Commit 4e0825fd authored by Elena Ufimtseva's avatar Elena Ufimtseva Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

Staging: ced1401: Patch removes typedef unsigned short WORD.

Patch removes the use of typedef unsigned short WORD.
Signed-off-by: default avatarElena Ufimtseva <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 9a054c27
......@@ -82,15 +82,14 @@
typedef int BOOL; /* To match Windows */
typedef char *LPSTR;
typedef const char *LPCSTR;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef unsigned int DWORD;
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
#define __packed __attribute__((packed))
typedef BYTE *LPBYTE;
#define HIWORD(x) (WORD)(((x)>>16) & 0xffff)
#define LOWORD(x) (WORD)((x) & 0xffff)
#define HIWORD(x) (unsigned short)(((x)>>16) & 0xffff)
#define LOWORD(x) (unsigned short)((x) & 0xffff)
#ifdef _IS_WINDOWS_
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
/* Definitions of element sizes for DMA transfers - to allow byte-swapping */
#define ESZBYTES 0 /* BYTE element size value */
#define ESZWORDS 1 /* WORD element size value */
#define ESZWORDS 1 /* unsigned short element size value */
#define ESZLONGS 2 /* long element size value */
#define ESZUNKNOWN 0 /* unknown element size value */
......@@ -210,27 +210,27 @@ U14API(short) U14Close1401(short hand);
U14API(short) U14Reset1401(short hand);
U14API(short) U14ForceReset(short hand);
U14API(short) U14TypeOf1401(short hand);
U14API(short) U14NameOf1401(short hand, char *pBuf, WORD wMax);
U14API(short) U14NameOf1401(short hand, char *pBuf, unsigned short wMax);
U14API(short) U14Stat1401(short hand);
U14API(short) U14CharCount(short hand);
U14API(short) U14LineCount(short hand);
U14API(short) U14SendString(short hand, const char *pString);
U14API(short) U14GetString(short hand, char *pBuffer, WORD wMaxLen);
U14API(short) U14GetString(short hand, char *pBuffer, unsigned short wMaxLen);
U14API(short) U14SendChar(short hand, char cChar);
U14API(short) U14GetChar(short hand, char *pcChar);
U14API(short) U14LdCmd(short hand, const char *command);
U14API(DWORD) U14Ld(short hand, const char *vl, const char *str);
U14API(short) U14SetTransArea(short hand, WORD wArea, void *pvBuff,
U14API(short) U14SetTransArea(short hand, unsigned short wArea, void *pvBuff,
DWORD dwLength, short eSz);
U14API(short) U14UnSetTransfer(short hand, WORD wArea);
U14API(short) U14SetTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea, BOOL bEvent,
U14API(short) U14UnSetTransfer(short hand, unsigned short wArea);
U14API(short) U14SetTransferEvent(short hand, unsigned short wArea, BOOL bEvent,
BOOL bToHost, DWORD dwStart, DWORD dwLength);
U14API(int) U14TestTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea);
U14API(int) U14WaitTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea, int msTimeOut);
U14API(int) U14TestTransferEvent(short hand, unsigned short wArea);
U14API(int) U14WaitTransferEvent(short hand, unsigned short wArea, int msTimeOut);
U14API(short) U14GetTransfer(short hand, TGET_TX_BLOCK *pTransBlock);
U14API(short) U14ToHost(short hand, char *pAddrHost, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dw1401,
......@@ -238,11 +238,11 @@ U14API(short) U14ToHost(short hand, char *pAddrHost, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dw1401,
U14API(short) U14To1401(short hand, const char *pAddrHost, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dw1401,
short eSz);
U14API(short) U14SetCircular(short hand, WORD wArea, BOOL bToHost, void *pvBuff,
U14API(short) U14SetCircular(short hand, unsigned short wArea, BOOL bToHost, void *pvBuff,
DWORD dwLength);
U14API(int) U14GetCircBlk(short hand, WORD wArea, DWORD *pdwOffs);
U14API(int) U14FreeCircBlk(short hand, WORD wArea, DWORD dwOffs, DWORD dwSize,
U14API(int) U14GetCircBlk(short hand, unsigned short wArea, DWORD *pdwOffs);
U14API(int) U14FreeCircBlk(short hand, unsigned short wArea, DWORD dwOffs, DWORD dwSize,
DWORD *pdwOffs);
U14API(short) U14StrToLongs(const char *pszBuff, U14LONG *palNums, short sMaxLongs);
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ U14API(short) U14OutBufSpace(short hand);
U14API(int) U14BaseAddr1401(short hand);
U14API(int) U14DriverVersion(short hand);
U14API(int) U14DriverType(short hand);
U14API(short) U14DriverName(short hand, char *pBuf, WORD wMax);
U14API(short) U14DriverName(short hand, char *pBuf, unsigned short wMax);
U14API(short) U14GetUserMemorySize(short hand, DWORD *pMemorySize);
U14API(short) U14KillIO1401(short hand);
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ U14API(short) U14GetDebugData(short hand, U14LONG *plValue);
