// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
 * Driver for Renesas R-Car VIN
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Renesas Electronics Corp.
 * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Renesas Solutions Corp.
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Cogent Embedded, Inc., <source@cogentembedded.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Magnus Damm
 * Based on the soc-camera rcar_vin driver

#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/pm_runtime.h>

#include <media/videobuf2-dma-contig.h>

#include "rcar-vin.h"

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * HW Functions

/* Register offsets for R-Car VIN */
#define VNMC_REG	0x00	/* Video n Main Control Register */
#define VNMS_REG	0x04	/* Video n Module Status Register */
#define VNFC_REG	0x08	/* Video n Frame Capture Register */
#define VNSLPRC_REG	0x0C	/* Video n Start Line Pre-Clip Register */
#define VNELPRC_REG	0x10	/* Video n End Line Pre-Clip Register */
#define VNSPPRC_REG	0x14	/* Video n Start Pixel Pre-Clip Register */
#define VNEPPRC_REG	0x18	/* Video n End Pixel Pre-Clip Register */
#define VNIS_REG	0x2C	/* Video n Image Stride Register */
#define VNMB_REG(m)	(0x30 + ((m) << 2)) /* Video n Memory Base m Register */
#define VNIE_REG	0x40	/* Video n Interrupt Enable Register */
#define VNINTS_REG	0x44	/* Video n Interrupt Status Register */
#define VNSI_REG	0x48	/* Video n Scanline Interrupt Register */
#define VNMTC_REG	0x4C	/* Video n Memory Transfer Control Register */
#define VNDMR_REG	0x58	/* Video n Data Mode Register */
#define VNDMR2_REG	0x5C	/* Video n Data Mode Register 2 */
#define VNUVAOF_REG	0x60	/* Video n UV Address Offset Register */

/* Register offsets specific for Gen2 */
#define VNSLPOC_REG	0x1C	/* Video n Start Line Post-Clip Register */
#define VNELPOC_REG	0x20	/* Video n End Line Post-Clip Register */
#define VNSPPOC_REG	0x24	/* Video n Start Pixel Post-Clip Register */
#define VNEPPOC_REG	0x28	/* Video n End Pixel Post-Clip Register */
#define VNYS_REG	0x50	/* Video n Y Scale Register */
#define VNXS_REG	0x54	/* Video n X Scale Register */
#define VNC1A_REG	0x80	/* Video n Coefficient Set C1A Register */
#define VNC1B_REG	0x84	/* Video n Coefficient Set C1B Register */
#define VNC1C_REG	0x88	/* Video n Coefficient Set C1C Register */
#define VNC2A_REG	0x90	/* Video n Coefficient Set C2A Register */
#define VNC2B_REG	0x94	/* Video n Coefficient Set C2B Register */
#define VNC2C_REG	0x98	/* Video n Coefficient Set C2C Register */
#define VNC3A_REG	0xA0	/* Video n Coefficient Set C3A Register */
#define VNC3B_REG	0xA4	/* Video n Coefficient Set C3B Register */
#define VNC3C_REG	0xA8	/* Video n Coefficient Set C3C Register */
#define VNC4A_REG	0xB0	/* Video n Coefficient Set C4A Register */
#define VNC4B_REG	0xB4	/* Video n Coefficient Set C4B Register */
#define VNC4C_REG	0xB8	/* Video n Coefficient Set C4C Register */
#define VNC5A_REG	0xC0	/* Video n Coefficient Set C5A Register */
#define VNC5B_REG	0xC4	/* Video n Coefficient Set C5B Register */
#define VNC5C_REG	0xC8	/* Video n Coefficient Set C5C Register */
#define VNC6A_REG	0xD0	/* Video n Coefficient Set C6A Register */
#define VNC6B_REG	0xD4	/* Video n Coefficient Set C6B Register */
#define VNC6C_REG	0xD8	/* Video n Coefficient Set C6C Register */
#define VNC7A_REG	0xE0	/* Video n Coefficient Set C7A Register */
#define VNC7B_REG	0xE4	/* Video n Coefficient Set C7B Register */
#define VNC7C_REG	0xE8	/* Video n Coefficient Set C7C Register */
#define VNC8A_REG	0xF0	/* Video n Coefficient Set C8A Register */
#define VNC8B_REG	0xF4	/* Video n Coefficient Set C8B Register */
#define VNC8C_REG	0xF8	/* Video n Coefficient Set C8C Register */

/* Register offsets specific for Gen3 */
#define VNCSI_IFMD_REG		0x20 /* Video n CSI2 Interface Mode Register */

/* Register bit fields for R-Car VIN */
/* Video n Main Control Register bits */
#define VNMC_DPINE		(1 << 27) /* Gen3 specific */
#define VNMC_SCLE		(1 << 26) /* Gen3 specific */
#define VNMC_FOC		(1 << 21)
#define VNMC_YCAL		(1 << 19)
#define VNMC_INF_YUV8_BT656	(0 << 16)
#define VNMC_INF_YUV8_BT601	(1 << 16)
#define VNMC_INF_YUV10_BT656	(2 << 16)
#define VNMC_INF_YUV10_BT601	(3 << 16)
#define VNMC_INF_YUV16		(5 << 16)
#define VNMC_INF_RGB888		(6 << 16)
#define VNMC_VUP		(1 << 10)
#define VNMC_IM_ODD		(0 << 3)
#define VNMC_IM_ODD_EVEN	(1 << 3)
#define VNMC_IM_EVEN		(2 << 3)
#define VNMC_IM_FULL		(3 << 3)
#define VNMC_BPS		(1 << 1)
#define VNMC_ME			(1 << 0)

/* Video n Module Status Register bits */
#define VNMS_FBS_MASK		(3 << 3)
#define VNMS_FBS_SHIFT		3
#define VNMS_FS			(1 << 2)
#define VNMS_AV			(1 << 1)
#define VNMS_CA			(1 << 0)

/* Video n Frame Capture Register bits */
#define VNFC_C_FRAME		(1 << 1)
#define VNFC_S_FRAME		(1 << 0)

/* Video n Interrupt Enable Register bits */
#define VNIE_FIE		(1 << 4)
#define VNIE_EFE		(1 << 1)

