<script> /* global Flash */ import $ from 'jquery'; import { s__, sprintf } from '~/locale'; import DeprecatedModal from '~/vue_shared/components/deprecated_modal.vue'; import { HIDDEN_CLASS } from '~/lib/utils/constants'; import { getParameterByName } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import { mergeUrlParams } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui'; import eventHub from '../event_hub'; import { COMMON_STR, CONTENT_LIST_CLASS } from '../constants'; import groupsComponent from './groups.vue'; export default { components: { DeprecatedModal, groupsComponent, GlLoadingIcon, }, props: { action: { type: String, required: false, default: '', }, containerId: { type: String, required: false, default: '', }, store: { type: Object, required: true, }, service: { type: Object, required: true, }, hideProjects: { type: Boolean, required: true, }, }, data() { return { isLoading: true, isSearchEmpty: false, searchEmptyMessage: '', showModal: false, groupLeaveConfirmationMessage: '', targetGroup: null, targetParentGroup: null, }; }, computed: { groups() { return this.store.getGroups(); }, pageInfo() { return this.store.getPaginationInfo(); }, }, created() { this.searchEmptyMessage = this.hideProjects ? COMMON_STR.GROUP_SEARCH_EMPTY : COMMON_STR.GROUP_PROJECT_SEARCH_EMPTY; eventHub.$on(`${this.action}fetchPage`, this.fetchPage); eventHub.$on(`${this.action}toggleChildren`, this.toggleChildren); eventHub.$on(`${this.action}showLeaveGroupModal`, this.showLeaveGroupModal); eventHub.$on(`${this.action}updatePagination`, this.updatePagination); eventHub.$on(`${this.action}updateGroups`, this.updateGroups); }, mounted() { this.fetchAllGroups(); if (this.containerId) { this.containerEl = document.getElementById(this.containerId); } }, beforeDestroy() { eventHub.$off(`${this.action}fetchPage`, this.fetchPage); eventHub.$off(`${this.action}toggleChildren`, this.toggleChildren); eventHub.$off(`${this.action}showLeaveGroupModal`, this.showLeaveGroupModal); eventHub.$off(`${this.action}updatePagination`, this.updatePagination); eventHub.$off(`${this.action}updateGroups`, this.updateGroups); }, methods: { fetchGroups({ parentId, page, filterGroupsBy, sortBy, archived, updatePagination }) { return this.service .getGroups(parentId, page, filterGroupsBy, sortBy, archived) .then(res => { if (updatePagination) { this.updatePagination(res.headers); } return res; }) .then(res => res.json()) .catch(() => { this.isLoading = false; $.scrollTo(0); Flash(COMMON_STR.FAILURE); }); }, fetchAllGroups() { const page = getParameterByName('page') || null; const sortBy = getParameterByName('sort') || null; const archived = getParameterByName('archived') || null; const filterGroupsBy = getParameterByName('filter') || null; this.isLoading = true; // eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return this.fetchGroups({ page, filterGroupsBy, sortBy, archived, updatePagination: true, }).then(res => { this.isLoading = false; this.updateGroups(res, Boolean(filterGroupsBy)); }); }, fetchPage(page, filterGroupsBy, sortBy, archived) { this.isLoading = true; // eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return this.fetchGroups({ page, filterGroupsBy, sortBy, archived, updatePagination: true, }).then(res => { this.isLoading = false; $.scrollTo(0); const currentPath = mergeUrlParams({ page }, window.location.href); window.history.replaceState( { page: currentPath, }, document.title, currentPath, ); this.updateGroups(res); }); }, toggleChildren(group) { const parentGroup = group; if (!parentGroup.isOpen) { if (parentGroup.children.length === 0) { parentGroup.isChildrenLoading = true; this.fetchGroups({ parentId: parentGroup.id, }) .then(res => { this.store.setGroupChildren(parentGroup, res); }) .catch(() => { parentGroup.isChildrenLoading = false; }); } else { parentGroup.isOpen = true; } } else { parentGroup.isOpen = false; } }, showLeaveGroupModal(group, parentGroup) { const { fullName } = group; this.targetGroup = group; this.targetParentGroup = parentGroup; this.showModal = true; this.groupLeaveConfirmationMessage = sprintf( s__('GroupsTree|Are you sure you want to leave the "%{fullName}" group?'), { fullName }, ); }, hideLeaveGroupModal() { this.showModal = false; }, leaveGroup() { this.showModal = false; this.targetGroup.isBeingRemoved = true; this.service .leaveGroup(this.targetGroup.leavePath) .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => { $.scrollTo(0); this.store.removeGroup(this.targetGroup, this.targetParentGroup); Flash(res.notice, 'notice'); }) .catch(err => { let message = COMMON_STR.FAILURE; if (err.status === 403) { message = COMMON_STR.LEAVE_FORBIDDEN; } Flash(message); this.targetGroup.isBeingRemoved = false; }); }, showEmptyState() { const { containerEl } = this; const contentListEl = containerEl.querySelector(CONTENT_LIST_CLASS); const emptyStateEl = containerEl.querySelector('.empty-state'); if (contentListEl) { contentListEl.remove(); } if (emptyStateEl) { emptyStateEl.classList.remove(HIDDEN_CLASS); } }, updatePagination(headers) { this.store.setPaginationInfo(headers); }, updateGroups(groups, fromSearch) { const hasGroups = groups && groups.length > 0; this.isSearchEmpty = !hasGroups; if (fromSearch) { this.store.setSearchedGroups(groups); } else { this.store.setGroups(groups); } if (this.action && !hasGroups && !fromSearch) { this.showEmptyState(); } }, }, }; </script> <template> <div> <gl-loading-icon v-if="isLoading" :label="s__('GroupsTree|Loading groups')" size="md" class="loading-animation prepend-top-20" /> <groups-component v-if="!isLoading" :groups="groups" :search-empty="isSearchEmpty" :search-empty-message="searchEmptyMessage" :page-info="pageInfo" :action="action" /> <deprecated-modal v-show="showModal" :primary-button-label="__('Leave')" :title="__('Are you sure?')" :text="groupLeaveConfirmationMessage" kind="warning" @cancel="hideLeaveGroupModal" @submit="leaveGroup" /> </div> </template>