Represents the access level of a relationship between a User and object that it is related to
type AccessLevel {
  Integer representation of access level
  integerValue: Int

  String representation of access level
  stringValue: AccessLevelEnum

Access level to a resource
enum AccessLevelEnum {

Autogenerated input type of AddAwardEmoji
input AddAwardEmojiInput {
  The global id of the awardable resource
  awardableId: ID!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The emoji name
  name: String!

Autogenerated return type of AddAwardEmoji
type AddAwardEmojiPayload {
  The award emoji after mutation
  awardEmoji: AwardEmoji

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

Autogenerated input type of AddProjectToSecurityDashboard
input AddProjectToSecurityDashboardInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  ID of the project to be added to Instance Security Dashboard
  id: ID!

Autogenerated return type of AddProjectToSecurityDashboard
type AddProjectToSecurityDashboardPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  Project that was added to the Instance Security Dashboard
  project: Project

Autogenerated input type of AdminSidekiqQueuesDeleteJobs
input AdminSidekiqQueuesDeleteJobsInput {
  Delete jobs matching caller_id in the context metadata
  callerId: String

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Delete jobs matching project in the context metadata
  project: String

  The name of the queue to delete jobs from
  queueName: String!

  Delete jobs matching related_class in the context metadata
  relatedClass: String

  Delete jobs matching root_namespace in the context metadata
  rootNamespace: String

  Delete jobs matching subscription_plan in the context metadata
  subscriptionPlan: String

  Delete jobs matching user in the context metadata
  user: String

Autogenerated return type of AdminSidekiqQueuesDeleteJobs
type AdminSidekiqQueuesDeleteJobsPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  Information about the status of the deletion request
  result: DeleteJobsResponse

Describes an alert from the project's Alert Management
type AlertManagementAlert implements Noteable {
  Assignees of the alert
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): UserConnection

  Timestamp the alert was created
  createdAt: Time

  Description of the alert
  description: String

  Alert details
  details: JSON

  All discussions on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DiscussionConnection!

  Timestamp the alert ended
  endedAt: Time

  Number of events of this alert
  eventCount: Int

  List of hosts the alert came from
  hosts: [String!]

  Internal ID of the alert
  iid: ID!

  Internal ID of the GitLab issue attached to the alert
  issueIid: ID

  URL for metrics embed for the alert
  metricsDashboardUrl: String

  Monitoring tool the alert came from
  monitoringTool: String

  All notes on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): NoteConnection!

  Service the alert came from
  service: String

  Severity of the alert
  severity: AlertManagementSeverity

  Timestamp the alert was raised
  startedAt: Time

  Status of the alert
  status: AlertManagementStatus

  Title of the alert
  title: String

  Timestamp the alert was last updated
  updatedAt: Time

The connection type for AlertManagementAlert.
type AlertManagementAlertConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [AlertManagementAlertEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [AlertManagementAlert]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type AlertManagementAlertEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: AlertManagementAlert

Values for sorting alerts
enum AlertManagementAlertSort {
  Created time by ascending order

  Created time by descending order

  End time by ascending order

  End time by descending order

  Events count by ascending order

  Events count by descending order

  Severity from less critical to more critical

  Severity from more critical to less critical

  Start time by ascending order

  Start time by descending order

  Status by order: Ignored > Resolved > Acknowledged > Triggered

  Status by order: Triggered > Acknowledged > Resolved > Ignored

  Created time by ascending order

  Created time by descending order

  Created at ascending order

  Created at descending order

  Updated at ascending order

  Updated at descending order

Represents total number of alerts for the represented categories
type AlertManagementAlertStatusCountsType {
  Number of alerts with status ACKNOWLEDGED for the project
  acknowledged: Int

  Total number of alerts for the project
  all: Int

  Number of alerts with status IGNORED for the project
  ignored: Int

  Number of alerts with status TRIGGERED or ACKNOWLEDGED for the project
  open: Int

  Number of alerts with status RESOLVED for the project
  resolved: Int

  Number of alerts with status TRIGGERED for the project
  triggered: Int

Alert severity values
enum AlertManagementSeverity {
  Critical severity

  High severity

  Info severity

  Low severity

  Medium severity

  Unknown severity

Alert status values
enum AlertManagementStatus {
  Acknowledged status

  Ignored status

  Resolved status

  Triggered status

Autogenerated input type of AlertSetAssignees
input AlertSetAssigneesInput {
  The usernames to assign to the alert. Replaces existing assignees by default.
  assigneeUsernames: [String!]!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the alert to mutate
  iid: String!

  The operation to perform. Defaults to REPLACE.
  operationMode: MutationOperationMode

  The project the alert to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of AlertSetAssignees
type AlertSetAssigneesPayload {
  The alert after mutation
  alert: AlertManagementAlert

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue created after mutation
  issue: Issue

  The todo after mutation
  todo: Todo

Autogenerated input type of AlertTodoCreate
input AlertTodoCreateInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the alert to mutate
  iid: String!

  The project the alert to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of AlertTodoCreate
type AlertTodoCreatePayload {
  The alert after mutation
  alert: AlertManagementAlert

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue created after mutation
  issue: Issue

  The todo after mutation
  todo: Todo

An emoji awarded by a user.
type AwardEmoji {
  The emoji description
  description: String!

  The emoji as an icon
  emoji: String!

  The emoji name
  name: String!

  The emoji in unicode
  unicode: String!

  The unicode version for this emoji
  unicodeVersion: String!

  The user who awarded the emoji
  user: User!

Autogenerated input type of AwardEmojiAdd
input AwardEmojiAddInput {
  The global id of the awardable resource
  awardableId: ID!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The emoji name
  name: String!

Autogenerated return type of AwardEmojiAdd
type AwardEmojiAddPayload {
  The award emoji after mutation
  awardEmoji: AwardEmoji

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

Autogenerated input type of AwardEmojiRemove
input AwardEmojiRemoveInput {
  The global id of the awardable resource
  awardableId: ID!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The emoji name
  name: String!

Autogenerated return type of AwardEmojiRemove
type AwardEmojiRemovePayload {
  The award emoji after mutation
  awardEmoji: AwardEmoji

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

Autogenerated input type of AwardEmojiToggle
input AwardEmojiToggleInput {
  The global id of the awardable resource
  awardableId: ID!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The emoji name
  name: String!

Autogenerated return type of AwardEmojiToggle
type AwardEmojiTogglePayload {
  The award emoji after mutation
  awardEmoji: AwardEmoji

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  Indicates the status of the emoji. True if the toggle awarded the emoji, and false if the toggle removed the emoji.
  toggledOn: Boolean!

type BaseService implements Service {
  Indicates if the service is active
  active: Boolean

  Class name of the service
  type: String

type Blob implements Entry {
  Flat path of the entry
  flatPath: String!

  ID of the entry
  id: ID!

  LFS ID of the blob
  lfsOid: String

  Blob mode in numeric format
  mode: String

  Name of the entry
  name: String!

  Path of the entry
  path: String!

  Last commit sha for the entry
  sha: String!

  Type of tree entry
  type: EntryType!

  Web path of the blob
  webPath: String

  Web URL of the blob
  webUrl: String

The connection type for Blob.
type BlobConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [BlobEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Blob]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type BlobEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Blob

Types of blob viewers
enum BlobViewersType {

Represents a project or group board
type Board {
  ID (global ID) of the board
  id: ID!

  Lists of the board
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Find a list by its global ID
    id: ID

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): BoardListConnection

  Name of the board
  name: String

  Weight of the board
  weight: Int

The connection type for Board.
type BoardConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [BoardEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Board]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type BoardEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Board

Represents a list for an issue board
type BoardList {
  Assignee in the list
  assignee: User

  Indicates if list is collapsed for this user
  collapsed: Boolean

  ID (global ID) of the list
  id: ID!

  Label of the list
  label: Label

  The current limit metric for the list
  limitMetric: ListLimitMetric

  Type of the list
  listType: String!

  Maximum number of issues in the list
  maxIssueCount: Int

  Maximum weight of issues in the list
  maxIssueWeight: Int

  Milestone of the list
  milestone: Milestone

  Position of list within the board
  position: Int

  Title of the list
  title: String!

The connection type for BoardList.
type BoardListConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [BoardListEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [BoardList]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type BoardListEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: BoardList

Autogenerated input type of BoardListUpdateLimitMetrics
input BoardListUpdateLimitMetricsInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The new limit metric type for the list.
  limitMetric: ListLimitMetric

  The global ID of the list.
  listId: ID!

  The new maximum issue count limit.
  maxIssueCount: Int

  The new maximum issue weight limit.
  maxIssueWeight: Int

Autogenerated return type of BoardListUpdateLimitMetrics
type BoardListUpdateLimitMetricsPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The updated list
  list: BoardList

type Branch {
  Commit for the branch
  commit: Commit

  Name of the branch
  name: String!

type Commit {
  Author of the commit
  author: User

  Commit authors gravatar
  authorGravatar: String

  Commit authors name
  authorName: String

  Timestamp of when the commit was authored
  authoredDate: Time

  Description of the commit message
  description: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`
  descriptionHtml: String

  ID (global ID) of the commit
  id: ID!

  Latest pipeline of the commit. Deprecated in 12.5: Use `pipelines`
    Filter pipelines by the ref they are run for
    ref: String

    Filter pipelines by the sha of the commit they are run for
    sha: String

    Filter pipelines by their status
    status: PipelineStatusEnum
  ): Pipeline @deprecated(reason: "Use `pipelines`. Deprecated in 12.5")

  Raw commit message
  message: String

  Pipelines of the commit ordered latest first
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Filter pipelines by the ref they are run for
    ref: String

    Filter pipelines by the sha of the commit they are run for
    sha: String

    Filter pipelines by their status
    status: PipelineStatusEnum
  ): PipelineConnection

  SHA1 ID of the commit
  sha: String!

  Rendered HTML of the commit signature
  signatureHtml: String

  Title of the commit message
  title: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `title`
  titleHtml: String

  Web path of the commit
  webPath: String!

  Web URL of the commit
  webUrl: String!

input CommitAction {
  The action to perform, create, delete, move, update, chmod
  action: CommitActionMode!

  Content of the file
  content: String

  Encoding of the file. Default is text
  encoding: CommitEncoding

  Enables/disables the execute flag on the file
  executeFilemode: Boolean

  Full path to the file
  filePath: String!

  Last known file commit ID
  lastCommitId: String

  Original full path to the file being moved
  previousPath: String

Mode of a commit action
enum CommitActionMode {
  Chmod command

  Create command

  Delete command

  Move command

  Update command

Autogenerated input type of CommitCreate
input CommitCreateInput {
  Array of action hashes to commit as a batch
  actions: [CommitAction!]!

  Name of the branch
  branch: String!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Raw commit message
  message: String!

  Project full path the branch is associated with
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of CommitCreate
type CommitCreatePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The commit after mutation
  commit: Commit

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

enum CommitEncoding {
  Base64 encoding

  Text encoding

Represents a ComplianceFramework associated with a Project
type ComplianceFramework {
  Name of the compliance framework
  name: ProjectSettingEnum!

The connection type for ComplianceFramework.
type ComplianceFrameworkConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [ComplianceFrameworkEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [ComplianceFramework]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type ComplianceFrameworkEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: ComplianceFramework

A tag expiration policy designed to keep only the images that matter most
type ContainerExpirationPolicy {
  This container expiration policy schedule
  cadence: ContainerExpirationPolicyCadenceEnum!

  Timestamp of when the container expiration policy was created
  createdAt: Time!

  Indicates whether this container expiration policy is enabled
  enabled: Boolean!

  Number of tags to retain
  keepN: ContainerExpirationPolicyKeepEnum

  Tags with names matching this regex pattern will expire
  nameRegex: UntrustedRegexp

  Tags with names matching this regex pattern will be preserved
  nameRegexKeep: UntrustedRegexp

  Next time that this container expiration policy will get executed
  nextRunAt: Time

  Tags older that this will expire
  olderThan: ContainerExpirationPolicyOlderThanEnum

  Timestamp of when the container expiration policy was updated
  updatedAt: Time!

enum ContainerExpirationPolicyCadenceEnum {
  Every day

  Every month

  Every three months

  Every two weeks

  Every week

enum ContainerExpirationPolicyKeepEnum {
  50 tags per image name

  5 tags per image name

  100 tags per image name

  1 tag per image name

  10 tags per image name

  25 tags per image name

enum ContainerExpirationPolicyOlderThanEnum {
  14 days until tags are automatically removed

  90 days until tags are automatically removed

  7 days until tags are automatically removed

  30 days until tags are automatically removed

Autogenerated input type of CreateAlertIssue
input CreateAlertIssueInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the alert to mutate
  iid: String!

  The project the alert to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of CreateAlertIssue
type CreateAlertIssuePayload {
  The alert after mutation
  alert: AlertManagementAlert

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue created after mutation
  issue: Issue

  The todo after mutation
  todo: Todo

Autogenerated input type of CreateAnnotation
input CreateAnnotationInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global id of the cluster to add an annotation to
  clusterId: ID

  The path to a file defining the dashboard on which the annotation should be added
  dashboardPath: String!

  The description of the annotation
  description: String!

  Timestamp indicating ending moment to which the annotation relates
  endingAt: Time

  The global id of the environment to add an annotation to
  environmentId: ID

  Timestamp indicating starting moment to which the annotation relates
  startingAt: Time!

Autogenerated return type of CreateAnnotation
type CreateAnnotationPayload {
  The created annotation
  annotation: MetricsDashboardAnnotation

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

Autogenerated input type of CreateBranch
input CreateBranchInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Name of the branch
  name: String!

  Project full path the branch is associated with
  projectPath: ID!

  Branch name or commit SHA to create branch from
  ref: String!

Autogenerated return type of CreateBranch
type CreateBranchPayload {
  Branch after mutation
  branch: Branch

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

Autogenerated input type of CreateDiffNote
input CreateDiffNoteInput {
  Content of the note
  body: String!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The confidentiality flag of a note. Default is false.
  confidential: Boolean

  The global id of the resource to add a note to
  noteableId: ID!

  The position of this note on a diff
  position: DiffPositionInput!

Autogenerated return type of CreateDiffNote
type CreateDiffNotePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The note after mutation
  note: Note

Autogenerated input type of CreateEpic
input CreateEpicInput {
  The IDs of labels to be added to the epic.
  addLabelIds: [ID!]

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Indicates if the epic is confidential. Will be ignored if `confidential_epics` feature flag is disabled
  confidential: Boolean

  The description of the epic
  description: String

  The end date of the epic
  dueDateFixed: String

  Indicates end date should be sourced from due_date_fixed field not the issue milestones
  dueDateIsFixed: Boolean

  The group the epic to mutate is in
  groupPath: ID!

  The IDs of labels to be removed from the epic.
  removeLabelIds: [ID!]

  The start date of the epic
  startDateFixed: String

  Indicates start date should be sourced from start_date_fixed field not the issue milestones
  startDateIsFixed: Boolean

  The title of the epic
  title: String

Autogenerated return type of CreateEpic
type CreateEpicPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The created epic
  epic: Epic

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

Autogenerated input type of CreateImageDiffNote
input CreateImageDiffNoteInput {
  Content of the note
  body: String!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The confidentiality flag of a note. Default is false.
  confidential: Boolean

  The global id of the resource to add a note to
  noteableId: ID!

  The position of this note on a diff
  position: DiffImagePositionInput!

Autogenerated return type of CreateImageDiffNote
type CreateImageDiffNotePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The note after mutation
  note: Note

Autogenerated input type of CreateIteration
input CreateIterationInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The description of the iteration
  description: String

  The end date of the iteration
  dueDate: String

  The target group for the iteration
  groupPath: ID

  The target project for the iteration
  projectPath: ID

  The start date of the iteration
  startDate: String

  The title of the iteration
  title: String

Autogenerated return type of CreateIteration
type CreateIterationPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The created iteration
  iteration: Iteration

Autogenerated input type of CreateNote
input CreateNoteInput {
  Content of the note
  body: String!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The confidentiality flag of a note. Default is false.
  confidential: Boolean

  The global id of the discussion this note is in reply to
  discussionId: ID

  The global id of the resource to add a note to
  noteableId: ID!

Autogenerated return type of CreateNote
type CreateNotePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The note after mutation
  note: Note

Autogenerated input type of CreateRequirement
input CreateRequirementInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The project full path the requirement is associated with
  projectPath: ID!

  Title of the requirement
  title: String!

Autogenerated return type of CreateRequirement
type CreateRequirementPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The requirement after mutation
  requirement: Requirement

Autogenerated input type of CreateSnippet
input CreateSnippetInput {
  Actions to perform over the snippet repository and blobs
  blobActions: [SnippetBlobActionInputType!]

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Content of the snippet
  content: String

  Description of the snippet
  description: String

  File name of the snippet
  fileName: String

  The project full path the snippet is associated with
  projectPath: ID

  Title of the snippet
  title: String!

  The paths to files uploaded in the snippet description
  uploadedFiles: [String!]