/* Video n Data Mode Register bits */
#define VNDMR_A8BIT(n)		(((n) & 0xff) << 24)
#define VNDMR_A8BIT_MASK	(0xff << 24)
#define VNDMR_EXRGB		(1 << 8)
#define VNDMR_BPSM		(1 << 4)
#define VNDMR_ABIT		(1 << 2)
#define VNDMR_DTMD_YCSEP	(1 << 1)
#define VNDMR_DTMD_ARGB		(1 << 0)

/* Video n Data Mode Register 2 bits */
#define VNDMR2_VPS		(1 << 30)
#define VNDMR2_HPS		(1 << 29)
#define VNDMR2_CES		(1 << 28)
#define VNDMR2_FTEV		(1 << 17)
#define VNDMR2_VLV(n)		((n & 0xf) << 12)

/* Video n CSI2 Interface Mode Register (Gen3) */
#define VNCSI_IFMD_DES1		(1 << 26)
#define VNCSI_IFMD_DES0		(1 << 25)
#define VNCSI_IFMD_CSI_CHSEL(n) (((n) & 0xf) << 0)

struct rvin_buffer {
	struct vb2_v4l2_buffer vb;
	struct list_head list;

#define to_buf_list(vb2_buffer) (&container_of(vb2_buffer, \
					       struct rvin_buffer, \

static void rvin_write(struct rvin_dev *vin, u32 value, u32 offset)
	iowrite32(value, vin->base + offset);

static u32 rvin_read(struct rvin_dev *vin, u32 offset)
	return ioread32(vin->base + offset);

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Crop and Scaling Gen2

struct vin_coeff {
	unsigned short xs_value;
	u32 coeff_set[24];

