From 0a48c5b5c230fe27f30c44038a37610f807897a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 09:40:07 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] WL# 2094

This patch contains all that my previous patch (1.1814) contained, with the addition of using cli_fetch_lengths for
handling binary data (Bar noted this on the review of 1.1814, Guilhem suggested using cli_fetch_lenghts by
making available via removal of static in method definition and declaration in mysql.h, but
Konstantin had some reservations, but he said to commit the patch using this anyway,
and I suppose this can be discussed. I abandoned 1.1814 because Monty made a couple
fixes to my code as well as formatting changes, and I thought it would just be easier
to hand-edit my changes into a fresh clone and then make a patch.

The reason for using cli_fetch_lengths is so that I can correctly get the length of
the field I am setting into the field. I was previously using 'strlen' but Bar pointed out this
won't correctly get the length of binary data and is also less effecient. Upon testing,
it was in fact verified that binary data in a blob table was being inserted correctly,
but not being retrieved correctly, all due to not having the correct value for the

(*field)->store(row[x], strlen(row[x]), &my_charset_bin);

was changed to:

(*field)->store(row[x], lengths[x], &my_charset_bin);

lengths being a unsigned long pointer to the values of the field lengths from a

Since the server doesn't have the function "mysql_fetch_lengths" available, I tried
to use "result->lengths", but this isn't set, so I finally successfully used
cli_fetch_lenghts, which does give the correct lengths, and now the binary data gets
retrieved correctly.

I've also run the code through indent-ex and am using Brian's vimrc to ensure correct formatting!

This code passes the entire test suite, without any errors or warning on both my
workstation and
 include/mysql.h               |   2 +
 mysql-test/r/federated.result |  26 +-
 mysql-test/t/federated.test   |  33 +-
 sql-common/client.c           |   2 +-
 sql/           | 698 +++++++++++++++++++---------------
 sql/ha_federated.h            |   3 +-
 6 files changed, 432 insertions(+), 332 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/mysql.h b/include/mysql.h
index b87b865608e..e37cf710817 100644
--- a/include/mysql.h
+++ b/include/mysql.h
@@ -499,6 +499,8 @@ MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET STDCALL mysql_field_seek(MYSQL_RES *result,
 					   MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET offset);
 MYSQL_ROW	STDCALL mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result);
 unsigned long * STDCALL mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result);
+void            STDCALL cli_fetch_lengths(ulong *to, MYSQL_ROW column,
+                                          unsigned int field_count);
 MYSQL_FIELD *	STDCALL mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result);
 MYSQL_RES *     STDCALL mysql_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql, const char *table,
 					  const char *wild);
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/federated.result b/mysql-test/r/federated.result
index 4ed0b45a4c5..d1ad9921865 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/federated.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/federated.result
@@ -644,14 +644,19 @@ select * from federated.t1 where fileguts = 'jimbob';
 id	code	fileguts	creation_date	entered_time
 3	DEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEU	jimbob	2004-04-04 04:04:04	2004-04-04 04:04:04
 drop table if exists federated.t1;
-CREATE TABLE federated.t1 ( `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `country_id` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` varchar(32), `other` varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY  (`id`), key (country_id));
+CREATE TABLE federated.t1 (a BLOB);
 drop table if exists federated.t1;
-CREATE TABLE federated.t1 ( `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `country_id` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` varchar(32), `other` varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY  (`id`), key (country_id) ) ENGINE="FEDERATED" DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='mysql://root@';
-insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Kumar', 1, 11111);
-insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Lenz', 2, 22222);
-insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Marizio', 3, 33333);
-insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Monty', 4, 33333);
-insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Sanja', 5, 33333);
+CREATE TABLE federated.t1 (a BLOB) ENGINE="FEDERATED" COMMENT='mysql://root@';
+INSERT INTO federated.t1 VALUES (0x00);
+INSERT INTO federated.t1 VALUES (0x0001);
+INSERT INTO federated.t1 VALUES (0x0100);
+SELECT HEX(a) FROM federated.t1;
+drop table if exists federated.t1;
+CREATE TABLE federated.t1 ( `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `country_id` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` varchar(32), `other` varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY  (`id`), key (country_id));
 drop table if exists federated.countries;
 Note	1051	Unknown table 'countries'
@@ -661,6 +666,13 @@ insert into federated.countries (country) values ('Germany');
 insert into federated.countries (country) values ('Italy');
 insert into federated.countries (country) values ('Finland');
 insert into federated.countries (country) values ('Ukraine');
+drop table if exists federated.t1;
+CREATE TABLE federated.t1 ( `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `country_id` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` varchar(32), `other` varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY  (`id`), key (country_id) ) ENGINE="FEDERATED" DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='mysql://root@';
+insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Kumar', 1, 11111);
+insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Lenz', 2, 22222);
+insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Marizio', 3, 33333);
+insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Monty', 4, 33333);
+insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Sanja', 5, 33333);
 select federated.t1.*, from federated.t1 left join federated.countries on federated.t1.country_id =;
 id	country_id	name	other	country
 1	1	Kumar	11111	India
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/federated.test b/mysql-test/t/federated.test
index 413509a0a6a..c634badf04e 100644
--- a/mysql-test/t/federated.test
+++ b/mysql-test/t/federated.test
@@ -522,8 +522,22 @@ insert into federated.t1 (code, fileguts, creation_date) values ('ASDFWERQWETWET