  The visibility level of the snippet
  visibilityLevel: VisibilityLevelsEnum!

Autogenerated return type of CreateSnippet
type CreateSnippetPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The snippet after mutation
  snippet: Snippet

Autogenerated input type of DastOnDemandScanCreate
input DastOnDemandScanCreateInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  ID of the site profile to be used for the scan.
  dastSiteProfileId: ID!

  The project the site profile belongs to.
  fullPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of DastOnDemandScanCreate
type DastOnDemandScanCreatePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  URL of the pipeline that was created.
  pipelineUrl: String

enum DastScanTypeEnum {
  Passive DAST scan. This scan will not make active attacks against the target site.

Autogenerated input type of DastScannerProfileCreate
input DastScannerProfileCreateInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The project the scanner profile belongs to.
  fullPath: ID!

  The name of the scanner profile.
  profileName: String!

  The maximum number of seconds allowed for the spider to traverse the site.
  spiderTimeout: Int

  The maximum number of seconds allowed for the site under test to respond to a request.
  targetTimeout: Int

Autogenerated return type of DastScannerProfileCreate
type DastScannerProfileCreatePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  ID of the scanner profile.
  id: ID

Autogenerated input type of DastSiteProfileCreate
input DastSiteProfileCreateInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The project the site profile belongs to.
  fullPath: ID!

  The name of the site profile.
  profileName: String!

  The URL of the target to be scanned.
  targetUrl: String

Autogenerated return type of DastSiteProfileCreate
type DastSiteProfileCreatePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  ID of the site profile.
  id: ID

Autogenerated input type of DeleteAnnotation
input DeleteAnnotationInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global id of the annotation to delete
  id: ID!

Autogenerated return type of DeleteAnnotation
type DeleteAnnotationPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

The response from the AdminSidekiqQueuesDeleteJobs mutation.
type DeleteJobsResponse {
  Whether or not the entire queue was processed in time; if not, retrying the same request is safe
  completed: Boolean

  The number of matching jobs deleted
  deletedJobs: Int

  The queue size after processing
  queueSize: Int

A single design
type Design implements DesignFields & Noteable {
  The diff refs for this design
  diffRefs: DiffRefs!

  All discussions on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DiscussionConnection!

  How this design was changed in the current version
  event: DesignVersionEvent!

  The filename of the design
  filename: String!

  The full path to the design file
  fullPath: String!

  The ID of this design
  id: ID!

  The URL of the full-sized image
  image: String!

  The URL of the design resized to fit within the bounds of 432x230. This will be `null` if the image has not been generated
  imageV432x230: String

  The issue the design belongs to
  issue: Issue!

  All notes on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): NoteConnection!

  The total count of user-created notes for this design
  notesCount: Int!

  The project the design belongs to
  project: Project!

  All versions related to this design ordered newest first
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    The Global ID of the most recent acceptable version
    earlierOrEqualToId: ID

    The SHA256 of the most recent acceptable version
    earlierOrEqualToSha: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DesignVersionConnection!

A design pinned to a specific version. The image field reflects the design as of the associated version.
type DesignAtVersion implements DesignFields {
  The underlying design.
  design: Design!

  The diff refs for this design
  diffRefs: DiffRefs!

  How this design was changed in the current version
  event: DesignVersionEvent!

  The filename of the design
  filename: String!

  The full path to the design file
  fullPath: String!

  The ID of this design
  id: ID!

  The URL of the full-sized image
  image: String!

  The URL of the design resized to fit within the bounds of 432x230. This will be `null` if the image has not been generated
  imageV432x230: String

  The issue the design belongs to
  issue: Issue!

  The total count of user-created notes for this design
  notesCount: Int!

  The project the design belongs to
  project: Project!

  The version this design-at-versions is pinned to
  version: DesignVersion!

The connection type for DesignAtVersion.
type DesignAtVersionConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [DesignAtVersionEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [DesignAtVersion]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type DesignAtVersionEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: DesignAtVersion

A collection of designs.
type DesignCollection {
  Find a specific design
    Find a design by its filename
    filename: String

    Find a design by its ID
    id: ID
  ): Design

  Find a design as of a version
    The Global ID of the design at this version
    id: ID!
  ): DesignAtVersion

  All designs for the design collection
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Filters designs to only those that existed at the version. If argument is
    omitted or nil then all designs will reflect the latest version
    atVersion: ID

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Filters designs by their filename
    filenames: [String!]

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Filters designs by their ID
    ids: [ID!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DesignConnection!

  Issue associated with the design collection
  issue: Issue!

  Project associated with the design collection
  project: Project!

  A specific version
    The Global ID of the version
    id: ID

    The SHA256 of a specific version
    sha: String
  ): DesignVersion

  All versions related to all designs, ordered newest first
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    The Global ID of the most recent acceptable version
    earlierOrEqualToId: ID

    The SHA256 of the most recent acceptable version
    earlierOrEqualToSha: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DesignVersionConnection!

The connection type for Design.
type DesignConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [DesignEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Design]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type DesignEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Design

interface DesignFields {
  The diff refs for this design
  diffRefs: DiffRefs!

  How this design was changed in the current version
  event: DesignVersionEvent!

  The filename of the design
  filename: String!

  The full path to the design file
  fullPath: String!

  The ID of this design
  id: ID!

  The URL of the full-sized image
  image: String!

  The URL of the design resized to fit within the bounds of 432x230. This will be `null` if the image has not been generated
  imageV432x230: String

  The issue the design belongs to
  issue: Issue!

  The total count of user-created notes for this design
  notesCount: Int!

  The project the design belongs to
  project: Project!

type DesignManagement {
  Find a design as of a version
    The Global ID of the design at this version
    id: ID!
  ): DesignAtVersion

  Find a version
    The Global ID of the version
    id: ID!
  ): DesignVersion

Autogenerated input type of DesignManagementDelete
input DesignManagementDeleteInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The filenames of the designs to delete
  filenames: [String!]!

  The iid of the issue to modify designs for
  iid: ID!

  The project where the issue is to upload designs for
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of DesignManagementDelete
type DesignManagementDeletePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The new version in which the designs are deleted
  version: DesignVersion

Autogenerated input type of DesignManagementUpload
input DesignManagementUploadInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The files to upload
  files: [Upload!]!

  The iid of the issue to modify designs for
  iid: ID!

  The project where the issue is to upload designs for
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of DesignManagementUpload
type DesignManagementUploadPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The designs that were uploaded by the mutation
  designs: [Design!]!

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  Any designs that were skipped from the upload due to there being no change to their content since their last version
  skippedDesigns: [Design!]!

A specific version in which designs were added, modified or deleted
type DesignVersion {
  A particular design as of this version, provided it is visible at this version
    The ID of a specific design
    designId: ID

    The filename of a specific design
    filename: String

    The ID of the DesignAtVersion
    id: ID
  ): DesignAtVersion!

  All designs that were changed in the version
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DesignConnection!

  All designs that are visible at this version, as of this version
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Filters designs by their filename
    filenames: [String!]

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Filters designs by their ID
    ids: [ID!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DesignAtVersionConnection!

  ID of the design version
  id: ID!

  SHA of the design version
  sha: ID!

The connection type for DesignVersion.
type DesignVersionConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [DesignVersionEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [DesignVersion]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type DesignVersionEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: DesignVersion

Mutation event of a design within a version
enum DesignVersionEvent {
  A creation event

  A deletion event

  A modification event

  No change

Autogenerated input type of DestroyNote
input DestroyNoteInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global id of the note to destroy
  id: ID!

Autogenerated return type of DestroyNote
type DestroyNotePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The note after mutation
  note: Note

Autogenerated input type of DestroySnippet
input DestroySnippetInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global id of the snippet to destroy
  id: ID!

Autogenerated return type of DestroySnippet
type DestroySnippetPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The snippet after mutation
  snippet: Snippet

type DetailedStatus {
  Path of the details for the pipeline status
  detailsPath: String!

  Favicon of the pipeline status
  favicon: String!

  Group of the pipeline status
  group: String!

  Indicates if the pipeline status has further details
  hasDetails: Boolean!

  Icon of the pipeline status
  icon: String!

  Label of the pipeline status
  label: String!

  Text of the pipeline status
  text: String!

  Tooltip associated with the pipeline status
  tooltip: String!

input DiffImagePositionInput {
  Merge base of the branch the comment was made on
  baseSha: String

  SHA of the HEAD at the time the comment was made
  headSha: String!

  Total height of the image
  height: Int!

  The paths of the file that was changed. Both of the properties of this input
  are optional, but at least one of them is required
  paths: DiffPathsInput!

  SHA of the branch being compared against
  startSha: String!

  Total width of the image
  width: Int!

  X position of the note
  x: Int!

  Y position of the note
  y: Int!

input DiffPathsInput {
  The path of the file on the head sha
  newPath: String

  The path of the file on the start sha
  oldPath: String

type DiffPosition {
  Information about the branch, HEAD, and base at the time of commenting
  diffRefs: DiffRefs!

  Path of the file that was changed
  filePath: String!

  Total height of the image
  height: Int

  Line on HEAD SHA that was changed
  newLine: Int

  Path of the file on the HEAD SHA
  newPath: String

  Line on start SHA that was changed
  oldLine: Int

  Path of the file on the start SHA
  oldPath: String

  Type of file the position refers to
  positionType: DiffPositionType!

  Total width of the image
  width: Int

  X position of the note
  x: Int

  Y position of the note
  y: Int

input DiffPositionInput {
  Merge base of the branch the comment was made on
  baseSha: String

  SHA of the HEAD at the time the comment was made
  headSha: String!

  Line on HEAD SHA that was changed
  newLine: Int!

  Line on start SHA that was changed
  oldLine: Int

  The paths of the file that was changed. Both of the properties of this input
  are optional, but at least one of them is required
  paths: DiffPathsInput!

  SHA of the branch being compared against
  startSha: String!

Type of file the position refers to
enum DiffPositionType {

type DiffRefs {
  Merge base of the branch the comment was made on
  baseSha: String

  SHA of the HEAD at the time the comment was made
  headSha: String!

  SHA of the branch being compared against
  startSha: String!

Changes to a single file
type DiffStats {
  Number of lines added to this file
  additions: Int!

  Number of lines deleted from this file
  deletions: Int!

  File path, relative to repository root
  path: String!

Aggregated summary of changes
type DiffStatsSummary {
  Number of lines added
  additions: Int!

  Number of lines changed
  changes: Int!

  Number of lines deleted
  deletions: Int!

  Number of files changed
  fileCount: Int!

type Discussion implements ResolvableInterface {
  Timestamp of the discussion's creation
  createdAt: Time!

  ID of this discussion
  id: ID!

  All notes in the discussion
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): NoteConnection!

  ID used to reply to this discussion
  replyId: ID!

  Indicates if the object can be resolved
  resolvable: Boolean!

  Indicates if the object is resolved
  resolved: Boolean!

  Timestamp of when the object was resolved
  resolvedAt: Time

  User who resolved the object
  resolvedBy: User

The connection type for Discussion.
type DiscussionConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [DiscussionEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Discussion]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type DiscussionEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Discussion

Autogenerated input type of DiscussionToggleResolve
input DiscussionToggleResolveInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global id of the discussion
  id: ID!

  Will resolve the discussion when true, and unresolve the discussion when false
  resolve: Boolean!

Autogenerated return type of DiscussionToggleResolve
type DiscussionToggleResolvePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The discussion after mutation
  discussion: Discussion

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

Autogenerated input type of DismissVulnerability
input DismissVulnerabilityInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Reason why vulnerability should be dismissed
  comment: String

  ID of the vulnerability to be dismissed
  id: ID!

Autogenerated return type of DismissVulnerability
type DismissVulnerabilityPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The vulnerability after dismissal
  vulnerability: Vulnerability

interface Entry {
  Flat path of the entry
  flatPath: String!

  ID of the entry
  id: ID!

  Name of the entry
  name: String!

  Path of the entry
  path: String!

  Last commit sha for the entry
  sha: String!

  Type of tree entry
  type: EntryType!

Type of a tree entry
enum EntryType {

Describes where code is deployed for a project
type Environment {
  ID of the environment
  id: ID!

  Metrics dashboard schema for the environment
    Path to a file which defines metrics dashboard eg: 'config/prometheus/common_metrics.yml'
    path: String!
  ): MetricsDashboard

  Human-readable name of the environment
  name: String!

  State of the environment, for example: available/stopped
  state: String!

The connection type for Environment.
type EnvironmentConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [EnvironmentEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Environment]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type EnvironmentEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Environment

Represents an epic.
type Epic implements Noteable {
  Author of the epic
  author: User!

  Children (sub-epics) of the epic
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Filter epics by author
    authorUsername: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    List items within a time frame where items.end_date is between startDate and
    endDate parameters (startDate parameter must be present)
    endDate: Time

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    IID of the epic, e.g., "1"
    iid: ID

    Filter epics by iid for autocomplete
    iidStartsWith: String

    List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2]
    iids: [ID!]

    Filter epics by labels
    labelName: [String!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Search query for epic title or description
    search: String

    List epics by sort order
    sort: EpicSort

    List items within a time frame where items.start_date is between startDate
    and endDate parameters (endDate parameter must be present)
    startDate: Time

    Filter epics by state
    state: EpicState
  ): EpicConnection

  Timestamp of the epic's closure
  closedAt: Time

  Indicates if the epic is confidential
  confidential: Boolean

  Timestamp of the epic's creation
  createdAt: Time

  Number of open and closed descendant epics and issues
  descendantCounts: EpicDescendantCount

  Total weight of open and closed issues in the epic and its descendants
  descendantWeightSum: EpicDescendantWeights

  Description of the epic
  description: String

  All discussions on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DiscussionConnection!

  Number of downvotes the epic has received
  downvotes: Int!

  Due date of the epic
  dueDate: Time

  Fixed due date of the epic
  dueDateFixed: Time

  Inherited due date of the epic from milestones
  dueDateFromMilestones: Time

  Indicates if the due date has been manually set
  dueDateIsFixed: Boolean

  Group to which the epic belongs
  group: Group!

  Indicates if the epic has children
  hasChildren: Boolean!

  Indicates if the epic has direct issues
  hasIssues: Boolean!

  Indicates if the epic has a parent epic
  hasParent: Boolean!

  Current health status of the epic
  healthStatus: EpicHealthStatus

  ID of the epic
  id: ID!

  Internal ID of the epic
  iid: ID!

  A list of issues associated with the epic
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): EpicIssueConnection

  Labels assigned to the epic
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): LabelConnection

  All notes on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): NoteConnection!

  Parent epic of the epic
  parent: Epic

  List of participants for the epic
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): UserConnection

  Internal reference of the epic. Returned in shortened format by default
    Indicates if the reference should be returned in full
    full: Boolean = false
  ): String!

  URI path of the epic-issue relationship
  relationPath: String

  The relative position of the epic in the epic tree
  relativePosition: Int

  Start date of the epic
  startDate: Time

  Fixed start date of the epic
  startDateFixed: Time

  Inherited start date of the epic from milestones
  startDateFromMilestones: Time

  Indicates if the start date has been manually set
  startDateIsFixed: Boolean

  State of the epic
  state: EpicState!

  Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the epic
  subscribed: Boolean!

  Title of the epic
  title: String

  Timestamp of the epic's last activity
  updatedAt: Time

  Number of upvotes the epic has received
  upvotes: Int!

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: EpicPermissions!

  Web path of the epic
  webPath: String!

  Web URL of the epic
  webUrl: String!

Autogenerated input type of EpicAddIssue
input EpicAddIssueInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The group the epic to mutate belongs to
  groupPath: ID!

  The iid of the epic to mutate
  iid: ID!

  The iid of the issue to be added
  issueIid: String!

  The full path of the project the issue belongs to
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of EpicAddIssue
type EpicAddIssuePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The epic after mutation
  epic: Epic

  The epic-issue relation
  epicIssue: EpicIssue

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

The connection type for Epic.
type EpicConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [EpicEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Epic]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

Counts of descendent epics.
type EpicDescendantCount {
  Number of closed sub-epics
  closedEpics: Int

  Number of closed epic issues
  closedIssues: Int

  Number of opened sub-epics
  openedEpics: Int

  Number of opened epic issues
  openedIssues: Int

Total weight of open and closed descendant issues
type EpicDescendantWeights {
  Total weight of completed (closed) issues in this epic, including epic descendants
  closedIssues: Int

  Total weight of opened issues in this epic, including epic descendants
  openedIssues: Int

An edge in a connection.
type EpicEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Epic

Health status of child issues
type EpicHealthStatus {
  Number of issues at risk
  issuesAtRisk: Int

  Number of issues that need attention
  issuesNeedingAttention: Int

  Number of issues on track
  issuesOnTrack: Int

Relationship between an epic and an issue
type EpicIssue implements Noteable {
  Assignees of the issue
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): UserConnection

  User that created the issue
  author: User!

  Indicates the issue is blocked
  blocked: Boolean!