static const struct vin_coeff vin_coeff_set[] = {
	{ 0x0000, {
			  0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
			  0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
			  0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
			  0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
			  0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
			  0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
			  0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
			  0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 },
	{ 0x1000, {
			  0x000fa400, 0x000fa400, 0x09625902,
			  0x000003f8, 0x00000403, 0x3de0d9f0,
			  0x001fffed, 0x00000804, 0x3cc1f9c3,
			  0x001003de, 0x00000c01, 0x3cb34d7f,
			  0x002003d2, 0x00000c00, 0x3d24a92d,
			  0x00200bca, 0x00000bff, 0x3df600d2,
			  0x002013cc, 0x000007ff, 0x3ed70c7e,
			  0x00100fde, 0x00000000, 0x3f87c036 },
	{ 0x1200, {
			  0x002ffff1, 0x002ffff1, 0x02a0a9c8,
			  0x002003e7, 0x001ffffa, 0x000185bc,
			  0x002007dc, 0x000003ff, 0x3e52859c,
			  0x00200bd4, 0x00000002, 0x3d53996b,
			  0x00100fd0, 0x00000403, 0x3d04ad2d,
			  0x00000bd5, 0x00000403, 0x3d35ace7,
			  0x3ff003e4, 0x00000801, 0x3dc674a1,
			  0x3fffe800, 0x00000800, 0x3e76f461 },
	{ 0x1400, {
			  0x00100be3, 0x00100be3, 0x04d1359a,
			  0x00000fdb, 0x002003ed, 0x0211fd93,
			  0x00000fd6, 0x002003f4, 0x0002d97b,
			  0x000007d6, 0x002ffffb, 0x3e93b956,
			  0x3ff003da, 0x001003ff, 0x3db49926,
			  0x3fffefe9, 0x00100001, 0x3d655cee,
			  0x3fffd400, 0x00000003, 0x3d65f4b6,
			  0x000fb421, 0x00000402, 0x3dc6547e },
	{ 0x1600, {
			  0x00000bdd, 0x00000bdd, 0x06519578,
			  0x3ff007da, 0x00000be3, 0x03c24973,
			  0x3ff003d9, 0x00000be9, 0x01b30d5f,
			  0x3ffff7df, 0x001003f1, 0x0003c542,
			  0x000fdfec, 0x001003f7, 0x3ec4711d,
			  0x000fc400, 0x002ffffd, 0x3df504f1,
			  0x001fa81a, 0x002ffc00, 0x3d957cc2,
			  0x002f8c3c, 0x00100000, 0x3db5c891 },
	{ 0x1800, {
			  0x3ff003dc, 0x3ff003dc, 0x0791e558,
			  0x000ff7dd, 0x3ff007de, 0x05328554,
			  0x000fe7e3, 0x3ff00be2, 0x03232546,
			  0x000fd7ee, 0x000007e9, 0x0143bd30,
			  0x001fb800, 0x000007ee, 0x00044511,
			  0x002fa015, 0x000007f4, 0x3ef4bcee,
			  0x002f8832, 0x001003f9, 0x3e4514c7,
			  0x001f7853, 0x001003fd, 0x3de54c9f },
	{ 0x1a00, {
			  0x000fefe0, 0x000fefe0, 0x08721d3c,
			  0x001fdbe7, 0x000ffbde, 0x0652a139,
			  0x001fcbf0, 0x000003df, 0x0463292e,
			  0x002fb3ff, 0x3ff007e3, 0x0293a91d,
			  0x002f9c12, 0x3ff00be7, 0x01241905,
			  0x001f8c29, 0x000007ed, 0x3fe470eb,
			  0x000f7c46, 0x000007f2, 0x3f04b8ca,
			  0x3fef7865, 0x000007f6, 0x3e74e4a8 },
	{ 0x1c00, {
			  0x001fd3e9, 0x001fd3e9, 0x08f23d26,
			  0x002fbff3, 0x001fe3e4, 0x0712ad23,
			  0x002fa800, 0x000ff3e0, 0x05631d1b,
			  0x001f9810, 0x000ffbe1, 0x03b3890d,
			  0x000f8c23, 0x000003e3, 0x0233e8fa,
			  0x3fef843b, 0x000003e7, 0x00f430e4,
			  0x3fbf8456, 0x3ff00bea, 0x00046cc8,
			  0x3f8f8c72, 0x3ff00bef, 0x3f3490ac },
	{ 0x1e00, {
			  0x001fbbf4, 0x001fbbf4, 0x09425112,
			  0x001fa800, 0x002fc7ed, 0x0792b110,
			  0x000f980e, 0x001fdbe6, 0x0613110a,
			  0x3fff8c20, 0x001fe7e3, 0x04a368fd,
			  0x3fcf8c33, 0x000ff7e2, 0x0343b8ed,
			  0x3f9f8c4a, 0x000fffe3, 0x0203f8da,
			  0x3f5f9c61, 0x000003e6, 0x00e428c5,
			  0x3f1fb07b, 0x000003eb, 0x3fe440af },
	{ 0x2000, {
			  0x000fa400, 0x000fa400, 0x09625902,
			  0x3fff980c, 0x001fb7f5, 0x0812b0ff,
			  0x3fdf901c, 0x001fc7ed, 0x06b2fcfa,
			  0x3faf902d, 0x001fd3e8, 0x055348f1,
			  0x3f7f983f, 0x001fe3e5, 0x04038ce3,
			  0x3f3fa454, 0x001fefe3, 0x02e3c8d1,
			  0x3f0fb86a, 0x001ff7e4, 0x01c3e8c0,
			  0x3ecfd880, 0x000fffe6, 0x00c404ac },
	{ 0x2200, {
			  0x3fdf9c0b, 0x3fdf9c0b, 0x09725cf4,
			  0x3fbf9818, 0x3fffa400, 0x0842a8f1,
			  0x3f8f9827, 0x000fb3f7, 0x0702f0ec,
			  0x3f5fa037, 0x000fc3ef, 0x05d330e4,
			  0x3f2fac49, 0x001fcfea, 0x04a364d9,
			  0x3effc05c, 0x001fdbe7, 0x038394ca,
			  0x3ecfdc6f, 0x001fe7e6, 0x0273b0bb,
			  0x3ea00083, 0x001fefe6, 0x0183c0a9 },
	{ 0x2400, {
			  0x3f9fa014, 0x3f9fa014, 0x098260e6,
			  0x3f7f9c23, 0x3fcf9c0a, 0x08629ce5,
			  0x3f4fa431, 0x3fefa400, 0x0742d8e1,
			  0x3f1fb440, 0x3fffb3f8, 0x062310d9,
			  0x3eefc850, 0x000fbbf2, 0x050340d0,
			  0x3ecfe062, 0x000fcbec, 0x041364c2,
			  0x3ea00073, 0x001fd3ea, 0x03037cb5,
			  0x3e902086, 0x001fdfe8, 0x022388a5 },
	{ 0x2600, {
			  0x3f5fa81e, 0x3f5fa81e, 0x096258da,
			  0x3f3fac2b, 0x3f8fa412, 0x088290d8,
			  0x3f0fbc38, 0x3fafa408, 0x0772c8d5,
			  0x3eefcc47, 0x3fcfa800, 0x0672f4ce,
			  0x3ecfe456, 0x3fefaffa, 0x05531cc6,
			  0x3eb00066, 0x3fffbbf3, 0x047334bb,
			  0x3ea01c77, 0x000fc7ee, 0x039348ae,
			  0x3ea04486, 0x000fd3eb, 0x02b350a1 },
	{ 0x2800, {
			  0x3f2fb426, 0x3f2fb426, 0x094250ce,
			  0x3f0fc032, 0x3f4fac1b, 0x086284cd,
			  0x3eefd040, 0x3f7fa811, 0x0782acc9,
			  0x3ecfe84c, 0x3f9fa807, 0x06a2d8c4,
			  0x3eb0005b, 0x3fbfac00, 0x05b2f4bc,
			  0x3eb0186a, 0x3fdfb3fa, 0x04c308b4,
			  0x3eb04077, 0x3fefbbf4, 0x03f31ca8,
			  0x3ec06884, 0x000fbff2, 0x03031c9e },
	{ 0x2a00, {
			  0x3f0fc42d, 0x3f0fc42d, 0x090240c4,
			  0x3eefd439, 0x3f2fb822, 0x08526cc2,
			  0x3edfe845, 0x3f4fb018, 0x078294bf,
			  0x3ec00051, 0x3f6fac0f, 0x06b2b4bb,
			  0x3ec0185f, 0x3f8fac07, 0x05e2ccb4,
			  0x3ec0386b, 0x3fafac00, 0x0502e8ac,
			  0x3ed05c77, 0x3fcfb3fb, 0x0432f0a3,
			  0x3ef08482, 0x3fdfbbf6, 0x0372f898 },
	{ 0x2c00, {
			  0x3eefdc31, 0x3eefdc31, 0x08e238b8,
