Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.

v 8.5.0 (unreleased)
  - Show warning when mirror repository default branch could not be updated because it has diverged from upstream.
  - More reliable wiki indexer

v 8.4.4
  - Re-introduce "Send email to users" link in Admin area
  - Fix category values for Jenkins and JenkinsDeprecated services
  - Make elastic indexer more stable
  - Fix Elasticsearch indexing for newly added snippets

v 8.4.3
  - Elasticsearch: fix partial blob indexing on push
  - Elasticsearch: added advanced indexer for repositories
  - Fix Mirror User dropdown

v 8.4.2
  - Elasticsearch indexer performance improvements
  - Don't redirect away from Mirror Repository settings when repo is empty
  - Fix updating of branches in mirrored repository
  - Fix a 500 error preventing LDAP users with 2FA enabled from logging in
  - Rake task gitlab:elastic:index_repositories handles errors and shows progress
  - Partial indexing of repo on push (indexing changes only)

v 8.4.1
  - No EE-specific changes

v 8.4.0
  - Add ability to create a note for user by admin
  - Fix "Commit was rejected by git hook", when max_file_size was set null in project's Git hooks
  - Fix "Approvals are not reset after a new push is made if the request is coming from a fork"
  - Fix "User is not automatically removed from suggested approvers list if user is deleted"
  - Add option to enforce a semi-linear history by only allowing merge requests to be merged that have been rebased
  - Add option to trigger builds when branches or tags are updated from a mirrored upstream repository
  - Ability to use Elasticsearch as a search engine

v 8.3.2
  - No EE-specific changes

v 8.3.1
  - Rename "Group Statistics" to "Contribution Analytics"

v 8.3.0
  - License information can now be retrieved via the API
  - Show Kerberos clone url when Kerberos enabled and url different than HTTP url (Borja Aparicio)
  - Fix bug with negative approvals required
  - Add group contribution analytics page
  - Add GitLab Pages
  - Add group contribution statistics page
  - Automatically import Kerberos identities from Active Directory when Kerberos is enabled (Alex Lossent)
  - Canonicalization of Kerberos identities to always include realm (Alex Lossent)

v 8.2.3
  - No EE-specific changes

v 8.2.2
  - Fix 404 in redirection after removing a project (Stan Hu)
  - Ensure cached application settings are refreshed at startup (Stan Hu)
  - Fix Error 500 when viewing user's personal projects from admin page (Stan Hu)
  - Fix: Raw private snippets access workflow
  - Prevent "413 Request entity too large" errors when pushing large files with LFS
  - Ensure GitLab fires custom update hooks after commit via UI

v 8.2.1
  - Forcefully update builds that didn't want to update with state machine
  - Fix: saving GitLabCiService as Admin Template

v 8.2.0
  - Invalidate stored jira password if the endpoint URL is changed
  - Fix: Page is not reloaded periodically to check if rebase is finished
  - When someone as marked as a required approver for a merge request, an email should be sent
  - Allow configuring the Jira API path (Alex Lossent)
  - Fix "Rebase onto master"
  - Ensure a comment is properly recorded in JIRA when a merge request is accepted
  - Allow groups to appear in the `Share with group` share if the group owner allows it
  - Add option to mirror an upstream repository.

v 8.1.4
  - Fix bug in JIRA integration which prevented merge requests from being accepted when using issue closing pattern

v 8.1.3
  - Fix "Rebase onto master"

v 8.1.2
  - Prevent a 500 error related to the JIRA external issue tracker service

v 8.1.1
  - Removed, see 8.1.2

v 8.1.0
  - Add documentation for "Share project with group" API call
  - Added an issues template (Hannes Rosenögger)
  - Add documentation for "Share project with group" API call
  - Ability to disable 'Share with Group' feature (via UI and API)

v 8.0.6
  - No EE-specific changes

v 8.0.5
  - "Multi-project" and "Treat unstable builds as passing" parameters for
    the Jenkins CI service are now correctly persisted.
  - Correct the build URL when "Multi-project" is enabled for the Jenkins CI