  Timestamp of when the issue was closed
  closedAt: Time

  Indicates the issue is confidential
  confidential: Boolean!

  Timestamp of when the issue was created
  createdAt: Time!

  Description of the issue
  description: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`
  descriptionHtml: String

  Collection of design images associated with this issue
  designCollection: DesignCollection

  The designs associated with this issue. Deprecated in 12.2: Use `designCollection`
  designs: DesignCollection @deprecated(reason: "Use `designCollection`. Deprecated in 12.2")

  Indicates discussion is locked on the issue
  discussionLocked: Boolean!

  All discussions on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DiscussionConnection!

  Number of downvotes the issue has received
  downvotes: Int!

  Due date of the issue
  dueDate: Time

  Epic to which this issue belongs
  epic: Epic

  ID of the epic-issue relation
  epicIssueId: ID!

  Current health status. Returns null if `save_issuable_health_status` feature flag is disabled.
  healthStatus: HealthStatus

  Global ID of the epic-issue relation
  id: ID

  Internal ID of the issue
  iid: ID!

  Iteration of the issue
  iteration: Iteration

  Labels of the issue
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): LabelConnection

  Milestone of the issue
  milestone: Milestone

  All notes on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): NoteConnection!

  List of participants in the issue
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): UserConnection

  Internal reference of the issue. Returned in shortened format by default
    Boolean option specifying whether the reference should be returned in full
    full: Boolean = false
  ): String!

  URI path of the epic-issue relation
  relationPath: String

  Relative position of the issue (used for positioning in epic tree and issue boards)
  relativePosition: Int

  State of the issue
  state: IssueState!

  Indicates whether an issue is published to the status page
  statusPagePublishedIncident: Boolean

  Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue
  subscribed: Boolean!

  Task completion status of the issue
  taskCompletionStatus: TaskCompletionStatus!

  Time estimate of the issue
  timeEstimate: Int!

  Title of the issue
  title: String!

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `title`
  titleHtml: String

  Total time reported as spent on the issue
  totalTimeSpent: Int!

  Timestamp of when the issue was last updated
  updatedAt: Time!

  Number of upvotes the issue has received
  upvotes: Int!

  Number of user notes of the issue
  userNotesCount: Int!

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: IssuePermissions!

  Web path of the issue
  webPath: String!

  Web URL of the issue
  webUrl: String!

  Weight of the issue
  weight: Int

The connection type for EpicIssue.
type EpicIssueConnection {
  Total count of collection
  count: Int!

  A list of edges.
  edges: [EpicIssueEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [EpicIssue]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type EpicIssueEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: EpicIssue

Check permissions for the current user on an epic
type EpicPermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `admin_epic` on this resource
  adminEpic: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource
  awardEmoji: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_epic` on this resource
  createEpic: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource
  createNote: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `destroy_epic` on this resource
  destroyEpic: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_epic` on this resource
  readEpic: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_epic_iid` on this resource
  readEpicIid: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `update_epic` on this resource
  updateEpic: Boolean!

Autogenerated input type of EpicSetSubscription
input EpicSetSubscriptionInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The group the epic to mutate belongs to
  groupPath: ID!

  The iid of the epic to mutate
  iid: ID!

  The desired state of the subscription
  subscribedState: Boolean!

Autogenerated return type of EpicSetSubscription
type EpicSetSubscriptionPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The epic after mutation
  epic: Epic

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

Roadmap sort values
enum EpicSort {
  End date at ascending order

  End date at descending order

  Start date at ascending order

  Start date at descending order

State of an epic.
enum EpicState {

State event of an epic
enum EpicStateEvent {
  Close the epic

  Reopen the epic

A node of an epic tree.
input EpicTreeNodeFieldsInputType {
  The id of the epic_issue or issue that the actual epic or issue is switched with
  adjacentReferenceId: ID

  The id of the epic_issue or epic that is being moved
  id: ID!

  ID of the new parent epic
  newParentId: ID

  The type of the switch, after or before allowed
  relativePosition: MoveType

Autogenerated input type of EpicTreeReorder
input EpicTreeReorderInput {
  The id of the base epic of the tree
  baseEpicId: ID!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Parameters for updating the tree positions
  moved: EpicTreeNodeFieldsInputType!

Autogenerated return type of EpicTreeReorder
type EpicTreeReorderPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

type GeoNode {
  The maximum concurrency of container repository sync for this secondary node
  containerRepositoriesMaxCapacity: Int

  Indicates whether this Geo node is enabled
  enabled: Boolean

  The maximum concurrency of LFS/attachment backfill for this secondary node
  filesMaxCapacity: Int

  ID of this GeoNode
  id: ID!

  The URL defined on the primary node that secondary nodes should use to contact it
  internalUrl: String

  The interval (in days) in which the repository verification is valid. Once expired, it will be reverified
  minimumReverificationInterval: Int

  The unique identifier for this Geo node
  name: String

  Package file registries of the GeoNode. Available only when feature flag `geo_self_service_framework` is enabled
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Filters registries by their ID
    ids: [ID!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): PackageFileRegistryConnection

  Indicates whether this Geo node is the primary
  primary: Boolean

  The maximum concurrency of repository backfill for this secondary node
  reposMaxCapacity: Int

  The namespaces that should be synced, if `selective_sync_type` == `namespaces`
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): NamespaceConnection

  The repository storages whose projects should be synced, if `selective_sync_type` == `shards`
  selectiveSyncShards: [String!]

  Indicates if syncing is limited to only specific groups, or shards
  selectiveSyncType: String

  Indicates if this secondary node will replicate blobs in Object Storage
  syncObjectStorage: Boolean

  The user-facing URL for this Geo node
  url: String

  The maximum concurrency of repository verification for this secondary node
  verificationMaxCapacity: Int

type GrafanaIntegration {
  Timestamp of the issue's creation
  createdAt: Time!

  Indicates whether Grafana integration is enabled
  enabled: Boolean!

  URL for the Grafana host for the Grafana integration
  grafanaUrl: String!

  Internal ID of the Grafana integration
  id: ID!

  API token for the Grafana integration. Deprecated in 12.7: Plain text token has been masked for security reasons
  token: String! @deprecated(reason: "Plain text token has been masked for security reasons. Deprecated in 12.7")

  Timestamp of the issue's last activity
  updatedAt: Time!

type Group {
  Indicates whether Auto DevOps is enabled for all projects within this group
  autoDevopsEnabled: Boolean

  Avatar URL of the group
  avatarUrl: String

  A single board of the group
    Find a board by its ID
    id: ID
  ): Board

  Boards of the group
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Find a board by its ID
    id: ID

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): BoardConnection

  Description of the namespace
  description: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`
  descriptionHtml: String

  Indicates if a group has email notifications disabled
  emailsDisabled: Boolean

  Find a single epic
    Filter epics by author
    authorUsername: String

    List items within a time frame where items.end_date is between startDate and
    endDate parameters (startDate parameter must be present)
    endDate: Time

    IID of the epic, e.g., "1"
    iid: ID

    Filter epics by iid for autocomplete
    iidStartsWith: String

    List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2]
    iids: [ID!]

    Filter epics by labels
    labelName: [String!]

    Search query for epic title or description
    search: String

    List epics by sort order
    sort: EpicSort

    List items within a time frame where items.start_date is between startDate
    and endDate parameters (endDate parameter must be present)
    startDate: Time

    Filter epics by state
    state: EpicState
  ): Epic

  Find epics
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Filter epics by author
    authorUsername: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    List items within a time frame where items.end_date is between startDate and
    endDate parameters (startDate parameter must be present)
    endDate: Time

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    IID of the epic, e.g., "1"
    iid: ID

    Filter epics by iid for autocomplete
    iidStartsWith: String

    List of IIDs of epics, e.g., [1, 2]
    iids: [ID!]

    Filter epics by labels
    labelName: [String!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Search query for epic title or description
    search: String

    List epics by sort order
    sort: EpicSort

    List items within a time frame where items.start_date is between startDate
    and endDate parameters (endDate parameter must be present)
    startDate: Time

    Filter epics by state
    state: EpicState
  ): EpicConnection

  Indicates if Epics are enabled for namespace
  epicsEnabled: Boolean

  Full name of the namespace
  fullName: String!

  Full path of the namespace
  fullPath: ID!

  Indicates if Group timelogs are enabled for namespace
  groupTimelogsEnabled: Boolean

  ID of the namespace
  id: ID!

  Status of the temporary storage increase
  isTemporaryStorageIncreaseEnabled: Boolean!

  Issues of the group
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    ID of a user assigned to the issues, "none" and "any" values supported
    assigneeId: String

    Username of a user assigned to the issues
    assigneeUsername: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Issues closed after this date
    closedAfter: Time

    Issues closed before this date
    closedBefore: Time

    Issues created after this date
    createdAfter: Time

    Issues created before this date
    createdBefore: Time

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    IID of the issue. For example, "1"
    iid: String

    List of IIDs of issues. For example, [1, 2]
    iids: [String!]

    Iterations applied to the issue
    iterationId: [ID]

    Labels applied to this issue
    labelName: [String]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Milestones applied to this issue
    milestoneTitle: [String]

    Search query for issue title or description
    search: String

    Sort issues by this criteria
    sort: IssueSort = created_desc

    Current state of this issue
    state: IssuableState

    Issues updated after this date
    updatedAfter: Time

    Issues updated before this date
    updatedBefore: Time
  ): IssueConnection

  Find iterations
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    List items within a time frame where items.end_date is between startDate and
    endDate parameters (startDate parameter must be present)
    endDate: Time

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    The ID of the Iteration to look up
    id: ID

    The internal ID of the Iteration to look up
    iid: ID

    Whether to include ancestor iterations. Defaults to true
    includeAncestors: Boolean

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    List items within a time frame where items.start_date is between startDate
    and endDate parameters (endDate parameter must be present)
    startDate: Time

    Filter iterations by state
    state: IterationState

    Fuzzy search by title
    title: String
  ): IterationConnection

  A label available on this group
    Title of the label
    title: String!
  ): Label

  Labels available on this group
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    A search term to find labels with
    searchTerm: String
  ): LabelConnection

  Indicates if Large File Storage (LFS) is enabled for namespace
  lfsEnabled: Boolean

  Indicates if a group is disabled from getting mentioned
  mentionsDisabled: Boolean

  Milestones of the group
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    List items within a time frame where items.end_date is between startDate and
    endDate parameters (startDate parameter must be present)
    endDate: Time

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Array of global milestone IDs, e.g., "gid://gitlab/Milestone/1"
    ids: [ID!]

    Also return milestones in all subgroups and subprojects
    includeDescendants: Boolean

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    List items within a time frame where items.start_date is between startDate
    and endDate parameters (endDate parameter must be present)
    startDate: Time

    Filter milestones by state
    state: MilestoneStateEnum
  ): MilestoneConnection

  Name of the namespace
  name: String!

  Parent group
  parent: Group

  Path of the namespace
  path: String!

  The permission level required to create projects in the group
  projectCreationLevel: String

  Projects within this namespace
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns only the projects which have vulnerabilities
    hasVulnerabilities: Boolean = false

    Include also subgroup projects
    includeSubgroups: Boolean = false

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ProjectConnection!

  Indicates if users can request access to namespace
  requestAccessEnabled: Boolean

  Indicates if all users in this group are required to set up two-factor authentication
  requireTwoFactorAuthentication: Boolean

  Aggregated storage statistics of the namespace. Only available for root namespaces
  rootStorageStatistics: RootStorageStatistics

  Indicates if sharing a project with another group within this group is prevented
  shareWithGroupLock: Boolean

  Total storage limit of the root namespace in bytes
  storageSizeLimit: Float

  The permission level required to create subgroups within the group
  subgroupCreationLevel: String

  Date until the temporary storage increase is active
  temporaryStorageIncreaseEndsOn: Time

  Time logged in issues by group members
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    List time logs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or before endDate
    endDate: Time

    List time-logs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or before endTime
    endTime: Time

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    List time logs within a date range where the logged date is equal to or after startDate
    startDate: Time

    List time-logs within a time range where the logged time is equal to or after startTime
    startTime: Time
  ): TimelogConnection!

  Time before two-factor authentication is enforced
  twoFactorGracePeriod: Int

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: GroupPermissions!

  Visibility of the namespace
  visibility: String

  Vulnerabilities reported on the projects in the group and its subgroups
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Filter vulnerabilities by project
    projectId: [ID!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by report type
    reportType: [VulnerabilityReportType!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by scanner
    scanner: [String!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by severity
    severity: [VulnerabilitySeverity!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by state
    state: [VulnerabilityState!]
  ): VulnerabilityConnection

  Number of vulnerabilities per severity level, per day, for the projects in the group and its subgroups
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Last day for which to fetch vulnerability history
    endDate: ISO8601Date!

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    First day for which to fetch vulnerability history
    startDate: ISO8601Date!
  ): VulnerabilitiesCountByDayAndSeverityConnection

  Represents vulnerable project counts for each grade
  vulnerabilityGrades: [VulnerableProjectsByGrade!]!

  Vulnerability scanners reported on the project vulnerabilties of the group and its subgroups
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): VulnerabilityScannerConnection

  Web URL of the group
  webUrl: String!

Represents a Group Member
type GroupMember implements MemberInterface {
  GitLab::Access level
  accessLevel: AccessLevel

  Date and time the membership was created
  createdAt: Time

  User that authorized membership
  createdBy: User

  Date and time the membership expires
  expiresAt: Time

  Group that a User is a member of
  group: Group

  Date and time the membership was last updated
  updatedAt: Time

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: GroupPermissions!

The connection type for GroupMember.
type GroupMemberConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [GroupMemberEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [GroupMember]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type GroupMemberEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: GroupMember

type GroupPermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `read_group` on this resource
  readGroup: Boolean!

Health status of an issue or epic
enum HealthStatus {

An ISO 8601-encoded date
scalar ISO8601Date

type InstanceSecurityDashboard {
  Projects selected in Instance Security Dashboard
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ProjectConnection!

  Represents vulnerable project counts for each grade
  vulnerabilityGrades: [VulnerableProjectsByGrade!]!

  Vulnerability scanners reported on the vulnerabilties from projects selected in Instance Security Dashboard
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): VulnerabilityScannerConnection

State of a GitLab issue or merge request
enum IssuableState {

type Issue implements Noteable {
  Assignees of the issue
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): UserConnection

  User that created the issue
  author: User!

  Indicates the issue is blocked
  blocked: Boolean!

  Timestamp of when the issue was closed
  closedAt: Time

  Indicates the issue is confidential
  confidential: Boolean!

  Timestamp of when the issue was created
  createdAt: Time!

  Description of the issue
  description: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`
  descriptionHtml: String

  Collection of design images associated with this issue
  designCollection: DesignCollection

  The designs associated with this issue. Deprecated in 12.2: Use `designCollection`
  designs: DesignCollection @deprecated(reason: "Use `designCollection`. Deprecated in 12.2")

  Indicates discussion is locked on the issue
  discussionLocked: Boolean!

  All discussions on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DiscussionConnection!

  Number of downvotes the issue has received
  downvotes: Int!

  Due date of the issue
  dueDate: Time

  Epic to which this issue belongs
  epic: Epic

  Current health status. Returns null if `save_issuable_health_status` feature flag is disabled.
  healthStatus: HealthStatus

  ID of the issue
  id: ID!

  Internal ID of the issue
  iid: ID!

  Iteration of the issue
  iteration: Iteration

  Labels of the issue
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): LabelConnection

  Milestone of the issue
  milestone: Milestone

  All notes on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): NoteConnection!

  List of participants in the issue
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): UserConnection

  Internal reference of the issue. Returned in shortened format by default
    Boolean option specifying whether the reference should be returned in full
    full: Boolean = false
  ): String!

  Relative position of the issue (used for positioning in epic tree and issue boards)
  relativePosition: Int

  State of the issue
  state: IssueState!

  Indicates whether an issue is published to the status page
  statusPagePublishedIncident: Boolean

  Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue
  subscribed: Boolean!

  Task completion status of the issue
  taskCompletionStatus: TaskCompletionStatus!

  Time estimate of the issue
  timeEstimate: Int!

  Title of the issue
  title: String!

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `title`
  titleHtml: String

  Total time reported as spent on the issue
  totalTimeSpent: Int!

  Timestamp of when the issue was last updated
  updatedAt: Time!

  Number of upvotes the issue has received
  upvotes: Int!

  Number of user notes of the issue
  userNotesCount: Int!

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: IssuePermissions!

  Web path of the issue
  webPath: String!

  Web URL of the issue
  webUrl: String!

  Weight of the issue
  weight: Int

The connection type for Issue.
type IssueConnection {
  Total count of collection
  count: Int!

  A list of edges.
  edges: [IssueEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Issue]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type IssueEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Issue

Check permissions for the current user on a issue
type IssuePermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `admin_issue` on this resource
  adminIssue: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_design` on this resource
  createDesign: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource
  createNote: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource
  destroyDesign: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_design` on this resource
  readDesign: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_issue` on this resource
  readIssue: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `reopen_issue` on this resource
  reopenIssue: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `update_issue` on this resource
  updateIssue: Boolean!

