## # This class is compatible with IO class (https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.1/IO.html) # source: https://gitlab.com/snippets/1685610 module Gitlab module Ci class Trace class HttpIO BUFFER_SIZE = 128.kilobytes InvalidURLError = Class.new(StandardError) FailedToGetChunkError = Class.new(StandardError) attr_reader :uri, :size attr_reader :tell attr_reader :chunk, :chunk_range alias_method :pos, :tell def initialize(url, size) raise InvalidURLError unless ::Gitlab::UrlSanitizer.valid?(url) @uri = URI(url) @size = size @tell = 0 end def close # no-op end def binmode # no-op end def binmode? true end def path @uri.to_s end def seek(pos, where = IO::SEEK_SET) new_pos = case where when IO::SEEK_END size + pos when IO::SEEK_SET pos when IO::SEEK_CUR tell + pos else -1 end raise 'new position is outside of file' if new_pos < 0 || new_pos > size @tell = new_pos end def eof? tell == size end def each_line until eof? line = readline break if line.nil? yield(line) end end def read(length = nil) out = "" until eof? || (length && out.length >= length) data = get_chunk break if data.empty? out << data @tell += data.bytesize end out = out[0, length] if length && out.length > length out end def readline out = "" until eof? data = get_chunk new_line = data.index("\n") if !new_line.nil? out << data[0..new_line] @tell += new_line + 1 break else out << data @tell += data.bytesize end end out end def write(data) raise NotImplementedError end def truncate(offset) raise NotImplementedError end def flush raise NotImplementedError end def present? true end private ## # The below methods are not implemented in IO class # def in_range? @chunk_range&.include?(tell) end def get_chunk unless in_range? response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https') do |http| http.request(request) end raise FailedToGetChunkError unless response.code == '200' || response.code == '206' @chunk = response.body.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) @chunk_range = response.content_range ## # Note: If provider does not return content_range, then we set it as we requested # Provider: minio # - When the file size is larger than Content-range in responce header, it returns content_range in responce header. Status: Net::HTTPPartialContent 206 # - When the file size is smaller than Content-range in responce header, it returns content_range in responce header. Status: Net::HTTPPartialContent 206 # Provider: AWS # - TBD # - TBD # Provider: GCS # - When the file size is larger than Content-range, it returns content_range in responce header. Status: Net::HTTPPartialContent 206 # - When the file size is smaller than Content-range, it does not return content_range in responce header. Status: Net::HTTPOK 200 @chunk_range ||= (chunk_start...(chunk_start + @chunk.length)) end @chunk[chunk_offset..BUFFER_SIZE] end def request Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri).tap do |request| request.set_range(chunk_start, BUFFER_SIZE) end end def chunk_offset tell % BUFFER_SIZE end def chunk_start (tell / BUFFER_SIZE) * BUFFER_SIZE end def chunk_end [chunk_start + BUFFER_SIZE, size].min end end end end end