Commit 011cbe90 authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

move ctest handling from mtr to a separate suite

parent 73a46b3e
......@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ with bless {}; - that is it must return an object of that class.
It can also return a string - in this case all tests in the suite
will be skipped, with this string being printed as a reason.
A suite class can define config_files() and servers() methods.
A suite class can define config_files(), servers(), list_cases(),
and start_test() methods.
A config_files method returns a list of additional config files (besides
A config_files() method returns a list of additional config files (besides
my.cnf), that this suite needs to be created. For every file it specifies
a function that will create it, when given a My::Config object. For example:
sub config_files { ( 'config.ini' => \&write_ini,
'new.conf' => \&do_new_conf ) }
sub config_files { ( 'config.ini' => \&write_ini, 'new.conf' => \&do_new ) }
A servers method returns a list of processes that needs to be started for
A servers() method returns a list of processes that needs to be started for
this suite. A process is specified as a pair (regex, hash). A regex must
match a section in the my.cnf template (for example, qr/mysqld\./ corresponds
to all mysqld processes), a hash contains these options:
......@@ -80,6 +80,15 @@ example: sub servers { ( qr/^foo$/ => { SORT => 200,
See sphinx suite for an example.
A list_cases() method returns a complete list of cases for this suite.
By default it will be the list of files that have .test extension,
but without the extension. This list will be filtered by mtr, subject to
different mtr options (--big-test, --start-from, etc), the suite does not have
to do it.
A start_test() method starts one test process, by default it will be mysqltest.
See unit suite for an example of list_cases() and start_test() methods.
A suite can have my.cnf template file in the suitedir.
A my.cnf template uses a normal my.cnf syntax - groups, options,
......@@ -149,7 +158,7 @@ names. E.g.
RPL_COMBINATIONS=mix:row ./mtr --suite rpl
See innodb_plugin suite for an example of how may set this variable
See innodb suite for an example of how may set this variable
to exclude unsupported configurations.
......@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ if(defined $ENV{MTR_BINDIR})
$bindir = ".";
use Cwd;
$bindir = getcwd();
......@@ -6,5 +6,18 @@ package My::Suite;
sub config_files { () }
sub servers { () }
sub list_cases {
my ($self, $testdir) = @_;
opendir(TESTDIR, $testdir) or mtr_error("Can't open dir \"$testdir\": $!");
my (@cases) = grep { s/\.test$// } readdir TESTDIR;
closedir TESTDIR;
sub start_test {
my ($self, $tinfo)= @_;
bless { };
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($$$$) {
foreach my $test_name_spec ( @$opt_cases )
my $found= 0;
my ($sname, $tname, $extension)= split_testname($test_name_spec);
my ($sname, $tname)= split_testname($test_name_spec);
foreach my $test ( @$cases )
last unless $opt_reorder;
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($$$$) {
# Returns (suitename, testname, extension)
# Returns (suitename, testname)
sub split_testname {
my ($test_name)= @_;
......@@ -217,24 +217,19 @@ sub split_testname {
if (@parts == 1){
# Only testname given, ex: alias
return (undef , $parts[0], undef);
return (undef , $parts[0]);
} elsif (@parts == 2) {
# Either testname.test or suite.testname given
# Ex. main.alias or alias.test
if ($parts[1] eq "test")
return (undef , $parts[0], $parts[1]);
return (undef , $parts[0]);
return ($parts[0], $parts[1], undef);
return ($parts[0], $parts[1]);
} elsif (@parts == 3) {
# Fully specified suitename.testname.test
# ex main.alias.test
return ( $parts[0], $parts[1], $parts[2]);
mtr_error("Illegal format of test name: $test_name");
......@@ -342,81 +337,44 @@ sub collect_one_suite
my $suite_opts= [ opts_from_file("$testdir/suite.opt") ];
$suite_opts = [ opts_from_file("$suitedir/suite.opt") ] unless @$suite_opts;
my (@case_names)= $::suites{$suite}->list_cases($testdir);
if ( @$opt_cases )
my (%case_names)= map { $_ => 1 } @case_names;
@case_names= ();
# Collect in specified order
foreach my $test_name_spec ( @$opt_cases )
my ($sname, $tname, $extension)= split_testname($test_name_spec);
# The test name parts have now been defined
#print " suite_name: $sname\n";
#print " tname: $tname\n";
#print " extension: $extension\n";
my ($sname, $tname)= split_testname($test_name_spec);
