# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe SearchHelper do include MarkupHelper include BadgesHelper # Override simple_sanitize for our testing purposes def simple_sanitize(str) str end describe 'search_autocomplete_opts' do context "with no current user" do before do allow(self).to receive(:current_user).and_return(nil) end it "returns nil" do expect(search_autocomplete_opts("q")).to be_nil end end context "with a standard user" do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow(self).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end it "includes Help sections" do expect(search_autocomplete_opts("hel").size).to eq(8) end it "includes default sections" do expect(search_autocomplete_opts("dash").size).to eq(1) end it "does not include admin sections" do expect(search_autocomplete_opts("admin").size).to eq(0) end it "does not allow regular expression in search term" do expect(search_autocomplete_opts("(webhooks|api)").size).to eq(0) end it "includes the user's groups" do create(:group).add_owner(user) expect(search_autocomplete_opts("gro").size).to eq(1) end it "includes nested group" do create(:group, :nested, name: 'foo').add_owner(user) expect(search_autocomplete_opts('foo').size).to eq(1) end it "includes the user's projects" do project = create(:project, namespace: create(:namespace, owner: user)) expect(search_autocomplete_opts(project.name).size).to eq(1) end it "includes the required project attrs" do project = create(:project, namespace: create(:namespace, owner: user)) result = search_autocomplete_opts(project.name).first expect(result.keys).to match_array(%i[category id value label url avatar_url]) end it "includes the required group attrs" do create(:group).add_owner(user) result = search_autocomplete_opts("gro").first expect(result.keys).to match_array(%i[category id label url avatar_url]) end it 'includes the users recently viewed issues', :aggregate_failures do recent_issues = instance_double(::Gitlab::Search::RecentIssues) expect(::Gitlab::Search::RecentIssues).to receive(:new).with(user: user).and_return(recent_issues) project1 = create(:project, :with_avatar, namespace: user.namespace) project2 = create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) issue1 = create(:issue, title: 'issue 1', project: project1) issue2 = create(:issue, title: 'issue 2', project: project2) expect(recent_issues).to receive(:search).with('the search term').and_return(Issue.id_in_ordered([issue1.id, issue2.id])) results = search_autocomplete_opts("the search term") expect(results.count).to eq(2) expect(results[0]).to include({ category: 'Recent issues', id: issue1.id, label: 'issue 1', url: Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_issue_path(issue1.project, issue1), avatar_url: project1.avatar_url }) expect(results[1]).to include({ category: 'Recent issues', id: issue2.id, label: 'issue 2', url: Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_issue_path(issue2.project, issue2), avatar_url: '' # This project didn't have an avatar so set this to '' }) end it 'includes the users recently viewed issues with the exact same name', :aggregate_failures do recent_issues = instance_double(::Gitlab::Search::RecentIssues) expect(::Gitlab::Search::RecentIssues).to receive(:new).with(user: user).and_return(recent_issues) project1 = create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) project2 = create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) issue1 = create(:issue, title: 'issue same_name', project: project1) issue2 = create(:issue, title: 'issue same_name', project: project2) expect(recent_issues).to receive(:search).with('the search term').and_return(Issue.id_in_ordered([issue1.id, issue2.id])) results = search_autocomplete_opts("the search term") expect(results.count).to eq(2) expect(results[0]).to include({ category: 'Recent issues', id: issue1.id, label: 'issue same_name', url: Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_issue_path(issue1.project, issue1), avatar_url: '' # This project didn't have an avatar so set this to '' }) expect(results[1]).to include({ category: 'Recent issues', id: issue2.id, label: 'issue same_name', url: Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_issue_path(issue2.project, issue2), avatar_url: '' # This project didn't have an avatar so set this to '' }) end it 'includes the users recently viewed merge requests', :aggregate_failures do recent_merge_requests = instance_double(::Gitlab::Search::RecentMergeRequests) expect(::Gitlab::Search::RecentMergeRequests).to receive(:new).with(user: user).and_return(recent_merge_requests) project1 = create(:project, :with_avatar, namespace: user.namespace) project2 = create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) merge_request1 = create(:merge_request, :unique_branches, title: 'Merge request 1', target_project: project1, source_project: project1) merge_request2 = create(:merge_request, :unique_branches, title: 'Merge request 2', target_project: project2, source_project: project2) expect(recent_merge_requests).to receive(:search).with('the