 insert into federated.t1 (code, fileguts, creation_date) values ('DEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEU', '*()w*09*$()*#)(*09*^90*d)(*s()d8g)(s*ned)(*)(s*d)(*hn(d*)(*sbn)D((#$*(#*%%&#&^$#&#&#&#&^&#*&*#$*&^*(&#(&Q*&&(*!&!(*&*(#&*(%&#<S-F8>*<S-F8><S-F8><S-F8>#<S-F8>#<S-F8>#<S-F8>[[', '2004-04-04 04:04:04');
 insert into federated.t1 (code, fileguts, creation_date) values ('DEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEU', 'jimbob', '2004-04-04 04:04:04');
 select * from federated.t1;
-select * from federated.t1 where fileguts = 'jimbob';
 # test blob indexes
+select * from federated.t1 where fileguts = 'jimbob';
+# test blob with binary
+connection slave;
+drop table if exists federated.t1;
+CREATE TABLE federated.t1 (a BLOB);
+connection master;
+drop table if exists federated.t1;
+CREATE TABLE federated.t1 (a BLOB) ENGINE="FEDERATED" COMMENT='mysql://root@';
+INSERT INTO federated.t1 VALUES (0x00);
+INSERT INTO federated.t1 VALUES (0x0001);
+INSERT INTO federated.t1 VALUES (0x0100);
+SELECT HEX(a) FROM federated.t1;
@@ -559,15 +573,6 @@ drop table if exists federated.t1;
 CREATE TABLE federated.t1 ( `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `country_id` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` varchar(32), `other` varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY  (`id`), key (country_id));
 connection master;
-drop table if exists federated.t1;
-CREATE TABLE federated.t1 ( `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `country_id` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` varchar(32), `other` varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY  (`id`), key (country_id) ) ENGINE="FEDERATED" DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='mysql://root@';
-insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Kumar', 1, 11111);
-insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Lenz', 2, 22222);
-insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Marizio', 3, 33333);
-insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Monty', 4, 33333);
-insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Sanja', 5, 33333);
 drop table if exists federated.countries;
 CREATE TABLE federated.countries ( `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `country` varchar(32), primary key (id));
 insert into federated.countries (country) values ('India');
@@ -576,6 +581,14 @@ insert into federated.countries (country) values ('Italy');
 insert into federated.countries (country) values ('Finland');
 insert into federated.countries (country) values ('Ukraine');
+drop table if exists federated.t1;
+CREATE TABLE federated.t1 ( `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `country_id` int(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `name` varchar(32), `other` varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY  (`id`), key (country_id) ) ENGINE="FEDERATED" DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='mysql://root@';
+insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Kumar', 1, 11111);
+insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Lenz', 2, 22222);
+insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Marizio', 3, 33333);
+insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Monty', 4, 33333);
+insert into federated.t1 (name, country_id, other) values ('Sanja', 5, 33333);
 select federated.t1.*, from federated.t1 left join federated.countries on federated.t1.country_id =;
 drop table federated.countries;
diff --git a/sql-common/client.c b/sql-common/client.c
index 9dcf6b3e32c..3d760c73eea 100644
--- a/sql-common/client.c
+++ b/sql-common/client.c
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ void mysql_read_default_options(struct st_mysql_options *options,
   else the lengths are calculated from the offset between pointers.
-static void cli_fetch_lengths(ulong *to, MYSQL_ROW column,
+void cli_fetch_lengths(ulong *to, MYSQL_ROW column,
 			      unsigned int field_count)
   ulong *prev_length;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 695c71677c0..eed145203c3 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -343,10 +343,10 @@
 #ifdef __GNUC__
-#pragma implementation        // gcc: Class implementation
+#pragma implementation                          // gcc: Class implementation
 #include <mysql_priv.h>
@@ -355,18 +355,21 @@
 #include "ha_federated.h"
 /* Variables for federated share methods */
-static HASH federated_open_tables; // Hash used to track open tables
-pthread_mutex_t federated_mutex;   // This is the mutex we use to init the hash
-static int federated_init= 0;   // Variable for checking the init state of hash
+static HASH federated_open_tables;              // Hash used to track open
+                                                // tables
+pthread_mutex_t federated_mutex;                // This is the mutex we use to
+                                                // init the hash
+static int federated_init= 0;                   // Variable for checking the
+                                                // init state of hash
   Function we use in the creation of our hash to get key.
-static byte* federated_get_key(FEDERATED_SHARE *share,uint *length,
-                             my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused)))
+static byte *federated_get_key(FEDERATED_SHARE *share, uint *length,
+                               my_bool not_used __attribute__ ((unused)))
   *length= share->table_name_length;
-  return (byte*) share->table_name;
+  return (byte *) share->table_name;
@@ -374,8 +377,9 @@ static byte* federated_get_key(FEDERATED_SHARE *share,uint *length,
-      share     pointer to FEDERATED share
-      table     pointer to current TABLE class
+      share               pointer to FEDERATED share
+      table               pointer to current TABLE class
+      table_create_flag   determines what error to throw
     populates the share with information about the connection
@@ -385,10 +389,10 @@ static byte* federated_get_key(FEDERATED_SHARE *share,uint *length,
     This string MUST be in the format of any of these:
+    scheme://username:password@hostname:port/database/table
+    scheme://username@hostname/database/table
+    scheme://username@hostname:port/database/table
+    scheme://username:password@hostname/database/table
   An Example:
@@ -401,33 +405,34 @@ static byte* federated_get_key(FEDERATED_SHARE *share,uint *length,
     0   success
-    -1  failure, wrong string format
+    1  failure, wrong string format
-static int parse_url(FEDERATED_SHARE *share, TABLE *table, uint table_create_flag)
+static int parse_url(FEDERATED_SHARE *share, TABLE *table,
+                     uint table_create_flag)
   // This either get set or will remain the same.
