Gunther Mayer's bttv card gallery (graphical version of this text file :-) is available at: Suppported cards: Bt848/Bt848a/Bt849/Bt878/Bt879 cards ------------------------------------ All cards with Bt848/Bt848a/Bt849/Bt878/Bt879 and normal Composite/S-VHS inputs are supported. Teletext and Intercast support (PAL only) for ALL cards via VBI sample decoding in software. Some cards with additional multiplexing of inputs are only partially supported (unless specifications by the card manufacturer are given). All other cards only differ by additional components as tuners, sound decoders, EEPROMs, teletext decoders ... Unsupported Cards: ------------------ Cards with Zoran (ZR) or Philips (SAA) or ISA are not supported by this driver. MATRIX Vision ------------- MV-Delta - Bt848A - 4 Composite inputs, 1 S-VHS input (shared with 4th composite) - EEPROM This card has no tuner but supports all 4 composite (1 shared with an S-VHS input) of the Bt848A. Very nice card if you only have satellite TV but several tuners connected to the card via composite. Many thanks to Matrix-Vision for giving us 2 cards for free which made Bt848a/Bt849 single crytal operation support possible!!! Miro/Pinnacle PCTV ------------------ - Bt848 some (all??) come with 2 crystals for PAL/SECAM and NTSC - PAL, SECAM or NTSC TV tuner (Philips or TEMIC) - MSP34xx sound decoder on add on board decoder is supported but AFAIK does not yet work (other sound MUX setting in GPIO port needed??? somebody who fixed this???) - 1 tuner, 1 composite and 1 S-VHS input - tuner type is autodetected Many thanks for the free card which made first NTSC support possible back in 1997! Hauppauge Win/TV pci -------------------- There are many different versions of the Hauppauge cards with different tuners (TV+Radio ...), teletext decoders. Note that even cards with same model numbers have (depending on the revision) different chips on it. - Bt848 (and others but always in 2 crystal operation???) newer cards have a Bt878 - PAL, SECAM, NTSC or tuner with or without Radio support e.g.: PAL: TDA5737: VHF, hyperband and UHF mixer/oscillator for TV and VCR 3-band tuners TSA5522: 1.4 GHz I2C-bus controlled synthesizer, I2C 0xc2-0xc3 NTSC: TDA5731: VHF, hyperband and UHF mixer/oscillator for TV and VCR 3-band tuners TSA5518: no datasheet available on Philips site - Philips SAA5246 or SAA5284 ( or no) Teletext decoder chip with buffer RAM (e.g. Winbond W24257AS-35: 32Kx8 CMOS static RAM) SAA5246 (I2C 0x22) is supported - 256 bytes EEPROM: Microchip 24LC02B or Philips 8582E2Y with configuration information I2C address 0xa0 (24LC02B also responds to 0xa2-0xaf) - 1 tuner, 1 composite and (depending on model) 1 S-VHS input - 14052B: mux for selection of sound source - sound decoder: TDA9800, MSP34xx (stereo cards) Askey CPH-Series ---------------- Developed by TelSignal(?), OEMed by many vendors (Typhoon, Anubis, Dynalink) Card series: CPH01x: BT848 capture only CPH03x: BT848 CPH05x: BT878 with FM CPH06x: BT878 (w/o FM) CPH07x: BT878 capture only TV standards: CPH0x0: NTSC-M/M CPH0x1: PAL-B/G CPH0x2: PAL-I/I CPH0x3: PAL-D/K CPH0x4: SECAM-L/L CPH0x5: SECAM-B/G CPH0x6: SECAM-D/K CPH0x7: PAL-N/N CPH0x8: PAL-B/H CPH0x9: PAL-M/M CPH03x was often sold as "TV capturer". Identifying: 1) 878 cards can be identified by PCI Subsystem-ID: 144f:3000 = CPH06x 144F:3002 = CPH05x w/ FM 144F:3005 = CPH06x_LC (w/o remote control) 1) The cards have a sticker with "CPH"-model on the back. 2) These cards have a number printed on the PCB just above the tuner metal box: "80-CP2000300-x" = CPH03X "80-CP2000500-x" = CPH05X "80-CP2000600-x" = CPH06X / CPH06x_LC Askey sells these cards as "Magic TView series", Brand "MagicXpress". Other OEM often call these "Tview", "TView99" or else. Lifeview Flyvideo Series: ------------------------- The naming of these series differs in time and space. Identifying: 1) Some models can be identified by PCI subsystem ID: 1852:1852 = Flyvideo 98 FM 1851:1850 = Flyvideo 98 1851:1851 = Flyvideo 98 EZ (capture only) 2) There is a print on the PCB: LR25 = Flyvideo (Zoran ZR36120, SAA7110A) LR26 Rev.N = Flyvideo II (Bt848) Rev.O = Flyvideo II (Bt878) LR37 Rev.C = Flyvideo EZ (Capture only, ZR36120 + SAA7110) LR38 Rev.A1= Flyvideo II EZ (Bt848 capture only) LR50 Rev.Q = Flyvideo 98 (w/eeprom and PCI subsystem ID) Rev.W = Flyvideo 98 (no eeprom) LR51 Rev.E = Flyvideo 98 EZ (capture only) LR90 = Flyvideo 2000 (Bt878) Flyvideo 2000S (Bt878) w/Stereo TV (Package incl. LR91 daughterboard) LR91 = Stereo daughter card for LR90 LR97 = Flyvideo DVBS LR99 Rev.E = Low profile card for OEM integration (only internal audio!) bt878 LR136 = Flyvideo 2100/3100 (Low profile, SAA7130/SAA7134) LR137 = Flyvideo DV2000/DV3000 (SAA7130/SAA7134 + IEEE1394) LR138 Rev.C= Flyvideo 2000 (SAA7130) or Flyvideo 3000 (SAA7134) w/Stereo TV These exist in variations w/FM and w/Remote sometimes denoted by suffixes "FM" and "R". states (Feb. 2002): "The FlyVideo2000 and FlyVideo2000s product name have renamed to FlyVideo98." Their Bt8x8 cards are listed as discontinued. Flyvideo 2000S was probably sold as Flyvideo 3000 in some contries(Europe?). The new Flyvideo 2000/3000 are SAA7130/SAA7134 based. "Flyvideo II" had been the name for the 848 cards, nowadays (in Germany) this name is re-used for LR50 Rev.W. The Lifeview website mentioned Flyvideo III at some time, but such a card has not yet been seen (perhaps it was the german name for LR90 [stereo]). These cards are sold by many OEMs too. FlyVideo A2 = LR90 Rev.F (w/Remote, w/o FM, stereo TV by tda9821) {Germany} Typhoon TV card series: ----------------------- These can be CPH, Flyvideo, Pixelview or KNC1 series. Typhoon is the brand of Anubis. Model 50680 got re-used, some model no. had different contents over time. Models: 50680 "TV Tuner PCI Pal BG"(old,red package)=can be CPH03x(bt848) or CPH06x(bt878) 50680 "TV Tuner Pal BG" (blue package)= Pixelview PV-BT878P+ (Rev 9B) 50681 "TV Tuner PCI Pal I" (variant of 50680) 50682 "TView TV/FM Tuner Pal BG" = Flyvideo 98FM (LR50 Rev.Q) Note: The package has a picture of CPH05x (which would be a real TView) 50683 "TV Tuner PCI SECAM" (variant of 50680) 50684 "TV Tuner Pal BG" = Pixelview 878TV(Rev.3D) 50686 "TV Tuner" = KNC1 TV Station 50687 "TV Tuner stereo" = KNC1 TV Station pro 50688 "TV Tuner RDS" (black package) = KNC1 TV Station RDS 50689 TV SAT DVB-S CARD