import axios from 'axios'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { GroupByParamType } from 'ee/boards/constants'; import actions, { gqlClient } from 'ee/boards/stores/actions'; import boardsStoreEE from 'ee/boards/stores/boards_store_ee'; import * as types from 'ee/boards/stores/mutation_types'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import { formatListIssues } from '~/boards/boards_util'; import { ListType } from '~/boards/constants'; import * as typesCE from '~/boards/stores/mutation_types'; import * as commonUtils from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import { mergeUrlParams, removeParams } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { mockLists, mockIssue, mockEpic, rawIssue, mockIssueWithModel, mockIssue2WithModel, mockListsWithModel, } from '../mock_data'; const expectNotImplemented = action => { it('is not implemented', () => { expect(action).toThrow(new Error('Not implemented!')); }); }; let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); window.gon = { features: {} }; jest.spyOn(commonUtils, 'historyPushState'); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); describe('setFilters', () => { it('should commit mutation SET_FILTERS, updates epicId with global id', () => { const state = { filters: {}, }; const filters = { labelName: 'label', epicId: 1 }; const updatedFilters = { labelName: 'label', epicId: 'gid://gitlab/Epic/1' }; return testAction( actions.setFilters, filters, state, [{ type: types.SET_FILTERS, payload: updatedFilters }], [], ); }); it('should commit mutation SET_FILTERS, updates epicWildcardId', () => { const state = { filters: {}, }; const filters = { labelName: 'label', epicId: 'None' }; const updatedFilters = { labelName: 'label', epicWildcardId: 'NONE' }; return testAction( actions.setFilters, filters, state, [{ type: types.SET_FILTERS, payload: updatedFilters }], [], ); }); it('should commit mutation SET_FILTERS, updates iterationWildcardId', () => { const state = { filters: {}, }; const filters = { labelName: 'label', iterationId: 'None' }; const updatedFilters = { labelName: 'label', iterationWildcardId: 'NONE' }; return testAction( actions.setFilters, filters, state, [{ type: types.SET_FILTERS, payload: updatedFilters }], [], ); }); it('should commit mutation SET_FILTERS, dispatches setEpicSwimlanes action if filters contain groupBy epic', () => { const state = { filters: {}, }; const filters = { labelName: 'label', epicId: 1, groupBy: 'epic' }; const updatedFilters = { labelName: 'label', epicId: 'gid://gitlab/Epic/1' }; return testAction( actions.setFilters, filters, state, [{ type: types.SET_FILTERS, payload: updatedFilters }], [{ type: 'setEpicSwimlanes' }], ); }); }); describe('fetchEpicsSwimlanes', () => { const state = { endpoints: { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: 1, }, filterParams: {}, boardType: 'group', }; const queryResponse = { data: { group: { board: { epics: { edges: [{ node: mockEpic }], pageInfo: {}, }, }, }, }, }; it('should commit mutation RECEIVE_EPICS_SUCCESS on success without lists', done => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(queryResponse); testAction( actions.fetchEpicsSwimlanes, { withLists: false }, state, [ { type: types.RECEIVE_EPICS_SUCCESS, payload: [mockEpic], }, ], [], done, ); }); it('should commit mutation RECEIVE_SWIMLANES_FAILURE on failure', done => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(Promise.reject()); testAction( actions.fetchEpicsSwimlanes, {}, state, [{ type: types.RECEIVE_SWIMLANES_FAILURE }], [], done, ); }); it('should dispatch fetchEpicsSwimlanes when page info hasNextPage', done => { const queryResponseWithNextPage = { data: { group: { board: { epics: { edges: [{ node: mockEpic }], pageInfo: { hasNextPage: true, endCursor: 'ENDCURSOR', }, }, }, }, }, }; jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(queryResponseWithNextPage); testAction( actions.fetchEpicsSwimlanes, { withLists: false }, state, [ { type: types.RECEIVE_EPICS_SUCCESS, payload: [mockEpic], }, ], [ { type: 'fetchEpicsSwimlanes', payload: { withLists: false, endCursor: 'ENDCURSOR' }, }, ], done, ); }); }); describe('updateBoardEpicUserPreferences', () => { const state = { endpoints: { boardId: 1, }, }; const queryResponse = (collapsed = false) => ({ data: { updateBoardEpicUserPreferences: { errors: [], epicUserPreferences: { collapsed }, }, }, }); it('should send mutation', done => { const collapsed = true; jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue(queryResponse(collapsed)); testAction( actions.updateBoardEpicUserPreferences, { epicId:, collapsed }, state, [ { payload: { epicId:, userPreferences: { collapsed, }, }, type: types.SET_BOARD_EPIC_USER_PREFERENCES, }, ], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setShowLabels', () => { it('should commit mutation SET_SHOW_LABELS', done => { const state = { isShowingLabels: true, }; testAction( actions.setShowLabels, false, state, [{ type: types.SET_SHOW_LABELS, payload: false }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('updateListWipLimit', () => { let storeMock; const getters = { shouldUseGraphQL: false }; beforeEach(() => { storeMock = { state: { endpoints: { listsEndpoint: '/test' } }, create: () => {}, setCurrentBoard: () => {}, }; boardsStoreEE.initEESpecific(storeMock); jest.mock('axios'); axios.put = jest.fn(); axios.put.mockResolvedValue({ data: {} }); }); afterEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it('axios - should call the correct url', () => { const maxIssueCount = 0; const activeId = 1; return actions .updateListWipLimit({ state: { activeId }, getters }, { maxIssueCount, listId: activeId }) .then(() => { expect(axios.put).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `${}/${activeId}`, { list: { max_issue_count: maxIssueCount } }, ); }); }); it('graphql - commit UPDATE_LIST_SUCCESS mutation on success', () => { const maxIssueCount = 0; const activeId = 1; getters.shouldUseGraphQL = true; jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { boardListUpdateLimitMetrics: { list: { id: activeId, }, errors: [], }, }, }); return testAction( actions.updateListWipLimit, { maxIssueCount, listId: activeId }, { isShowingEpicsSwimlanes: true, ...getters }, [ { type: types.UPDATE_LIST_SUCCESS, payload: { listId: activeId, list: expect.objectContaining({ id: activeId, }), }, }, ], [], ); }); it('graphql - commit UPDATE_LIST_FAILURE mutation on failure', () => { const maxIssueCount = 0; const activeId = 1; getters.shouldUseGraphQL = true; jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue(Promise.reject()); return testAction( actions.updateListWipLimit, { maxIssueCount, listId: activeId }, { isShowingEpicsSwimlanes: true, ...getters }, [{ type: types.UPDATE_LIST_FAILURE }], [], ); }); }); describe('showPromotionList', () => { it('should dispatch addList action when conditions showPromotion is true', done => { const state = { endpoints: { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: '1' }, boardType: 'group', disabled: false, boardLists: [{ type: 'backlog' }, { type: 'closed' }], showPromotion: true, }; const promotionList = { id: 'promotion', listType: ListType.promotion, title: 'Improve Issue Boards', position: 0, }; testAction( actions.showPromotionList, {}, state, [], [{ type: 'addList', payload: promotionList }], done, ); }); }); describe('fetchAllBoards', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.fetchAllBoards); }); describe('fetchRecentBoards', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.fetchRecentBoards); }); describe('createBoard', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.createBoard); }); describe('deleteBoard', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.deleteBoard); }); describe('updateIssueWeight', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.updateIssueWeight); }); describe('togglePromotionState', () => { expectNotImplemented(actions.updateIssueWeight); }); describe('fetchIssuesForEpic', () => { const listId = mockLists[0].id; const epicId =; const state = { endpoints: { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: 1, }, filterParams: {}, boardType: 'group', }; const queryResponse = { data: { group: { board: { lists: { nodes: [ { id: listId, issues: { edges: [{ node: [mockIssue] }], }, }, ], }, }, }, }, }; const formattedIssues = formatListIssues(; it('should commit mutations REQUEST_ISSUES_FOR_EPIC and RECEIVE_ISSUES_FOR_LIST_SUCCESS on success', done => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(queryResponse); testAction( actions.fetchIssuesForEpic, epicId, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_ISSUES_FOR_EPIC, payload: epicId }, { type: types.RECEIVE_ISSUES_FOR_EPIC_SUCCESS, payload: { ...formattedIssues, epicId } }, ], [], done, ); }); it('should commit mutations REQUEST_ISSUES_FOR_EPIC and RECEIVE_ISSUES_FOR_LIST_FAILURE on failure', done => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue(Promise.reject()); testAction( actions.fetchIssuesForEpic, epicId, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_ISSUES_FOR_EPIC, payload: epicId }, { type: types.RECEIVE_ISSUES_FOR_EPIC_FAILURE, payload: epicId }, ], [], done, ); }); }); describe('toggleEpicSwimlanes', () => { it('should commit mutation TOGGLE_EPICS_SWIMLANES', () => { global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: `${TEST_HOST}/groups/gitlab-org/-/boards/1?group_by=epic`, }); const state = { isShowingEpicsSwimlanes: false, endpoints: { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: 1, }, }; return testAction( actions.toggleEpicSwimlanes, null, state, [{ type: types.TOGGLE_EPICS_SWIMLANES }], [], () => { expect(commonUtils.historyPushState).toHaveBeenCalledWith(removeParams(['group_by'])); expect(global.window.location.href).toBe(`${TEST_HOST}/groups/gitlab-org/-/boards/1`); }, ); }); it('should dispatch fetchEpicsSwimlanes action when isShowingEpicsSwimlanes is true', () => { global.jsdom.reconfigure({ url: `${TEST_HOST}/groups/gitlab-org/-/boards/1`, }); jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue({}); const state = { isShowingEpicsSwimlanes: true, endpoints: { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: 1, }, }; return testAction( actions.toggleEpicSwimlanes, null, state, [{ type: types.TOGGLE_EPICS_SWIMLANES }], [{ type: 'fetchEpicsSwimlanes', payload: {} }], () => { expect(commonUtils.historyPushState).toHaveBeenCalledWith( mergeUrlParams({ group_by: GroupByParamType.epic }, window.location.href), ); expect(global.window.location.href).toBe( `${TEST_HOST}/groups/gitlab-org/-/boards/1?group_by=epic`, ); }, ); }); }); describe('setEpicSwimlanes', () => { it('should commit mutation SET_EPICS_SWIMLANES and dispatch fetchEpicsSwimlanes action', () => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'query').mockResolvedValue({}); return testAction( actions.setEpicSwimlanes, null, {}, [{ type: types.SET_EPICS_SWIMLANES }], [{ type: 'fetchEpicsSwimlanes', payload: {} }], ); }); }); describe('resetEpics', () => { it('commits RESET_EPICS mutation', () => { return testAction(actions.resetEpics, {}, {}, [{ type: types.RESET_EPICS }], []); }); }); describe('setActiveIssueEpic', () => { const getters = { activeIssue: mockIssue }; const epicWithData = { id: 'gid://gitlab/Epic/42', iid: 1, title: 'Epic title', }; const input = { epicId:, projectPath: 'h/b', }; it('should return epic after setting the issue', async () => { jest .spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueSetEpic: { issue: { epic: epicWithData } } } }); const result = await actions.setActiveIssueEpic({ getters }, input); expect(; }); it('throws error if fails', async () => { jest .spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueSetEpic: { errors: ['failed mutation'] } } }); await expect(actions.setActiveIssueEpic({ getters }, input)).rejects.toThrow(Error); }); }); describe('setActiveIssueWeight', () => { const state = { issues: { []: mockIssue } }; const getters = { activeIssue: mockIssue }; const testWeight = mockIssue.weight + 1; const input = { weight: testWeight, projectPath: 'h/b', }; it('should commit weight after setting the issue', done => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueSetWeight: { issue: { weight: testWeight, }, errors: [], }, }, }); const payload = { issueId:, prop: 'weight', value: testWeight, }; testAction( actions.setActiveIssueWeight, input, { ...state, ...getters }, [ { type: typesCE.UPDATE_ISSUE_BY_ID, payload, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('throws error if fails', async () => { jest .spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueSetWeight: { errors: ['failed mutation'] } } }); await expect(actions.setActiveIssueWeight({ getters }, input)).rejects.toThrow(Error); }); }); describe('moveIssue', () => { const epicId = 'gid://gitlab/Epic/1'; const listIssues = { 'gid://gitlab/List/1': [436, 437], 'gid://gitlab/List/2': [], }; const issues = { '436': mockIssueWithModel, '437': mockIssue2WithModel, }; const state = { endpoints: { fullPath: 'gitlab-org', boardId: '1' }, boardType: 'group', disabled: false, boardLists: mockListsWithModel, issuesByListId: listIssues, issues, }; it('should commit MOVE_ISSUE mutation and MOVE_ISSUE_SUCCESS mutation when successful', done => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueMoveList: { issue: rawIssue, errors: [], }, }, }); testAction( actions.moveIssue, { issueId: '436', issueIid: mockIssue.iid, issuePath: mockIssue.referencePath, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', epicId, }, state, [ { type: types.MOVE_ISSUE, payload: { originalIssue: mockIssueWithModel, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', epicId, }, }, { type: types.MOVE_ISSUE_SUCCESS, payload: { issue: rawIssue }, }, ], [], done, ); }); it('should commit MOVE_ISSUE mutation and MOVE_ISSUE_FAILURE mutation when unsuccessful', done => { jest.spyOn(gqlClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueMoveList: { issue: {}, errors: [{ foo: 'bar' }], }, }, }); testAction( actions.moveIssue, { issueId: '436', issueIid: mockIssue.iid, issuePath: mockIssue.referencePath, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', epicId, }, state, [ { type: types.MOVE_ISSUE, payload: { originalIssue: mockIssueWithModel, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', epicId, }, }, { type: types.MOVE_ISSUE_FAILURE, payload: { originalIssue: mockIssueWithModel, fromListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/1', toListId: 'gid://gitlab/List/2', originalIndex: 0, }, }, ], [], done, ); }); });