   share->port= 0;
-  uint error_num= table_create_flag ? ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE : ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER ;
+  uint error_num= table_create_flag ? ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE :
   share->scheme= my_strdup(table->s->comment, MYF(0));
   if ((share->username= strstr(share->scheme, "://")))
-    share->scheme[share->username - share->scheme] = '\0';
+    share->scheme[share->username - share->scheme]= '\0';
     if (strcmp(share->scheme, "mysql") != 0)
                  ("The federated handler currently only supports connecting\
                   to a MySQL database!!!\n"));
       my_error(error_num, MYF(0),
-        "ERROR: federated handler only supports remote 'mysql://' database");
-      DBUG_RETURN(-1);
+               "ERROR: federated handler only supports remote 'mysql://' database");
+      DBUG_RETURN(1);
-    share->username+= 3;
+    share->username += 3;
     if ((share->hostname= strchr(share->username, '@')))
@@ -445,14 +450,14 @@ static int parse_url(FEDERATED_SHARE *share, TABLE *table, uint table_create_fla
                      ("this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n"));
           my_error(error_num, MYF(0),
-                     "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
-          DBUG_RETURN(-1);
+                   "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
+          DBUG_RETURN(1);
-          Found that if the string is:
-Then password is a null string, so set to NULL 
-      */
+           Found that if the string is:
+           user:@hostname:port/database/table 
+           Then password is a null string, so set to NULL 
+        */
         if ((share->password[0] == '\0'))
           share->password= NULL;
@@ -465,8 +470,8 @@ Then password is a null string, so set to NULL
                    ("this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n"));
         my_error(error_num, MYF(0),
-          "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
-        DBUG_RETURN(-1);
+                 "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
+        DBUG_RETURN(1);
       if ((share->database= strchr(share->hostname, '/')))
@@ -494,8 +499,8 @@ Then password is a null string, so set to NULL
                      ("this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n"));
           my_error(error_num, MYF(0),
-            "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
-          DBUG_RETURN(-1);
+                   "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
+          DBUG_RETURN(1);
@@ -503,8 +508,8 @@ Then password is a null string, so set to NULL
                    ("this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n"));
         my_error(error_num, MYF(0),
-          "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
-        DBUG_RETURN(-1);
+                 "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
+        DBUG_RETURN(1);
       // make sure there's not an extra /
       if ((strchr(share->table_base_name, '/')))
@@ -512,34 +517,40 @@ Then password is a null string, so set to NULL
                    ("this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n"));
         my_error(error_num, MYF(0),
-          "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
-        DBUG_RETURN(-1);
+                 "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
+        DBUG_RETURN(1);
       if (share->hostname[0] == '\0')
         share->hostname= NULL;
-      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::parse_url", 
-        ("scheme %s username %s password %s \
-         hostname %s port %d database %s tablename %s\n",
-         share->scheme, share->username, share->password, share->hostname,
-         share->port, share->database, share->table_base_name));
+      if (!share->port)
+      {
+        if (strcmp(share->hostname, "localhost") == 0)
+          share->socket= my_strdup("/tmp/mysql.sock", MYF(0));
+        else
+          share->port= 3306;
+      }
+      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::parse_url",
+                 ("scheme %s username %s password %s \
+         hostname %s port %d database %s tablename %s\n", share->scheme, share->username, share->password, share->hostname, share->port, share->database, share->table_base_name));
-        ("this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n"));
+                 ("this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n"));
       my_error(error_num, MYF(0),
-        "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
-      DBUG_RETURN(-1);
+               "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
+      DBUG_RETURN(1);
-  { 
+  {
-      ("this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n"));
+               ("this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n"));
     my_error(error_num, MYF(0),
-      "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
-    DBUG_RETURN(-1);
+             "this connection string is not in the correct format!!!\n");
+    DBUG_RETURN(1);
@@ -564,24 +575,36 @@ Then password is a null string, so set to NULL
 uint ha_federated::convert_row_to_internal_format(byte *record, MYSQL_ROW row)
-  unsigned long len;
-  int x= 0;
+  unsigned long *lengths;
+  unsigned int num_fields;
+  unsigned int x= 0;
-  // Question this
-  memset(record, 0, table->s->null_bytes); 
+  num_fields= mysql_num_fields(result);
+  lengths= (unsigned long*) my_malloc(num_fields * sizeof(unsigned long),
+                                      MYF(0));
+  cli_fetch_lengths((unsigned long*) (lengths), row, num_fields);
-  for (Field **field=table->field; *field ; field++, x++)
+  memset(record, 0, table->s->null_bytes);
+  for (Field ** field= table->field; *field; field++, x++)
-    if (!row[x]) 
+    if (!row[x])
+    {
+    }
-        changed system_charset_info to default_charset_info because
-        testing revealed that german text was not being retrieved properly
+         changed system_charset_info to default_charset_info because
+         testing revealed that german text was not being retrieved properly
-      (*field)->store(row[x], strlen(row[x]), &my_charset_bin);
+      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::convert_row_to_internal_format",
+                 ("row[%d] %s length %lu", x, row[x], lengths[x]));
+    (*field)->store(row[x], lengths[x], &my_charset_bin);
+  my_free((gptr) lengths, MYF(0));
+  lengths= 0;
@@ -595,29 +618,30 @@ bool ha_federated::create_where_from_key(String *to, KEY *key_info,
   String tmp;
-  for (key_part= key_info->key_part ; (int) key_length > 0 ; key_part++)
+  for (key_part= key_info->key_part; (int) key_length > 0; key_part++)
     Field *field= key_part->field;
     needs_quotes= field->needs_quotes();
     //bool needs_quotes= type_quote(field->type());
-    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key", ("key name %s type %d", field->field_name, field->type()));
+    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key",
+               ("key name %s type %d", field->field_name, field->type()));
     uint length= key_part->length;
-    if (second_loop++ && to->append(" AND ",5))
+    if (second_loop++ && to->append(" AND ", 5))
-    if (to->append('`') || to->append(field->field_name) ||
-        to->append("` ",2))
-      DBUG_RETURN(1);                                 // Out of memory
+    if (to->append('`') || to->append(field->field_name) || to->append("` ", 2))