v 8.0.4
  - Fix multi-project setup for Jenkins

v 8.0.3
  - No EE-specific changes

v 8.0.2
  - No EE-specific changes

v 8.0.1
  - Correct gem dependency versions
  - Re-add the "Help Text" feature that was inadvertently removed

v 8.0.0
  - Fix navigation issue when viewing Group Settings pages
  - Guests and Reporters can approve merge request as well
  - Add fast-forward merge option in project settings
  - Separate rebase & fast-forward merge features

v 7.14.3
  - No changes

v 7.14.2
  - Fix the rebase before merge feature

v 7.14.1
  - Fix sign in form when just Kerberos is enabled

v 7.14.0
  - Disable adding, updating and removing members from a group that is synced with LDAP
  - Don't send "Added to group" notifications when group is LDAP synched
  - Fix importing projects from GitHub Enterprise Edition.
  - Automatic approver suggestions (based on an authority of the code)
  - Add support for Jenkins unstable status
  - Automatic approver suggestions (based on an authority of the code)
  - Support Kerberos ticket-based authentication for Git HTTP access

v 7.13.3
  - Merge community edition changes for version 7.13.3
  - Improved validation for an approver
  - Don't resend admin email to everyone if one delivery fails
  - Added migration for removing of invalid approvers

v 7.13.2
  - Fix group web hook
  - Don't resend admin email to everyone if one delivery fails

v 7.13.1
  - Merge community edition changes for version 7.13.1
  - Fix: "Rebase before merge" doesn't work when source branch is in the same project

v 7.13
  - Fix git hook validation on initial push to master branch.
  - Reset approvals on push
  - Fix 500 error when the source project of an MR is deleted
  - Ability to define merge request approvers

v 7.12.2
  - Fixed the alignment of project settings icons

v 7.12.1
  - No changes specific to EE

v 7.12.0
  - Fix error when viewing merge request with a commit that includes "Closes #<issue id>".
  - Enhance LDAP group synchronization to check also for member attributes that only contain "uid=<username>"
  - Enhance LDAP group synchronization to check also for submember attributes
  - Prevent LDAP group sync from removing a group's last owner
  - Add Git hook to validate maximum file size.
  - Project setting: approve merge request by N users before accept
  - Support automatic branch jobs created by Jenkins in CI Status
  - Add API support for adding and removing LDAP group links

v 7.11.4
  - no changes specific to EE

v 7.11.3
  - Fixed an issue with git annex

v 7.11.2
  - Fixed license upload and verification mechanism

v 7.11.0
  - Skip git hooks commit validation when pushing new tag.
  - Add Two-factor authentication (2FA) for LDAP logins

v 7.10.1
  - Check if comment exists in Jira before sending a reference

v 7.10.0
  - Improve UI for next pages: Group LDAP sync, Project git hooks, Project share with groups, Admin -> Appearance settigns
  - Default git hooks for new projects
  - Fix LDAP group links page by using new group members route.
  - Skip email confirmation when updated via LDAP.

v 7.9.0
  - Strip prefixes and suffixes from synced SSH keys:
    `SSHKey:ssh-rsa keykeykey` and `ssh-rsa keykeykey (SSH key)` will now work
  - Check if LDAP admin group exists before querying for user membership
  - Use one custom header logo for all GitLab themes in appearance settings
  - Escape wildcards when searching LDAP by group name.
  - Group level Web Hooks
  - Don't allow project to be shared with the group it is already in.

