# Before 'make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # 'make test'. After 'make install' it should work as 'perl Location.t' ######################### # change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print'; use strict; use warnings; # Where to find the test database. my $testdb = $ENV{'database'}; my $keyfile = $ENV{'keyfile'}; use Test::More tests => 10; BEGIN { use_ok('Location') }; ######################### # Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read # its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script. # Address which should be used for database lookup. my $address = "2a07:1c44:5800::1"; # Connect to the database. my $db = &Location::init("$testdb"); # Verify my $status = &Location::verify($db, $keyfile); ok($status, "This database is valid"); my $vendor = &Location::get_vendor($db); ok($vendor eq "IPFire Project", "Test 1 - Get Database Vendor"); my $license = &Location::get_license($db); ok($license eq "CC", "Test 2 - Get Database license"); my $description = &Location::get_description($db); ok($description eq "This is a geo location database", "Test 3 - Get Database Description"); my $country_code = &Location::lookup_country_code($db, $address); ok($country_code eq "DE", "Test 4 - Lookup country code for $address"); $country_code = &Location::lookup_country_code($db, ""); if(defined($country_code)) { fail("Test 5 - Lookup country code for address not in Database."); } $country_code = &Location::lookup_country_code($db, "a.b.c.d"); if(defined($country_code)) { fail("Test 6 - Lookup country code for invalid address.") } my $as_number = &Location::lookup_asn($db, $address); ok($as_number eq "204867", "Test 7 - Lookup Autonomous System Number for $address."); $as_number = &Location::lookup_asn($db, ""); if(defined($as_number)) { fail("Test 8 - Lookup Autonomous System Number for address not in Database.") } $as_number = &Location::lookup_asn($db, "a.b.c.d"); if(defined($as_number)) { fail("Test 9 - Lookup Autonomous System Number for invalid address.") } my $as_name = &Location::get_as_name($db, "204867"); ok($as_name eq "Lightning Wire Labs GmbH", "Test 10 - Get name for AS204867."); my @locations = &Location::database_countries($db); ok(@locations != 0, "Test 11 - Get database countries."); my $network_flag_anycast = &Location::lookup_network_has_flag($db, $address, "LOC_NETWORK_FLAG_ANYCAST"); ok($network_flag_anycast, "Network has Anycast flag.");