+      DBUG_RETURN(1);                           // Out of memory
     if (key_part->null_bit)
       if (*key++)
-        if (to->append("IS NULL",7))
-          DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key", ("NULL type %s", to->c_ptr_quick()));
-          DBUG_RETURN(1);
-        key_length-= key_part->store_length;
-        key+= key_part->store_length-1;
+        if (to->append("IS NULL", 7))
+          DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key",
+                     ("NULL type %s", to->c_ptr_quick()));
+        DBUG_RETURN(1);
+        key_length -= key_part->store_length;
+        key += key_part->store_length - 1;
@@ -630,101 +654,81 @@ bool ha_federated::create_where_from_key(String *to, KEY *key_info,
       /* This is can be threated as a hex string */
       Field_bit *field= (Field_bit *) (key_part->field);
-      char buff[64+2], *ptr;
-      byte *end= (byte *)(key) + length;
+      char buff[64 + 2], *ptr;
+      byte *end= (byte *) (key) + length;
-      buff[0]='0';
-      buff[1]='x';
-      for (ptr= buff+2 ; key < end ; key++)
+      buff[0]= '0';
+      buff[1]= 'x';
+      for (ptr= buff + 2; key < end; key++)
-        uint tmp= (uint) (uchar) *key;
-        *ptr++=_dig_vec_upper[tmp >> 4];
-        *ptr++=_dig_vec_upper[tmp & 15];
+        uint tmp= (uint) (uchar) * key;
+        *ptr++= _dig_vec_upper[tmp >> 4];
+        *ptr++= _dig_vec_upper[tmp & 15];
-      if (to->append(buff, (uint) (ptr-buff)))
+      if (to->append(buff, (uint) (ptr - buff)))
-      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key", ("bit type %s", to->c_ptr_quick()));
-      key_length-= length;
+      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key",
+                 ("bit type %s", to->c_ptr_quick()));
+      key_length -= length;
     if (key_part->key_part_flag & HA_BLOB_PART)
       uint blob_length= uint2korr(key);
-      key+= HA_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH;
-      key_length-= HA_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH;
+      key += HA_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH;
+      key_length -= HA_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH;
       tmp.set_quick((char*) key, blob_length, &my_charset_bin);
       if (append_escaped(to, &tmp))
-      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key", ("blob type %s", to->c_ptr_quick()));
+      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key",
+                 ("blob type %s", to->c_ptr_quick()));
       length= key_part->length;
     else if (key_part->key_part_flag & HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART)
       length= uint2korr(key);
-      key+= HA_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH;
+      key += HA_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH;
       tmp.set_quick((char*) key, length, &my_charset_bin);
       if (append_escaped(to, &tmp))
-      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key", ("varchar type %s", to->c_ptr_quick()));
+      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key",
+                 ("varchar type %s", to->c_ptr_quick()));
-      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key", ("else block, unknown type so far"));
+      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key",
+                 ("else block, unknown type so far"));
       char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH];
       String str(buff, sizeof(buff), field->charset()), *res;
-      res= field->val_str(&str, (char *)(key));
+      res= field->val_str(&str, (char*) (key));
       if (field->result_type() == STRING_RESULT)
         if (append_escaped(to, res))
-        res= field->val_str(&str, (char *)(key));
+        res= field->val_str(&str, (char*) (key));
-        DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key", ("else block, string type", to->c_ptr_quick()));
+        DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key",
+                   ("else block, string type", to->c_ptr_quick()));
       else if (to->append(res->ptr(), res->length()))
     if (needs_quotes && to->append("'"))
-    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key", ("final value for 'to' %s", to->c_ptr_quick()));
-    key+= length;
-    key_length-= length;
+    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create_where_from_key",
+               ("final value for 'to' %s", to->c_ptr_quick()));
+    key += length;
+    key_length -= length;
-int load_conn_info(FEDERATED_SHARE *share, TABLE *table)
-  DBUG_ENTER("ha_federated::load_conn_info");
-  int retcode;
-  retcode= parse_url(share, table, 0);
-  if (retcode < 0)
-  {
-    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::load_conn_info", 
-               ("retcode %d, setting defaults", retcode));
-    /* sanity checks to make sure all needed pieces are present */
-    if (!share->port)
-    {
-      if (strcmp(share->hostname, "localhost") == 0)
-        share->socket= my_strdup("/tmp/mysql.sock",MYF(0));
-      else
-        share->port= 3306;
-    }
-  }
-  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::load_conn_info",
-             ("returned from retcode %d", retcode));
-  DBUG_RETURN(retcode);
   Example of simple lock controls. The "share" it creates is structure we will
   pass to each federated handler. Do you have to have one of these? Well, you
@@ -742,13 +746,13 @@ static FEDERATED_SHARE *get_share(const char *table_name, TABLE *table)
   // share->table_name has the file location - we want the actual table's
   // name!
-  table_base_name= (char *)table->s->table_name;
-  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::get_share",("table_name %s", table_base_name));
+  table_base_name= (char*) table->s->table_name;
+  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::get_share", ("table_name %s", table_base_name));
-    So why does this exist? There is no way currently to init a storage engine.
-    Innodb and BDB both have modifications to the server to allow them to
-    do this. Since you will not want to do this, this is probably the next
-    best method.
+     So why does this exist? There is no way currently to init a storage engine.
+     Innodb and BDB both have modifications to the server to allow them to
+     do this. Since you will not want to do this, this is probably the next
+     best method.
   if (!federated_init)
@@ -757,9 +761,9 @@ static FEDERATED_SHARE *get_share(const char *table_name, TABLE *table)
     if (!federated_init)
-      VOID(pthread_mutex_init(&federated_mutex,MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST));
-      (void) hash_init(&federated_open_tables,system_charset_info,32,0,0,
-                       (hash_get_key) federated_get_key,0,0);
+      VOID(pthread_mutex_init(&federated_mutex, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST));
+      (void) hash_init(&federated_open_tables, system_charset_info, 32, 0, 0,
+                       (hash_get_key) federated_get_key, 0, 0);
@@ -767,41 +771,43 @@ static FEDERATED_SHARE *get_share(const char *table_name, TABLE *table)
   table_name_length= (uint) strlen(table_name);
   table_base_name_length= (uint) strlen(table_base_name);
-  if (!(share= (FEDERATED_SHARE*) hash_search(&federated_open_tables,
-                                           (byte*) table_name,
-                                           table_name_length)))
