#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# GitLab shell authorized_keys helper. Query GitLab API to get the authorized
# command for a given ssh key fingerprint
# Ex.
#   bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check <username> <public-key>
# Returns
#   command="/bin/gitlab-shell key-#",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAA...
# Expects to be called by the SSH daemon, via configuration like:
#     AuthorizedKeysCommandUser git
#     AuthorizedKeysCommand /bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check git %u %k

abort "# Wrong number of arguments. #{ARGV.size}. Usage:
#     gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check <expected-username> <actual-username> <key>" unless ARGV.size == 3

expected_username = ARGV[0]
abort '# No username provided' if expected_username.nil? || expected_username == ''

actual_username = ARGV[1]
abort '# No username provided' if actual_username.nil? || actual_username == ''

# Only check access if the requested username matches the configured username.
# Normally, these would both be 'git', but it can be configured by the user
exit 0 unless expected_username == actual_username

key = ARGV[2]
abort "# No key provided" if key.nil? || key == ''

require_relative '../lib/gitlab_init'
require_relative '../lib/gitlab_net'
require_relative '../lib/gitlab_keys'

authorized_key = GitlabNet.new.authorized_key(key)
if authorized_key.nil?
  puts "# No key was found for #{key}"
  puts GitlabKeys.key_line("key-#{authorized_key['id']}", authorized_key['key'])