menu "Bluetooth device drivers"
	depends on BT

config BT_HCIUSB
	tristate "HCI USB driver"
	depends on BT && USB
	  Bluetooth HCI USB driver.
	  This driver is required if you want to use Bluetooth devices with
	  USB interface.

	  Say Y here to compile support for Bluetooth USB devices into the
	  kernel or say M to compile it as module (hci_usb.o).

	bool "USB zero packet support"
	depends on BT_HCIUSB
	  Support for USB zero packets. 
	  This option is provided only as a work around for buggy Bluetooth USB 
	  devices. Do _not_ enable it unless you know for sure that your device 
	  requires zero packets.
	  Most people should say N here.

	tristate "HCI UART driver"
	depends on BT
	  Bluetooth HCI UART driver.
	  This driver is required if you want to use Bluetooth devices with
	  serial port interface. You will also need this driver if you have 
	  UART based Bluetooth PCMCIA and CF devices like Xircom Credit Card 
	  adapter and BrainBoxes Bluetooth PC Card.

	  Say Y here to compile support for Bluetooth UART devices into the
	  kernel or say M to compile it as module (hci_uart.o).

config BT_HCIUART_H4
	bool "UART (H4) protocol support"
	depends on BT_HCIUART
	  UART (H4) is serial protocol for communication between Bluetooth 
	  device and host. This protocol is required for most Bluetooth devices 
	  with UART interface, including PCMCIA and CF cards. 

	  Say Y here to compile support for HCI UART (H4) protocol.

	bool "BCSP protocol support"
	depends on BT_HCIUART
	  BCSP (BlueCore Serial Protocol) is serial protocol for communication 
	  between Bluetooth device and host. This protocol is required for non
	  USB Bluetooth devices based on CSR BlueCore chip, including PCMCIA and
	  CF cards.

	  Say Y here to compile support for HCI BCSP protocol.

        bool "Transmit CRC with every BCSP packet"
        depends on BT_HCIUART_BCSP
	  If you say Y here, a 16-bit CRC checksum will be transmitted along with
	  every BCSP (BlueCore Serial Protocol) packet sent to the Bluetooth chip.
	  This increases reliability, but slightly reduces efficiency.

config BT_HCIDTL1
	tristate "HCI DTL1 (PC Card) driver"
	depends on PCMCIA && BT
	  Bluetooth HCI DTL1 (PC Card) driver.
	  This driver provides support for Bluetooth PCMCIA devices with
	  Nokia DTL1 interface:
	     Nokia Bluetooth Card
	     Socket Bluetooth CF Card

	  Say Y here to compile support for HCI DTL1 devices into the
	  kernel or say M to compile it as module (dtl1_cs.o).

config BT_HCIBT3C
	tristate "HCI BT3C (PC Card) driver"
	depends on PCMCIA && BT
	  Bluetooth HCI BT3C (PC Card) driver.
	  This driver provides support for Bluetooth PCMCIA devices with
	  3Com BT3C interface:
	     3Com Bluetooth Card (3CRWB6096)
	     HP Bluetooth Card

	  The HCI BT3C driver uses external firmware loader program provided in
	  the BlueFW package. For more information, see <>.

	  Say Y here to compile support for HCI BT3C devices into the
	  kernel or say M to compile it as module (bt3c_cs.o).

	tristate "HCI BlueCard (PC Card) driver"
	depends on PCMCIA && BT
	  Bluetooth HCI BlueCard (PC Card) driver.
	  This driver provides support for Bluetooth PCMCIA devices with
	     Anycom BlueCard interface:
	     Anycom Bluetooth PC Card
	     Anycom Bluetooth CF Card

	  Say Y here to compile support for HCI BlueCard devices into the
	  kernel or say M to compile it as module (bluecard_cs.o).

	tristate "HCI UART (PC Card) device driver"
	depends on PCMCIA && BT
	  Bluetooth HCI UART (PC Card) driver.
	  This driver provides support for Bluetooth PCMCIA devices with
	  an UART interface:
	  Xircom CreditCard Bluetooth Adapter
	  Xircom RealPort2 Bluetooth Adapter
	  Sphinx PICO Card
	  H-Soft blue+Card
	  Cyber-blue Compact Flash Card

	  Say Y here to compile support for HCI UART devices into the
	  kernel or say M to compile it as module (btuart_cs.o).

	tristate "HCI VHCI (Virtual HCI device) driver"
	depends on BT
	  Bluetooth Virtual HCI device driver.
	  This driver is required if you want to use HCI Emulation software.

	  Say Y here to compile support for virtual HCI devices into the
	  kernel or say M to compile it as module (hci_vhci.o).
