysRecentActivityCard(false); }); it('does not display the time metrics card', () => { displaysTimeMetricsCard(false); }); it('does not display the stage table', () => { displaysStageTable(false); }); it('does not display the add stage button', () => { displaysAddStageButton(false); }); it('does not display the tasks by type chart', () => { displaysTypeOfWork(false); }); it('does not display the duration chart', () => { displaysDurationChart(false); }); describe('path navigation', () => { describe('disabled', () => { it('does not display the path navigation', () => { displaysPathNavigation(false); }); }); describe('enabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent({ withValueStreamSelected: false, withStageSelected: true, pathNavigationEnabled: true, }); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onAny().reply(httpStatusCodes.FORBIDDEN); wrapper.vm.onGroupSelect(; return waitForPromises(); }); it('does not display the path navigation', () => { displaysPathNavigation(false); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('with failed requests while loading', () => { const mockRequestCycleAnalyticsData = ({ overrides = {}, mockFetchStageData = true, mockFetchStageMedian = true, mockFetchTasksByTypeData = true, mockFetchTopRankedGroupLabels = true, }) => { const defaultStatus = 200; const defaultRequests = { fetchGroupStagesAndEvents: { status: defaultStatus, endpoint: mockData.endpoints.baseStagesEndpoint, response: { ...mockData.customizableStagesAndEvents }, }, ...overrides, }; if (mockFetchTopRankedGroupLabels) { mock .onGet(mockData.endpoints.tasksByTypeTopLabelsData) .reply(defaultStatus, mockData.groupLabels); } if (mockFetchTasksByTypeData) { mock .onGet(mockData.endpoints.tasksByTypeData) .reply(defaultStatus, { ...mockData.tasksByTypeData }); } if (mockFetchStageMedian) { mock.onGet(mockData.endpoints.stageMedian).reply(defaultStatus, { value: null }); } if (mockFetchStageData) { mock.onGet(mockData.endpoints.stageData).reply(defaultStatus, mockData.issueEvents); } Object.values(defaultRequests).forEach(({ endpoint, status, response }) => { mock.onGet(endpoint).replyOnce(status, response); }); }; beforeEach(() => { setFixtures('<div class="flash-container"></div>'); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); wrapper = createComponent(); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); mock.restore(); }); const findFlashError = () => document.querySelector('.flash-container .flash-text'); const selectGroupAndFindError = msg => { wrapper.vm.onGroupSelect(; return waitForPromises().then(() => { expect(findFlashError().innerText.trim()).toEqual(msg); }); }; it('will display an error if the fetchGroupStagesAndEvents request fails', () => { expect(findFlashError()).toBeNull(); mockRequestCycleAnalyticsData({ overrides: { fetchGroupStagesAndEvents: { endPoint: mockData.endpoints.baseStagesEndpoint, status: httpStatusCodes.NOT_FOUND, response: { response: { status: httpStatusCodes.NOT_FOUND } }, }, }, }); return selectGroupAndFindError('There was an error fetching value stream analytics stages.'); }); it('will display an error if the fetchStageData request fails', () => { expect(findFlashError()).toBeNull(); mockRequestCycleAnalyticsData({ mockFetchStageData: false, }); return selectGroupAndFindError('There was an error fetching data for the selected stage'); }); it('will display an error if the fetchTopRankedGroupLabels request fails', () => { expect(findFlashError()).toBeNull(); mockRequestCycleAnalyticsData({ mockFetchTopRankedGroupLabels: false }); return selectGroupAndFindError( 'There was an error fetching the top labels for the selected group', ); }); it('will display an error if the fetchTasksByTypeData request fails', () => { expect(findFlashError()).toBeNull(); mockRequestCycleAnalyticsData({ mockFetchTasksByTypeData: false }); return selectGroupAndFindError( 'There was an error fetching data for the tasks by type chart', ); }); it('will display an error if the fetchStageMedian request fails', () => { expect(findFlashError()).toBeNull(); mockRequestCycleAnalyticsData({ mockFetchStageMedian: false, }); wrapper.vm.onGroupSelect(; return waitForPromises().catch(() => { expect(findFlashError().innerText.trim()).toEqual( 'There was an error while fetching value stream analytics data.', ); }); }); }); describe('Url parameters', () => { const fakeGroup = { id: 2, path: 'new-test', fullPath: 'new-test-group', name: 'New test group', }; const defaultParams = { created_after: toYmd(mockData.startDate), created_before: toYmd(mockData.endDate), group_id: selectedGroup.fullPath, 'project_ids[]': [], milestone_title: null, author_username: null, 'assignee_username[]': [], 'label_name[]': [], }; const selectedProjectIds ={ id }) => id); beforeEach(() => { commonUtils.historyPushState = jest.fn(); urlUtils.setUrlParams = jest.fn(); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); wrapper = createComponent(); wrapper.vm.$store.dispatch('initializeCycleAnalytics', initialCycleAnalyticsState); }); it('sets the created_after and created_before url parameters', () => { return shouldSetUrlParams(defaultParams); }); describe('with hideGroupDropDown=true', () => { beforeEach(() => { commonUtils.historyPushState = jest.fn(); urlUtils.setUrlParams = jest.fn(); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); wrapper = createComponent({ props: { hideGroupDropDown: true, }, }); wrapper.vm.$store.dispatch('initializeCycleAnalytics', { ...initialCycleAnalyticsState, group: fakeGroup, }); }); it('sets the group_id url parameter', () => { return shouldSetUrlParams({ ...defaultParams, created_after: toYmd(mockData.startDate), created_before: toYmd(mockData.endDate), group_id: null, }); }); }); describe('with a group selected', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper.vm.$store.dispatch('setSelectedGroup', { ...fakeGroup, }); }); it('sets the group_id url parameter', () => { return shouldSetUrlParams({ ...defaultParams, group_id: fakeGroup.fullPath, }); }); }); describe('with a group and selectedProjectIds set', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper.vm.$store.dispatch('setSelectedGroup', { ...selectedGroup, }); wrapper.vm.$store.dispatch('setSelectedProjects', mockData.selectedProjects); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); }); it('sets the project_ids url parameter', () => { return shouldSetUrlParams({ ...defaultParams, created_after: toYmd(mockData.startDate), created_before: toYmd(mockData.endDate), group_id: selectedGroup.fullPath, 'project_ids[]': selectedProjectIds, }); }); }); describe.each` stateKey | payload | paramKey ${'selectedMilestone'} | ${'12.0'} | ${'milestone_title'} ${'selectedAuthor'} | ${'rootUser'} | ${'author_username'} ${'selectedAssignees'} | ${['rootUser', 'secondaryUser']} | ${'assignee_username[]'} ${'selectedLabels'} | ${['Afternix', 'Brouceforge']} | ${'label_name[]'} `('with a $stateKey updates the $paramKey url parameter', ({ stateKey, payload, paramKey }) => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper.vm.$store.dispatch('filters/setFilters', { ...initialCycleAnalyticsState, group: selectedGroup, selectedProjects: mockData.selectedProjects, [stateKey]: payload, }); }); it(`sets the ${paramKey} url parameter`, () => { return shouldSetUrlParams({ ...defaultParams, [paramKey]: payload, }); }); }); }); });