+  if (!(share= (FEDERATED_SHARE *) hash_search(&federated_open_tables,
+                                               (byte *) table_name,
+                                               table_name_length)))
     query.append("SELECT * FROM ");
     if (!(share= (FEDERATED_SHARE *)
           my_multi_malloc(MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL),
                           &share, sizeof(*share),
-                          &tmp_table_name, table_name_length+1,
-                          &tmp_table_base_name, table_base_name_length+1, 
-                          &select_query, query.length()+1,
-                          NullS)))
+                          &tmp_table_name, table_name_length + 1,
+                          &tmp_table_base_name, table_base_name_length + 1,
+                          &select_query, query.length() + 1, NullS)))
       return NULL;
-    load_conn_info(share, table);
+    if (parse_url(share, table, 0))
+      goto error;
     share->use_count= 0;
     share->table_name_length= table_name_length;
     share->table_name= tmp_table_name;
     share->table_base_name_length= table_base_name_length;
     share->table_base_name= tmp_table_base_name;
     share->select_query= select_query;
-    strmov(share->table_name,table_name);
-    strmov(share->table_base_name,table_base_name);
-    strmov(share->select_query,query.c_ptr_quick());
-    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::get_share",("share->select_query %s", share->select_query));
-    if (my_hash_insert(&federated_open_tables, (byte*) share))
+    strmov(share->table_name, table_name);
+    strmov(share->table_base_name, table_base_name);
+    strmov(share->select_query, query.ptr());
+    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::get_share",
+               ("share->select_query %s", share->select_query));
+    if (my_hash_insert(&federated_open_tables, (byte *) share))
       goto error;
-    pthread_mutex_init(&share->mutex,MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&share->mutex, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
@@ -813,6 +819,9 @@ static FEDERATED_SHARE *get_share(const char *table_name, TABLE *table)
+  hash_delete(&federated_open_tables, (byte *) share);
+  if (share->scheme)
+    my_free((gptr) share->scheme, MYF(0));
   my_free((gptr) share, MYF(0));
   return NULL;
@@ -827,9 +836,14 @@ static FEDERATED_SHARE *get_share(const char *table_name, TABLE *table)
 static int free_share(FEDERATED_SHARE *share)
+  if (share->scheme)
+    my_free((gptr) share->scheme, MYF(0));
   if (!--share->use_count)
-    hash_delete(&federated_open_tables, (byte*) share);
+    hash_delete(&federated_open_tables, (byte *) share);
+    hash_free(&federated_open_tables);
     my_free((gptr) share, MYF(0));
@@ -847,7 +861,13 @@ static int free_share(FEDERATED_SHARE *share)
 const char **ha_federated::bas_ext() const
-{ static const char *ext[]= { NullS }; return ext; }
+  static const char *ext[]=
+  {
+    NullS
+  };
+  return ext;
@@ -867,23 +887,20 @@ int ha_federated::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked)
   if (!(share= get_share(name, table)))
-  thr_lock_data_init(&share->lock,&lock,NULL);
+  thr_lock_data_init(&share->lock, &lock, NULL);
   /* Connect to remote database mysql_real_connect() */
-  mysql= mysql_init(0); 
-  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::open",("hostname %s", share->hostname));
-  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::open",("username %s", share->username));
-  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::open",("password %s", share->password));
-  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::open",("database %s", share->database));
-  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::open",("port %d", share->port));
+  mysql= mysql_init(0);
+  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::open", ("hostname %s", share->hostname));
+  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::open", ("username %s", share->username));
+  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::open", ("password %s", share->password));
+  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::open", ("database %s", share->database));
+  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::open", ("port %d", share->port));
   if (!mysql_real_connect(mysql,
-                     share->hostname,
-                     share->username,
-                     share->password,
-                     share->database,
-                     share->port,
-                     NULL,
-                     0))
+                          share->hostname,
+                          share->username,
+                          share->password,
+                          share->database, share->port, NULL, 0))
     my_error(ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER, MYF(0), mysql_error(mysql));
@@ -905,6 +922,15 @@ int ha_federated::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked)
 int ha_federated::close(void)
+  // free the result set
+  if (result)
+  {
+    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::close",
+               ("mysql_free_result result at address %lx", result));
+    mysql_free_result(result);
+    result= 0;
+  }
   /* Disconnect from mysql */
@@ -929,10 +955,12 @@ int ha_federated::close(void)
       1    if NULL
       0    otherwise 
-inline uint field_in_record_is_null (
-          TABLE* table,	/* in: MySQL table object */
-          Field* field,	/* in: MySQL field object */
-          char*	record)	/* in: a row in MySQL format */
+inline uint field_in_record_is_null(TABLE * table,      /* in: MySQL table
+                                                           object */
+                                    Field * field,      /* in: MySQL field
+                                                           object */
+                                    char *record)       /* in: a row in MySQL
+                                                           format */
   int null_offset;
@@ -963,11 +991,11 @@ inline uint field_in_record_is_null (
 int ha_federated::write_row(byte * buf)
-  int x= 0, num_fields= 0;
+  uint x= 0, num_fields= 0;
   Field **field;
   ulong current_query_id= 1;
   ulong tmp_query_id= 1;
-  int all_fields_have_same_query_id= 1;
+  uint all_fields_have_same_query_id= 1;
   char insert_buffer[IO_SIZE];
   char values_buffer[IO_SIZE], insert_field_value_buffer[IO_SIZE];
@@ -980,40 +1008,41 @@ int ha_federated::write_row(byte * buf)
   // The actual value of the field, to be added to the values_string 
   String insert_field_value_string(insert_field_value_buffer,
-       sizeof(insert_field_value_buffer), &my_charset_bin);
+                                   sizeof(insert_field_value_buffer),
+                                   &my_charset_bin);
-    I want to use this and the next line, but the repository needs to be
-    updated to do so
+     I want to use this and the next line, but the repository needs to be
+     updated to do so
-  statistic_increment(table->in_use->status_var.ha_write_count,&LOCK_status);
+  statistic_increment(table->in_use->status_var.ha_write_count, &LOCK_status);
   if (table->timestamp_field_type & TIMESTAMP_AUTO_SET_ON_INSERT)
-   get the current query id - the fields that we add to the insert
-   statement to send to the remote will not be appended unless they match
-   this query id
+     get the current query id - the fields that we add to the insert