U14API(short) U14StartSelfTest(short hand);
U14API(short) U14CheckSelfTest(short hand, U14LONG *pData);
U14API(short) U14TransferFlags(short hand);
U14API(void) U14GetErrorString(short nErr, char *pStr, WORD wMax);
U14API(void) U14GetErrorString(short nErr, char *pStr, unsigned short wMax);
U14API(int) U14MonitorRev(short hand);
U14API(void) U14CloseAll(void);
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ typedef PARAMBLK* PPARAMBLK;
typedef struct TransferDesc /* Structure and type for SetTransArea */
WORD wArea; /* number of transfer area to set up */
unsigned short wArea; /* number of transfer area to set up */
void FAR *lpvBuff; /* address of transfer area */
DWORD dwLength; /* length of area to set up */
short eSize; /* size to move (for swapping on MAC) */
......@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ typedef TRANSFERDESC FAR *LPTRANSFERDESC;
/* This is the structure used to set up a transfer area */
typedef struct VXTransferDesc /* use1401.c and use1432x.x use only */
WORD wArea; /* number of transfer area to set up */
WORD wAddrSel; /* 16 bit selector for area */
unsigned short wArea; /* number of transfer area to set up */
unsigned short wAddrSel; /* 16 bit selector for area */
DWORD dwAddrOfs; /* 32 bit offset for area start */
DWORD dwLength; /* length of area to set up */
......@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ static int aHand1401[MAX1401] = {0}; // handles for 1401s
typedef struct CmdHead // defines header block on command
{ // for PC commands
char acBasic[5]; // BASIC information - needed to align things
WORD wBasicSz; // size as seen by BASIC
WORD wCmdSize; // size of the following info
unsigned short wBasicSz; // size as seen by BASIC
unsigned short wCmdSize; // size of the following info
} __packed CMDHEAD;
#pragma pack() // back to normal
......@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ static void TranslateString(char* pStr)
U14API(short) U14StrToLongs(const char* pszBuff, U14LONG *palNums, short sMaxLongs)
WORD wChInd = 0; // index into source
unsigned short wChInd = 0; // index into source
short sLgInd = 0; // index into result longs
while (pszBuff[wChInd] && // until we get to end of string...
......@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ U14API(int) U14DriverType(short hand)
** U14DriverName
** Returns the driver type as 3 character (ISA, PCI, USB or HSS))
U14API(short) U14DriverName(short hand, char* pBuf, WORD wMax)
U14API(short) U14DriverName(short hand, char* pBuf, unsigned short wMax)
char* pName;
*pBuf = 0; // Start off with a blank string
......@@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ U14API(short) U14TypeOf1401(short hand)
** U14NameOf1401
** Returns the type of the 1401 as a string, blank if unknown
U14API(short) U14NameOf1401(short hand, char* pBuf, WORD wMax)
U14API(short) U14NameOf1401(short hand, char* pBuf, unsigned short wMax)
short sErr = CheckHandle(hand);
if (sErr == U14ERR_NOERROR)
......@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ U14API(short) U14Close1401(short hand)
U14Reset1401(hand); // in case an active transfer running
for (j = 0; j < MAX_TRANSAREAS; ++j) // Locate locked areas
if (iAreaMask & (1 << j)) // And kill off any transfers
U14UnSetTransfer(hand, (WORD)j);
U14UnSetTransfer(hand, (unsigned short)j);
#ifdef _IS_WINDOWS_
......@@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ U14API(short) U14SendChar(short hand, char cChar)
** error code. Any error from the device causes us to set up for
** a full reset.
U14API(short) U14GetString(short hand, char* pBuffer, WORD wMaxLen)
U14API(short) U14GetString(short hand, char* pBuffer, unsigned short wMaxLen)
short sErr = CheckHandle(hand);
if (sErr != U14ERR_NOERROR) // If an error...
......@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ U14API(short) U14GetString(short hand, char* pBuffer, WORD wMaxLen)
if (asLastRetCode[hand] == U14ERR_NOERROR) /* all ok so far */
DWORD dwBytes = 0;
*((WORD *)pBuffer) = wMaxLen; /* set up length */
*((unsigned short *)pBuffer) = wMaxLen; /* set up length */
#ifndef _WIN64
if (!USE_NT_DIOC(hand)) /* Win 95 DIOC here ? */
......@@ -1737,7 +1737,7 @@ U14API(short) U14GetString(short hand, char* pBuffer, WORD wMaxLen)
if (wMaxLen > MAXSTRLEN) /* Truncate length */
*((WORD *)tstr) = wMaxLen; /* set len */
*((unsigned short *)tstr) = wMaxLen; /* set len */
iOK = DeviceIoControl(aHand1401[hand],(DWORD)U14_GETSTRING,
NULL, 0, tstr, wMaxLen+sizeof(short),
......@@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ U14API(short) U14LineCount(short hand)
