    = form_for @project, url: project_pipelines_settings_path(@project) do |f|
          %p Pipelines need to have Auto DevOps enabled or have a .gitlab-ci.yml configured before you can begin using Continuous Integration and Delivery.
          %h5 Auto DevOps (Beta)
            Auto DevOps will automatically build, test, and deploy your application based on a predefined Continious Integration and Delivery configuration.
            = link_to 'Learn more about Auto DevOps', help_page_path('topics/autodevops/index.md')
          = f.fields_for :auto_devops_attributes, @auto_devops do |form|
              = form.label :enabled_true do
                = form.radio_button :enabled, 'true'
                %strong Enable Auto DevOps
                  The Auto DevOps pipeline configuration will be used when there is no .gitlab-ci.yml
                  in the project.
              = form.label :enabled_false do
                = form.radio_button :enabled, 'false'
                %strong Disable Auto DevOps
                  A specific .gitlab-ci.yml file needs to be specified before you can begin using Continious Integration and Delivery.
              = form.label :enabled do
                = form.radio_button :enabled, nil
                  Instance default (status: #{current_application_settings.auto_devops_enabled?})
                  Follow the instance default to either have Auto DevOps enabled or disabled when there is no project specific .gitlab-ci.yml file specified.
              Define a domain used by Auto DevOps to deploy towards, this is required for deploys to succeed.
            = form.text_field :domain, class: 'form-control', placeholder: 'domain.com'

          = f.label :runners_token, "Runner token", class: 'label-light'
          = f.text_field :runners_token, class: "form-control", placeholder: 'xEeFCaDAB89'
          %p.help-block The secure token used by the Runner to checkout the project

            Git strategy for pipelines
            Choose between <code>clone</code> or <code>fetch</code> to get the recent application code
            = link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('user/project/pipelines/settings', anchor: 'git-strategy'), target: '_blank'
            = f.label :build_allow_git_fetch_false do
              = f.radio_button :build_allow_git_fetch, 'false'
              %strong git clone
                Slower but makes sure the project workspace is pristine as it clones the repository from scratch for every job
            = f.label :build_allow_git_fetch_true do
              = f.radio_button :build_allow_git_fetch, 'true'
              %strong git fetch
                Faster as it re-uses the project workspace (falling back to clone if it doesn't exist)

          = f.label :build_timeout_in_minutes, 'Timeout', class: 'label-light'
          = f.number_field :build_timeout_in_minutes, class: 'form-control', min: '0'
            Per job in minutes. If a job passes this threshold, it will be marked as failed
            = link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('user/project/pipelines/settings', anchor: 'timeout'), target: '_blank'

          = f.label :ci_config_path, 'Custom CI config path', class: 'label-light'
          = f.text_field :ci_config_path, class: 'form-control', placeholder: '.gitlab-ci.yml'
            The path to CI config file. Defaults to <code>.gitlab-ci.yml</code>
            = link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('user/project/pipelines/settings', anchor: 'custom-ci-config-path'), target: '_blank'

            = f.label :public_builds do
              = f.check_box :public_builds
              %strong Public pipelines
              Allow public access to pipelines and job details, including output logs and artifacts
              = link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('user/project/pipelines/settings', anchor: 'visibility-of-pipelines'), target: '_blank'
              %p If enabled:
                  For public projects, anyone can view pipelines and access job details (output logs and artifacts)
                  For internal projects, any logged in user can view pipelines and access job details (output logs and artifacts)
                  For private projects, any member (guest or higher) can view pipelines and access job details (output logs and artifacts)
                If disabled, the access level will depend on the user's
                permissions in the project.

            = f.label :auto_cancel_pending_pipelines do
              = f.check_box :auto_cancel_pending_pipelines, {}, 'enabled', 'disabled'
              %strong Auto-cancel redundant, pending pipelines
              New pipelines will cancel older, pending pipelines on the same branch
              = link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('user/project/pipelines/settings', anchor: 'auto-cancel-pending-pipelines'), target: '_blank'

          = f.label :build_coverage_regex, "Test coverage parsing", class: 'label-light'
            %span.input-group-addon /
            = f.text_field :build_coverage_regex, class: 'form-control', placeholder: 'Regular expression'
            %span.input-group-addon /
            A regular expression that will be used to find the test coverage
            output in the job trace. Leave blank to disable
            = link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('user/project/pipelines/settings', anchor: 'test-coverage-parsing'), target: '_blank'
            %p Below are examples of regex for existing tools:
                Simplecov (Ruby) -
                %code \(\d+.\d+\%\) covered
                pytest-cov (Python) -
                %code \d+\%\s*$
                phpunit --coverage-text --colors=never (PHP) -
                %code ^\s*Lines:\s*\d+.\d+\%
                gcovr (C/C++) -
                %code ^TOTAL.*\s+(\d+\%)$
                tap --coverage-report=text-summary (NodeJS) -
                %code ^Statements\s*:\s*([^%]+)
                excoveralls (Elixir) -
                %code \[TOTAL\]\s+(\d+\.\d+)%

        = f.submit 'Save changes', class: "btn btn-save"


  = render partial: 'projects/pipelines_settings/badge', collection: @badges