+     statement to send to the remote will not be appended unless they match
+     this query id
   current_query_id= table->in_use->query_id;
   DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::write_row", ("current query id %d",
   // start off our string 
-  insert_string.append("INSERT INTO "); 
+  insert_string.append("INSERT INTO ");
   // start both our field and field values strings
   insert_string.append(" (");
   values_string.append(" VALUES (");
-    Even if one field is different, all_fields_same_query_id can't remain
-    0 if it remains 0, then that means no fields were specified in the query
-    such as in the case of INSERT INTO table VALUES (val1, val2, valN)
+     Even if one field is different, all_fields_same_query_id can't remain
+     0 if it remains 0, then that means no fields were specified in the query
+     such as in the case of INSERT INTO table VALUES (val1, val2, valN)
-  for (field= table->field; *field ; field++, x++)
+  for (field= table->field; *field; field++, x++)
     if (x > 0 && tmp_query_id != (*field)->query_id)
       all_fields_have_same_query_id= 0;
@@ -1021,18 +1050,18 @@ int ha_federated::write_row(byte * buf)
     tmp_query_id= (*field)->query_id;
-    loop through the field pointer array, add any fields to both the values
-    list and the fields list that match the current query id
+     loop through the field pointer array, add any fields to both the values
+     list and the fields list that match the current query id
-  for (field= table->field; *field ; field++, x++)
+  for (field= table->field; *field; field++, x++)
     DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::write_row", ("field type %d", (*field)->type()));
     // if there is a query id and if it's equal to the current query id
-    if ( ((*field)->query_id && (*field)->query_id == current_query_id )
-         || all_fields_have_same_query_id)
+    if (((*field)->query_id && (*field)->query_id == current_query_id)
+        || all_fields_have_same_query_id)
       if ((*field)->is_null())
@@ -1060,30 +1089,28 @@ int ha_federated::write_row(byte * buf)
       // append commas between both fields and fieldnames
-      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::write_row", 
-         ("insert_string %s values_string %s insert_field_value_string %s", 
-         insert_string.c_ptr_quick(), values_string.c_ptr_quick(),
-         insert_field_value_string.c_ptr_quick()));
+      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::write_row",
+                 ("insert_string %s values_string %s insert_field_value_string %s",
+                  insert_string.c_ptr_quick(), values_string.c_ptr_quick(),
+                  insert_field_value_string.c_ptr_quick()));
-    chop of the trailing comma, or if there were no fields, a '('
-    So, "INSERT INTO foo (" becomes "INSERT INTO foo "
-    or, with fields, "INSERT INTO foo (field1, field2," becomes
+     chop of the trailing comma, or if there were no fields, a '('
+     So, "INSERT INTO foo (" becomes "INSERT INTO foo "
+     or, with fields, "INSERT INTO foo (field1, field2," becomes
      "INSERT INTO foo (field1, field2"
-    if there were no fields, we don't want to add a closing paren
-    AND, we don't want to chop off the last char '('
-    insert will be "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ();"
+     if there were no fields, we don't want to add a closing paren
+     AND, we don't want to chop off the last char '('
+     insert will be "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ();"
-  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::write_row",("x %d  num fields %d",
-                                        x, num_fields));
+  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::write_row", ("x %d  num fields %d", x, num_fields));
   if (num_fields > 0)
     // chops off leading commas
@@ -1092,18 +1119,17 @@ int ha_federated::write_row(byte * buf)
   // we always want to append this, even if there aren't any fields
   // add the values 
-  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::write_row",("insert query %s", 
-                                        insert_string.c_ptr_quick()));
+  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::write_row", ("insert query %s",
+                                         insert_string.c_ptr_quick()));
-  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, insert_string.c_ptr_quick(),
-                       insert_string.length()))
+  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, insert_string.ptr(), insert_string.length()))
-    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER,MYF(0),mysql_error(mysql));
+    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER, MYF(0), mysql_error(mysql));
@@ -1125,22 +1151,21 @@ int ha_federated::write_row(byte * buf)
   Called from,,, and
-int ha_federated::update_row(
-                             const byte * old_data,
-                             byte * new_data
-                            )
+int ha_federated::update_row(const byte * old_data, byte * new_data)
-  int x= 0;
+  uint x= 0;
   uint has_a_primary_key= 0;
-  int  primary_key_field_num; 
+  uint primary_key_field_num;
   char old_field_value_buffer[IO_SIZE], new_field_value_buffer[IO_SIZE];
   char update_buffer[IO_SIZE], where_buffer[IO_SIZE];
   // stores the value to be replaced of the field were are updating 
-  String old_field_value(old_field_value_buffer, sizeof(old_field_value_buffer), &my_charset_bin);
+  String old_field_value(old_field_value_buffer, sizeof(old_field_value_buffer),
+                         &my_charset_bin);
   // stores the new value of the field 
-  String new_field_value(new_field_value_buffer, sizeof(new_field_value_buffer), &my_charset_bin);
+  String new_field_value(new_field_value_buffer, sizeof(new_field_value_buffer),
+                         &my_charset_bin);
   // stores the update query
   String update_string(update_buffer, sizeof(update_buffer), &my_charset_bin);
@@ -1153,10 +1178,10 @@ int ha_federated::update_row(
   has_a_primary_key= table->s->primary_key == 0 ? 1 : 0;
-  primary_key_field_num= has_a_primary_key ? 
-    table->key_info[table->s->primary_key].key_part->fieldnr -1 : -1;
+  primary_key_field_num= has_a_primary_key ?
+    table->key_info[table->s->primary_key].key_part->fieldnr - 1 : -1;
   if (has_a_primary_key)
-      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::update_row", ("has a primary key"));
+    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::update_row", ("has a primary key"));
   update_string.append("UPDATE ");
@@ -1171,19 +1196,19 @@ int ha_federated::update_row(
    used to create SET field=value and old data is used to create WHERE 
-  for (Field **field= table->field ; *field ; field++, x++)
+  for (Field ** field= table->field; *field; field++, x++)
-      In all of these tests for 'has_a_primary_key', what I'm trying to
-      accomplish is to only use the primary key in the WHERE clause if the
-      table has a primary key, as opposed to a table without a primary key
-      in which case we have to use all the fields to create a WHERE clause
-      using the old/current values, as well as adding a LIMIT statement
+       In all of these tests for 'has_a_primary_key', what I'm trying to
+       accomplish is to only use the primary key in the WHERE clause if the
+       table has a primary key, as opposed to a table without a primary key
+       in which case we have to use all the fields to create a WHERE clause