			  0x3edfec3d, 0x3f0fc828, 0x082258b9,
			  0x3ed00049, 0x3f1fc01e, 0x077278b6,
			  0x3ed01455, 0x3f3fb815, 0x06c294b2,
			  0x3ed03460, 0x3f5fb40d, 0x0602acac,
			  0x3ef0506c, 0x3f7fb006, 0x0542c0a4,
			  0x3f107476, 0x3f9fb400, 0x0472c89d,
			  0x3f309c80, 0x3fbfb7fc, 0x03b2cc94 },
	{ 0x2e00, {
			  0x3eefec37, 0x3eefec37, 0x088220b0,
			  0x3ee00041, 0x3effdc2d, 0x07f244ae,
			  0x3ee0144c, 0x3f0fd023, 0x07625cad,
			  0x3ef02c57, 0x3f1fc81a, 0x06c274a9,
			  0x3f004861, 0x3f3fbc13, 0x060288a6,
			  0x3f20686b, 0x3f5fb80c, 0x05529c9e,
			  0x3f408c74, 0x3f6fb805, 0x04b2ac96,
			  0x3f80ac7e, 0x3f8fb800, 0x0402ac8e },
	{ 0x3000, {
			  0x3ef0003a, 0x3ef0003a, 0x084210a6,
			  0x3ef01045, 0x3effec32, 0x07b228a7,
			  0x3f00284e, 0x3f0fdc29, 0x073244a4,
			  0x3f104058, 0x3f0fd420, 0x06a258a2,
			  0x3f305c62, 0x3f2fc818, 0x0612689d,
			  0x3f508069, 0x3f3fc011, 0x05728496,
			  0x3f80a072, 0x3f4fc00a, 0x04d28c90,
			  0x3fc0c07b, 0x3f6fbc04, 0x04429088 },
	{ 0x3200, {
			  0x3f00103e, 0x3f00103e, 0x07f1fc9e,
			  0x3f102447, 0x3f000035, 0x0782149d,
			  0x3f203c4f, 0x3f0ff02c, 0x07122c9c,
			  0x3f405458, 0x3f0fe424, 0x06924099,
			  0x3f607061, 0x3f1fd41d, 0x06024c97,
			  0x3f909068, 0x3f2fcc16, 0x05726490,
			  0x3fc0b070, 0x3f3fc80f, 0x04f26c8a,
			  0x0000d077, 0x3f4fc409, 0x04627484 },
	{ 0x3400, {
			  0x3f202040, 0x3f202040, 0x07a1e898,
			  0x3f303449, 0x3f100c38, 0x0741fc98,
			  0x3f504c50, 0x3f10002f, 0x06e21495,
			  0x3f706459, 0x3f1ff028, 0x06722492,
			  0x3fa08060, 0x3f1fe421, 0x05f2348f,
			  0x3fd09c67, 0x3f1fdc19, 0x05824c89,
			  0x0000bc6e, 0x3f2fd014, 0x04f25086,
			  0x0040dc74, 0x3f3fcc0d, 0x04825c7f },
	{ 0x3600, {
			  0x3f403042, 0x3f403042, 0x0761d890,
			  0x3f504848, 0x3f301c3b, 0x0701f090,
			  0x3f805c50, 0x3f200c33, 0x06a2008f,
			  0x3fa07458, 0x3f10002b, 0x06520c8d,
			  0x3fd0905e, 0x3f1ff424, 0x05e22089,
			  0x0000ac65, 0x3f1fe81d, 0x05823483,
			  0x0030cc6a, 0x3f2fdc18, 0x04f23c81,
			  0x0080e871, 0x3f2fd412, 0x0482407c },
	{ 0x3800, {
			  0x3f604043, 0x3f604043, 0x0721c88a,
			  0x3f80544a, 0x3f502c3c, 0x06d1d88a,
			  0x3fb06851, 0x3f301c35, 0x0681e889,
			  0x3fd08456, 0x3f30082f, 0x0611fc88,
			  0x00009c5d, 0x3f200027, 0x05d20884,
			  0x0030b863, 0x3f2ff421, 0x05621880,
			  0x0070d468, 0x3f2fe81b, 0x0502247c,
			  0x00c0ec6f, 0x3f2fe015, 0x04a22877 },
	{ 0x3a00, {
			  0x3f904c44, 0x3f904c44, 0x06e1b884,
			  0x3fb0604a, 0x3f70383e, 0x0691c885,
			  0x3fe07451, 0x3f502c36, 0x0661d483,
			  0x00009055, 0x3f401831, 0x0601ec81,
			  0x0030a85b, 0x3f300c2a, 0x05b1f480,
			  0x0070c061, 0x3f300024, 0x0562047a,
			  0x00b0d867, 0x3f3ff41e, 0x05020c77,
			  0x00f0f46b, 0x3f2fec19, 0x04a21474 },
	{ 0x3c00, {
			  0x3fb05c43, 0x3fb05c43, 0x06c1b07e,
			  0x3fe06c4b, 0x3f902c3f, 0x0681c081,
			  0x0000844f, 0x3f703838, 0x0631cc7d,
			  0x00309855, 0x3f602433, 0x05d1d47e,
			  0x0060b459, 0x3f50142e, 0x0581e47b,
			  0x00a0c85f, 0x3f400828, 0x0531f078,
			  0x00e0e064, 0x3f300021, 0x0501fc73,
			  0x00b0fc6a, 0x3f3ff41d, 0x04a20873 },
	{ 0x3e00, {
			  0x3fe06444, 0x3fe06444, 0x0681a07a,
			  0x00007849, 0x3fc0503f, 0x0641b07a,
			  0x0020904d, 0x3fa0403a, 0x05f1c07a,
			  0x0060a453, 0x3f803034, 0x05c1c878,
			  0x0090b858, 0x3f70202f, 0x0571d477,
			  0x00d0d05d, 0x3f501829, 0x0531e073,
			  0x0110e462, 0x3f500825, 0x04e1e471,
			  0x01510065, 0x3f40001f, 0x04a1f06d },
	{ 0x4000, {
			  0x00007044, 0x00007044, 0x06519476,
			  0x00208448, 0x3fe05c3f, 0x0621a476,
			  0x0050984d, 0x3fc04c3a, 0x05e1b075,
			  0x0080ac52, 0x3fa03c35, 0x05a1b875,
			  0x00c0c056, 0x3f803030, 0x0561c473,
			  0x0100d45b, 0x3f70202b, 0x0521d46f,
			  0x0140e860, 0x3f601427, 0x04d1d46e,
			  0x01810064, 0x3f500822, 0x0491dc6b },
	{ 0x5000, {
			  0x0110a442, 0x0110a442, 0x0551545e,
			  0x0140b045, 0x00e0983f, 0x0531585f,
			  0x0160c047, 0x00c08c3c, 0x0511645e,
			  0x0190cc4a, 0x00908039, 0x04f1685f,
			  0x01c0dc4c, 0x00707436, 0x04d1705e,
			  0x0200e850, 0x00506833, 0x04b1785b,
			  0x0230f453, 0x00305c30, 0x0491805a,
			  0x02710056, 0x0010542d, 0x04718059 },
	{ 0x6000, {
			  0x01c0bc40, 0x01c0bc40, 0x04c13052,
			  0x01e0c841, 0x01a0b43d, 0x04c13851,
			  0x0210cc44, 0x0180a83c, 0x04a13453,
			  0x0230d845, 0x0160a03a, 0x04913c52,
			  0x0260e047, 0x01409838, 0x04714052,
			  0x0280ec49, 0x01208c37, 0x04514c50,
			  0x02b0f44b, 0x01008435, 0x04414c50,
			  0x02d1004c, 0x00e07c33, 0x0431544f },
	{ 0x7000, {
			  0x0230c83e, 0x0230c83e, 0x04711c4c,
			  0x0250d03f, 0x0210c43c, 0x0471204b,
			  0x0270d840, 0x0200b83c, 0x0451244b,
			  0x0290dc42, 0x01e0b43a, 0x0441244c,
			  0x02b0e443, 0x01c0b038, 0x0441284b,
			  0x02d0ec44, 0x01b0a438, 0x0421304a,
			  0x02f0f445, 0x0190a036, 0x04213449,
			  0x0310f847, 0x01709c34, 0x04213848 },
	{ 0x8000, {
			  0x0280d03d, 0x0280d03d, 0x04310c48,
			  0x02a0d43e, 0x0270c83c, 0x04311047,
			  0x02b0dc3e, 0x0250c83a, 0x04311447,
			  0x02d0e040, 0x0240c03a, 0x04211446,
			  0x02e0e840, 0x0220bc39, 0x04111847,
			  0x0300e842, 0x0210b438, 0x04012445,
			  0x0310f043, 0x0200b037, 0x04012045,
			  0x0330f444, 0x01e0ac36, 0x03f12445 },
	{ 0xefff, {
			  0x0340dc3a, 0x0340dc3a, 0x03b0ec40,
			  0x0340e03a, 0x0330e039, 0x03c0f03e,
			  0x0350e03b, 0x0330dc39, 0x03c0ec3e,
			  0x0350e43a, 0x0320dc38, 0x03c0f43e,
			  0x0360e43b, 0x0320d839, 0x03b0f03e,
			  0x0360e83b, 0x0310d838, 0x03c0fc3b,
			  0x0370e83b, 0x0310d439, 0x03a0f83d,
			  0x0370e83c, 0x0300d438, 0x03b0fc3c },

