* Samsung S2MPS11, S2MPS13, S2MPS14 and S2MPU02 Voltage and Current Regulator

The Samsung S2MPS11 is a multi-function device which includes voltage and
current regulators, RTC, charger controller and other sub-blocks. It is
interfaced to the host controller using an I2C interface. Each sub-block is
addressed by the host system using different I2C slave addresses.

Required properties:
- compatible: Should be "samsung,s2mps11-pmic" or "samsung,s2mps13-pmic"
	      or "samsung,s2mps14-pmic" or "samsung,s2mpu02-pmic".
- reg: Specifies the I2C slave address of the pmic block. It should be 0x66.

Optional properties:
- interrupt-parent: Specifies the phandle of the interrupt controller to which
  the interrupts from s2mps11 are delivered to.
- interrupts: Interrupt specifiers for interrupt sources.
- samsung,s2mps11-acokb-ground: Indicates that ACOKB pin of S2MPS11 PMIC is
  connected to the ground so the PMIC must manually set PWRHOLD bit in CTRL1
  register to turn off the power. Usually the ACOKB is pulled up to VBATT so
  when PWRHOLD pin goes low, the rising ACOKB will trigger power off.

Optional nodes:
- clocks: s2mps11, s2mps13 and s5m8767 provide three(AP/CP/BT) buffered 32.768
  KHz outputs, so to register these as clocks with common clock framework
  instantiate a sub-node named "clocks". It uses the common clock binding
  documented in :
  The s2mps14 provides two (AP/BT) buffered 32.768 KHz outputs.
  - #clock-cells: should be 1.

  - The following is the list of clocks generated by the controller. Each clock
    is assigned an identifier and client nodes use this identifier to specify
    the clock which they consume.
    Clock               ID           Devices
    32KhzAP		0            S2MPS11, S2MPS13, S2MPS14, S5M8767
    32KhzCP		1            S2MPS11, S2MPS13, S5M8767
    32KhzBT		2            S2MPS11, S2MPS13, S2MPS14, S5M8767

  - compatible: Should be one of: "samsung,s2mps11-clk", "samsung,s2mps13-clk",
		"samsung,s2mps14-clk", "samsung,s5m8767-clk"

- regulators: The regulators of s2mps11 that have to be instantiated should be
included in a sub-node named 'regulators'. Regulator nodes included in this
sub-node should be of the format as listed below.

	regulator_name {
		[standard regulator constraints....];

 regulator-ramp-delay for BUCKs = [6250/12500/25000(default)/50000] uV/us

 BUCK[2/3/4/6] supports disabling ramp delay on hardware, so explicitly
 regulator-ramp-delay = <0> can be used for them to disable ramp delay.
 In the absence of the regulator-ramp-delay property, the default ramp
 delay will be used.

NOTE: Some BUCKs share the ramp rate setting i.e. same ramp value will be set
for a particular group of BUCKs. So provide same regulator-ramp-delay<value>.
Grouping of BUCKs sharing ramp rate setting is as follow : BUCK[1, 6],
BUCK[3, 4], and BUCK[7, 8, 10]

On S2MPS14 the LDO10, LDO11 and LDO12 can be configured to external control
over GPIO. To turn this feature on this property must be added to the regulator
	- samsung,ext-control-gpios: GPIO specifier for one GPIO
		controlling this regulator (enable/disable);
	LDO12 {
		regulator-name = "V_EMMC_2.8V";
		regulator-min-microvolt = <2800000>;
		regulator-max-microvolt = <2800000>;
		samsung,ext-control-gpios = <&gpk0 2 0>;

The regulator constraints inside the regulator nodes use the standard regulator
bindings which are documented elsewhere.

The following are the names of the regulators that the s2mps11 pmic block
supports. Note: The 'n' in LDOn and BUCKn represents the LDO or BUCK number
as per the datasheet of s2mps11.

	- LDOn
		  - valid values for n are:
			- S2MPS11: 1 to 38
			- S2MPS13: 1 to 40
			- S2MPS14: 1 to 25
			- S2MPU02: 1 to 28
		  - Example: LDO1, LDO2, LDO28
	- BUCKn
		  - valid values for n are:
			- S2MPS11: 1 to 10
			- S2MPS13: 1 to 10
			- S2MPS14: 1 to 5
			- S2MPU02: 1 to 7
		  - Example: BUCK1, BUCK2, BUCK9


	s2mps11_pmic@66 {
		compatible = "samsung,s2mps11-pmic";
		reg = <0x66>;

		s2m_osc: clocks {
			compatible = "samsung,s2mps11-clk";
			#clock-cells = <1>;
			clock-output-names = "xx", "yy", "zz";

		regulators {
			ldo1_reg: LDO1 {
				regulator-name = "VDD_ABB_3.3V";
				regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;

			ldo2_reg: LDO2 {
				regulator-name = "VDD_ALIVE_1.1V";
				regulator-min-microvolt = <1100000>;
				regulator-max-microvolt = <1100000>;

			buck1_reg: BUCK1 {
				regulator-name = "vdd_mif";
				regulator-min-microvolt = <950000>;
				regulator-max-microvolt = <1350000>;

			buck2_reg: BUCK2 {
				regulator-name = "vdd_arm";
				regulator-min-microvolt = <950000>;
				regulator-max-microvolt = <1350000>;
				regulator-ramp-delay = <50000>;