+       using the old/current values, as well as adding a LIMIT statement
-    if (has_a_primary_key) 
+    if (has_a_primary_key)
-      if (x == primary_key_field_num) 
+      if (x == primary_key_field_num)
@@ -1200,61 +1225,59 @@ int ha_federated::update_row(
-      if ( has_a_primary_key )
+      if (has_a_primary_key)
         if (x == primary_key_field_num)
-      else
-        if (! field_in_record_is_null(table, *field, (char*) old_data))
-          where_string.append("=");
+      else if (!field_in_record_is_null(table, *field, (char*) old_data))
+        where_string.append("=");
-    if ( has_a_primary_key) 
+    if (has_a_primary_key)
       if (x == primary_key_field_num)
-                          (char *)(old_data + (*field)->offset()));
+                          (char*) (old_data + (*field)->offset()));
-        if (field_in_record_is_null(table, *field, (char*) old_data))
-          where_string.append(" IS NULL ");
-        else
-        {
-          (*field)->val_str(&old_field_value,
-                            (char *)(old_data + (*field)->offset()));
-          (*field)->quote_data(&old_field_value);
-          where_string.append(old_field_value);
-        }
+      if (field_in_record_is_null(table, *field, (char*) old_data))
+        where_string.append(" IS NULL ");
+      else
+      {
+        (*field)->val_str(&old_field_value,
+                          (char*) (old_data + (*field)->offset()));
+        (*field)->quote_data(&old_field_value);
+        where_string.append(old_field_value);
+      }
-    if ((uint) x+1 < table->s->fields)
+    if (x + 1 < table->s->fields)
       update_string.append(", ");
-      if (! has_a_primary_key)
+      if (!has_a_primary_key)
         where_string.append(" AND ");
   update_string.append(" WHERE ");
-  update_string.append(where_string.c_ptr_quick());
-  if (! has_a_primary_key)
+  update_string.append(where_string.ptr());
+  if (!has_a_primary_key)
     update_string.append(" LIMIT 1");
   DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::update_row", ("Final update query: %s",
-  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, update_string.c_ptr_quick(), 
-                       update_string.length()))
+  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, update_string.ptr(), update_string.length()))
-    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER,MYF(0),mysql_error(mysql));
+    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER, MYF(0), mysql_error(mysql));
@@ -1277,7 +1300,7 @@ int ha_federated::update_row(
 int ha_federated::delete_row(const byte * buf)
-  int x= 0;
+  uint x= 0;
   char delete_buffer[IO_SIZE];
   char data_buffer[IO_SIZE];
@@ -1292,7 +1315,7 @@ int ha_federated::delete_row(const byte * buf)
   delete_string.append(" WHERE ");
-  for (Field **field= table->field; *field; field++, x++) 
+  for (Field ** field= table->field; *field; field++, x++)
@@ -1307,22 +1330,21 @@ int ha_federated::delete_row(const byte * buf)
-    if ((uint) x+1 < table->s->fields)
+    if (x + 1 < table->s->fields)
       delete_string.append(" AND ");
   delete_string.append(" LIMIT 1");
              ("Delete sql: %s", delete_string.c_ptr_quick()));
-  if ( mysql_real_query(mysql, delete_string.c_ptr_quick(),
-                        delete_string.length()))
+  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, delete_string.ptr(), delete_string.length()))
-    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER,MYF(0),mysql_error(mysql));
+    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER, MYF(0), mysql_error(mysql));
@@ -1336,9 +1358,9 @@ int ha_federated::delete_row(const byte * buf)
   a WHERE clause on a non-primary key index, simply calls index_read_idx.
 int ha_federated::index_read(byte * buf, const byte * key,
-                           uint key_len __attribute__((unused)),
-                           enum ha_rkey_function find_flag
-                           __attribute__((unused)))
+                             uint key_len __attribute__ ((unused)),
+                             enum ha_rkey_function find_flag
+                             __attribute__ ((unused)))
   DBUG_RETURN(index_read_idx(buf, active_index, key, key_len, find_flag));
@@ -1354,9 +1376,9 @@ int ha_federated::index_read(byte * buf, const byte * key,
   uses a PRIMARY KEY index.
 int ha_federated::index_read_idx(byte * buf, uint index, const byte * key,
-                               uint key_len __attribute__((unused)),
-                               enum ha_rkey_function find_flag
-                               __attribute__((unused)))
+                                 uint key_len __attribute__ ((unused)),
+                                 enum ha_rkey_function find_flag
+                                 __attribute__ ((unused)))
   char index_value[IO_SIZE];
   char key_value[IO_SIZE];
@@ -1370,27 +1392,34 @@ int ha_federated::index_read_idx(byte * buf, uint index, const byte * key,
-  statistic_increment(table->in_use->status_var.ha_read_key_count,&LOCK_status);
+  statistic_increment(table->in_use->status_var.ha_read_key_count,
+                      &LOCK_status);
   sql_query.append(" WHERE ");
-  keylen= strlen((char *)(key));
+  keylen= strlen((char*) (key));
   create_where_from_key(&index_string, &table->key_info[index], key, keylen);
-    ("current key %d key value %s index_string value %s length %d", index, (char *)(key),index_string.c_ptr_quick(),
-     index_string.length()));
+             ("current key %d key value %s index_string value %s length %d",
+              index, (char*) (key), index_string.c_ptr_quick(),
+              index_string.length()));
-    ("current position %d sql_query %s", current_position, 
-     sql_query.c_ptr_quick()));
+             ("current position %d sql_query %s", current_position,
+              sql_query.c_ptr_quick()));
-  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, sql_query.c_ptr_quick(), sql_query.length()))
+  if (result)
-    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER,MYF(0),mysql_error(mysql));
+    mysql_free_result(result);
+    result= 0;
+  }
+  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, sql_query.ptr(), sql_query.length()))
+  {
+    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER, MYF(0), mysql_error(mysql));
   result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
@@ -1403,7 +1432,7 @@ int ha_federated::index_read_idx(byte * buf, uint index, const byte * key,
   if (mysql_errno(mysql))
     table->status= STATUS_NOT_FOUND;
-    DBUG_RETURN(mysql_errno(mysql)); 
+    DBUG_RETURN(mysql_errno(mysql));
@@ -1449,23 +1478,54 @@ int ha_federated::rnd_init(bool scan)
   int num_fields, rows;
-  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::rnd_init",
-             ("share->select_query %s", share->select_query));
-  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, share->select_query, strlen(share->select_query))) 
+  /*
+     This 'scan' flag is incredibly important for this handler to work properly,
+     especially with updates that are called with indexes, because what happens 
+     without this is index_read_idx gets called, does a query using the 
+     index in a where clause, calls mysql_store_result, which then rnd_init 
+     (from is called after this, which would do a 
+     "select * from table" then a mysql_store_result, wiping out the result
+     set from index_read_idx's query, which causes the subsequent update_row
+     to update the wrong row!
