require 'spec_helper' feature 'issuable templates', feature: true, js: true do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } before do << [user, :master] login_as user end context 'user creates an issue using templates' do let(:template_content) { 'this is a test "bug" template' } let(:longtemplate_content) { %Q(this\n\n\n\n\nis\n\n\n\n\na\n\n\n\n\nbug\n\n\n\n\ntemplate) } let(:issue) { create(:issue, author: user, assignee: user, project: project) } let(:description_addition) { ' appending to description' } background do project.repository.create_file( user, '.gitlab/issue_templates/', template_content, message: 'added issue template', branch_name: 'master') project.repository.create_file( user, '.gitlab/issue_templates/', longtemplate_content, message: 'added issue template', branch_name: 'master') visit edit_namespace_project_issue_path project.namespace, project, issue fill_in :'issue[title]', with: 'test issue title' end scenario 'user selects "bug" template' do select_template 'bug' wait_for_ajax assert_template save_changes end scenario 'user selects "bug" template and then "no template"' do select_template 'bug' wait_for_ajax select_option 'No template' assert_template('') save_changes('') end scenario 'user selects "bug" template, edits description and then selects "reset template"' do select_template 'bug' wait_for_ajax find_field('issue_description').send_keys(description_addition) assert_template(template_content + description_addition) select_option 'Reset template' assert_template save_changes end it 'updates height of markdown textarea' do start_height = page.evaluate_script('$(".markdown-area").outerHeight()') select_template 'test' wait_for_ajax end_height = page.evaluate_script('$(".markdown-area").outerHeight()') expect(end_height).not_to eq(start_height) end end context 'user creates an issue using templates, with a prior description' do let(:prior_description) { 'test issue description' } let(:template_content) { 'this is a test "bug" template' } let(:issue) { create(:issue, author: user, assignee: user, project: project) } background do project.repository.create_file( user, '.gitlab/issue_templates/', template_content, message: 'added issue template', branch_name: 'master') visit edit_namespace_project_issue_path project.namespace, project, issue fill_in :'issue[title]', with: 'test issue title' fill_in :'issue[description]', with: prior_description end scenario 'user selects "bug" template' do select_template 'bug' wait_for_ajax assert_template("#{template_content}") save_changes end end context 'user creates a merge request using templates' do let(:template_content) { 'this is a test "feature-proposal" template' } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, :with_diffs, source_project: project) } background do project.repository.create_file( user, '.gitlab/merge_request_templates/', template_content, message: 'added merge request template', branch_name: 'master') visit edit_namespace_project_merge_request_path project.namespace, project, merge_request fill_in :'merge_request[title]', with: 'test merge request title' end scenario 'user selects "feature-proposal" template' do select_template 'feature-proposal' wait_for_ajax assert_template save_changes end end context 'user creates a merge request from a forked project using templates' do let(:template_content) { 'this is a test "feature-proposal" template' } let(:fork_user) { create(:user) } let(:fork_project) { create(:project, :public) } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, :with_diffs, source_project: fork_project, target_project: project) } background do logout << [fork_user, :developer] << [fork_user, :master] create(:forked_project_link, forked_to_project: fork_project, forked_from_project: project) login_as fork_user project.repository.create_file( fork_user, '.gitlab/merge_request_templates/', template_content, message: 'added merge request template', branch_name: 'master') visit edit_namespace_project_merge_request_path project.namespace, project, merge_request fill_in :'merge_request[title]', with: 'test merge request title' end context 'feature proposal template' do context 'template exists in target project' do scenario 'user selects template' do select_template 'feature-proposal' wait_for_ajax assert_template save_changes end end end end def assert_template(expected_content = template_content) expect(find('textarea')['value']).to eq(expected_content) end def save_changes(expected_content = template_content) click_button "Save changes" expect(page).to have_content expected_content end def select_template(name) first('.js-issuable-selector').click first('.js-issuable-selector-wrap .dropdown-content a', text: name).click end def select_option(name) first('.js-issuable-selector').click first('.js-issuable-selector-wrap .dropdown-footer-list a', text: name).click end end