** other functions after getting an error and before using
** this function.
U14API(void) U14GetErrorString(short nErr, char* pStr, WORD wMax)
U14API(void) U14GetErrorString(short nErr, char* pStr, unsigned short wMax)
char wstr[150];
......@@ -2105,7 +2105,7 @@ U14API(void) U14GetErrorString(short nErr, char* pStr, WORD wMax)
if ((WORD)strlen(wstr) >= wMax-1) /* Check for string being too long */
if ((unsigned short)strlen(wstr) >= wMax-1) /* Check for string being too long */
wstr[wMax-1] = 0; /* and truncate it if so */
strcpy(pStr, wstr); /* Return the error string */
......@@ -2200,7 +2200,7 @@ U14API(short) U14WorkingSet(DWORD dwMinKb, DWORD dwMaxKb)
** U14UnSetTransfer Cancels a transfer area
** wArea The index of a block previously used in by SetTransfer
U14API(short) U14UnSetTransfer(short hand, WORD wArea)
U14API(short) U14UnSetTransfer(short hand, unsigned short wArea)
short sErr = CheckHandle(hand);
#ifdef _IS_WINDOWS_
......@@ -2223,12 +2223,12 @@ U14API(short) U14UnSetTransfer(short hand, WORD wArea)
** U14SetTransArea Sets an area up to be used for transfers
** WORD wArea The area number to set up
** unsigned short wArea The area number to set up
** void *pvBuff The address of the buffer for the data.
** DWORD dwLength The length of the buffer for the data
** short eSz The element size (used for byte swapping on the Mac)
U14API(short) U14SetTransArea(short hand, WORD wArea, void *pvBuff,
U14API(short) U14SetTransArea(short hand, unsigned short wArea, void *pvBuff,
DWORD dwLength, short eSz)
......@@ -2344,7 +2344,7 @@ U14API(short) U14SetTransArea(short hand, WORD wArea, void *pvBuff,
** Returns 1 if an event handle exists, 0 if all OK and no event handle or
** a negative code for an error.
U14API(short) U14SetTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea, BOOL bEvent,
U14API(short) U14SetTransferEvent(short hand, unsigned short wArea, BOOL bEvent,
BOOL bToHost, DWORD dwStart, DWORD dwLength)
#ifdef _IS_WINDOWS_
......@@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ U14API(short) U14SetTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea, BOOL bEvent,
** Would a U14WaitTransferEvent() call return immediately? return 1 if so,
** 0 if not or a negative code if a problem.
U14API(int) U14TestTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea)
U14API(int) U14TestTransferEvent(short hand, unsigned short wArea)
#ifdef _IS_WINDOWS_
int iErr = CheckHandle(hand);
......@@ -2441,7 +2441,7 @@ U14API(int) U14TestTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea)
** Returns If no event handle then return immediately. Else return 1 if
** timed out or 0=event, and a negative code if a problem.
U14API(int) U14WaitTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea, int msTimeOut)
U14API(int) U14WaitTransferEvent(short hand, unsigned short wArea, int msTimeOut)
#ifdef _IS_WINDOWS_
int iErr = CheckHandle(hand);
......@@ -2466,12 +2466,12 @@ U14API(int) U14WaitTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea, int msTimeOut)
** U14SetCircular Sets an area up for circular DMA transfers
** WORD wArea The area number to set up
** unsigned short wArea The area number to set up
** BOOL bToHost Sets the direction of data transfer
** void *pvBuff The address of the buffer for the data
** DWORD dwLength The length of the buffer for the data
U14API(short) U14SetCircular(short hand, WORD wArea, BOOL bToHost,
U14API(short) U14SetCircular(short hand, unsigned short wArea, BOOL bToHost,
void *pvBuff, DWORD dwLength)
short sErr = CheckHandle(hand);
......@@ -2542,7 +2542,7 @@ U14API(short) U14SetCircular(short hand, WORD wArea, BOOL bToHost,
** Function GetCircBlk returns the size (& start offset) of the next
** available block of circular data.
U14API(int) U14GetCircBlk(short hand, WORD wArea, DWORD *pdwOffs)
U14API(int) U14GetCircBlk(short hand, unsigned short wArea, DWORD *pdwOffs)
int lErr = CheckHandle(hand);
if (lErr != U14ERR_NOERROR)
......@@ -2591,7 +2591,7 @@ U14API(int) U14GetCircBlk(short hand, WORD wArea, DWORD *pdwOffs)
** resuse for circular transfers and returns the size (& start
** offset) of the next available block of circular data.
U14API(int) U14FreeCircBlk(short hand, WORD wArea, DWORD dwOffs, DWORD dwSize,
U14API(int) U14FreeCircBlk(short hand, unsigned short wArea, DWORD dwOffs, DWORD dwSize,
DWORD *pdwOffs)
int lErr = CheckHandle(hand);
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