Autogenerated input type of IssueSetConfidential
input IssueSetConfidentialInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Whether or not to set the issue as a confidential.
  confidential: Boolean!

  The IID of the issue to mutate
  iid: String!

  The project the issue to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of IssueSetConfidential
type IssueSetConfidentialPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue after mutation
  issue: Issue

Autogenerated input type of IssueSetDueDate
input IssueSetDueDateInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The desired due date for the issue
  dueDate: Time!

  The IID of the issue to mutate
  iid: String!

  The project the issue to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of IssueSetDueDate
type IssueSetDueDatePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue after mutation
  issue: Issue

Autogenerated input type of IssueSetIteration
input IssueSetIterationInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The IID of the issue to mutate
  iid: String!

  The iteration to assign to the issue.
  iterationId: ID

  The project the issue to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of IssueSetIteration
type IssueSetIterationPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue after mutation
  issue: Issue

Autogenerated input type of IssueSetLocked
input IssueSetLockedInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The IID of the issue to mutate
  iid: String!

  Whether or not to lock discussion on the issue
  locked: Boolean!

  The project the issue to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of IssueSetLocked
type IssueSetLockedPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue after mutation
  issue: Issue

Autogenerated input type of IssueSetSubscription
input IssueSetSubscriptionInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The IID of the issue to mutate
  iid: String!

  The project the issue to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

  The desired state of the subscription
  subscribedState: Boolean!

Autogenerated return type of IssueSetSubscription
type IssueSetSubscriptionPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue after mutation
  issue: Issue

Autogenerated input type of IssueSetWeight
input IssueSetWeightInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The IID of the issue to mutate
  iid: String!

  The project the issue to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

  The desired weight for the issue
  weight: Int!

Autogenerated return type of IssueSetWeight
type IssueSetWeightPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue after mutation
  issue: Issue

Values for sorting issues
enum IssueSort {
  Due date by ascending order

  Due date by descending order

  Label priority by ascending order

  Label priority by descending order

  Milestone due date by ascending order

  Milestone due date by descending order

  Priority by ascending order

  Priority by descending order

  Relative position by ascending order

  Weight by ascending order

  Weight by descending order

  Created at ascending order

  Created at descending order

  Updated at ascending order

  Updated at descending order

State of a GitLab issue
enum IssueState {

Represents an iteration object.
type Iteration {
  Timestamp of iteration creation
  createdAt: Time!

  Description of the iteration
  description: String

  Timestamp of the iteration due date
  dueDate: Time

  ID of the iteration
  id: ID!

  Internal ID of the iteration
  iid: ID!

  Timestamp of the iteration start date
  startDate: Time

  State of the iteration
  state: IterationState!

  Title of the iteration
  title: String!

  Timestamp of last iteration update
  updatedAt: Time!

  Web path of the iteration
  webPath: String!

  Web URL of the iteration
  webUrl: String!

The connection type for Iteration.
type IterationConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [IterationEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Iteration]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type IterationEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Iteration

State of a GitLab iteration
enum IterationState {

Represents untyped JSON
scalar JSON

type JiraImport {
  Timestamp of when the Jira import was created
  createdAt: Time

  Count of issues that failed to import
  failedToImportCount: Int!

  Count of issues that were successfully imported
  importedIssuesCount: Int!

  Project key for the imported Jira project
  jiraProjectKey: String!

  Timestamp of when the Jira import was scheduled
  scheduledAt: Time

  User that started the Jira import
  scheduledBy: User

  Total count of issues that were attempted to import
  totalIssueCount: Int!

The connection type for JiraImport.
type JiraImportConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [JiraImportEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [JiraImport]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type JiraImportEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: JiraImport

Autogenerated input type of JiraImportStart
input JiraImportStartInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Project key of the importer Jira project
  jiraProjectKey: String!

  Project name of the importer Jira project
  jiraProjectName: String

  The project to import the Jira project into
  projectPath: ID!

  The mapping of Jira to GitLab users
  usersMapping: [JiraUsersMappingInputType!]

Autogenerated return type of JiraImportStart
type JiraImportStartPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The Jira import data after mutation
  jiraImport: JiraImport

Autogenerated input type of JiraImportUsers
input JiraImportUsersInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The project to import the Jira users into
  projectPath: ID!

  The index of the record the import should started at, default 0 (50 records returned)
  startAt: Int

Autogenerated return type of JiraImportUsers
type JiraImportUsersPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  Users returned from Jira, matched by email and name if possible.
  jiraUsers: [JiraUser!]

type JiraProject {
  Key of the Jira project
  key: String!

  Name of the Jira project
  name: String

  ID of the Jira project
  projectId: Int!

The connection type for JiraProject.
type JiraProjectConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [JiraProjectEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [JiraProject]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type JiraProjectEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: JiraProject

type JiraService implements Service {
  Indicates if the service is active
  active: Boolean

  List of all Jira projects fetched through Jira REST API
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Project name or key
    name: String
  ): JiraProjectConnection

  Class name of the service
  type: String

type JiraUser {
  ID of the matched GitLab user
  gitlabId: Int

  Name of the matched GitLab user
  gitlabName: String

  Username of the matched GitLab user
  gitlabUsername: String

  Account id of the Jira user
  jiraAccountId: String!

  Display name of the Jira user
  jiraDisplayName: String!

  Email of the Jira user, returned only for users with public emails
  jiraEmail: String

input JiraUsersMappingInputType {
  Id of the GitLab user
  gitlabId: Int

  Jira account id of the user
  jiraAccountId: String!

type Label {
  Background color of the label
  color: String!

  Description of the label (Markdown rendered as HTML for caching)
  description: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`
  descriptionHtml: String

  Label ID
  id: ID!

  Text color of the label
  textColor: String!

  Content of the label
  title: String!

The connection type for Label.
type LabelConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [LabelEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Label]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type LabelEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Label

List limit metric setting
enum ListLimitMetric {

Autogenerated input type of MarkAsSpamSnippet
input MarkAsSpamSnippetInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global id of the snippet to update
  id: ID!

Autogenerated return type of MarkAsSpamSnippet
type MarkAsSpamSnippetPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The snippet after mutation
  snippet: Snippet

interface MemberInterface {
  GitLab::Access level
  accessLevel: AccessLevel

  Date and time the membership was created
  createdAt: Time

  User that authorized membership
  createdBy: User

  Date and time the membership expires
  expiresAt: Time

  Date and time the membership was last updated
  updatedAt: Time

type MergeRequest implements Noteable {
  Indicates if members of the target project can push to the fork
  allowCollaboration: Boolean

  Assignees of the merge request
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): UserConnection

  User who created this merge request
  author: User

  Timestamp of when the merge request was created
  createdAt: Time!

  Default merge commit message of the merge request
  defaultMergeCommitMessage: String

  Description of the merge request (Markdown rendered as HTML for caching)
  description: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`
  descriptionHtml: String

  Diff head SHA of the merge request
  diffHeadSha: String

  References of the base SHA, the head SHA, and the start SHA for this merge request
  diffRefs: DiffRefs

  Details about which files were changed in this merge request
    A specific file-path
    path: String
  ): [DiffStats!]

  Summary of which files were changed in this merge request
  diffStatsSummary: DiffStatsSummary

  Indicates if comments on the merge request are locked to members only
  discussionLocked: Boolean!

  All discussions on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DiscussionConnection!

  Number of downvotes for the merge request
  downvotes: Int!

  Indicates if the project settings will lead to source branch deletion after merge
  forceRemoveSourceBranch: Boolean

  The pipeline running on the branch HEAD of the merge request
  headPipeline: Pipeline

  ID of the merge request
  id: ID!

  Internal ID of the merge request
  iid: String!

  Commit SHA of the merge request if merge is in progress
  inProgressMergeCommitSha: String

  Labels of the merge request
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): LabelConnection

  Default merge commit message of the merge request. Deprecated in 11.8: Use `defaultMergeCommitMessage`
  mergeCommitMessage: String @deprecated(reason: "Use `defaultMergeCommitMessage`. Deprecated in 11.8")

  SHA of the merge request commit (set once merged)
  mergeCommitSha: String

  Error message due to a merge error
  mergeError: String

  Indicates if a merge is currently occurring
  mergeOngoing: Boolean!

  Status of the merge request
  mergeStatus: String

  Indicates if the merge has been set to be merged when its pipeline succeeds (MWPS)
  mergeWhenPipelineSucceeds: Boolean

  Indicates if all discussions in the merge request have been resolved, allowing the merge request to be merged
  mergeableDiscussionsState: Boolean

  Timestamp of when the merge request was merged, null if not merged
  mergedAt: Time

  The milestone of the merge request
  milestone: Milestone

  All notes on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): NoteConnection!

  Participants in the merge request
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): UserConnection

  Pipelines for the merge request
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Filter pipelines by the ref they are run for
    ref: String

    Filter pipelines by the sha of the commit they are run for
    sha: String

    Filter pipelines by their status
    status: PipelineStatusEnum
  ): PipelineConnection!

  Alias for target_project
  project: Project!

  ID of the merge request project
  projectId: Int!

  Rebase commit SHA of the merge request
  rebaseCommitSha: String

  Indicates if there is a rebase currently in progress for the merge request
  rebaseInProgress: Boolean!

  Internal reference of the merge request. Returned in shortened format by default
    Boolean option specifying whether the reference should be returned in full
    full: Boolean = false
  ): String!

  Indicates if the merge request will be rebased
  shouldBeRebased: Boolean!

  Indicates if the source branch of the merge request will be deleted after merge
  shouldRemoveSourceBranch: Boolean

  Source branch of the merge request
  sourceBranch: String!

  Indicates if the source branch of the merge request exists
  sourceBranchExists: Boolean!

  Source project of the merge request
  sourceProject: Project

  ID of the merge request source project
  sourceProjectId: Int

  State of the merge request
  state: MergeRequestState!

  Indicates if the currently logged in user is subscribed to this merge request
  subscribed: Boolean!

  Target branch of the merge request
  targetBranch: String!

  Indicates if the target branch of the merge request exists
  targetBranchExists: Boolean!

  Target project of the merge request
  targetProject: Project!

  ID of the merge request target project
  targetProjectId: Int!

  Completion status of tasks
  taskCompletionStatus: TaskCompletionStatus!

  Time estimate of the merge request
  timeEstimate: Int!

  Title of the merge request
  title: String!

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `title`
  titleHtml: String

  Total time reported as spent on the merge request
  totalTimeSpent: Int!

  Timestamp of when the merge request was last updated
  updatedAt: Time!

  Number of upvotes for the merge request
  upvotes: Int!

  User notes count of the merge request
  userNotesCount: Int

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: MergeRequestPermissions!

  Web URL of the merge request
  webUrl: String

  Indicates if the merge request is a work in progress (WIP)
  workInProgress: Boolean!

The connection type for MergeRequest.
type MergeRequestConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [MergeRequestEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [MergeRequest]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

Autogenerated input type of MergeRequestCreate
input MergeRequestCreateInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Description of the merge request (Markdown rendered as HTML for caching)
  description: String

  Labels of the merge request
  labels: [String!]

  Project full path the merge request is associated with
  projectPath: ID!

  Source branch of the merge request
  sourceBranch: String!

  Target branch of the merge request
  targetBranch: String!

  Title of the merge request
  title: String!

Autogenerated return type of MergeRequestCreate
type MergeRequestCreatePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The merge request after mutation
  mergeRequest: MergeRequest

An edge in a connection.
type MergeRequestEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: MergeRequest

Check permissions for the current user on a merge request
type MergeRequestPermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `admin_merge_request` on this resource
  adminMergeRequest: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `cherry_pick_on_current_merge_request` on this resource
  cherryPickOnCurrentMergeRequest: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource
  createNote: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `push_to_source_branch` on this resource
  pushToSourceBranch: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_merge_request` on this resource
  readMergeRequest: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `remove_source_branch` on this resource
  removeSourceBranch: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `revert_on_current_merge_request` on this resource
  revertOnCurrentMergeRequest: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `update_merge_request` on this resource
  updateMergeRequest: Boolean!

Autogenerated input type of MergeRequestSetAssignees
input MergeRequestSetAssigneesInput {
  The usernames to assign to the merge request. Replaces existing assignees by default.
  assigneeUsernames: [String!]!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the merge request to mutate
  iid: String!

  The operation to perform. Defaults to REPLACE.
  operationMode: MutationOperationMode

  The project the merge request to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of MergeRequestSetAssignees
type MergeRequestSetAssigneesPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The merge request after mutation
  mergeRequest: MergeRequest

Autogenerated input type of MergeRequestSetLabels
input MergeRequestSetLabelsInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the merge request to mutate
  iid: String!

  The Label IDs to set. Replaces existing labels by default.
  labelIds: [ID!]!

  Changes the operation mode. Defaults to REPLACE.
  operationMode: MutationOperationMode

  The project the merge request to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of MergeRequestSetLabels
type MergeRequestSetLabelsPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The merge request after mutation
  mergeRequest: MergeRequest

Autogenerated input type of MergeRequestSetLocked
input MergeRequestSetLockedInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the merge request to mutate
  iid: String!

  Whether or not to lock the merge request.
  locked: Boolean!

  The project the merge request to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of MergeRequestSetLocked
type MergeRequestSetLockedPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The merge request after mutation
  mergeRequest: MergeRequest

Autogenerated input type of MergeRequestSetMilestone
input MergeRequestSetMilestoneInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the merge request to mutate
  iid: String!

  The milestone to assign to the merge request.
  milestoneId: ID

  The project the merge request to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of MergeRequestSetMilestone
type MergeRequestSetMilestonePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The merge request after mutation
  mergeRequest: MergeRequest

Autogenerated input type of MergeRequestSetSubscription
input MergeRequestSetSubscriptionInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the merge request to mutate
  iid: String!

  The project the merge request to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

  The desired state of the subscription
  subscribedState: Boolean!

Autogenerated return type of MergeRequestSetSubscription
type MergeRequestSetSubscriptionPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The merge request after mutation
  mergeRequest: MergeRequest

Autogenerated input type of MergeRequestSetWip
input MergeRequestSetWipInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the merge request to mutate
  iid: String!

  The project the merge request to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

  Whether or not to set the merge request as a WIP.
  wip: Boolean!

Autogenerated return type of MergeRequestSetWip
type MergeRequestSetWipPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The merge request after mutation
  mergeRequest: MergeRequest

State of a GitLab merge request
enum MergeRequestState {

Autogenerated input type of MergeRequestUpdate
input MergeRequestUpdateInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Description of the merge request (Markdown rendered as HTML for caching)
  description: String

  The iid of the merge request to mutate
  iid: String!

  The project the merge request to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

  Target branch of the merge request
  targetBranch: String

  Title of the merge request
  title: String

Autogenerated return type of MergeRequestUpdate
type MergeRequestUpdatePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The merge request after mutation
  mergeRequest: MergeRequest

type Metadata {
  revision: String!

  version: String!

type MetricsDashboard {
  Annotations added to the dashboard
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Timestamp marking date and time from which annotations need to be fetched
    from: Time!

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Timestamp marking date and time to which annotations need to be fetched
    to: Time
  ): MetricsDashboardAnnotationConnection

  Path to a file with the dashboard definition
  path: String

  Dashboard schema validation warnings
  schemaValidationWarnings: [String!]

type MetricsDashboardAnnotation {
  Description of the annotation
  description: String

  Timestamp marking end of annotated time span
  endingAt: Time

  ID of the annotation
  id: ID!

  ID of a dashboard panel to which the annotation should be scoped
  panelId: String

  Timestamp marking start of annotated time span
  startingAt: Time

The connection type for MetricsDashboardAnnotation.
type MetricsDashboardAnnotationConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [MetricsDashboardAnnotationEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [MetricsDashboardAnnotation]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type MetricsDashboardAnnotationEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: MetricsDashboardAnnotation

Represents a milestone.
type Milestone {
  Timestamp of milestone creation
  createdAt: Time!

  Description of the milestone
  description: String

  Timestamp of the milestone due date
  dueDate: Time

  Indicates if milestone is at group level
  groupMilestone: Boolean!

  ID of the milestone
  id: ID!

  Indicates if milestone is at project level
  projectMilestone: Boolean!

  Timestamp of the milestone start date
  startDate: Time

  State of the milestone
  state: MilestoneStateEnum!

  Milestone statistics
  stats: MilestoneStats

  Indicates if milestone is at subgroup level
  subgroupMilestone: Boolean!

  Title of the milestone
  title: String!

  Timestamp of last milestone update
  updatedAt: Time!

  Web path of the milestone
  webPath: String!