# Check cirrect suite if suitename is defined
# Check correct suite if suitename is defined
next if (defined $sname and $suite ne $sname);
if ( defined $extension )
my $full_name= "$testdir/$tname.$extension";
# Extension was specified, check if the test exists
if ( ! -f $full_name)
if ( ! $case_names{$tname})
# This is only an error if suite was specified, otherwise it
# could exist in another suite
mtr_error("Test '$full_name' was not found in suite '$sname'")
mtr_error("Test '$tname' was not found in suite '$sname'")
if $sname;
# No extension was specified, use default
$extension= "test";
my $full_name= "$testdir/$tname.$extension";
# Test not found here, could exist in other suite
next if ( ! -f $full_name );
push @case_names, $tname;
opendir(TESTDIR, $testdir) or mtr_error("Can't open dir \"$testdir\": $!");
foreach my $elem ( sort readdir(TESTDIR) )
foreach (@case_names)
my $tname= mtr_match_extension($elem, 'test');
next unless defined $tname;
# Skip tests that do not match the --do-test= filter
next if ($do_test_reg and not $_ =~ /$do_test_reg/o);
# Skip tests that does not match the --do-test= filter
next if ($do_test_reg and not $tname =~ /$do_test_reg/o);
push(@cases, collect_one_test_case($suitedir, $testdir, $resdir,
$suite, $_, "$_.test", \%disabled,
closedir TESTDIR;
# Return empty list if no testcases found
return if (@cases == 0);
......@@ -748,7 +706,7 @@ sub collect_one_test_case {
if ( $start_from && 0)
# start_from can be specified as [suite.].testname_prefix
my ($suite, $test, $ext)= split_testname($start_from);
my ($suite, $test)= split_testname($start_from);
if ( $suite and $suitename lt $suite){
return; # Skip silently
......@@ -1032,26 +990,6 @@ sub collect_one_test_case {
$tinfo->{template_path}= $config;
if ( $tinfo->{'example_plugin_test'} )
if ( !$ENV{'HA_EXAMPLE_SO'} )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "Test requires the 'example' plugin";
return $tinfo;
if ( $tinfo->{'oqgraph_test'} )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "Test requires the OQGraph storage engine";
return $tinfo;
if (not ref $::suites{$tinfo->{suite}})
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
......@@ -1093,16 +1031,18 @@ my @tags=
["include/", "ndb_test", 1],
["include/", "not_embedded", 1],
["include/", "not_valgrind", 1],
["include/", "example_plugin_test", 1],
["include/", "oqgraph_test", 1],
["include/", "need_ssl", 1],
["include/", "need_ipv6", 1],
sub tags_from_test_file {
my $tinfo= shift;
my $file= shift;
return unless -f $file;
my $F= IO::File->new($file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
my @all_files=($file);
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ our $opt_vs_config = $ENV{'MTR_VS_CONFIG'};
# If you add a new suite, please check TEST_DIRS in
my $DEFAULT_SUITES= "main,sys_vars,binlog,federated,rpl,innodb,perfschema,maria,parts,percona,vcol,oqgraph,sphinx,pbxt";
my $DEFAULT_SUITES= "main,sys_vars,binlog,federated,rpl,innodb,perfschema,maria,parts,percona,vcol,oqgraph,sphinx,pbxt,unit";
my $opt_suites;
our $opt_verbose= 0; # Verbose output, enable with --verbose
......@@ -196,10 +196,6 @@ my $opt_debug_common;
our $opt_debug_server;
our @opt_cases; # The test cases names in argv
our $opt_embedded_server;
# -1 indicates use default, override with env.var.
my $opt_ctest= env_or_val(MTR_UNIT_TESTS => -1);
# Unit test report stored here for delayed printing
my $ctest_report;
# Options used when connecting to an already running server
my %opts_extern;
......@@ -542,10 +538,6 @@ sub main {
mtr_report("Only ", int(@$completed), " of $num_tests completed.");
push @$completed, run_ctest() if $opt_ctest;
if ($opt_valgrind) {
# Create minimalistic "test" for the reporting
my $tinfo = My::Test->new
......@@ -572,11 +564,6 @@ sub main {
$opt_gcov_msg, $opt_gcov_err);
if ($ctest_report) {
print "$ctest_report\n";
print_total_times($opt_parallel) if $opt_report_times;
mtr_report_stats($prefix, $fail, $completed, $extra_warnings);
......@@ -1237,7 +1224,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
'default-myisam!' => \&collect_option,
'report-times' => \$opt_report_times,
'result-file' => \$opt_resfile,
'unit-tests!' => \$opt_ctest,
'help|h' => \$opt_usage,
# list-options is internal, not listed in help
......@@ -1680,14 +1666,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
if $opt_suites || @opt_cases;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Don't run ctest if tests or suites named
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$opt_ctest= 0 if $opt_ctest == -1 && ($opt_suites || @opt_cases);