CI PCI (SAA7146AH) 50692 "TV/FM Tuner" (small PCB) 50694 TV TUNER CARD RDS (PHILIPS CHIPSET SAA7134HL) 50696 TV TUNER STEREO (PHILIPS CHIPSET SAA7134HL, MK3ME Tuner) 50804 PC-SAT TV/Audio Karte = Techni-PC-Sat (ZORAN 36120PQC, Tuner:Alps) 50866 TVIEW SAT RECEIVER+ADR 50868 "TV/FM Tuner Pal I" (variant of 50682) 50999 "TV/FM Tuner Secam" (variant of 50682) Guillemot --------- Maxi-TV PCI (ZR36120) Maxi TV Video 2 = LR50 Rev.Q (FI1216MF, PAL BG+SECAM) Maxi TV Video 3 = CPH064 (PAL BG + SECAM) Mentor ------ Mentor TV card ("55-878TV-U1") = Pixelview 878TV(Rev.3F) (w/FM w/Remote) Prolink ------- TV cards: PixelView Play TV pro - (Model: PV-BT878P+ REV 8E) PixelView Play TV pro - (Model: PV-BT878P+ REV 9D) PixelView Play TV pro - (Model: PV-BT878P+ REV 4C / 8D / 10A ) PixelView Play TV - (Model: PV-BT848P+) 878TV - (Model: PV-BT878TV) Multimedia TV packages (card + software pack): PixelView Play TV Theater - (Model: PV-M4200) = PixelView Play TV pro + Software PixelView Play TV PAK - (Model: PV-BT878P+ REV 4E) PixelView Play TV/VCR - (Model: PV-M3200 REV 4C / 8D / 10A ) PixelView Studio PAK - (Model: M2200 REV 4C / 8D / 10A ) PixelView PowerStudio PAK - (Model: PV-M3600 REV 4E) PixelView DigitalVCR PAK - (Model: PV-M2400 REV 4C / 8D / 10A ) Further Cards: PV-BT878P+rev.9B (Play TV Pro, opt. w/FM w/NICAM) PV-BT878P+rev.2F PV-BT878P Rev.1D (bt878, capture only) Video Conferencing: PixelView Meeting PAK - (Model: PV-BT878P) PixelView Meeting PAK Lite - (Model: PV-BT878P) PixelView Meeting PAK plus - (Model: PV-BT878P+rev 4C/8D/10A) PixelView Capture - (Model: PV-BT848P) Dynalink -------- These are CPH series. Phoebemicro ----------- TV Master = CPH030 or CPH060 TV Master FM = CPH050 Genius/Kye ---------- Video Wonder/Genius Internet Video Kit = LR37 Rev.C Video Wonder Pro II (848 or 878) = LR26 Tekram ------ VideoCap C205 (Bt848) VideoCap C210 (zr36120 +Philips) CaptureTV M200 (ISA) CaptureTV M205 (Bt848) Lucky Star ---------- Image World Conference TV = LR50 Rev. Q Leadtek ------- WinView 601 (Bt848) WinView 610 (Zoran) WinFast2000 WinFast2000 XP KNC One ------- TV-Station TV-Station SE (+Software Bundle) TV-Station pro (+TV stereo) TV-Station FM (+Radio) TV-Station RDS (+RDS) newer Cards have saa7134, but model name stayed the same? Provideo -------- PV951 or PV-951 (also are sold as: Boeder TV-FM Video Capture Card Titanmedia Supervision TV-2400 Provideo PV951 TF 3DeMon PV951 MediaForte TV-Vision PV951 Yoko PV951 ) PV-148 (capture only) Highscreen ---------- TV Karte = LR50 Rev.S TV-Boostar = Terratec Terra TV+ Version 1.0 (Bt848, tda9821) "ceb105.pcb" Zoltrix ------- Face to Face Capture (Bt848 capture only) (PCB "VP-2848") Face To Face TV MAX (Bt848) (PCB "VP-8482 Rev1.3") Genie TV (Bt878) (PCB "VP-8790 Rev 2.1") Genie Wonder Pro AVerMedia --------- AVer FunTV Lite (ISA, AV3001 chipset) "M101.C" AVerTV AVerTV Stereo AVerTV Studio (w/FM) AVerMedia TV98 with Remote AVerMedia TV/FM98 Stereo AVerMedia TVCAM98 TVCapture (Bt848) TVPhone (Bt848) TVCapture98 (="AVerMedia TV98" in USA) (Bt878) TVPhone98 (Bt878, w/FM) PCB PCI-ID Model-Name Eeprom Tuner Sound Country -------------------------------------------------------------------- M101.C