static void rvin_set_coeff(struct rvin_dev *vin, unsigned short xs)
	int i;
	const struct vin_coeff *p_prev_set = NULL;
	const struct vin_coeff *p_set = NULL;

	/* Look for suitable coefficient values */
	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vin_coeff_set); i++) {
		p_prev_set = p_set;
		p_set = &vin_coeff_set[i];

		if (xs < p_set->xs_value)

	/* Use previous value if its XS value is closer */
	if (p_prev_set &&
	    xs - p_prev_set->xs_value < p_set->xs_value - xs)
		p_set = p_prev_set;

	/* Set coefficient registers */
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[0], VNC1A_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[1], VNC1B_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[2], VNC1C_REG);

	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[3], VNC2A_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[4], VNC2B_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[5], VNC2C_REG);

	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[6], VNC3A_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[7], VNC3B_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[8], VNC3C_REG);

	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[9], VNC4A_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[10], VNC4B_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[11], VNC4C_REG);

	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[12], VNC5A_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[13], VNC5B_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[14], VNC5C_REG);

	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[15], VNC6A_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[16], VNC6B_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[17], VNC6C_REG);

	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[18], VNC7A_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[19], VNC7B_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[20], VNC7C_REG);

	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[21], VNC8A_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[22], VNC8B_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, p_set->coeff_set[23], VNC8C_REG);

static void rvin_crop_scale_comp_gen2(struct rvin_dev *vin)
	unsigned int crop_height;
	u32 xs, ys;

	/* Set scaling coefficient */
	crop_height = vin->crop.height;
	if (V4L2_FIELD_IS_INTERLACED(vin->format.field))
		crop_height *= 2;

	ys = 0;
	if (crop_height != vin->compose.height)
		ys = (4096 * crop_height) / vin->compose.height;
	rvin_write(vin, ys, VNYS_REG);

	xs = 0;
	if (vin->crop.width != vin->compose.width)
		xs = (4096 * vin->crop.width) / vin->compose.width;

	/* Horizontal upscaling is up to double size */
	if (xs > 0 && xs < 2048)
		xs = 2048;

	rvin_write(vin, xs, VNXS_REG);

	/* Horizontal upscaling is done out by scaling down from double size */
	if (xs < 4096)
		xs *= 2;

	rvin_set_coeff(vin, xs);

	/* Set Start/End Pixel/Line Post-Clip */
	rvin_write(vin, 0, VNSPPOC_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, 0, VNSLPOC_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, vin->format.width - 1, VNEPPOC_REG);

	if (V4L2_FIELD_IS_INTERLACED(vin->format.field))
		rvin_write(vin, vin->format.height / 2 - 1, VNELPOC_REG);
		rvin_write(vin, vin->format.height - 1, VNELPOC_REG);

		"Pre-Clip: %ux%u@%u:%u YS: %d XS: %d Post-Clip: %ux%u@%u:%u\n",
		vin->crop.width, vin->crop.height, vin->crop.left,
		vin->crop.top, ys, xs, vin->format.width, vin->format.height,
		0, 0);

void rvin_crop_scale_comp(struct rvin_dev *vin)
	const struct rvin_video_format *fmt;
	u32 stride;

	/* Set Start/End Pixel/Line Pre-Clip */
	rvin_write(vin, vin->crop.left, VNSPPRC_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, vin->crop.left + vin->crop.width - 1, VNEPPRC_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, vin->crop.top, VNSLPRC_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, vin->crop.top + vin->crop.height - 1, VNELPRC_REG);

	/* TODO: Add support for the UDS scaler. */
	if (vin->info->model != RCAR_GEN3)

	fmt = rvin_format_from_pixel(vin, vin->format.pixelformat);
	stride = vin->format.bytesperline / fmt->bpp;
	rvin_write(vin, stride, VNIS_REG);

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Hardware setup

static int rvin_setup(struct rvin_dev *vin)
	u32 vnmc, dmr, dmr2, interrupts;
	bool progressive = false, output_is_yuv = false, input_is_yuv = false;

	switch (vin->format.field) {
	case V4L2_FIELD_TOP:
		vnmc = VNMC_IM_ODD;
		vnmc = VNMC_IM_EVEN;
		/* Default to TB */
		vnmc = VNMC_IM_FULL;
		/* Use BT if video standard can be read and is 60 Hz format */
		if (!vin->info->use_mc && vin->std & V4L2_STD_525_60)
			vnmc = VNMC_IM_FULL | VNMC_FOC;
		vnmc = VNMC_IM_FULL;
	case V4L2_FIELD_NONE:
		vnmc = VNMC_IM_ODD_EVEN;
		progressive = true;
		vnmc = VNMC_IM_ODD_EVEN;
		vnmc = VNMC_IM_ODD;

	 * Input interface
	switch (vin->mbus_code) {
		/* BT.601/BT.1358 16bit YCbCr422 */
		vnmc |= VNMC_INF_YUV16;
		input_is_yuv = true;
		vnmc |= VNMC_INF_YUV16 | VNMC_YCAL;
		input_is_yuv = true;
		/* BT.656 8bit YCbCr422 or BT.601 8bit YCbCr422 */
		if (!vin->is_csi &&
		    vin->parallel->mbus_type == V4L2_MBUS_BT656)
			vnmc |= VNMC_INF_YUV8_BT656;
			vnmc |= VNMC_INF_YUV8_BT601;

		input_is_yuv = true;
	case MEDIA_BUS_FMT_RGB888_1X24:
		vnmc |= VNMC_INF_RGB888;
	case MEDIA_BUS_FMT_UYVY10_2X10:
		/* BT.656 10bit YCbCr422 or BT.601 10bit YCbCr422 */
		if (!vin->is_csi &&
		    vin->parallel->mbus_type == V4L2_MBUS_BT656)
			vnmc |= VNMC_INF_YUV10_BT656;
			vnmc |= VNMC_INF_YUV10_BT601;

		input_is_yuv = true;