v 7.8.0
  - Improved Jira issue closing integration
  - Improved message logging for Jira integration
  - Added option of referencing JIRA issues from GitLab
  - Update Sidetiq to 0.6.3
  - Added Github Enterprise importer
  - When project has MR rebase enabled, MR will have rebase checkbox selected by default
  - Minor UI fixes for sidebar navigation
  - Manage large binaries with git annex

v 7.7.0
  - Added custom header logo support (Drew Blessing)
  - Fixed preview appearance bug
  - Improve performance for selectboxes: project share page, admin email users page

v 7.6.2
  - Fix failing migrations for MySQL, LDAP

v 7.6.1
  - No changes

v 7.6.0
  - Added Audit events related to membership changes for groups and projects
  - Added option to attempt a rebase before merging merge request
  - Dont show LDAP groups settings if LDAP disabled
  - Added member lock for groups to disallow membership additions on project level
  - Rebase on merge request. Introduced merge request option to rebase before merging
  - Better message for failed pushes because of git hooks
  - Kerberos support for web interface and git HTTP

v 7.5.3
  - Only set up Sidetiq from a Sidekiq server process (fixes Redis::InheritedError)

v 7.5.0
  - Added an ability to check each author commit's email by regex
  - Added an ability to restrict commit authors to existing Gitlab users
  - Add an option for automatic daily LDAP user sync
  - Added git hook for preventing tag removal to API
  - Added git hook for setting commit message regex to API
  - Added an ability to block commits with certain filenames by regex expression
  - Improved a jenkins parser

v 7.4.4
  - Fix broken ldap migration

v 7.4.0
  - Support for multiple LDAP servers
  - Skip AD specific LDAP checks
  - Do not show ldap users in dropdowns for groups with enabled ldap-sync
  - Update the JIRA integration documentation
  - Reset the homepage to show the GitLab logo by deleting the custom logo.

v 7.3.0
  - Add an option to change the LDAP sync time from default 1 hour
  - User will receive an email when unsubscribed from admin notifications
  - Show group sharing members on /my/project/team
  - Improve explanation of the LDAP permission reset
  - Fix some navigation issues
  - Added support for multiple LDAP groups per Gitlab group

v 7.2.0
  - Improve Redmine integration
  - Better logging for the JIRA issue closing service
  - Administrators can now send email to all users through the admin interface
  - JIRA issue transition ID is now customizable
  - LDAP group settings are now visible in admin group show page and group members page

v 7.1.0
  - Synchronize LDAP-enabled GitLab administrators with an LDAP group (Marvin Frick, sponsored by SinnerSchrader)
  - Synchronize SSH keys with LDAP (Oleg Girko (Jolla) and Marvin Frick (SinnerSchrader))
  - Support Jenkins jobs with multiple modules (Marvin Frick, sponsored by SinnerSchrader)

v 7.0.0
  - Fix: empty brand images are displayed as empty image_tag on login page (Marvin Frick, sponsored by SinnerSchrader)

v 6.9.4
  - Fix bug in JIRA Issue closing triggered by commit messages
  - Fix JIRA issue reference bug

v 6.9.3
  - Fix check CI status only when CI service is enabled(Daniel Aquino)

v 6.9.2
  - Merge community edition changes for version 6.9.2

v 6.9.1
  - Merge community edition changes for version 6.9.1

v 6.9.0
  - Add support for closing Jira tickets with commits and MR
  - Template for Merge Request description can be added in project settings
  - Jenkins CI service
  - Fix LDAP email upper case bug

v 6.8.0
  - Customise sign-in page with custom text and logo

v 6.7.1
  - Handle LDAP errors in Adapter#dn_matches_filter?

v 6.7.0
  - Improve LDAP sign-in speed by reusing connections
  - Add support for Active Directory nested LDAP groups
  - Git hooks: Commit message regex
  - Git hooks: Deny git tag removal
  - Fix group edit in admin area

v 6.5.0
  - Add reset permissions button to Group#members page

v 6.4.0
  - Respect existing group permissions during sync with LDAP group (d3844662ec7ce816b0a85c8b40f66ee6c5ae90a1)

v 6.3.0
  - When looking up a user by DN, use single scope (bc8a875df1609728f1c7674abef46c01168a0d20)
  - Try sAMAccountName if omniauth nickname is nil (9b7174c333fa07c44cc53b80459a115ef1856e38)

v 6.2.0
  - API: expose ldap_cn and ldap_access group attributes
  - Use omniauth-ldap nickname attribute as GitLab username
  - Improve group sharing UI for installation with many groups
  - Fix empty LDAP group raises exception
  - Respect LDAP user filter for git access