The connection type for Milestone.
type MilestoneConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [MilestoneEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Milestone]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type MilestoneEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Milestone

enum MilestoneStateEnum {

Contains statistics about a milestone
type MilestoneStats {
  Number of closed issues associated with the milestone
  closedIssuesCount: Int

  Total number of issues associated with the milestone
  totalIssuesCount: Int

The position to which the adjacent object should be moved
enum MoveType {
  The adjacent object will be moved after the object that is being moved

  The adjacent object will be moved before the object that is being moved

type Mutation {
  addAwardEmoji(input: AddAwardEmojiInput!): AddAwardEmojiPayload @deprecated(reason: "Use awardEmojiAdd. Deprecated in 13.2")
  addProjectToSecurityDashboard(input: AddProjectToSecurityDashboardInput!): AddProjectToSecurityDashboardPayload
  adminSidekiqQueuesDeleteJobs(input: AdminSidekiqQueuesDeleteJobsInput!): AdminSidekiqQueuesDeleteJobsPayload
  alertSetAssignees(input: AlertSetAssigneesInput!): AlertSetAssigneesPayload
  alertTodoCreate(input: AlertTodoCreateInput!): AlertTodoCreatePayload
  awardEmojiAdd(input: AwardEmojiAddInput!): AwardEmojiAddPayload
  awardEmojiRemove(input: AwardEmojiRemoveInput!): AwardEmojiRemovePayload
  awardEmojiToggle(input: AwardEmojiToggleInput!): AwardEmojiTogglePayload
  boardListUpdateLimitMetrics(input: BoardListUpdateLimitMetricsInput!): BoardListUpdateLimitMetricsPayload
  commitCreate(input: CommitCreateInput!): CommitCreatePayload
  createAlertIssue(input: CreateAlertIssueInput!): CreateAlertIssuePayload
  createAnnotation(input: CreateAnnotationInput!): CreateAnnotationPayload
  createBranch(input: CreateBranchInput!): CreateBranchPayload
  createDiffNote(input: CreateDiffNoteInput!): CreateDiffNotePayload
  createEpic(input: CreateEpicInput!): CreateEpicPayload
  createImageDiffNote(input: CreateImageDiffNoteInput!): CreateImageDiffNotePayload
  createIteration(input: CreateIterationInput!): CreateIterationPayload
  createNote(input: CreateNoteInput!): CreateNotePayload
  createRequirement(input: CreateRequirementInput!): CreateRequirementPayload
  createSnippet(input: CreateSnippetInput!): CreateSnippetPayload
  dastOnDemandScanCreate(input: DastOnDemandScanCreateInput!): DastOnDemandScanCreatePayload
  dastScannerProfileCreate(input: DastScannerProfileCreateInput!): DastScannerProfileCreatePayload
  dastSiteProfileCreate(input: DastSiteProfileCreateInput!): DastSiteProfileCreatePayload
  deleteAnnotation(input: DeleteAnnotationInput!): DeleteAnnotationPayload
  designManagementDelete(input: DesignManagementDeleteInput!): DesignManagementDeletePayload
  designManagementUpload(input: DesignManagementUploadInput!): DesignManagementUploadPayload
  destroyNote(input: DestroyNoteInput!): DestroyNotePayload
  destroySnippet(input: DestroySnippetInput!): DestroySnippetPayload

  Toggles the resolved state of a discussion
  discussionToggleResolve(input: DiscussionToggleResolveInput!): DiscussionToggleResolvePayload
  dismissVulnerability(input: DismissVulnerabilityInput!): DismissVulnerabilityPayload
  epicAddIssue(input: EpicAddIssueInput!): EpicAddIssuePayload
  epicSetSubscription(input: EpicSetSubscriptionInput!): EpicSetSubscriptionPayload
  epicTreeReorder(input: EpicTreeReorderInput!): EpicTreeReorderPayload
  issueSetConfidential(input: IssueSetConfidentialInput!): IssueSetConfidentialPayload
  issueSetDueDate(input: IssueSetDueDateInput!): IssueSetDueDatePayload
  issueSetIteration(input: IssueSetIterationInput!): IssueSetIterationPayload
  issueSetLocked(input: IssueSetLockedInput!): IssueSetLockedPayload
  issueSetSubscription(input: IssueSetSubscriptionInput!): IssueSetSubscriptionPayload
  issueSetWeight(input: IssueSetWeightInput!): IssueSetWeightPayload
  jiraImportStart(input: JiraImportStartInput!): JiraImportStartPayload
  jiraImportUsers(input: JiraImportUsersInput!): JiraImportUsersPayload
  markAsSpamSnippet(input: MarkAsSpamSnippetInput!): MarkAsSpamSnippetPayload
  mergeRequestCreate(input: MergeRequestCreateInput!): MergeRequestCreatePayload
  mergeRequestSetAssignees(input: MergeRequestSetAssigneesInput!): MergeRequestSetAssigneesPayload
  mergeRequestSetLabels(input: MergeRequestSetLabelsInput!): MergeRequestSetLabelsPayload
  mergeRequestSetLocked(input: MergeRequestSetLockedInput!): MergeRequestSetLockedPayload
  mergeRequestSetMilestone(input: MergeRequestSetMilestoneInput!): MergeRequestSetMilestonePayload
  mergeRequestSetSubscription(input: MergeRequestSetSubscriptionInput!): MergeRequestSetSubscriptionPayload
  mergeRequestSetWip(input: MergeRequestSetWipInput!): MergeRequestSetWipPayload

  Update attributes of a merge request
  mergeRequestUpdate(input: MergeRequestUpdateInput!): MergeRequestUpdatePayload
  namespaceIncreaseStorageTemporarily(input: NamespaceIncreaseStorageTemporarilyInput!): NamespaceIncreaseStorageTemporarilyPayload
  removeAwardEmoji(input: RemoveAwardEmojiInput!): RemoveAwardEmojiPayload @deprecated(reason: "Use awardEmojiRemove. Deprecated in 13.2")
  removeProjectFromSecurityDashboard(input: RemoveProjectFromSecurityDashboardInput!): RemoveProjectFromSecurityDashboardPayload
  runDastScan(input: RunDASTScanInput!): RunDASTScanPayload
  todoMarkDone(input: TodoMarkDoneInput!): TodoMarkDonePayload
  todoRestore(input: TodoRestoreInput!): TodoRestorePayload
  todoRestoreMany(input: TodoRestoreManyInput!): TodoRestoreManyPayload
  todosMarkAllDone(input: TodosMarkAllDoneInput!): TodosMarkAllDonePayload
  toggleAwardEmoji(input: ToggleAwardEmojiInput!): ToggleAwardEmojiPayload @deprecated(reason: "Use awardEmojiToggle. Deprecated in 13.2")
  updateAlertStatus(input: UpdateAlertStatusInput!): UpdateAlertStatusPayload
  updateContainerExpirationPolicy(input: UpdateContainerExpirationPolicyInput!): UpdateContainerExpirationPolicyPayload
  updateEpic(input: UpdateEpicInput!): UpdateEpicPayload

  Updates a DiffNote on an image (a `Note` where the `position.positionType` is
  `"image"`). If the body of the Note contains only quick actions, the Note will
  be destroyed during the update, and no Note will be returned
  updateImageDiffNote(input: UpdateImageDiffNoteInput!): UpdateImageDiffNotePayload
  updateIssue(input: UpdateIssueInput!): UpdateIssuePayload
  updateIteration(input: UpdateIterationInput!): UpdateIterationPayload

  Updates a Note. If the body of the Note contains only quick actions, the Note
  will be destroyed during the update, and no Note will be returned
  updateNote(input: UpdateNoteInput!): UpdateNotePayload
  updateRequirement(input: UpdateRequirementInput!): UpdateRequirementPayload
  updateSnippet(input: UpdateSnippetInput!): UpdateSnippetPayload

Different toggles for changing mutator behavior.
enum MutationOperationMode {
  Performs an append operation

  Performs a removal operation

  Performs a replace operation

type Namespace {
  Description of the namespace
  description: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`
  descriptionHtml: String

  Full name of the namespace
  fullName: String!

  Full path of the namespace
  fullPath: ID!

  ID of the namespace
  id: ID!

  Status of the temporary storage increase
  isTemporaryStorageIncreaseEnabled: Boolean!

  Indicates if Large File Storage (LFS) is enabled for namespace
  lfsEnabled: Boolean

  Name of the namespace
  name: String!

  Path of the namespace
  path: String!

  Projects within this namespace
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns only the projects which have vulnerabilities
    hasVulnerabilities: Boolean = false

    Include also subgroup projects
    includeSubgroups: Boolean = false

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ProjectConnection!

  Indicates if users can request access to namespace
  requestAccessEnabled: Boolean

  Aggregated storage statistics of the namespace. Only available for root namespaces
  rootStorageStatistics: RootStorageStatistics

  Total storage limit of the root namespace in bytes
  storageSizeLimit: Float

  Date until the temporary storage increase is active
  temporaryStorageIncreaseEndsOn: Time

  Visibility of the namespace
  visibility: String

The connection type for Namespace.
type NamespaceConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [NamespaceEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Namespace]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type NamespaceEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Namespace

Autogenerated input type of NamespaceIncreaseStorageTemporarily
input NamespaceIncreaseStorageTemporarilyInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global id of the namespace to mutate
  id: ID!

Autogenerated return type of NamespaceIncreaseStorageTemporarily
type NamespaceIncreaseStorageTemporarilyPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The namespace after mutation
  namespace: Namespace

type Note implements ResolvableInterface {
  User who wrote this note
  author: User!

  Content of the note
  body: String!

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `note`
  bodyHtml: String

  Indicates if this note is confidential
  confidential: Boolean

  Timestamp of the note creation
  createdAt: Time!

  The discussion this note is a part of
  discussion: Discussion

  ID of the note
  id: ID!

  The position of this note on a diff
  position: DiffPosition

  Project associated with the note
  project: Project

  Indicates if the object can be resolved
  resolvable: Boolean!

  Indicates if the object is resolved
  resolved: Boolean!

  Timestamp of when the object was resolved
  resolvedAt: Time

  User who resolved the object
  resolvedBy: User

  Indicates whether this note was created by the system or by a user
  system: Boolean!

  Name of the icon corresponding to a system note
  systemNoteIconName: String

  Timestamp of the note's last activity
  updatedAt: Time!

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: NotePermissions!

The connection type for Note.
type NoteConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [NoteEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Note]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type NoteEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Note

type NotePermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `admin_note` on this resource
  adminNote: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource
  awardEmoji: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource
  createNote: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_note` on this resource
  readNote: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `resolve_note` on this resource
  resolveNote: Boolean!

interface Noteable {
  All discussions on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DiscussionConnection!

  All notes on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): NoteConnection!

Represents a package
type Package {
  The created date
  createdAt: Time!

  The ID of the package
  id: ID!

  The name of the package
  name: String!

  The type of the package
  packageType: PackageTypeEnum!

  The update date
  updatedAt: Time!

  The version of the package
  version: String

The connection type for Package.
type PackageConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [PackageEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Package]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type PackageEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Package

Represents the sync and verification state of a package file
type PackageFileRegistry {
  Timestamp when the PackageFileRegistry was created
  createdAt: Time

  ID of the PackageFileRegistry
  id: ID!

  Error message during sync of the PackageFileRegistry
  lastSyncFailure: String

  Timestamp of the most recent successful sync of the PackageFileRegistry
  lastSyncedAt: Time

  ID of the PackageFile
  packageFileId: ID!

  Timestamp after which the PackageFileRegistry should be resynced
  retryAt: Time

  Number of consecutive failed sync attempts of the PackageFileRegistry
  retryCount: Int

  Sync state of the PackageFileRegistry
  state: RegistryState

The connection type for PackageFileRegistry.
type PackageFileRegistryConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [PackageFileRegistryEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [PackageFileRegistry]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type PackageFileRegistryEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: PackageFileRegistry

enum PackageTypeEnum {
  Packages from the composer package manager

  Packages from the conan package manager

  Packages from the maven package manager

  Packages from the npm package manager

  Packages from the nuget package manager

  Packages from the pypi package manager

Information about pagination in a connection.
type PageInfo {
  When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.
  endCursor: String

  When paginating forwards, are there more items?
  hasNextPage: Boolean!

  When paginating backwards, are there more items?
  hasPreviousPage: Boolean!

  When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.
  startCursor: String

type Pipeline {
  Base SHA of the source branch
  beforeSha: String

  Timestamp of the pipeline's commit
  committedAt: Time

  Coverage percentage
  coverage: Float

  Timestamp of the pipeline's creation
  createdAt: Time!

  Detailed status of the pipeline
  detailedStatus: DetailedStatus!

  Duration of the pipeline in seconds
  duration: Int

  Timestamp of the pipeline's completion
  finishedAt: Time

  ID of the pipeline
  id: ID!

  Internal ID of the pipeline
  iid: String!

  Vulnerability and scanned resource counts for each security scanner of the pipeline
  securityReportSummary: SecurityReportSummary

  SHA of the pipeline's commit
  sha: String!

  Timestamp when the pipeline was started
  startedAt: Time

  status: PipelineStatusEnum!

  Timestamp of the pipeline's last activity
  updatedAt: Time!

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: PipelinePermissions!

The connection type for Pipeline.
type PipelineConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [PipelineEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Pipeline]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type PipelineEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Pipeline

type PipelinePermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `admin_pipeline` on this resource
  adminPipeline: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `destroy_pipeline` on this resource
  destroyPipeline: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `update_pipeline` on this resource
  updatePipeline: Boolean!

enum PipelineStatusEnum {

type Project {
  A single Alert Management alert of the project
    IID of the alert. For example, "1"
    iid: String

    Search criteria for filtering alerts. This will search on title, description, service, monitoring_tool.
    search: String

    Sort alerts by this criteria
    sort: AlertManagementAlertSort

    Alerts with the specified statues. For example, [TRIGGERED]
    statuses: [AlertManagementStatus!]
  ): AlertManagementAlert

  Counts of alerts by status for the project
    Search criteria for filtering alerts. This will search on title, description, service, monitoring_tool.
    search: String
  ): AlertManagementAlertStatusCountsType

  Alert Management alerts of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    IID of the alert. For example, "1"
    iid: String

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Search criteria for filtering alerts. This will search on title, description, service, monitoring_tool.
    search: String

    Sort alerts by this criteria
    sort: AlertManagementAlertSort

    Alerts with the specified statues. For example, [TRIGGERED]
    statuses: [AlertManagementStatus!]
  ): AlertManagementAlertConnection

  If `only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds` is true, indicates if merge
  requests of the project can also be merged with skipped jobs
  allowMergeOnSkippedPipeline: Boolean

  Indicates the archived status of the project
  archived: Boolean

  Indicates if issues referenced by merge requests and commits within the default branch are closed automatically
  autocloseReferencedIssues: Boolean

  URL to avatar image file of the project
  avatarUrl: String

  A single board of the project
    Find a board by its ID
    id: ID
  ): Board

  Boards of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Find a board by its ID
    id: ID

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): BoardConnection

  Compliance frameworks associated with the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ComplianceFrameworkConnection

  The container expiration policy of the project
  containerExpirationPolicy: ContainerExpirationPolicy

  Indicates if the project stores Docker container images in a container registry
  containerRegistryEnabled: Boolean

  Timestamp of the project creation
  createdAt: Time

  Short description of the project
  description: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`
  descriptionHtml: String

  Environments of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Name of the environment
    name: String

    Search query for environment name
    search: String

    States of environments that should be included in result
    states: [String!]
  ): EnvironmentConnection

  Number of times the project has been forked
  forksCount: Int!

  Full path of the project
  fullPath: ID!

  Grafana integration details for the project
  grafanaIntegration: GrafanaIntegration

  Group of the project
  group: Group

  URL to connect to the project via HTTPS
  httpUrlToRepo: String

  ID of the project
  id: ID!

  Status of import background job of the project
  importStatus: String

  A single issue of the project
    ID of a user assigned to the issues, "none" and "any" values supported
    assigneeId: String

    Username of a user assigned to the issues
    assigneeUsername: String

    Issues closed after this date
    closedAfter: Time

    Issues closed before this date
    closedBefore: Time

    Issues created after this date
    createdAfter: Time

    Issues created before this date
    createdBefore: Time

    IID of the issue. For example, "1"
    iid: String

    List of IIDs of issues. For example, [1, 2]
    iids: [String!]

    Iterations applied to the issue
    iterationId: [ID]

    Labels applied to this issue
    labelName: [String]

    Milestones applied to this issue
    milestoneTitle: [String]

    Search query for issue title or description
    search: String

    Sort issues by this criteria
    sort: IssueSort = created_desc

    Current state of this issue
    state: IssuableState

    Issues updated after this date
    updatedAfter: Time

    Issues updated before this date
    updatedBefore: Time
  ): Issue

  Issues of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    ID of a user assigned to the issues, "none" and "any" values supported
    assigneeId: String

    Username of a user assigned to the issues
    assigneeUsername: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Issues closed after this date
    closedAfter: Time

    Issues closed before this date
    closedBefore: Time

    Issues created after this date
    createdAfter: Time

    Issues created before this date
    createdBefore: Time

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    IID of the issue. For example, "1"
    iid: String

    List of IIDs of issues. For example, [1, 2]
    iids: [String!]