	/* Enable VSYNC Field Toggle mode after one VSYNC input */
	if (vin->info->model == RCAR_GEN3)
		dmr2 = VNDMR2_FTEV;
		dmr2 = VNDMR2_FTEV | VNDMR2_VLV(1);

	if (!vin->is_csi) {
		/* Hsync Signal Polarity Select */
		if (!(vin->parallel->mbus_flags & V4L2_MBUS_HSYNC_ACTIVE_LOW))
			dmr2 |= VNDMR2_HPS;

		/* Vsync Signal Polarity Select */
		if (!(vin->parallel->mbus_flags & V4L2_MBUS_VSYNC_ACTIVE_LOW))
			dmr2 |= VNDMR2_VPS;

		/* Data Enable Polarity Select */
		if (vin->parallel->mbus_flags & V4L2_MBUS_DATA_ENABLE_LOW)
			dmr2 |= VNDMR2_CES;

	 * Output format
	switch (vin->format.pixelformat) {
	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV16:
			   ALIGN(vin->format.width * vin->format.height, 0x80),
		output_is_yuv = true;
	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV:
		dmr = VNDMR_BPSM;
		output_is_yuv = true;
	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY:
		dmr = 0;
		output_is_yuv = true;
	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_XRGB555:
	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB565:
		dmr = 0;
	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_XBGR32:
		/* Note: not supported on M1 */
		dmr = VNDMR_EXRGB;
	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_ARGB555:
		dmr = (vin->alpha ? VNDMR_ABIT : 0) | VNDMR_DTMD_ARGB;
	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_ABGR32:
		dmr = VNDMR_A8BIT(vin->alpha) | VNDMR_EXRGB | VNDMR_DTMD_ARGB;
		vin_err(vin, "Invalid pixelformat (0x%x)\n",
		return -EINVAL;

	/* Always update on field change */
	vnmc |= VNMC_VUP;

	/* If input and output use the same colorspace, use bypass mode */
	if (input_is_yuv == output_is_yuv)
		vnmc |= VNMC_BPS;

	if (vin->info->model == RCAR_GEN3) {
		/* Select between CSI-2 and parallel input */
		if (vin->is_csi)
			vnmc &= ~VNMC_DPINE;
			vnmc |= VNMC_DPINE;

	/* Progressive or interlaced mode */
	interrupts = progressive ? VNIE_FIE : VNIE_EFE;

	/* Ack interrupts */
	rvin_write(vin, interrupts, VNINTS_REG);
	/* Enable interrupts */
	rvin_write(vin, interrupts, VNIE_REG);
	/* Start capturing */
	rvin_write(vin, dmr, VNDMR_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, dmr2, VNDMR2_REG);

	/* Enable module */
	rvin_write(vin, vnmc | VNMC_ME, VNMC_REG);

	return 0;

static void rvin_disable_interrupts(struct rvin_dev *vin)
	rvin_write(vin, 0, VNIE_REG);

static u32 rvin_get_interrupt_status(struct rvin_dev *vin)
	return rvin_read(vin, VNINTS_REG);

static void rvin_ack_interrupt(struct rvin_dev *vin)
	rvin_write(vin, rvin_read(vin, VNINTS_REG), VNINTS_REG);

static bool rvin_capture_active(struct rvin_dev *vin)
	return rvin_read(vin, VNMS_REG) & VNMS_CA;

static enum v4l2_field rvin_get_active_field(struct rvin_dev *vin, u32 vnms)
	if (vin->format.field == V4L2_FIELD_ALTERNATE) {
		/* If FS is set it is an Even field. */
		if (vnms & VNMS_FS)
			return V4L2_FIELD_BOTTOM;
		return V4L2_FIELD_TOP;

	return vin->format.field;

static void rvin_set_slot_addr(struct rvin_dev *vin, int slot, dma_addr_t addr)
	const struct rvin_video_format *fmt;
	int offsetx, offsety;
	dma_addr_t offset;

	fmt = rvin_format_from_pixel(vin, vin->format.pixelformat);

	 * There is no HW support for composition do the beast we can
	 * by modifying the buffer offset
	offsetx = vin->compose.left * fmt->bpp;
	offsety = vin->compose.top * vin->format.bytesperline;
	offset = addr + offsetx + offsety;

	 * The address needs to be 128 bytes aligned. Driver should never accept
	 * settings that do not satisfy this in the first place...
	if (WARN_ON((offsetx | offsety | offset) & HW_BUFFER_MASK))

	rvin_write(vin, offset, VNMB_REG(slot));

 * Moves a buffer from the queue to the HW slot. If no buffer is
 * available use the scratch buffer. The scratch buffer is never
 * returned to userspace, its only function is to enable the capture
 * loop to keep running.
static void rvin_fill_hw_slot(struct rvin_dev *vin, int slot)
	struct rvin_buffer *buf;
	struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf;
	dma_addr_t phys_addr;

	/* A already populated slot shall never be overwritten. */
	if (WARN_ON(vin->queue_buf[slot] != NULL))

	vin_dbg(vin, "Filling HW slot: %d\n", slot);

	if (list_empty(&vin->buf_list)) {
		vin->queue_buf[slot] = NULL;
		phys_addr = vin->scratch_phys;
	} else {
		/* Keep track of buffer we give to HW */
		buf = list_entry(vin->buf_list.next, struct rvin_buffer, list);
		vbuf = &buf->vb;
		vin->queue_buf[slot] = vbuf;

		/* Setup DMA */
		phys_addr = vb2_dma_contig_plane_dma_addr(&vbuf->vb2_buf, 0);

	rvin_set_slot_addr(vin, slot, phys_addr);

static int rvin_capture_start(struct rvin_dev *vin)
	int slot, ret;

	for (slot = 0; slot < HW_BUFFER_NUM; slot++)
		rvin_fill_hw_slot(vin, slot);


	ret = rvin_setup(vin);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	vin_dbg(vin, "Starting to capture\n");

