/* * This is a manifest file that'll automatically include all the stylesheets available in this directory * and any sub-directories. You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at * the top of the compiled file, but it's generally better to create a new file per style scope. *= require jquery-ui/jquery-ui *= require jquery-ui/jquery.ui.selectmenu *= require jquery-ui/jquery.tagify *= require chosen *= require_self *= require_tree . */ /** COLORS **/ .cgray { color:gray; } .cred { color:#D12F19; } .cgreen { color:#44aa22; } /** COMMON STYLES **/ .left { float:left; } .right { float:right; } .width-50p{ width:50%; } .width-49p{ width:49%; } .width-30p{ width:30%; } .width-65p{ width:65%; } .width-100p{ width:100%; } .append-bottom-10 { margin-bottom:10px; } .prepend-top-10 { margin-top:10px; } .no-borders { border:none; } .no-padding { padding:0 !important; } /** COMMIT BLOCK **/ .commit-title{display: block;} .commit-title{margin-bottom: 10px} .commit-author{color: #999; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic;} .commit-author strong{font-weight: bold; font-style: normal;}