    Iterations applied to the issue
    iterationId: [ID]

    Labels applied to this issue
    labelName: [String]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Milestones applied to this issue
    milestoneTitle: [String]

    Search query for issue title or description
    search: String

    Sort issues by this criteria
    sort: IssueSort = created_desc

    Current state of this issue
    state: IssuableState

    Issues updated after this date
    updatedAfter: Time

    Issues updated before this date
    updatedBefore: Time
  ): IssueConnection

  Indicates if Issues are enabled for the current user
  issuesEnabled: Boolean

  Find iterations
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    List items within a time frame where items.end_date is between startDate and
    endDate parameters (startDate parameter must be present)
    endDate: Time

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    The ID of the Iteration to look up
    id: ID

    The internal ID of the Iteration to look up
    iid: ID

    Whether to include ancestor iterations. Defaults to true
    includeAncestors: Boolean

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    List items within a time frame where items.start_date is between startDate
    and endDate parameters (endDate parameter must be present)
    startDate: Time

    Filter iterations by state
    state: IterationState

    Fuzzy search by title
    title: String
  ): IterationConnection

  Status of Jira import background job of the project
  jiraImportStatus: String

  Jira imports into the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): JiraImportConnection

  Indicates if CI/CD pipeline jobs are enabled for the current user
  jobsEnabled: Boolean

  A label available on this project
    Title of the label
    title: String!
  ): Label

  Labels available on this project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    A search term to find labels with
    searchTerm: String
  ): LabelConnection

  Timestamp of the project last activity
  lastActivityAt: Time

  Indicates if the project has Large File Storage (LFS) enabled
  lfsEnabled: Boolean

  A single merge request of the project
    IID of the merge request, for example `1`
    iid: String!
  ): MergeRequest

  Merge requests of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example `[1, 2]`
    iids: [String!]

    Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
    labels: [String!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
    sourceBranches: [String!]

    A merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
    state: MergeRequestState

    Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
    targetBranches: [String!]
  ): MergeRequestConnection

  Indicates if Merge Requests are enabled for the current user
  mergeRequestsEnabled: Boolean

  Indicates if no merge commits should be created and all merges should instead
  be fast-forwarded, which means that merging is only allowed if the branch
  could be fast-forwarded.
  mergeRequestsFfOnlyEnabled: Boolean

  Milestones of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    List items within a time frame where items.end_date is between startDate and
    endDate parameters (startDate parameter must be present)
    endDate: Time

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Array of global milestone IDs, e.g., "gid://gitlab/Milestone/1"
    ids: [ID!]

    Also return milestones in the project's parent group and its ancestors
    includeAncestors: Boolean

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    List items within a time frame where items.start_date is between startDate
    and endDate parameters (endDate parameter must be present)
    startDate: Time

    Filter milestones by state
    state: MilestoneStateEnum
  ): MilestoneConnection

  Name of the project (without namespace)
  name: String!

  Full name of the project with its namespace
  nameWithNamespace: String!

  Namespace of the project
  namespace: Namespace

  Indicates if merge requests of the project can only be merged when all the discussions are resolved
  onlyAllowMergeIfAllDiscussionsAreResolved: Boolean

  Indicates if merge requests of the project can only be merged with successful jobs
  onlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds: Boolean

  Number of open issues for the project
  openIssuesCount: Int

  Packages of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): PackageConnection

  Path of the project
  path: String!

  Build pipeline of the project
    IID of the Pipeline, e.g., "1"
    iid: ID!
  ): Pipeline

  Build pipelines of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Filter pipelines by the ref they are run for
    ref: String

    Filter pipelines by the sha of the commit they are run for
    sha: String

    Filter pipelines by their status
    status: PipelineStatusEnum
  ): PipelineConnection

  Indicates if a link to create or view a merge request should display after a
  push to Git repositories of the project from the command line
  printingMergeRequestLinkEnabled: Boolean

  Members of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Search query
    search: String
  ): ProjectMemberConnection

  Indicates if there is public access to pipelines and job details of the project, including output logs and artifacts
  publicJobs: Boolean

  A single release of the project
    The name of the tag associated to the release
    tagName: String!
  ): Release

  Releases of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ReleaseConnection

  Indicates if `Delete source branch` option should be enabled by default for all new merge requests of the project
  removeSourceBranchAfterMerge: Boolean

  Git repository of the project
  repository: Repository

  Indicates if users can request member access to the project
  requestAccessEnabled: Boolean

  Find a single requirement. Available only when feature flag `requirements_management` is enabled.
    Filter requirements by author username
    authorUsername: [String!]

    IID of the requirement, e.g., "1"
    iid: ID

    List of IIDs of requirements, e.g., [1, 2]
    iids: [ID!]

    Search query for requirement title
    search: String

    List requirements by sort order
    sort: Sort

    Filter requirements by state
    state: RequirementState
  ): Requirement

  Number of requirements for the project by their state
  requirementStatesCount: RequirementStatesCount

  Find requirements. Available only when feature flag `requirements_management` is enabled.
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Filter requirements by author username
    authorUsername: [String!]

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    IID of the requirement, e.g., "1"
    iid: ID

    List of IIDs of requirements, e.g., [1, 2]
    iids: [ID!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Search query for requirement title
    search: String

    List requirements by sort order
    sort: Sort

    Filter requirements by state
    state: RequirementState
  ): RequirementConnection

  SAST CI configuration for the project
  sastCiConfiguration: SastCiConfiguration

  Path to project's security dashboard
  securityDashboardPath: String

  Information about security analyzers used in the project
  securityScanners: SecurityScanners

  Detailed version of a Sentry error on the project
    ID of the Sentry issue
    id: ID!
  ): SentryDetailedError

  Paginated collection of Sentry errors on the project
  sentryErrors: SentryErrorCollection

  E-mail address of the service desk.
  serviceDeskAddress: String

  Indicates if the project has service desk enabled.
  serviceDeskEnabled: Boolean

  Project services
    Indicates if the service is active
    active: Boolean

    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Class name of the service
    type: ServiceType
  ): ServiceConnection

  Indicates if Shared Runners are enabled for the project
  sharedRunnersEnabled: Boolean

  Snippets of the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Array of global snippet ids, e.g., "gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1"
    ids: [ID!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    The visibility of the snippet
    visibility: VisibilityScopesEnum
  ): SnippetConnection

  Indicates if Snippets are enabled for the current user
  snippetsEnabled: Boolean

  URL to connect to the project via SSH
  sshUrlToRepo: String

  Number of times the project has been starred
  starCount: Int!

  Statistics of the project
  statistics: ProjectStatistics

  The commit message used to apply merge request suggestions
  suggestionCommitMessage: String

  List of project topics (not Git tags)
  tagList: String

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: ProjectPermissions!

  Visibility of the project
  visibility: String

  Vulnerabilities reported on the project
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Filter vulnerabilities by project
    projectId: [ID!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by report type
    reportType: [VulnerabilityReportType!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by scanner
    scanner: [String!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by severity
    severity: [VulnerabilitySeverity!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by state
    state: [VulnerabilityState!]
  ): VulnerabilityConnection

  Vulnerability scanners reported on the project vulnerabilties
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): VulnerabilityScannerConnection

  Counts for each severity of vulnerability of the project
  vulnerabilitySeveritiesCount: VulnerabilitySeveritiesCount

  Web URL of the project
  webUrl: String

  Indicates if Wikis are enabled for the current user
  wikiEnabled: Boolean

The connection type for Project.
type ProjectConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [ProjectEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Project]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type ProjectEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Project

Represents a Project Member
type ProjectMember implements MemberInterface {
  GitLab::Access level
  accessLevel: AccessLevel

  Date and time the membership was created
  createdAt: Time

  User that authorized membership
  createdBy: User

  Date and time the membership expires
  expiresAt: Time

  ID of the member
  id: ID!

  Project that User is a member of
  project: Project

  Date and time the membership was last updated
  updatedAt: Time

  User that is associated with the member object
  user: User!

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: ProjectPermissions!

The connection type for ProjectMember.
type ProjectMemberConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [ProjectMemberEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [ProjectMember]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type ProjectMemberEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: ProjectMember

type ProjectPermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `admin_operations` on this resource
  adminOperations: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `admin_project` on this resource
  adminProject: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `admin_remote_mirror` on this resource
  adminRemoteMirror: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `admin_wiki` on this resource
  adminWiki: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `archive_project` on this resource
  archiveProject: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `change_namespace` on this resource
  changeNamespace: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `change_visibility_level` on this resource
  changeVisibilityLevel: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_deployment` on this resource
  createDeployment: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_design` on this resource
  createDesign: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_issue` on this resource
  createIssue: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_label` on this resource
  createLabel: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_merge_request_from` on this resource
  createMergeRequestFrom: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_merge_request_in` on this resource
  createMergeRequestIn: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_pages` on this resource
  createPages: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_pipeline` on this resource
  createPipeline: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_pipeline_schedule` on this resource
  createPipelineSchedule: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource
  createSnippet: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_wiki` on this resource
  createWiki: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource
  destroyDesign: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `destroy_pages` on this resource
  destroyPages: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `destroy_wiki` on this resource
  destroyWiki: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `download_code` on this resource
  downloadCode: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `download_wiki_code` on this resource
  downloadWikiCode: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `fork_project` on this resource
  forkProject: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `push_code` on this resource
  pushCode: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `push_to_delete_protected_branch` on this resource
  pushToDeleteProtectedBranch: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_commit_status` on this resource
  readCommitStatus: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_cycle_analytics` on this resource
  readCycleAnalytics: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_design` on this resource
  readDesign: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_merge_request` on this resource
  readMergeRequest: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_pages_content` on this resource
  readPagesContent: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_project` on this resource
  readProject: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_project_member` on this resource
  readProjectMember: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_wiki` on this resource
  readWiki: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `remove_fork_project` on this resource
  removeForkProject: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `remove_pages` on this resource
  removePages: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `remove_project` on this resource
  removeProject: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `rename_project` on this resource
  renameProject: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `request_access` on this resource
  requestAccess: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `update_pages` on this resource
  updatePages: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `update_wiki` on this resource
  updateWiki: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `upload_file` on this resource
  uploadFile: Boolean!

Names of compliance frameworks that can be assigned to a Project
enum ProjectSettingEnum {

type ProjectStatistics {
  Build artifacts size of the project
  buildArtifactsSize: Float!

  Commit count of the project
  commitCount: Float!

  Large File Storage (LFS) object size of the project
  lfsObjectsSize: Float!

  Packages size of the project
  packagesSize: Float!

  Repository size of the project
  repositorySize: Float!

  Snippets size of the project
  snippetsSize: Float

  Storage size of the project
  storageSize: Float!

  Wiki size of the project
  wikiSize: Float

type Query {
  Get information about current user
  currentUser: User

  Fields related to design management
  designManagement: DesignManagement!

  Text to echo back
    Text to echo back
    text: String!
  ): String!

  Find a Geo node
    The name of the Geo node. Defaults to the current Geo node name.
    name: String
  ): GeoNode

  Find a group
    The full path of the project, group or namespace, e.g., "gitlab-org/gitlab-foss"
    fullPath: ID!
  ): Group

  Fields related to Instance Security Dashboard
  instanceSecurityDashboard: InstanceSecurityDashboard

  Metadata about GitLab
  metadata: Metadata

  Find a namespace
    The full path of the project, group or namespace, e.g., "gitlab-org/gitlab-foss"
    fullPath: ID!
  ): Namespace

  Find a project
    The full path of the project, group or namespace, e.g., "gitlab-org/gitlab-foss"
    fullPath: ID!
  ): Project

  Find projects visible to the current user
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Limit projects that the current user is a member of
    membership: Boolean

    Search query for project name, path, or description
    search: String
  ): ProjectConnection

  Find Snippets visible to the current user
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    The ID of an author
    authorId: ID

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Explore personal snippets
    explore: Boolean

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Array of global snippet ids, e.g., "gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1"
    ids: [ID!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    The ID of a project
    projectId: ID

    The type of snippet
    type: TypeEnum

    The visibility of the snippet
    visibility: VisibilityScopesEnum
  ): SnippetConnection

  Find a user
    ID of the User
    id: ID

    Username of the User
    username: String
  ): User

  Find users
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    List of user Global IDs
    ids: [ID!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Sort users by this criteria
    sort: Sort = created_desc

    List of usernames
    usernames: [String!]
  ): UserConnection

  Vulnerabilities reported on projects on the current user's instance security dashboard
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Filter vulnerabilities by project
    projectId: [ID!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by report type
    reportType: [VulnerabilityReportType!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by scanner
    scanner: [String!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by severity
    severity: [VulnerabilitySeverity!]

    Filter vulnerabilities by state
    state: [VulnerabilityState!]
  ): VulnerabilityConnection

  Number of vulnerabilities per severity level, per day, for the projects on the current user's instance security dashboard
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Last day for which to fetch vulnerability history
    endDate: ISO8601Date!

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    First day for which to fetch vulnerability history
    startDate: ISO8601Date!
  ): VulnerabilitiesCountByDayAndSeverityConnection

State of a Geo registry.
enum RegistryState {
  Registry that failed to sync

  Registry waiting to be synced

  Registry currently syncing

  Registry that is synced

Represents a release
type Release {
  Assets of the release
  assets: ReleaseAssets

  User that created the release
  author: User

  The commit associated with the release
  commit: Commit

  Timestamp of when the release was created
  createdAt: Time

  Description (also known as "release notes") of the release
  description: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`
  descriptionHtml: String

  Evidence for the release
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ReleaseEvidenceConnection

  Links of the release
  links: ReleaseLinks

  Milestones associated to the release
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): MilestoneConnection

  Name of the release
  name: String

  Timestamp of when the release was released
  releasedAt: Time

  Name of the tag associated with the release
  tagName: String

  Relative web path to the tag associated with the release
  tagPath: String

Represents an asset link associated with a release
type ReleaseAssetLink {
  Indicates the link points to an external resource
  external: Boolean

  ID of the link
  id: ID!

  Type of the link: `other`, `runbook`, `image`, `package`; defaults to `other`
  linkType: ReleaseAssetLinkType

  Name of the link
  name: String

  URL of the link
  url: String

The connection type for ReleaseAssetLink.
type ReleaseAssetLinkConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [ReleaseAssetLinkEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [ReleaseAssetLink]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type ReleaseAssetLinkEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: ReleaseAssetLink

Type of the link: `other`, `runbook`, `image`, `package`; defaults to `other`
enum ReleaseAssetLinkType {
  Image link type

  Other link type

  Package link type

  Runbook link type

A container for all assets associated with a release
type ReleaseAssets {
  Number of assets of the release
  count: Int

  Asset links of the release
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ReleaseAssetLinkConnection

  Sources of the release
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ReleaseSourceConnection

The connection type for Release.
type ReleaseConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [ReleaseEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Release]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type ReleaseEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Release

Evidence for a release
type ReleaseEvidence {
  Timestamp when the evidence was collected
  collectedAt: Time

  URL from where the evidence can be downloaded
  filepath: String

  ID of the evidence
  id: ID!

  SHA1 ID of the evidence hash
  sha: String

The connection type for ReleaseEvidence.
type ReleaseEvidenceConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [ReleaseEvidenceEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [ReleaseEvidence]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type ReleaseEvidenceEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: ReleaseEvidence

type ReleaseLinks {
  HTTP URL of the release's edit page
  editUrl: String

  HTTP URL of the issues page filtered by this release
  issuesUrl: String

  HTTP URL of the merge request page filtered by this release
  mergeRequestsUrl: String

  HTTP URL of the release
  selfUrl: String

Represents the source code attached to a release in a particular format
type ReleaseSource {
  Format of the source
  format: String

  Download URL of the source
  url: String

The connection type for ReleaseSource.
type ReleaseSourceConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [ReleaseSourceEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [ReleaseSource]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type ReleaseSourceEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: ReleaseSource

Autogenerated input type of RemoveAwardEmoji
input RemoveAwardEmojiInput {
  The global id of the awardable resource
  awardableId: ID!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The emoji name
  name: String!

Autogenerated return type of RemoveAwardEmoji
type RemoveAwardEmojiPayload {
  The award emoji after mutation
  awardEmoji: AwardEmoji

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

Autogenerated input type of RemoveProjectFromSecurityDashboard
input RemoveProjectFromSecurityDashboardInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  ID of the project to remove from the Instance Security Dashboard
  id: ID!

Autogenerated return type of RemoveProjectFromSecurityDashboard
type RemoveProjectFromSecurityDashboardPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

type Repository {
  Indicates repository has no visible content
  empty: Boolean!

  Indicates a corresponding Git repository exists on disk
  exists: Boolean!

  Default branch of the repository
  rootRef: String

  Tree of the repository
    The path to get the tree for. Default value is the root of the repository
    path: String = ""

    Used to get a recursive tree. Default is false
    recursive: Boolean = false

    The commit ref to get the tree for. Default value is HEAD
    ref: String = "head"
  ): Tree

Represents a requirement
type Requirement {
  Author of the requirement
  author: User!