	/* Continuous Frame Capture Mode */
	rvin_write(vin, VNFC_C_FRAME, VNFC_REG);

	vin->state = STARTING;

	return 0;

static void rvin_capture_stop(struct rvin_dev *vin)
	/* Set continuous & single transfer off */
	rvin_write(vin, 0, VNFC_REG);

	/* Disable module */
	rvin_write(vin, rvin_read(vin, VNMC_REG) & ~VNMC_ME, VNMC_REG);

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * DMA Functions

#define RVIN_TIMEOUT_MS 100
#define RVIN_RETRIES 10

static irqreturn_t rvin_irq(int irq, void *data)
	struct rvin_dev *vin = data;
	u32 int_status, vnms;
	int slot;
	unsigned int handled = 0;
	unsigned long flags;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&vin->qlock, flags);

	int_status = rvin_get_interrupt_status(vin);
	if (!int_status)
		goto done;

	handled = 1;

	/* Nothing to do if capture status is 'STOPPED' */
	if (vin->state == STOPPED) {
		vin_dbg(vin, "IRQ while state stopped\n");
		goto done;

	/* Nothing to do if capture status is 'STOPPING' */
	if (vin->state == STOPPING) {
		vin_dbg(vin, "IRQ while state stopping\n");
		goto done;

	/* Prepare for capture and update state */
	vnms = rvin_read(vin, VNMS_REG);
	slot = (vnms & VNMS_FBS_MASK) >> VNMS_FBS_SHIFT;

	 * To hand buffers back in a known order to userspace start
	 * to capture first from slot 0.
	if (vin->state == STARTING) {
		if (slot != 0) {
			vin_dbg(vin, "Starting sync slot: %d\n", slot);
			goto done;

		vin_dbg(vin, "Capture start synced!\n");
		vin->state = RUNNING;

	/* Capture frame */
	if (vin->queue_buf[slot]) {
		vin->queue_buf[slot]->field = rvin_get_active_field(vin, vnms);
		vin->queue_buf[slot]->sequence = vin->sequence;
		vin->queue_buf[slot]->vb2_buf.timestamp = ktime_get_ns();
		vin->queue_buf[slot] = NULL;
	} else {
		/* Scratch buffer was used, dropping frame. */
		vin_dbg(vin, "Dropping frame %u\n", vin->sequence);


	/* Prepare for next frame */
	rvin_fill_hw_slot(vin, slot);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vin->qlock, flags);

	return IRQ_RETVAL(handled);

/* Need to hold qlock before calling */
static void return_all_buffers(struct rvin_dev *vin,
			       enum vb2_buffer_state state)
	struct rvin_buffer *buf, *node;
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < HW_BUFFER_NUM; i++) {
		if (vin->queue_buf[i]) {
			vin->queue_buf[i] = NULL;

	list_for_each_entry_safe(buf, node, &vin->buf_list, list) {
		vb2_buffer_done(&buf->vb.vb2_buf, state);

static int rvin_queue_setup(struct vb2_queue *vq, unsigned int *nbuffers,
			    unsigned int *nplanes, unsigned int sizes[],
			    struct device *alloc_devs[])

	struct rvin_dev *vin = vb2_get_drv_priv(vq);

	/* Make sure the image size is large enough. */
	if (*nplanes)
		return sizes[0] < vin->format.sizeimage ? -EINVAL : 0;

	*nplanes = 1;
	sizes[0] = vin->format.sizeimage;

	return 0;

static int rvin_buffer_prepare(struct vb2_buffer *vb)
	struct rvin_dev *vin = vb2_get_drv_priv(vb->vb2_queue);
	unsigned long size = vin->format.sizeimage;

	if (vb2_plane_size(vb, 0) < size) {
		vin_err(vin, "buffer too small (%lu < %lu)\n",
			vb2_plane_size(vb, 0), size);
		return -EINVAL;

	vb2_set_plane_payload(vb, 0, size);

	return 0;

static void rvin_buffer_queue(struct vb2_buffer *vb)
	struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb);
	struct rvin_dev *vin = vb2_get_drv_priv(vb->vb2_queue);
	unsigned long flags;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&vin->qlock, flags);

	list_add_tail(to_buf_list(vbuf), &vin->buf_list);

	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vin->qlock, flags);

static int rvin_mc_validate_format(struct rvin_dev *vin, struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
				   struct media_pad *pad)
	struct v4l2_subdev_format fmt = {

	fmt.pad = pad->index;
	if (v4l2_subdev_call(sd, pad, get_fmt, NULL, &fmt))
		return -EPIPE;

	switch (fmt.format.code) {
	case MEDIA_BUS_FMT_UYVY10_2X10:
	case MEDIA_BUS_FMT_RGB888_1X24:
		vin->mbus_code = fmt.format.code;
		return -EPIPE;

	switch (fmt.format.field) {
	case V4L2_FIELD_TOP:
	case V4L2_FIELD_NONE:
	case V4L2_FIELD_SEQ_TB:
	case V4L2_FIELD_SEQ_BT:
		/* Supported natively */
		switch (vin->format.field) {
		case V4L2_FIELD_TOP:
		case V4L2_FIELD_NONE:
		case V4L2_FIELD_SEQ_TB:
		case V4L2_FIELD_SEQ_BT:
			/* Use VIN hardware to combine the two fields */
			fmt.format.height *= 2;
			return -EPIPE;
		return -EPIPE;

	if (fmt.format.width != vin->format.width ||
	    fmt.format.height != vin->format.height ||
	    fmt.format.code != vin->mbus_code)
		return -EPIPE;

	return 0;

static int rvin_set_stream(struct rvin_dev *vin, int on)
	struct media_pipeline *pipe;
	struct media_device *mdev;
	struct v4l2_subdev *sd;
	struct media_pad *pad;
	int ret;