search term').and_return(MergeRequest.id_in_ordered([merge_request1.id, merge_request2.id])) results = search_autocomplete_opts("the search term") expect(results.count).to eq(2) expect(results[0]).to include({ category: 'Recent merge requests', id: merge_request1.id, label: 'Merge request 1', url: Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_merge_request_path(merge_request1.project, merge_request1), avatar_url: project1.avatar_url }) expect(results[1]).to include({ category: 'Recent merge requests', id: merge_request2.id, label: 'Merge request 2', url: Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_merge_request_path(merge_request2.project, merge_request2), avatar_url: '' # This project didn't have an avatar so set this to '' }) end it "does not include the public group" do group = create(:group) expect(search_autocomplete_opts(group.name).size).to eq(0) end context "with a current project" do before do @project = create(:project, :repository) allow(self).to receive(:can?).and_return(true) allow(self).to receive(:can?).with(user, :read_feature_flag, @project).and_return(false) end it 'returns repository related labels based on users abilities', :aggregate_failures do expect(search_autocomplete_opts("Files").size).to eq(1) expect(search_autocomplete_opts("Commits").size).to eq(1) expect(search_autocomplete_opts("Network").size).to eq(1) expect(search_autocomplete_opts("Graph").size).to eq(1) allow(self).to receive(:can?).with(user, :download_code, @project).and_return(false) expect(search_autocomplete_opts("Files").size).to eq(0) expect(search_autocomplete_opts("Commits").size).to eq(0) allow(self).to receive(:can?).with(user, :read_repository_graphs, @project).and_return(false) expect(search_autocomplete_opts("Network").size).to eq(0) expect(search_autocomplete_opts("Graph").size).to eq(0) end context 'when user does not have access to project' do it 'does not include issues by iid' do issue = create(:issue, project: @project) results = search_autocomplete_opts("\##{issue.iid}") expect(results.count).to eq(0) end end context 'when user has project access' do before do @project = create(:project, :repository, namespace: user.namespace) allow(self).to receive(:can?).with(user, :read_feature_flag, @project).and_return(true) end it 'includes issues by iid', :aggregate_failures do issue = create(:issue, project: @project, title: 'test title') results = search_autocomplete_opts("\##{issue.iid}") expect(results.count).to eq(1) expect(results.first).to include({ category: 'In this project', id: issue.id, label: 'test title (#1)', url: ::Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_issue_path(issue.project, issue), avatar_url: '' # project has no avatar }) end end end end context 'with an admin user' do let(:admin) { create(:admin) } before do allow(self).to receive(:current_user).and_return(admin) end it "includes admin sections" do expect(search_autocomplete_opts("admin").size).to eq(1) end end end describe 'search_entries_info' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:scope, :label) do 'blobs' | 'code result' 'commits' | 'commit' 'issues' | 'issue' 'merge_requests' | 'merge request' 'milestones' | 'milestone' 'notes' | 'comment' 'projects' | 'project' 'snippet_titles' | 'snippet' 'users' | 'user' 'wiki_blobs' | 'wiki result' end with_them do it 'uses the correct singular label' do collection = Kaminari.paginate_array([:foo]).page(1).per(10) expect(search_entries_info(collection, scope, 'foo')).to eq("Showing 1 #{label} for <span> <code>foo</code> </span>") end it 'uses the correct plural label' do collection = Kaminari.paginate_array([:foo] * 23).page(1).per(10) expect(search_entries_info(collection, scope, 'foo')).to eq("Showing 1 - 10 of 23 #{label.pluralize} for <span> <code>foo</code> </span>") end end it 'raises an error for unrecognized scopes' do expect do collection = Kaminari.paginate_array([:foo]).page(1).per(10) search_entries_info(collection, 'unknown', 'foo') end.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe 'search_entries_empty_message' do let!(:group) { build(:group) } let!(:project) { build(:project, group: group) } context 'global search' do let(:message) { search_entries_empty_message('projects', '<h1>foo</h1>', nil, nil) } it 'returns the formatted entry message' do expect(message).to eq("We couldn't find any projects matching <code><h1>foo</h1></code>") expect(message).to be_html_safe end end context 'group search' do let(:message) { search_entries_empty_message('projects', '<h1>foo</h1>', group, nil) } it 'returns the formatted entry message' do expect(message).to start_with('We couldn't find any projects matching <code><h1>foo</h1></code> in group <a') expect(message).to be_html_safe end end context 'project search' do let(:message) { search_entries_empty_message('projects', '<h1>foo</h1>', group, project) } it 'returns the formatted entry message' do expect(message).to start_with('We couldn't find any projects matching <code><h1>foo</h1></code> in project <a') expect(message).to be_html_safe end end end describe 