  Timestamp of when the requirement was created
  createdAt: Time!

  ID of the requirement
  id: ID!

  Internal ID of the requirement
  iid: ID!

  Project to which the requirement belongs
  project: Project!

  State of the requirement
  state: RequirementState!

  Test reports of the requirement
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    List test reports by sort order
    sort: Sort
  ): TestReportConnection

  Title of the requirement
  title: String

  Timestamp of when the requirement was last updated
  updatedAt: Time!

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: RequirementPermissions!

The connection type for Requirement.
type RequirementConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [RequirementEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Requirement]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type RequirementEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Requirement

Check permissions for the current user on a requirement
type RequirementPermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `admin_requirement` on this resource
  adminRequirement: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_requirement` on this resource
  createRequirement: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `destroy_requirement` on this resource
  destroyRequirement: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_requirement` on this resource
  readRequirement: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `update_requirement` on this resource
  updateRequirement: Boolean!

State of a requirement
enum RequirementState {

Counts of requirements by their state.
type RequirementStatesCount {
  Number of archived requirements
  archived: Int

  Number of opened requirements
  opened: Int

interface ResolvableInterface {
  Indicates if the object can be resolved
  resolvable: Boolean!

  Indicates if the object is resolved
  resolved: Boolean!

  Timestamp of when the object was resolved
  resolvedAt: Time

  User who resolved the object
  resolvedBy: User

type RootStorageStatistics {
  The CI artifacts size in bytes
  buildArtifactsSize: Float!

  The LFS objects size in bytes
  lfsObjectsSize: Float!

  The packages size in bytes
  packagesSize: Float!

  The Git repository size in bytes
  repositorySize: Float!

  The snippets size in bytes
  snippetsSize: Float!

  The total storage in bytes
  storageSize: Float!

  The wiki size in bytes
  wikiSize: Float!

Autogenerated input type of RunDASTScan
input RunDASTScanInput {
  The branch to be associated with the scan.
  branch: String!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The project the DAST scan belongs to.
  projectPath: ID!

  The type of scan to be run.
  scanType: DastScanTypeEnum!

  The URL of the target to be scanned.
  targetUrl: String!

Autogenerated return type of RunDASTScan
type RunDASTScanPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  URL of the pipeline that was created.
  pipelineUrl: String

Represents a CI configuration of SAST
type SastCiConfiguration {
  List of analyzers entities attached to SAST configuration.
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntityConnection

  List of global entities related to SAST configuration.
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection

  List of pipeline entities related to SAST configuration.
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection

Represents an analyzer entity in SAST CI configuration
type SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntity {
  Analyzer description that is displayed on the form.
  description: String

  Indicates whether an analyzer is enabled.
  enabled: Boolean

  Analyzer label used in the config UI.
  label: String

  Name of the analyzer.
  name: String

The connection type for SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntity.
type SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntityConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntityEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntity]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntityEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntity

Represents an entity in SAST CI configuration
type SastCiConfigurationEntity {
  Default value that is used if value is empty.
  defaultValue: String

  Entity description that is displayed on the form.
  description: String

  CI keyword of entity.
  field: String

  Label for entity used in the form.
  label: String

  Different possible values of the field.
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntityConnection

  Type of the field value.
  type: String

  Current value of the entity.
  value: String

The connection type for SastCiConfigurationEntity.
type SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [SastCiConfigurationEntityEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [SastCiConfigurationEntity]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type SastCiConfigurationEntityEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: SastCiConfigurationEntity

Represents an entity for options in SAST CI configuration
type SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntity {
  Label of option entity.
  label: String

  Value of option entity.
  value: String

The connection type for SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntity.
type SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntityConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntityEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntity]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntityEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntity

Represents a resource scanned by a security scan
type ScannedResource {
  The HTTP request method used to access the URL
  requestMethod: String

  The URL scanned by the scanner
  url: String

The connection type for ScannedResource.
type ScannedResourceConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [ScannedResourceEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [ScannedResource]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type ScannedResourceEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: ScannedResource

Represents summary of a security report
type SecurityReportSummary {
  Aggregated counts for the container_scanning scan
  containerScanning: SecurityReportSummarySection

  Aggregated counts for the coverage_fuzzing scan
  coverageFuzzing: SecurityReportSummarySection

  Aggregated counts for the dast scan
  dast: SecurityReportSummarySection

  Aggregated counts for the dependency_scanning scan
  dependencyScanning: SecurityReportSummarySection

  Aggregated counts for the sast scan
  sast: SecurityReportSummarySection

  Aggregated counts for the secret_detection scan
  secretDetection: SecurityReportSummarySection

Represents a section of a summary of a security report
type SecurityReportSummarySection {
  A list of the first 20 scanned resources
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ScannedResourceConnection

  Total number of scanned resources
  scannedResourcesCount: Int

  Path to download all the scanned resources in CSV format
  scannedResourcesCsvPath: String

  Total number of vulnerabilities
  vulnerabilitiesCount: Int

The type of the security scanner.
enum SecurityScannerType {

Represents a list of security scanners
type SecurityScanners {
  List of analyzers which are available for the project.
  available: [SecurityScannerType!]

  List of analyzers which are enabled for the project.
  enabled: [SecurityScannerType!]

  List of analyzers which ran successfully in the latest pipeline.
  pipelineRun: [SecurityScannerType!]

A Sentry error.
type SentryDetailedError {
  Count of occurrences
  count: Int!

  Culprit of the error
  culprit: String!

  External Base URL of the Sentry Instance
  externalBaseUrl: String!

  External URL of the error
  externalUrl: String!

  Commit the error was first seen
  firstReleaseLastCommit: String

  Release short version the error was first seen
  firstReleaseShortVersion: String

  Release version the error was first seen
  firstReleaseVersion: String

  Timestamp when the error was first seen
  firstSeen: Time!

  Last 24hr stats of the error
  frequency: [SentryErrorFrequency!]!

  GitLab commit SHA attributed to the Error based on the release version
  gitlabCommit: String

  Path to the GitLab page for the GitLab commit attributed to the error
  gitlabCommitPath: String

  URL of GitLab Issue
  gitlabIssuePath: String

  ID (global ID) of the error
  id: ID!

  Commit the error was last seen
  lastReleaseLastCommit: String

  Release short version the error was last seen
  lastReleaseShortVersion: String

  Release version the error was last seen
  lastReleaseVersion: String

  Timestamp when the error was last seen
  lastSeen: Time!

  Sentry metadata message of the error
  message: String

  ID (Sentry ID) of the error
  sentryId: String!

  ID of the project (Sentry project)
  sentryProjectId: ID!

  Name of the project affected by the error
  sentryProjectName: String!

  Slug of the project affected by the error
  sentryProjectSlug: String!

  Short ID (Sentry ID) of the error
  shortId: String!

  Status of the error
  status: SentryErrorStatus!

  Tags associated with the Sentry Error
  tags: SentryErrorTags!

  Title of the error
  title: String!

  Type of the error
  type: String!

  Count of users affected by the error
  userCount: Int!

A Sentry error. A simplified version of SentryDetailedError.
type SentryError {
  Count of occurrences
  count: Int!

  Culprit of the error
  culprit: String!

  External URL of the error
  externalUrl: String!

  Timestamp when the error was first seen
  firstSeen: Time!

  Last 24hr stats of the error
  frequency: [SentryErrorFrequency!]!

  ID (global ID) of the error
  id: ID!

  Timestamp when the error was last seen
  lastSeen: Time!

  Sentry metadata message of the error
  message: String

  ID (Sentry ID) of the error
  sentryId: String!

  ID of the project (Sentry project)
  sentryProjectId: ID!

  Name of the project affected by the error
  sentryProjectName: String!

  Slug of the project affected by the error
  sentryProjectSlug: String!

  Short ID (Sentry ID) of the error
  shortId: String!

  Status of the error
  status: SentryErrorStatus!

  Title of the error
  title: String!

  Type of the error
  type: String!

  Count of users affected by the error
  userCount: Int!

An object containing a collection of Sentry errors, and a detailed error.
type SentryErrorCollection {
  Detailed version of a Sentry error on the project
    ID of the Sentry issue
    id: ID!
  ): SentryDetailedError

  Stack Trace of Sentry Error
    ID of the Sentry issue
    id: ID!
  ): SentryErrorStackTrace

  Collection of Sentry Errors
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Search query for the Sentry error details
    searchTerm: String

    Attribute to sort on. Options are frequency, first_seen, last_seen. last_seen is default.
    sort: String
  ): SentryErrorConnection

  External URL for Sentry
  externalUrl: String

The connection type for SentryError.
type SentryErrorConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [SentryErrorEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [SentryError]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type SentryErrorEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: SentryError

type SentryErrorFrequency {
  Count of errors received since the previously recorded time
  count: Int!

  Time the error frequency stats were recorded
  time: Time!

An object containing a stack trace entry for a Sentry error.
type SentryErrorStackTrace {
  Time the stack trace was received by Sentry
  dateReceived: String!

  ID of the Sentry error
  issueId: String!

  Stack trace entries for the Sentry error
  stackTraceEntries: [SentryErrorStackTraceEntry!]!

An object context for a Sentry error stack trace
type SentryErrorStackTraceContext {
  Code number of the context
  code: String!

  Line number of the context
  line: Int!

An object containing a stack trace entry for a Sentry error.
type SentryErrorStackTraceEntry {
  Function in which the Sentry error occurred
  col: String

  File in which the Sentry error occurred
  fileName: String

  Function in which the Sentry error occurred
  function: String

  Function in which the Sentry error occurred
  line: String

  Context of the Sentry error
  traceContext: [SentryErrorStackTraceContext!]

State of a Sentry error
enum SentryErrorStatus {
  Error has been ignored

  Error has been resolved

  Error has been ignored until next release

  Error is unresolved

State of a Sentry error
type SentryErrorTags {
  Severity level of the Sentry Error
  level: String

  Logger of the Sentry Error
  logger: String

interface Service {
  Indicates if the service is active
  active: Boolean

  Class name of the service
  type: String

The connection type for Service.
type ServiceConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [ServiceEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Service]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type ServiceEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Service

enum ServiceType {

Represents a snippet entry
type Snippet implements Noteable {
  The owner of the snippet
  author: User

  Snippet blob
  blob: SnippetBlob!

  Snippet blobs
  blobs: [SnippetBlob!]!

  Timestamp this snippet was created
  createdAt: Time!

  Description of the snippet
  description: String

  The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`
  descriptionHtml: String

  All discussions on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): DiscussionConnection!

  File Name of the snippet
  fileName: String

  HTTP URL to the snippet repository
  httpUrlToRepo: String

  ID of the snippet
  id: ID!

  All notes on this noteable
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): NoteConnection!

  The project the snippet is associated with
  project: Project

  Raw URL of the snippet
  rawUrl: String!

  SSH URL to the snippet repository
  sshUrlToRepo: String

  Title of the snippet
  title: String!

  Timestamp this snippet was updated
  updatedAt: Time!

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: SnippetPermissions!

  Visibility Level of the snippet
  visibilityLevel: VisibilityLevelsEnum!

  Web URL of the snippet
  webUrl: String!

Represents the snippet blob
type SnippetBlob {
  Shows whether the blob is binary
  binary: Boolean!

  Blob external storage
  externalStorage: String

  Blob mode
  mode: String

  Blob name
  name: String

  Blob path
  path: String

  Blob plain highlighted data
  plainData: String

  Blob raw content endpoint path
  rawPath: String!

  Shows whether the blob is rendered as text
  renderedAsText: Boolean!

  Blob highlighted data
  richData: String

  Blob content rich viewer
  richViewer: SnippetBlobViewer

  Blob content simple viewer
  simpleViewer: SnippetBlobViewer!

  Blob size
  size: Int!

Type of a snippet blob input action
enum SnippetBlobActionEnum {

Represents an action to perform over a snippet file
input SnippetBlobActionInputType {
  Type of input action
  action: SnippetBlobActionEnum!

  Snippet file content
  content: String

  Path of the snippet file
  filePath: String!

  Previous path of the snippet file
  previousPath: String

Represents how the blob content should be displayed
type SnippetBlobViewer {
  Shows whether the blob should be displayed collapsed
  collapsed: Boolean!

  Content file type
  fileType: String!

  Shows whether the blob content is loaded async
  loadAsync: Boolean!

  Loading partial name
  loadingPartialName: String!

  Error rendering the blob content
  renderError: String

  Shows whether the blob too large to be displayed
  tooLarge: Boolean!

  Type of blob viewer
  type: BlobViewersType!

The connection type for Snippet.
type SnippetConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [SnippetEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Snippet]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type SnippetEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Snippet

type SnippetPermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `admin_snippet` on this resource
  adminSnippet: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource
  awardEmoji: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource
  createNote: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_snippet` on this resource
  readSnippet: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `report_snippet` on this resource
  reportSnippet: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `update_snippet` on this resource
  updateSnippet: Boolean!

Common sort values
enum Sort {
  Created at ascending order

  Created at descending order

  Updated at ascending order

  Updated at descending order

type Submodule implements Entry {
  Flat path of the entry
  flatPath: String!

  ID of the entry
  id: ID!

  Name of the entry
  name: String!

  Path of the entry
  path: String!

  Last commit sha for the entry
  sha: String!

  Tree URL for the sub-module
  treeUrl: String

  Type of tree entry
  type: EntryType!

  Web URL for the sub-module
  webUrl: String

The connection type for Submodule.
type SubmoduleConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [SubmoduleEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Submodule]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type SubmoduleEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Submodule

Completion status of tasks
type TaskCompletionStatus {
  Number of completed tasks
  completedCount: Int!

  Number of total tasks
  count: Int!

Represents a requirement test report.
type TestReport {
  Author of the test report
  author: User

  Timestamp of when the test report was created
  createdAt: Time!

  ID of the test report
  id: ID!

  State of the test report
  state: TestReportState!

The connection type for TestReport.
type TestReportConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [TestReportEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [TestReport]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type TestReportEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: TestReport

State of a test report
enum TestReportState {

Time represented in ISO 8601
scalar Time

type Timelog {
  Timestamp of when the time tracked was spent at. Deprecated in 12.10: Use `spentAt`
  date: Time! @deprecated(reason: "Use `spentAt`. Deprecated in 12.10")

  The issue that logged time was added to
  issue: Issue

  Timestamp of when the time tracked was spent at
  spentAt: Time

  The time spent displayed in seconds
  timeSpent: Int!

  The user that logged the time
  user: User!

The connection type for Timelog.
type TimelogConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [TimelogEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Timelog]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type TimelogEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Timelog

Representing a todo entry
type Todo {
  Action of the todo
  action: TodoActionEnum!

  The owner of this todo
  author: User!

  Body of the todo
  body: String!

  Timestamp this todo was created
  createdAt: Time!

  Group this todo is associated with
  group: Group

  ID of the todo
  id: ID!

  The project this todo is associated with
  project: Project

  State of the todo
  state: TodoStateEnum!

  Target type of the todo
  targetType: TodoTargetEnum!

enum TodoActionEnum {

The connection type for Todo.
type TodoConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [TodoEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Todo]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type TodoEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Todo

Autogenerated input type of TodoMarkDone
input TodoMarkDoneInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global id of the todo to mark as done
  id: ID!

Autogenerated return type of TodoMarkDone
type TodoMarkDonePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The requested todo
  todo: Todo!

Autogenerated input type of TodoRestore
input TodoRestoreInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global id of the todo to restore
  id: ID!

Autogenerated input type of TodoRestoreMany
input TodoRestoreManyInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global ids of the todos to restore (a maximum of 50 is supported at once)
  ids: [ID!]!

Autogenerated return type of TodoRestoreMany
type TodoRestoreManyPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  Updated todos
  todos: [Todo!]!

  The ids of the updated todo items. Deprecated in 13.2: Use todos
  updatedIds: [ID!]! @deprecated(reason: "Use todos. Deprecated in 13.2")

Autogenerated return type of TodoRestore
type TodoRestorePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The requested todo
  todo: Todo!

enum TodoStateEnum {

enum TodoTargetEnum {
  An Alert

  A Commit

  A Design

  An Epic

  An Issue

  A MergeRequest

Autogenerated input type of TodosMarkAllDone
input TodosMarkAllDoneInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

Autogenerated return type of TodosMarkAllDone
type TodosMarkAllDonePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  Updated todos
  todos: [Todo!]!

  Ids of the updated todos. Deprecated in 13.2: Use todos
  updatedIds: [ID!]! @deprecated(reason: "Use todos. Deprecated in 13.2")

Autogenerated input type of ToggleAwardEmoji
input ToggleAwardEmojiInput {
  The global id of the awardable resource
  awardableId: ID!

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The emoji name
  name: String!

