Commit acfdc2e1 authored by Alexander Stein's avatar Alexander Stein Committed by Florian Tobias Schandinat

atmel_lcdfb: Use proper blanking on negative contrast polarity

If used with negative polarity the PWM unit cannot be disabled. This would
result in a full contrast screen.
Instead let the PWM unit enabled using 0x0 as compare value which darkens
the display.
In result no power saving is possible if inverted contrast polarity
is used.
Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexander Stein <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarFlorian Tobias Schandinat <>
parent 5d910426
......@@ -99,8 +99,11 @@ static int atmel_bl_update_status(struct backlight_device *bl)
brightness = 0;
lcdc_writel(sinfo, ATMEL_LCDC_CONTRAST_VAL, brightness);
lcdc_writel(sinfo, ATMEL_LCDC_CONTRAST_CTR,
if (contrast_ctr & ATMEL_LCDC_POL_POSITIVE)
lcdc_writel(sinfo, ATMEL_LCDC_CONTRAST_CTR,
brightness ? contrast_ctr : 0);
lcdc_writel(sinfo, ATMEL_LCDC_CONTRAST_CTR, contrast_ctr);
bl->props.fb_blank = bl->props.power = sinfo->bl_power = power;
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