# Override: disable if running in the PB test environment
$opt_ctest= 0 if $opt_ctest == -1 && defined $ENV{PB2WORKDIR};
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check use of wait-all
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -3643,16 +3621,6 @@ sub do_before_run_mysqltest($)
if ( $mysql_version_id < 50000 ) {
# Set environment variable NDB_STATUS_OK to 1
# if script decided to run mysqltest cluster _is_ installed ok
$ENV{'NDB_STATUS_OK'} = "1";
} elsif ( $mysql_version_id < 50100 ) {
# Set environment variable NDB_STATUS_OK to YES
# if script decided to run mysqltest cluster _is_ installed ok
......@@ -4163,6 +4131,7 @@ sub run_testcase ($$) {
# Write config files:
my %config_files = config_files($tinfo);
while (my ($file, $generate) = each %config_files) {
next unless $generate;
my ($path) = "$opt_vardir/$file";
open (F, '>', $path) or die "Could not open '$path': $!";
print F &$generate($config);
......@@ -4262,7 +4231,7 @@ sub run_testcase ($$) {
return 1;
my $test= start_mysqltest($tinfo);
my $test= $suites{$tinfo->{suite}}->start_test($tinfo);
# Set only when we have to keep waiting after expectedly died server
my $keep_waiting_proc = 0;
......@@ -6181,79 +6150,6 @@ sub valgrind_exit_reports() {
return $found_err;
sub run_ctest() {
my $olddir= getcwd();
chdir ($bindir) or die ("Could not chdir to $bindir");
my $tinfo;
my $no_ctest= (IS_WINDOWS) ? 256 : -1;
my $ctest_vs= "";
# Just ignore if not configured/built to run ctest
if (! -f "CTestTestfile.cmake") {
# Add vs-config option if needed
$ctest_vs= "-C $opt_vs_config" if $opt_vs_config;
# Also silently ignore if we don't have ctest and didn't insist
# Special override: also ignore in Pushbuild, some platforms may not have it
# Now, run ctest and collect output
my $ctest_out= `ctest $ctest_vs 2>&1`;
if ($? == $no_ctest && $opt_ctest == -1 && ! defined $ENV{PB2WORKDIR}) {
# Create minimalistic "test" for the reporting
$tinfo = My::Test->new
name => 'unit_tests',
# Set dummy worker id to align report with normal tests
$tinfo->{worker} = 0 if $opt_parallel > 1;
my $ctfail= 0; # Did ctest fail?
if ($?) {
$ctfail= 1;
$tinfo->{result}= 'MTR_RES_FAILED';
$tinfo->{comment}= "ctest failed with exit code $?, see result below";
$ctest_out= "" unless $ctest_out;
my $ctfile= "$opt_vardir/ctest.log";
my $ctres= 0; # Did ctest produce report summary?
open (CTEST, " > $ctfile") or die ("Could not open output file $ctfile");
# Put ctest output in log file, while analyzing results
for (split ('\n', $ctest_out)) {
print CTEST "$_\n";
if (/tests passed/) {
$ctres= 1;
$ctest_report .= "\nUnit tests: $_\n";
if ( /FAILED/ or /\(Failed\)/ ) {
$ctfail= 1;
$ctest_report .= " $_\n";
close CTEST;
# Set needed 'attributes' for test reporting
$tinfo->{comment}.= "\nctest did not pruduce report summary" if ! $ctres;
$tinfo->{result}= ($ctres && !$ctfail)
$ctest_report .= "Report from unit tests in $ctfile";
$tinfo->{failures}= ($tinfo->{result} eq 'MTR_RES_FAILED');
return $tinfo;
# Usage
......@@ -6500,9 +6396,6 @@ Misc options
engine to InnoDB.
report-times Report how much time has been spent on different
phases of test execution.
nounit-tests Do not run unit tests. Normally run if configured
and if not running named tests/suites
unit-tests Run unit tests even if they would otherwise not be run
Some options that control enabling a feature for normal test runs,
can be turned off by prepending 'no' to the option, e.g. --notimer.
# This file is intentionally left empty
# It has not a single [mysql] section, which means that mtr
# will not start any mysqld's for tests in this suite
package My::Suite::CTest;
use Cwd;
@ISA = qw(My::Suite);
sub list_cases {
my ($self) = @_;
keys %{$self->{ctests}}
sub start_test {
my ($self, $tinfo)= @_;
my $args=[ ];
my $oldpwd=getcwd();
chdir $::opt_vardir;
my $proc=My::SafeProcess->new
name => $tinfo->{shortname},
path => $self->{ctests}->{$tinfo->{shortname}},
args => \$args,
append => 1,
output => $::path_current_testlog,
error => $::path_current_testlog,
chdir $oldpwd;
return "Not configured to run ctest" unless -f "../CTestTestfile.cmake";
my ($ctest_vs)= $opt_vs_config ? "--build-config $opt_vs_config" : "";
my (@ctest_list)= `cd .. && ctest $opt_vs_config --show-only --verbose`;
return "No ctest" if $?;
my ($command, %tests);
for (@ctest_list) {
$command= $' if /^\d+: Test command: +/;
$tests{$'}=$command if /^ +Test +#\d+: +/;
bless { ctests => { %tests } };
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