Commit 06f1fde1 authored by John Esmet's avatar John Esmet

[t:4064] bulk fetch mysqltest script generated. tries range queries over...

[t:4064] bulk fetch mysqltest script generated. tries range queries over sufficently large tables (greater than a few tokudb_read_buf's) which have a.) blobs/no blobs b.) ints, no ints c.) strings, no strings

git-svn-id: file:///svn/mysql/tests/mysql-test@37486 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 7d57ee64
def sqlgen_drop_table(name):
print "drop table if exists %s;" % name
def sqlgen_create_table(table):
keyname, keytype = table[0]
print "create table t ("
for name, type in table:
print " %s %s," % (name, type)
print " primary key (%s)" % keyname
print ") engine = TokuDB;"
def sqlgen_fill_table(table, n):
for i in range(n):
print "insert into t values (",
k = 0
while (k < len(table)):
name, type = table[k]
if k == len(table) - 1:
comma = ""
comma = ","
if type == "int" or type == "bigint":
print "%d%s " % ((i*2), comma),
elif type == "blob":
print "\"%s%d\"%s " % ("blobbyblobblob", i, comma),
print "\"%s%d\"%s " % ("stringystringstring", i, comma),
k += 1
print ");"
def sqlgen_range_query(table):
keyname, keytype = table[0]
if keytype == "bigint":
print "select * from t where %s > 2000 and %s < 4000;" % (keyname, keyname)
print "select * from t where %s > 3000;" % keyname
print "select * from t where %s < 2000;" % keyname
elif keytype == "blob":
print "select * from t where %s < \"blobbyblobblob2000\";" % keyname
print "select * from t where %s > \"blobbyblobblob3000\";" % keyname
print "select * from t where %s < \"blobbyblobblob4000\" and %s > \"blobbyblobblob2000\";" % (keyname, keyname)
print "select * from t where %s < \"stringystringstring2000\";" % keyname
print "select * from t where %s > \"stringystringstring3000\";" % keyname
print "select * from t where %s < \"stringystringstring4000\" and %s > \"stringystringstring2000\";" % (keyname, keyname)
def sqlgen_range_query_full(table):
keyname, keytype = table[0]
if keytype == "bigint":
print "select sum(%s) from t;" % keyname
print "select count(*) from t;"
print "select * from t;"
nrows = 6000
tables = [
[("a", "bigint")],
[("a", "bigint"), ("b", "blob")],
[("a", "bigint"), ("b", "blob"), ("c", "varchar(50)")],
[("a", "bigint"), ("b", "varchar(50)")],
[("a", "varchar(50)")],
[("a", "varchar(50)"), ("b", "blob")],
# blobs cant be keys so this wouldn't make sense
#[("a", "blob")]
# Code generation stats here
print "# Tokutek"
print "# Test that bulk fetch works with various table types"
print ""
print "--disable_warnings"
print "drop table if exists t;"
print "--enable_warnings"
print "set local tokudb_read_buf_size=4096;"
print ""
print "# Test scans over each kind of table"
print ""
for table in tables:
print "# begin bulk fetch test"
sqlgen_fill_table(table, nrows)
print ""
print ""
print "drop table t;"
print "set local tokudb_read_buf_size=default;"
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