Autogenerated return type of ToggleAwardEmoji
type ToggleAwardEmojiPayload {
  The award emoji after mutation
  awardEmoji: AwardEmoji

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  Indicates the status of the emoji. True if the toggle awarded the emoji, and false if the toggle removed the emoji.
  toggledOn: Boolean!

type Tree {
  Blobs of the tree
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): BlobConnection!

  Last commit for the tree
  lastCommit: Commit

  Sub-modules of the tree
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): SubmoduleConnection!

  Trees of the tree
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): TreeEntryConnection!

Represents a directory
type TreeEntry implements Entry {
  Flat path of the entry
  flatPath: String!

  ID of the entry
  id: ID!

  Name of the entry
  name: String!

  Path of the entry
  path: String!

  Last commit sha for the entry
  sha: String!

  Type of tree entry
  type: EntryType!

  Web path for the tree entry (directory)
  webPath: String

  Web URL for the tree entry (directory)
  webUrl: String

The connection type for TreeEntry.
type TreeEntryConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [TreeEntryEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [TreeEntry]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type TreeEntryEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: TreeEntry

enum TypeEnum {

A regexp containing patterns sourced from user input
scalar UntrustedRegexp

Autogenerated input type of UpdateAlertStatus
input UpdateAlertStatusInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the alert to mutate
  iid: String!

  The project the alert to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

  The status to set the alert
  status: AlertManagementStatus!

Autogenerated return type of UpdateAlertStatus
type UpdateAlertStatusPayload {
  The alert after mutation
  alert: AlertManagementAlert

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue created after mutation
  issue: Issue

  The todo after mutation
  todo: Todo

Autogenerated input type of UpdateContainerExpirationPolicy
input UpdateContainerExpirationPolicyInput {
  This container expiration policy schedule
  cadence: ContainerExpirationPolicyCadenceEnum

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Indicates whether this container expiration policy is enabled
  enabled: Boolean

  Number of tags to retain
  keepN: ContainerExpirationPolicyKeepEnum

  Tags with names matching this regex pattern will expire
  nameRegex: UntrustedRegexp

  Tags with names matching this regex pattern will be preserved
  nameRegexKeep: UntrustedRegexp

  Tags older that this will expire
  olderThan: ContainerExpirationPolicyOlderThanEnum

  The project path where the container expiration policy is located
  projectPath: ID!

Autogenerated return type of UpdateContainerExpirationPolicy
type UpdateContainerExpirationPolicyPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The container expiration policy after mutation
  containerExpirationPolicy: ContainerExpirationPolicy

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

input UpdateDiffImagePositionInput {
  Total height of the image
  height: Int

  Total width of the image
  width: Int

  X position of the note
  x: Int

  Y position of the note
  y: Int

Autogenerated input type of UpdateEpic
input UpdateEpicInput {
  The IDs of labels to be added to the epic.
  addLabelIds: [ID!]

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Indicates if the epic is confidential. Will be ignored if `confidential_epics` feature flag is disabled
  confidential: Boolean

  The description of the epic
  description: String

  The end date of the epic
  dueDateFixed: String

  Indicates end date should be sourced from due_date_fixed field not the issue milestones
  dueDateIsFixed: Boolean

  The group the epic to mutate is in
  groupPath: ID!

  The iid of the epic to mutate
  iid: ID!

  The IDs of labels to be removed from the epic.
  removeLabelIds: [ID!]

  The start date of the epic
  startDateFixed: String

  Indicates start date should be sourced from start_date_fixed field not the issue milestones
  startDateIsFixed: Boolean

  State event for the epic
  stateEvent: EpicStateEvent

  The title of the epic
  title: String

Autogenerated return type of UpdateEpic
type UpdateEpicPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The epic after mutation
  epic: Epic

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

Autogenerated input type of UpdateImageDiffNote
input UpdateImageDiffNoteInput {
  Content of the note
  body: String

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The global id of the note to update
  id: ID!

  The position of this note on a diff
  position: UpdateDiffImagePositionInput

Autogenerated return type of UpdateImageDiffNote
type UpdateImageDiffNotePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The note after mutation
  note: Note

Autogenerated input type of UpdateIssue
input UpdateIssueInput {
  The IDs of labels to be added to the issue.
  addLabelIds: [ID!]

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Indicates the issue is confidential
  confidential: Boolean

  Description of the issue
  description: String

  Due date of the issue
  dueDate: Time

  The desired health status
  healthStatus: HealthStatus

  The IID of the issue to mutate
  iid: String!

  Indicates discussion is locked on the issue
  locked: Boolean

  The project the issue to mutate is in
  projectPath: ID!

  The IDs of labels to be removed from the issue.
  removeLabelIds: [ID!]

  Title of the issue
  title: String

Autogenerated return type of UpdateIssue
type UpdateIssuePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The issue after mutation
  issue: Issue

Autogenerated input type of UpdateIteration
input UpdateIterationInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The description of the iteration
  description: String

  The end date of the iteration
  dueDate: String

  The group of the iteration
  groupPath: ID!

  The id of the iteration
  id: ID!

  The start date of the iteration
  startDate: String

  The title of the iteration
  title: String

Autogenerated return type of UpdateIteration
type UpdateIterationPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The updated iteration
  iteration: Iteration

Autogenerated input type of UpdateNote
input UpdateNoteInput {
  Content of the note
  body: String

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The confidentiality flag of a note. Default is false.
  confidential: Boolean

  The global id of the note to update
  id: ID!

Autogenerated return type of UpdateNote
type UpdateNotePayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The note after mutation
  note: Note

Autogenerated input type of UpdateRequirement
input UpdateRequirementInput {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  The iid of the requirement to update
  iid: String!

  The project full path the requirement is associated with
  projectPath: ID!

  State of the requirement
  state: RequirementState

  Title of the requirement
  title: String

Autogenerated return type of UpdateRequirement
type UpdateRequirementPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The requirement after mutation
  requirement: Requirement

Autogenerated input type of UpdateSnippet
input UpdateSnippetInput {
  Actions to perform over the snippet repository and blobs
  blobActions: [SnippetBlobActionInputType!]

  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Content of the snippet
  content: String

  Description of the snippet
  description: String

  File name of the snippet
  fileName: String

  The global id of the snippet to update
  id: ID!

  Title of the snippet
  title: String

  The visibility level of the snippet
  visibilityLevel: VisibilityLevelsEnum

Autogenerated return type of UpdateSnippet
type UpdateSnippetPayload {
  A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  clientMutationId: String

  Errors encountered during execution of the mutation.
  errors: [String!]!

  The snippet after mutation
  snippet: Snippet

scalar Upload

type User {
  Merge Requests assigned to the user
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example `[1, 2]`
    iids: [String!]

    Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
    labels: [String!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
    projectId: ID

    The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
    projectPath: String

    Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
    sourceBranches: [String!]

    A merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
    state: MergeRequestState

    Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
    targetBranches: [String!]
  ): MergeRequestConnection

  Merge Requests authored by the user
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Array of IIDs of merge requests, for example `[1, 2]`
    iids: [String!]

    Array of label names. All resolved merge requests will have all of these labels.
    labels: [String!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    The global ID of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectPath.
    projectId: ID

    The full-path of the project the authored merge requests should be in. Incompatible with projectId.
    projectPath: String

    Array of source branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their source.
    sourceBranches: [String!]

    A merge request state. If provided, all resolved merge requests will have this state.
    state: MergeRequestState

    Array of target branch names. All resolved merge requests will have one of these branches as their target.
    targetBranches: [String!]
  ): MergeRequestConnection

  URL of the user's avatar
  avatarUrl: String

  Group memberships of the user
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): GroupMemberConnection

  ID of the user
  id: ID!

  Human-readable name of the user
  name: String!

  Project memberships of the user
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ProjectMemberConnection

  Snippets authored by the user
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Array of global snippet ids, e.g., "gid://gitlab/ProjectSnippet/1"
    ids: [ID!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    The type of snippet
    type: TypeEnum

    The visibility of the snippet
    visibility: VisibilityScopesEnum
  ): SnippetConnection

  State of the user
  state: UserState!

  Todos of the user
    The action to be filtered
    action: [TodoActionEnum!]

    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    The ID of an author
    authorId: [ID!]

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    The ID of a group
    groupId: [ID!]

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    The ID of a project
    projectId: [ID!]

    The state of the todo
    state: [TodoStateEnum!]

    The type of the todo
    type: [TodoTargetEnum!]
  ): TodoConnection!

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: UserPermissions!

  Username of the user. Unique within this instance of GitLab
  username: String!

  Web path of the user
  webPath: String!

  Web URL of the user
  webUrl: String!

The connection type for User.
type UserConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [UserEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [User]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type UserEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: User

type UserPermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource
  createSnippet: Boolean!

Possible states of a user
enum UserState {
  The user is active and is able to use the system

  The user has been blocked and is prevented from using the system

  The user is no longer active and is unable to use the system

enum VisibilityLevelsEnum {

enum VisibilityScopesEnum {

Represents the number of vulnerabilities for a particular severity on a particular day
type VulnerabilitiesCountByDayAndSeverity {
  Number of vulnerabilities
  count: Int

  Date for the count
  day: ISO8601Date

  Severity of the counted vulnerabilities
  severity: VulnerabilitySeverity

The connection type for VulnerabilitiesCountByDayAndSeverity.
type VulnerabilitiesCountByDayAndSeverityConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [VulnerabilitiesCountByDayAndSeverityEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [VulnerabilitiesCountByDayAndSeverity]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type VulnerabilitiesCountByDayAndSeverityEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: VulnerabilitiesCountByDayAndSeverity

Represents a vulnerability.
type Vulnerability {
  Description of the vulnerability
  description: String

  GraphQL ID of the vulnerability
  id: ID!

  Identifiers of the vulnerability.
  identifiers: [VulnerabilityIdentifier!]!

  List of issue links related to the vulnerability
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int

    Filter issue links by link type
    linkType: VulnerabilityIssueLinkType
  ): VulnerabilityIssueLinkConnection!

  Location metadata for the vulnerability. Its fields depend on the type of security scan that found the vulnerability
  location: VulnerabilityLocation

  Primary identifier of the vulnerability.
  primaryIdentifier: VulnerabilityIdentifier

  The project on which the vulnerability was found
  project: Project

  Type of the security report that found the vulnerability (SAST,
  reportType: VulnerabilityReportType

  Indicates whether the vulnerability is fixed on the default branch or not
  resolvedOnDefaultBranch: Boolean!

  Scanner metadata for the vulnerability.
  scanner: VulnerabilityScanner

  Severity of the vulnerability (INFO, UNKNOWN, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL)
  severity: VulnerabilitySeverity

  State of the vulnerability (DETECTED, DISMISSED, RESOLVED, CONFIRMED)
  state: VulnerabilityState

  Title of the vulnerability
  title: String

  Number of user notes attached to the vulnerability
  userNotesCount: Int!

  Permissions for the current user on the resource
  userPermissions: VulnerabilityPermissions!

  URL to the vulnerability's details page
  vulnerabilityPath: String

The connection type for Vulnerability.
type VulnerabilityConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [VulnerabilityEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [Vulnerability]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type VulnerabilityEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: Vulnerability

The grade of the vulnerable project
enum VulnerabilityGrade {

Represents a vulnerability identifier.
type VulnerabilityIdentifier {
  External ID of the vulnerability identifier
  externalId: String

  External type of the vulnerability identifier
  externalType: String

  Name of the vulnerability identifier
  name: String

  URL of the vulnerability identifier
  url: String

Represents an issue link of a vulnerability.
type VulnerabilityIssueLink {
  GraphQL ID of the vulnerability
  id: ID!

  The issue attached to issue link
  issue: Issue!

  Type of the issue link
  linkType: VulnerabilityIssueLinkType!

The connection type for VulnerabilityIssueLink.
type VulnerabilityIssueLinkConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [VulnerabilityIssueLinkEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [VulnerabilityIssueLink]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type VulnerabilityIssueLinkEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: VulnerabilityIssueLink

The type of the issue link related to a vulnerability.
enum VulnerabilityIssueLinkType {

Represents a vulnerability location. The fields with data will depend on the vulnerability report type
union VulnerabilityLocation = VulnerabilityLocationContainerScanning | VulnerabilityLocationCoverageFuzzing | VulnerabilityLocationDast | VulnerabilityLocationDependencyScanning | VulnerabilityLocationSast | VulnerabilityLocationSecretDetection

Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a container security scan
type VulnerabilityLocationContainerScanning {
  Dependency containing the vulnerability
  dependency: VulnerableDependency

  Name of the vulnerable container image
  image: String

  Operating system that runs on the vulnerable container image
  operatingSystem: String

Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a Coverage Fuzzing scan
type VulnerabilityLocationCoverageFuzzing {
  Number of the last relevant line in the vulnerable file
  endLine: String

  Path to the vulnerable file
  file: String

  Number of the first relevant line in the vulnerable file
  startLine: String

  Class containing the vulnerability
  vulnerableClass: String

  Method containing the vulnerability
  vulnerableMethod: String

Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a DAST scan
type VulnerabilityLocationDast {
  Domain name of the vulnerable request
  hostname: String

  Query parameter for the URL on which the vulnerability occurred
  param: String

  URL path and query string of the vulnerable request
  path: String

  HTTP method of the vulnerable request
  requestMethod: String

Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a dependency security scan
type VulnerabilityLocationDependencyScanning {
  Dependency containing the vulnerability
  dependency: VulnerableDependency

  Path to the vulnerable file
  file: String

Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a SAST scan
type VulnerabilityLocationSast {
  Number of the last relevant line in the vulnerable file
  endLine: String

  Path to the vulnerable file
  file: String

  Number of the first relevant line in the vulnerable file
  startLine: String

  Class containing the vulnerability
  vulnerableClass: String

  Method containing the vulnerability
  vulnerableMethod: String

Represents the location of a vulnerability found by a secret detection scan
type VulnerabilityLocationSecretDetection {
  Number of the last relevant line in the vulnerable file
  endLine: String

  Path to the vulnerable file
  file: String

  Number of the first relevant line in the vulnerable file
  startLine: String

  Class containing the vulnerability
  vulnerableClass: String

  Method containing the vulnerability
  vulnerableMethod: String

Check permissions for the current user on a vulnerability
type VulnerabilityPermissions {
  Indicates the user can perform `admin_vulnerability` on this resource
  adminVulnerability: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `admin_vulnerability_issue_link` on this resource
  adminVulnerabilityIssueLink: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_vulnerability` on this resource
  createVulnerability: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_vulnerability_export` on this resource
  createVulnerabilityExport: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `create_vulnerability_feedback` on this resource
  createVulnerabilityFeedback: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `destroy_vulnerability_feedback` on this resource
  destroyVulnerabilityFeedback: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `read_vulnerability_feedback` on this resource
  readVulnerabilityFeedback: Boolean!

  Indicates the user can perform `update_vulnerability_feedback` on this resource
  updateVulnerabilityFeedback: Boolean!

The type of the security scan that found the vulnerability.
enum VulnerabilityReportType {

Represents a vulnerability scanner.
type VulnerabilityScanner {
  External ID of the vulnerability scanner
  externalId: String

  Name of the vulnerability scanner
  name: String

  Type of the vulnerability report
  reportType: VulnerabilityReportType

  Vendor of the vulnerability scanner
  vendor: String

The connection type for VulnerabilityScanner.
type VulnerabilityScannerConnection {
  A list of edges.
  edges: [VulnerabilityScannerEdge]

  A list of nodes.
  nodes: [VulnerabilityScanner]

  Information to aid in pagination.
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

An edge in a connection.
type VulnerabilityScannerEdge {
  A cursor for use in pagination.
  cursor: String!

  The item at the end of the edge.
  node: VulnerabilityScanner

Represents vulnerability counts by severity
type VulnerabilitySeveritiesCount {
  Number of vulnerabilities of CRITICAL severity of the project
  critical: Int

  Number of vulnerabilities of HIGH severity of the project
  high: Int

  Number of vulnerabilities of INFO severity of the project
  info: Int

  Number of vulnerabilities of LOW severity of the project
  low: Int

  Number of vulnerabilities of MEDIUM severity of the project
  medium: Int

  Number of vulnerabilities of UNKNOWN severity of the project
  unknown: Int

The severity of the vulnerability.
enum VulnerabilitySeverity {

The state of the vulnerability.
enum VulnerabilityState {

Represents a vulnerable dependency. Used in vulnerability location data
type VulnerableDependency {
  The package associated with the vulnerable dependency
  package: VulnerablePackage

  The version of the vulnerable dependency
  version: String

Represents a vulnerable package. Used in vulnerability dependency data
type VulnerablePackage {
  The name of the vulnerable package
  name: String

Represents vulnerability letter grades with associated projects
type VulnerableProjectsByGrade {
  Number of projects within this grade
  count: Int!

  Grade based on the highest severity vulnerability present
  grade: VulnerabilityGrade!

  Projects within this grade
    Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
    after: String

    Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.
    before: String

    Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
    first: Int

    Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
    last: Int
  ): ProjectConnection!