• Alexander Barkov's avatar
    MDEV-32220 sql_yacc.yy: unify the drop_routine rule · d75ef02a
    Alexander Barkov authored
    - Removing two copies of the drop_routine.
      Adding a shared and much simplified version.
    - Removing LEX metods:
          bool stmt_drop_function(const DDL_options_st &options,
                                  const Lex_ident_sys_st &db,
                                  const Lex_ident_sys_st &name);
          bool stmt_drop_function(const DDL_options_st &options,
                                  const Lex_ident_sys_st &name);
          bool stmt_drop_procedure(const DDL_options_st &options,
                                   sp_name *name);
      The code inside the methods was very similar.
      Adding one method instead:
          bool stmt_drop_routine(const Sp_handler *sph,
                              const DDL_options_st &options,
                              const Lex_ident_sys_st &db,
                              const Lex_ident_sys_st &name);
    - Adding a new virtual method Sp_handler:sqlcom_drop().
      It helped to unify the code inside the new stmt_drop_routine().
sql_yacc.yy 593 KB