'search_filter_input_options' do context 'project' do before do @project = create(:project, :repository) end it 'includes id with type' do expect(search_filter_input_options('type')[:id]).to eq('filtered-search-type') end it 'includes project-id' do expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['project-id']).to eq(@project.id) end it 'includes project endpoints' do expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['runner-tags-endpoint']).to eq(tag_list_admin_runners_path) expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['labels-endpoint']).to eq(project_labels_path(@project)) expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['milestones-endpoint']).to eq(project_milestones_path(@project)) expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['releases-endpoint']).to eq(project_releases_path(@project)) end it 'includes autocomplete=off flag' do expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:autocomplete]).to eq('off') end end context 'group' do before do @group = create(:group, name: 'group') end it 'does not includes project-id' do expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['project-id']).to eq(nil) end it 'includes group endpoints' do expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['runner-tags-endpoint']).to eq(tag_list_admin_runners_path) expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['labels-endpoint']).to eq(group_labels_path(@group)) expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['milestones-endpoint']).to eq(group_milestones_path(@group)) end end context 'dashboard' do it 'does not include group-id and project-id' do expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['project-id']).to eq(nil) expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['group-id']).to eq(nil) end it 'includes dashboard endpoints' do expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['runner-tags-endpoint']).to eq(tag_list_admin_runners_path) expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['labels-endpoint']).to eq(dashboard_labels_path) expect(search_filter_input_options('')[:data]['milestones-endpoint']).to eq(dashboard_milestones_path) end end end describe 'search_history_storage_prefix' do context 'project' do it 'returns project full_path' do @project = create(:project, :repository) expect(search_history_storage_prefix).to eq(@project.full_path) end end context 'group' do it 'returns group full_path' do @group = create(:group, :nested, name: 'group-name') expect(search_history_storage_prefix).to eq(@group.full_path) end end context 'dashboard' do it 'returns dashboard' do expect(search_history_storage_prefix).to eq("dashboard") end end end describe 'search_md_sanitize' do it 'does not do extra sql queries for partial markdown rendering' do @project = create(:project) description = FFaker::Lorem.characters(210) control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new(skip_cached: false) { search_md_sanitize(description) }.count issues = create_list(:issue, 4, project: @project) description_with_issues = description + ' ' + issues.map { |issue| "##{issue.iid}" }.join(' ') expect { search_md_sanitize(description_with_issues) }.not_to exceed_all_query_limit(control_count) end end describe 'search_filter_link' do it 'renders a search filter link for the current scope' do @scope = 'projects' @search_results = double expect(@search_results).to receive(:formatted_count).with('projects').and_return('23') link = search_filter_link('projects', 'Projects') expect(link).to have_css('li.active') expect(link).to have_link('Projects', href: search_path(scope: 'projects')) expect(link).to have_css('span.badge.badge-pill:not(.js-search-count):not(.hidden):not([data-url])', text: '23') end it 'renders a search filter link for another scope' do link = search_filter_link('projects', 'Projects') count_path = search_count_path(scope: 'projects') expect(link).to have_css('li:not([class="active"])') expect(link).to have_link('Projects', href: search_path(scope: 'projects')) expect(link).to have_css("span.badge.badge-pill.js-search-count.hidden[data-url='#{count_path}']", text: '') end it 'merges in the current search params and given params' do expect(self).to receive(:params).and_return( ActionController::Parameters.new( search: 'hello', scope: 'ignored', other_param: 'ignored' ) ) link = search_filter_link('projects', 'Projects', search: { project_id: 23 }) expect(link).to have_link('Projects', href: search_path(scope: 'projects', search: 'hello', project_id: 23)) end it 'restricts the params' do expect(self).to receive(:params).and_return( ActionController::Parameters.new( search: 'hello', unknown: 42 ) ) link = search_filter_link('projects', 'Projects') expect(link).to have_link('Projects', href: search_path(scope: 'projects', search: 'hello')) end it 'assigns given data attributes on the list container' do link = search_filter_link('projects', 'Projects', data: { foo: 'bar' }) expect(link).to have_css('li[data-foo="bar"]') end end describe '#show_user_search_tab?' do subject { show_user_search_tab? } context 'when