ISA ! M108-B Bt848 -- FR1236 US (2),(3) M1A8-A Bt848 AVer TV-Phone FM1216 -- M168-T 1461:0003 AVerTV Studio 48:17 FM1216 TDA9840T D (1) w/FM w/Remote M168-U 1461:0004 TVCapture98 40:11 FI1216 -- D w/Remote M168II-B 1461:0003 Medion MD9592 48:16 FM1216 TDA9873H D w/FM (1) Daughterboard MB68-A with TDA9820T and TDA9840T (2) Sony NE41S soldered (stereo sound?) (3) Daughterboard M118-A w/ pic 16c54 and 4 MHz quartz US site has different drivers for (as of 09/2002): EZ Capture/InterCam PCI (BT-848 chip) EZ Capture/InterCam PCI (BT-878 chip) TV-Phone (BT-848 chip) TV98 (BT-848 chip) TV98 With Remote (BT-848 chip) TV98 (BT-878 chip) TV98 With Remote (BT-878) TV/FM98 (BT-878 chip) AVerTV AverTV Stereo AVerTV Studio DE hat diverse Treiber fuer diese Modelle (Stand 09/2002): TVPhone (848) mit Philips tuner FR12X6 (w/ FM radio) TVPhone (848) mit Philips tuner FM12X6 (w/ FM radio) TVCapture (848) w/Philips tuner FI12X6 TVCapture (848) non-Philips tuner TVCapture98 (Bt878) TVPhone98 (Bt878) AVerTV und TVCapture98 w/VCR (Bt 878) AVerTVStudio und TVPhone98 w/VCR (Bt878) AVerTV GO Serie (Kein SVideo Input) AVerTV98 (BT-878 chip) AVerTV98 mit Fernbedienung (BT-878 chip) AVerTV/FM98 (BT-878 chip) Aimslab ------- Video Highway or "Video Highway TR200" (ISA) Video Highway Xtreme (aka "VHX") (Bt848, FM w/ TEA5757) IXMicro (former: IMS=Integrated Micro Solutions) ------- IXTV BT848 IXTV BT878 TurboTV (Bt848) Lifetec/Medion/Tevion/Aldi -------------------------- LT9306/MD9306 = CPH061 LT9415/MD9415 = LR90 Rev.F or Rev.G MD9592 = Avermedia TVphone98 (PCI_ID=1461:0003), PCB-Rev=M168II-B (w/TDA9873H) MD9717 = KNC One (Rev D4, saa7134) Modular Technologies ( UK --------------------------------------------- MM100 PCTV (Bt848) MM205 PCTV (Bt878) MM210 PCTV (Bt878) (Galaxy TV) Terratec -------- Terra TV+ Version 1.0 (Bt848), "ceb105.PCB" printed on the PCB, TDA9821 Terra TV+ Version 1.1 (Bt878), "LR74 Rev.E" printed on the PCB, TDA9821 Terra TValueRadio, "LR102 Rev.C" printed on the PCB Terra TV/Radio+ Version 1.0, "80-CP2830100-0" TTTV3 printed on the PCB, "CPH010-E83" on the back, SAA6588T, TDA9873H Terra TValue Version BT878, "80-CP2830110-0 TTTV4" printed on the PCB, "CPH011-D83" on back Terra TValue Version 1.0 "ceb105.PCB" (really identical to Terra TV+ Version 1.0) Terra Active Radio Upgrade (tea5757h, saa6588t) LR74 is a newer PCB revision of ceb105 (both incl. connector for Active Radio Upgrade) Cinergy 400 (saa7134), "E877 11(S)", "PM820092D" printed on PCB Cinergy 600 (saa7134) Technisat --------- Discos ADR PC-Karte ISA (no TV!) Discos ADR PC-Karte PCI (probably no TV?) Techni-PC-Sat (Sat. analog) Rev 1.2 (zr36120, vpx3220, stv0030, saa5246, BSJE3-494A) Mediafocus I (zr36120/zr36125, drp3510, Sat. analog + ADR Radio) Mediafocus II (saa7146, Sat. analog) SatADR Rev 2.1 (saa7146a, saa7113h, stv0056a, msp3400c, drp3510a, BSKE3-307A) SkyStar 1 DVB (AV7110) = Technotrend Premium SkyStar 2 DVB (B2C2) (=Sky2PC) Siemens ------- Multimedia eXtension Board (MXB) (SAA7146, SAA7111) Stradis ------- SDM275,SDM250,SDM026,SDM025 (SAA7146, IBMMPEG2): MPEG2 decoder only Powercolor ---------- MTV878 Package comes with different contents: a) pcb "MTV878" (CARD=75) b) Pixelview Rev. 4_ MTV878R w/Remote Control MTV878F w/Remote Control w/FM radio Pinnacle -------- Mirovideo PCTV (Bt848) Mirovideo PCTV SE (Bt848) Mirovideo PCTV Pro (Bt848 + Daughterboard for TV Stereo and FM) Studio PCTV Rave (Bt848 Version = Mirovideo PCTV) Studio PCTV Rave (Bt878 package w/o infrared) Studio PCTV (Bt878) Studio PCTV Pro (Bt878 stereo w/ FM) Pinnacle PCTV (Bt878, MT2032) Pinnacle PCTV Pro (Bt878, MT2032) Pinncale PCTV Sat M(J)PEG capture and playback: DC1+ (ISA) DC10 (zr36057, zr36060, saa7110, adv7176) DC10+ (zr36067, zr36060, saa7110, adv7176) DC20 (ql16x24b,zr36050, zr36016, saa7110, saa7187 ...) DC30 (zr36057, zr36050, zr36016, vpx3220, adv7176, ad1843, tea6415, miro FST97A1) DC30+ (zr36067, zr36050, zr36016, vpx3220, adv7176) DC50 (zr36067, zr36050, zr36016, saa7112, adv7176 (2 pcs.?), ad1843, miro FST97A1, Lattice ???) Lenco ----- MXR-9565 (=Technisat Mediafocus?) MXR-9571 (Bt848) (=CPH031?) MXR-9575 MXR-9577 (Bt878) (=Prolink 878TV Rev.3x) MXTV-9578CP (Bt878) (= Prolink PV-BT878P+4E) Iomega ------ Buz (zr36067, zr36060, saa7111, saa7185) LML --- LML33 (zr36067, zr36060, bt819, bt856) Grandtec -------- Grand Video Capture (Bt848) Multi Capture Card (Bt878) Koutech ------- KW-606 (Bt848) KW-607 (Bt848 capture only) KW-606RSF KW-607A (capture only) KW-608 (Zoran capture only) IODATA (jp) ------ GV-BCTV/PCI GV-BCTV2/PCI GV-BCTV3/PCI GV-BCTV4/PCI GV-VCP/PCI (capture only) GV-VCP2/PCI (capture only) Canopus (jp) ------- WinDVR = Kworld "KW-TVL878RF" ------------------ Sigma Cyber TV II --------------- Litte OnAir TV hama ---- TV/Radio-Tuner Card, PCI (Model 44677) = CPH051 Sigma Designs ------------- Hollywood plus (em8300, em9010, adv7175), (PCB "M340-10") MPEG DVD decoder Formac ------ iProTV (Card for iMac Mezzanine slot, Bt848+SCSI) ProTV (Bt848) ProTV II = ProTV Stereo (Bt878) ATI --- TV-Wonder TV-Wonder VE Diamond Multimedia ------------------ DTV2000 (Bt848, tda9875) Aopen ----- VA1000 Plus (w/ Stereo) VA1000 Lite VA1000 (=LR90) Intel ----- Smart Video Recorder (ISA full-length) Smart Video Recorder pro (ISA half-length) Smart Video Recorder III (Bt848) STB --- STB bt878 == Gateway 6000704 STB Gateway 6000699 (bt848) STB Gateway 6000402 (bt848) STB TV130 PCI Videologic ---------- Captivator Pro/TV (ISA?) Captivator PCI/VC (Bt848 bundled with camera) (capture only) Technotrend ------------ TT-SAT PCI (PCB "Sat-PCI Rev.:1.3.1"; zr36125, vpx3225d, stc0056a, Tuner:BSKE6-155A TT-DVB-Sat This card is sold as OEM from: Siemens DVB-s Card Hauppauge WinTV DVB-S Technisat SkyStar 1 DVB Galaxis DVB Sat Now this card is called TT-PCline Premium Family TT-Budget This card is sold as OEM from: Hauppauge WinTV Nova Satelco Standard PCI (DVB-S) TT-DVB-C PCI Teles ----- DVB-s (Rev. 2.2, BSRV2-301A, data only?) Remote Vision ------------- MX RV605 (Bt848 capture only) Boeder ------ PC ChatCam (Model 68252) (Bt848 capture only) Tv/Fm Capture Card (Model 68404) = PV951 Media-Surfer ( ------------------------------- Sat-Surfer (ISA) Sat-Surfer PCI = Techni-PC-Sat Cable-Surfer 1 Cable-Surfer 2 Cable-Surfer PCI (zr36120) Audio-Surfer (ISA Radio card) Jetway ( -------------------------- JW-TV 878M JW-TV 878 = KWorld