+  */
+  scan_flag= scan;
+  if (scan)
-    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER,MYF(0),mysql_error(mysql));
-  }
-  result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
+    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::rnd_init",
+               ("share->select_query %s", share->select_query));
+    if (result)
+    {
+      DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::rnd_init",
+                 ("mysql_free_result address %lx", result));
+      mysql_free_result(result);
+      result= 0;
+    }
-  if (mysql_errno(mysql))
-    DBUG_RETURN(mysql_errno(mysql)); 
+    if (mysql_real_query
+        (mysql, share->select_query, strlen(share->select_query)))
+    {
+      my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER, MYF(0), mysql_error(mysql));
+    }
+    result= mysql_store_result(mysql);
+    if (mysql_errno(mysql))
+      DBUG_RETURN(mysql_errno(mysql));
+  }
 int ha_federated::rnd_end()
+  if (result)
+  {
+    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::index_end",
+               ("mysql_free_result address %lx", result));
+    mysql_free_result(result);
+    result= 0;
+  }
@@ -1493,10 +1553,12 @@ int ha_federated::rnd_next(byte *buf)
   // Fetch a row, insert it back in a row format.
   current_position= result->data_cursor;
-  if (! (row= mysql_fetch_row(result)))
+  DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::rnd_next",
+             ("current position %d", current_position));
+  if (!(row= mysql_fetch_row(result)))
-  DBUG_RETURN(convert_row_to_internal_format(buf,row));
+  DBUG_RETURN(convert_row_to_internal_format(buf, row));
@@ -1517,7 +1579,7 @@ void ha_federated::position(const byte *record)
   //ha_store_ptr Add seek storage
-  *(MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET *)ref=current_position; // ref is always aligned
+  *(MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET *) ref= current_position;  // ref is always aligned
@@ -1535,11 +1597,24 @@ void ha_federated::position(const byte *record)
 int ha_federated::rnd_pos(byte * buf, byte *pos)
-  statistic_increment(table->in_use->status_var.ha_read_rnd_count,&LOCK_status);
-  memcpy_fixed(&current_position, pos, sizeof(MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET)); // pos is not aligned
-  result->current_row= 0;
-  result->data_cursor= current_position;
-  DBUG_RETURN(rnd_next(buf));
+  /* 
+     we do not need to do any of this if there has been a scan performed already, or 
+     if this is an update and index_read_idx already has a result set in which to build
+     it's update query from
+  */
+  if (scan_flag)
+  {
+    statistic_increment(table->in_use->status_var.ha_read_rnd_count,
+                        &LOCK_status);
+    memcpy_fixed(&current_position, pos, sizeof(MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET));     // pos
+                                                                        // is
+                                                                        // not
+                                                                        // aligned
+    result->current_row= 0;
+    result->data_cursor= current_position;
+    DBUG_RETURN(rnd_next(buf));
+  }
@@ -1590,7 +1665,7 @@ int ha_federated::rnd_pos(byte * buf, byte *pos)
 void ha_federated::info(uint flag)
-  records= 10000; // Fake!
+  records= 10000;                               // Fake!
@@ -1618,9 +1693,10 @@ int ha_federated::delete_all_rows()
   query.append("TRUNCATE ");
-  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, query.c_ptr_quick(), query.length())) {
-    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER,MYF(0),mysql_error(mysql));
+  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, query.ptr(), query.length()))
+  {
+    my_error(ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER, MYF(0), mysql_error(mysql));
@@ -1657,32 +1733,31 @@ int ha_federated::delete_all_rows()
   Called from by get_lock_data().
 THR_LOCK_DATA **ha_federated::store_lock(THD *thd,
-                                       THR_LOCK_DATA **to,
-                                       enum thr_lock_type lock_type)
+                                         THR_LOCK_DATA **to,
+                                         enum thr_lock_type lock_type)
-  if (lock_type != TL_IGNORE && lock.type == TL_UNLOCK) 
+  if (lock_type != TL_IGNORE && lock.type == TL_UNLOCK)
-      Here is where we get into the guts of a row level lock.
-      If TL_UNLOCK is set 
-      If we are not doing a LOCK TABLE or DISCARD/IMPORT
-      TABLESPACE, then allow multiple writers 
+       Here is where we get into the guts of a row level lock.
+       If TL_UNLOCK is set 
+       If we are not doing a LOCK TABLE or DISCARD/IMPORT
+       TABLESPACE, then allow multiple writers 
     if ((lock_type >= TL_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT &&
-         lock_type <= TL_WRITE) && !thd->in_lock_tables
-        && !thd->tablespace_op)
+         lock_type <= TL_WRITE) && !thd->in_lock_tables && !thd->tablespace_op)
       lock_type= TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE;
-      In queries of type INSERT INTO t1 SELECT ... FROM t2 ...
-      MySQL would use the lock TL_READ_NO_INSERT on t2, and that
-      would conflict with TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE, blocking all inserts
-      to t2. Convert the lock to a normal read lock to allow
-      concurrent inserts to t2. 
+       In queries of type INSERT INTO t1 SELECT ... FROM t2 ...
+       MySQL would use the lock TL_READ_NO_INSERT on t2, and that
+       would conflict with TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE, blocking all inserts
+       to t2. Convert the lock to a normal read lock to allow
+       concurrent inserts to t2. 
-    if (lock_type == TL_READ_NO_INSERT && !thd->in_lock_tables) 
+    if (lock_type == TL_READ_NO_INSERT && !thd->in_lock_tables)
       lock_type= TL_READ;
     lock.type= lock_type;
@@ -1699,19 +1774,16 @@ THR_LOCK_DATA **ha_federated::store_lock(THD *thd,
   create tables if they do not exist.
 int ha_federated::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
-                       HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info)
+                         HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info)
-  int retcode;
-  retcode= parse_url(&tmp, table_arg, 1);
-  if (retcode < 0)
+  if (parse_url(&tmp, table_arg, 1))
-    DBUG_PRINT("ha_federated::create",
-      ("ERROR: on table creation for %s called parse_url, retcode %d",
-       create_info->data_file_name, retcode));
+    my_error(ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE, MYF(0));
+  my_free((gptr) tmp.scheme, MYF(0));
-#endif /* HAVE_FEDERATED_DB */
+#endif                                          /* HAVE_FEDERATED_DB */
diff --git a/sql/ha_federated.h b/sql/ha_federated.h
index 56f5e6de4b7..6870a0902e8 100755
--- a/sql/ha_federated.h
+++ b/sql/ha_federated.h
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ class ha_federated: public handler
   FEDERATED_SHARE *share;    /* Shared lock info */
   MYSQL *mysql;
   MYSQL_RES *result;
+  bool scan_flag;
   uint ref_length;
   uint fetch_num; // stores the fetch num
   MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET current_position;  // Current position used by ::position()
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ class ha_federated: public handler
   ha_federated(TABLE *table): handler(table),
-    mysql(0), 
+    mysql(0), result(0), scan_flag(0), 
     ref_length(sizeof(MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET)), current_position(0)