project search' do before do @project = :some_project expect(self).to receive(:project_search_tabs?) .with(:members) .and_return(:value) end it 'delegates to project_search_tabs?' do expect(subject).to eq(:value) end end context 'when not project search' do context 'when current_user can read_users_list' do before do allow(self).to receive(:current_user).and_return(:the_current_user) allow(self).to receive(:can?).with(:the_current_user, :read_users_list).and_return(true) end it { is_expected.to eq(true) } end context 'when current_user cannot read_users_list' do before do allow(self).to receive(:current_user).and_return(:the_current_user) allow(self).to receive(:can?).with(:the_current_user, :read_users_list).and_return(false) end it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end end end describe '#repository_ref' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:params) { { repository_ref: 'the-repository-ref-param' } } subject { repository_ref(project) } it { is_expected.to eq('the-repository-ref-param') } context 'when the param :repository_ref is not set' do let(:params) { { repository_ref: nil } } it { is_expected.to eq(project.default_branch) } end context 'when the repository_ref param is a number' do let(:params) { { repository_ref: 111111 } } it { is_expected.to eq('111111') } end end describe '#highlight_and_truncate_issuable' do let(:description) { 'hello world' } let(:issue) { create(:issue, description: description) } let(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow(self).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end subject { highlight_and_truncate_issuable(issue, 'test', {}) } context 'when description is not present' do let(:description) { nil } it 'does nothing' do expect(self).not_to receive(:simple_search_highlight_and_truncate) subject end end context 'when description present' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:description, :expected) do 'test' | '<span class="gl-text-gray-900 gl-font-weight-bold">test</span>' '<span style="color: blue;">this test should not be blue</span>' | 'this <span class="gl-text-gray-900 gl-font-weight-bold">test</span> should not be blue' '<a href="#" onclick="alert(\'XSS\')">Click Me test</a>' | '<a href="#">Click Me <span class="gl-text-gray-900 gl-font-weight-bold">test</span></a>' '<script type="text/javascript">alert(\'Another XSS\');</script> test' | ' <span class="gl-text-gray-900 gl-font-weight-bold">test</span>' 'Lorem test ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec.' | 'Lorem <span class="gl-text-gray-900 gl-font-weight-bold">test</span> ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Don...' '<img src="https://random.foo.com/test.png" width="128" height="128" />some image' | 'some image' end with_them do it 'sanitizes, truncates, and highlights the search term' do expect(subject).to eq(expected) end end end end describe '#search_service' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax subject { search_service } before do allow(self).to receive(:current_user).and_return(:the_current_user) end where(:confidential, :expected) do '0' | false '1' | true 'yes' | true 'no' | false true | true false | false end let(:params) {{ confidential: confidential }} with_them do it 'transforms confidentiality param' do expect(::SearchService).to receive(:new).with(:the_current_user, { confidential: expected }) subject end end end describe '#issuable_state_to_badge_class' do context 'with merge request' do it 'returns correct badge based on status' do expect(issuable_state_to_badge_class(build(:merge_request, :merged))).to eq(:info) expect(issuable_state_to_badge_class(build(:merge_request, :closed))).to eq(:danger) expect(issuable_state_to_badge_class(build(:merge_request, :opened))).to eq(:success) end end context 'with an issue' do it 'returns correct badge based on status' do expect(issuable_state_to_badge_class(build(:issue, :closed))).to eq(:info) expect(issuable_state_to_badge_class(build(:issue, :opened))).to eq(:success) end end end describe '#issuable_state_text' do context 'with merge request' do it 'returns correct badge based on status' do expect(issuable_state_text(build(:merge_request, :merged))).to eq(_('Merged')) expect(issuable_state_text(build(:merge_request, :closed))).to eq(_('Closed')) expect(issuable_state_text(build(:merge_request, :opened))).to eq(_('Open')) end end context 'with an issue' do it 'returns correct badge based on status' do expect(issuable_state_text(build(:issue, :closed))).to eq(_('Closed')) expect(issuable_state_text(build(:issue, :opened))).to eq(_('Open')) end end end describe '#search_sort_options' do let(:user) { create(:user) } mock_created_sort = [ { title: _('Created date'), sortable: true, sortParam: { asc: 'created_asc', desc: 'created_desc' } }, { title: _('Updated date'), sortable: true, sortParam: { asc: 'updated_asc', desc: 'updated_desc' } } ] before do allow(self).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end it 'returns the correct data' do expect(search_sort_options).to eq(mock_created_sort) end end end