KW-TV878RF Galaxis ------- Galaxis DVB Card S CI Galaxis DVB Card C CI Galaxis DVB Card S Galaxis DVB Card C Hauppauge --------- many many WinTV models ... WinTV DVBs = Tehcnotrend Premium WinTV NOVA = Technotrend Budget WinTV NOVA-CI WinTV-Nexus-s WinTV PVR WinTV PVR 250 WinTV PVR 450 Matrix-Vision ------------- MATRIX-Vision MV-Delta MATRIX-Vision MV-Delta 2 MVsigma-SLC (Bt848) Conceptronic (.net) ------------ TVCON FM, TV card w/ FM = CPH05x BestData -------- HCC100 = VCC100rev1 + camera VCC100 rev1 (bt848) VCC100 rev2 (bt878) Gallant ( ----------------------------------------------- Intervision IV-510 (capture only bt8x8) Intervision IV-550 (bt8x8) Intervision IV-100 (zoran) Intervision IV-1000 (bt8x8) Asonic ( (website down) ----------------------------------------- SkyEye tv 878 Hoontech -------- 878TV/FM Teppro ( ----------------------------- ITC PCITV (Card Ver 1.0) "Teppro TV1/TVFM1 Card" ITC PCITV (Card Ver 2.0) ITC PCITV (Card Ver 3.0) = "PV-BT878P+ (REV.9D)" ITC PCITV (Card Ver 4.0) TEPPRO IV-550 (For BT848 Main Chip) ITC DSTTV (bt878, satellite) ITC VideoMaker (saa7146, StreamMachine sm2110, tvtuner) "PV-SM2210P+ (REV:1C)" Kworld ( -------------------------- KWORLD KW-TV878RF-Pro TV Capture with FM Radio KWORLD KW-TV878R-Pro TV KWORLD KW-TVL878RF (low profile) KWORLD KW-TV878R TV Capture (No FM Radio) KWORLD KW-TV878RF TV JTT/ Justy Corp. ( website down) --------------------------------------------------------------------- JTT-02 (JTT TV) "TV watchmate pro" (bt848) ADS ------------------- Channel Surfer TV ( CHX-950 ) Channel Surfer TV+FM ( CHX-960FM ) AVEC --------------------- AVEC Intercapture (bt848, tea6320) NoBrand ------- TV Excel = Australian Name for "PV-BT878P+ 8E" or "878TV Rev.3_" Mach ---- Mach TV 878 Eline ----- Eline Vision TVMaster / TVMaster FM (ELV-TVM/ ELV-TVM-FM) = LR26 (bt878) Eline Vision TVMaster-2000 (ELV-TVM-2000, ELV-TVM-2000-FM)= LR138 (saa713x) Spirit ------ Spirit TV Tuner/Video Capture Card (bt848) Boser ----- HS-878 Mini PCI Capture Add-on Card HS-879 Mini PCI 3D Audio and Capture Add-on Card (w/ ES1938 Solo-1) Satelco ------- TV-FM =KNC1 saa7134 Standard PCI (DVB-S) = Technotrend Budget Standard PCI (DVB-S) w/ CI Satelco Hoghend PCI (DVB-S) = Technotrend Premium Sensoray -------- Sensoray 311 (PC/104 bus) Sensoray 611 (PCI) CEI (Chartered Electronics Industries Pte Ltd [CEI] [FCC ID HBY]) --- TV Tuner - HBY-33A-RAFFLES Brooktree Bt848KPF + Philips TV Tuner MG9910 - HBY33A-TVO CEI + Philips SAA7110 + OKI M548262 + ST STV8438CV Primetime TV (ISA) acquired by Singapore Technologies now operating as Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Manufacturer of video cards is listed as: Cogent Electronics Industries [CEI] AITech ------ AITech WaveWatcher TV-PCI = LR26 WaveWatcher TVR-202 TV/FM Radio Card (ISA) MAXRON ------ Maxron MaxTV/FM Radio (KW-TV878-FNT) = Kworld or JW-TV878-FBK ------------------ Falcon Series (capture only) In USA: DFG/LC1 ------------------- SKnet Monster TV (saa7134) A-Max (Colormax, Amax, Napa) ------------------- APAC Viewcomp 878 Cybertainment ------------- CyberMail AV Video Email Kit w/ PCI Capture Card (capture only) CyberMail Xtreme These are Flyvideo