	/* No media controller used, simply pass operation to subdevice. */
	if (!vin->info->use_mc) {
		ret = v4l2_subdev_call(vin->parallel->subdev, video, s_stream,

		return ret == -ENOIOCTLCMD ? 0 : ret;

	pad = media_entity_remote_pad(&vin->pad);
	if (!pad)
		return -EPIPE;

	sd = media_entity_to_v4l2_subdev(pad->entity);

	if (!on) {
		return v4l2_subdev_call(sd, video, s_stream, 0);

	ret = rvin_mc_validate_format(vin, sd, pad);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	 * The graph lock needs to be taken to protect concurrent
	 * starts of multiple VIN instances as they might share
	 * a common subdevice down the line and then should use
	 * the same pipe.
	mdev = vin->vdev.entity.graph_obj.mdev;
	pipe = sd->entity.pipe ? sd->entity.pipe : &vin->vdev.pipe;
	ret = __media_pipeline_start(&vin->vdev.entity, pipe);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	ret = v4l2_subdev_call(sd, video, s_stream, 1);
	if (ret == -ENOIOCTLCMD)
		ret = 0;
	if (ret)

	return ret;

static int rvin_start_streaming(struct vb2_queue *vq, unsigned int count)
	struct rvin_dev *vin = vb2_get_drv_priv(vq);
	unsigned long flags;
	int ret;

	/* Allocate scratch buffer. */
	vin->scratch = dma_alloc_coherent(vin->dev, vin->format.sizeimage,
					  &vin->scratch_phys, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!vin->scratch) {
		spin_lock_irqsave(&vin->qlock, flags);
		return_all_buffers(vin, VB2_BUF_STATE_QUEUED);
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vin->qlock, flags);
		vin_err(vin, "Failed to allocate scratch buffer\n");
		return -ENOMEM;

	ret = rvin_set_stream(vin, 1);
	if (ret) {
		spin_lock_irqsave(&vin->qlock, flags);
		return_all_buffers(vin, VB2_BUF_STATE_QUEUED);
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vin->qlock, flags);
		goto out;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&vin->qlock, flags);

	vin->sequence = 0;

	ret = rvin_capture_start(vin);
	if (ret) {
		return_all_buffers(vin, VB2_BUF_STATE_QUEUED);
		rvin_set_stream(vin, 0);

	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vin->qlock, flags);
	if (ret)
		dma_free_coherent(vin->dev, vin->format.sizeimage, vin->scratch,

	return ret;

static void rvin_stop_streaming(struct vb2_queue *vq)
	struct rvin_dev *vin = vb2_get_drv_priv(vq);
	unsigned long flags;
	int retries = 0;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&vin->qlock, flags);

	vin->state = STOPPING;

	/* Wait for streaming to stop */
	while (retries++ < RVIN_RETRIES) {


		/* Check if HW is stopped */
		if (!rvin_capture_active(vin)) {
			vin->state = STOPPED;

		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vin->qlock, flags);
		spin_lock_irqsave(&vin->qlock, flags);

	if (vin->state != STOPPED) {
		 * If this happens something have gone horribly wrong.
		 * Set state to stopped to prevent the interrupt handler
		 * to make things worse...
		vin_err(vin, "Failed stop HW, something is seriously broken\n");
		vin->state = STOPPED;

	/* Release all active buffers */
	return_all_buffers(vin, VB2_BUF_STATE_ERROR);

	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vin->qlock, flags);

	rvin_set_stream(vin, 0);

	/* disable interrupts */

	/* Free scratch buffer. */
	dma_free_coherent(vin->dev, vin->format.sizeimage, vin->scratch,

static const struct vb2_ops rvin_qops = {
	.queue_setup		= rvin_queue_setup,
	.buf_prepare		= rvin_buffer_prepare,
	.buf_queue		= rvin_buffer_queue,
	.start_streaming	= rvin_start_streaming,
	.stop_streaming		= rvin_stop_streaming,
	.wait_prepare		= vb2_ops_wait_prepare,
	.wait_finish		= vb2_ops_wait_finish,

void rvin_dma_unregister(struct rvin_dev *vin)


int rvin_dma_register(struct rvin_dev *vin, int irq)
	struct vb2_queue *q = &vin->queue;
	int i, ret;

	/* Initialize the top-level structure */
	ret = v4l2_device_register(vin->dev, &vin->v4l2_dev);
	if (ret)
		return ret;



	vin->state = STOPPED;

	for (i = 0; i < HW_BUFFER_NUM; i++)
		vin->queue_buf[i] = NULL;

	/* buffer queue */
	q->io_modes = VB2_MMAP | VB2_READ | VB2_DMABUF;
	q->lock = &vin->lock;
	q->drv_priv = vin;
	q->buf_struct_size = sizeof(struct rvin_buffer);
	q->ops = &rvin_qops;
	q->mem_ops = &vb2_dma_contig_memops;
	q->timestamp_flags = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC;
	q->min_buffers_needed = 4;
	q->dev = vin->dev;

	ret = vb2_queue_init(q);
	if (ret < 0) {
		vin_err(vin, "failed to initialize VB2 queue\n");
		goto error;

	/* irq */
	ret = devm_request_irq(vin->dev, irq, rvin_irq, IRQF_SHARED,
			       KBUILD_MODNAME, vin);
	if (ret) {
		vin_err(vin, "failed to request irq\n");
		goto error;

	return 0;

	return ret;

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Gen3 CHSEL manipulation

 * There is no need to have locking around changing the routing
 * as it's only possible to do so when no VIN in the group is
 * streaming so nothing can race with the VNMC register.
int rvin_set_channel_routing(struct rvin_dev *vin, u8 chsel)
	u32 ifmd, vnmc;
	int ret;

	ret = pm_runtime_get_sync(vin->dev);
	if (ret < 0)
		return ret;

	/* Make register writes take effect immediately. */
	vnmc = rvin_read(vin, VNMC_REG);
	rvin_write(vin, vnmc & ~VNMC_VUP, VNMC_REG);


	rvin_write(vin, ifmd, VNCSI_IFMD_REG);

	vin_dbg(vin, "Set IFMD 0x%x\n", ifmd);

	/* Restore VNMC. */
	rvin_write(vin, vnmc, VNMC_REG);


	return 0;

void rvin_set_alpha(struct rvin_dev *vin, unsigned int alpha)
	unsigned long flags;
	u32 dmr;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&vin->qlock, flags);

	vin->alpha = alpha;

	if (vin->state == STOPPED)
		goto out;

	switch (vin->format.pixelformat) {
	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_ARGB555:
		dmr = rvin_read(vin, VNDMR_REG) & ~VNDMR_ABIT;
		if (vin->alpha)
			dmr |= VNDMR_ABIT;
	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_ABGR32:
		dmr = rvin_read(vin, VNDMR_REG) & ~VNDMR_A8BIT_MASK;
		dmr |= VNDMR_A8BIT(vin->alpha);
		goto out;

	rvin_write(vin, dmr,  VNDMR_REG);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vin->qlock, flags);