Commit 0f46efcb authored by Igor Babaev's avatar Igor Babaev

Post-review fixes for the patch that added the code allowing to use

hash join over equi-join conditions without supporting indexes.
parent ed240578
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
bool uses_index_fields_only(Item *item, TABLE *tbl, uint keyno,
bool uses_index_fields_only(Item *item, TABLE *tbl, uint keyno,
bool other_tbls_ok)
if (item->const_item())
......@@ -279,15 +279,12 @@ Item *make_cond_remainder(Item *cond, bool exclude_index)
tab A join tab that has tab->table->file and its condition
in tab->select_cond
keyno Index for which extract and push the condition
other_tbls_ok TRUE <=> Fields of other non-const tables are allowed
factor_out TRUE <=> Factor out the extracted condition
Try to extract and push the index condition down to table handler
void push_index_cond(JOIN_TAB *tab, uint keyno, bool other_tbls_ok,
bool factor_out)
void push_index_cond(JOIN_TAB *tab, uint keyno)
Item *idx_cond;
......@@ -320,7 +317,7 @@ void push_index_cond(JOIN_TAB *tab, uint keyno, bool other_tbls_ok,
print_where(tab->select_cond, "full cond", QT_ORDINARY););
idx_cond= make_cond_for_index(tab->select_cond, tab->table, keyno,
print_where(idx_cond, "idx cond", QT_ORDINARY););
......@@ -339,10 +336,8 @@ void push_index_cond(JOIN_TAB *tab, uint keyno, bool other_tbls_ok,
if cache is used then the value is TRUE only
for BKA[_UNIQUE] cache (see check_join_cache_usage func).
In this case other_tbls_ok is an equivalent of
other_tbls_ok &&
tab->icp_other_tables_ok &&
(idx_cond->used_tables() &
~(tab->table->map | tab->join->const_table_map)))
tab->cache_idx_cond= idx_cond;
......@@ -360,8 +355,9 @@ void push_index_cond(JOIN_TAB *tab, uint keyno, bool other_tbls_ok,
if (idx_remainder_cond != idx_cond)
tab->ref.disable_cache= TRUE;
Item *row_cond= factor_out ? make_cond_remainder(tab->select_cond, TRUE) :
Item *row_cond= tab->idx_cond_fact_out ?
make_cond_remainder(tab->select_cond, TRUE) :
print_where(row_cond, "remainder cond", QT_ORDINARY););
......@@ -1329,19 +1329,18 @@ bool find_eq_ref_candidate(TABLE *table, table_map sj_inner_tables)
if (keyuse)
while (1) /* For each key */
if (keyuse->is_for_hash_join())
if (keyuse->table != table)
return FALSE;
uint key= keyuse->key;
KEY *keyinfo= table->key_info + key;
KEY *keyinfo;
key_part_map bound_parts= 0;
if (keyinfo->flags & HA_NOSAME)
bool is_excluded_key= keyuse->is_for_hash_join();
if (!is_excluded_key)
keyinfo= table->key_info + key;
is_excluded_key= !test(keyinfo->flags & HA_NOSAME);
if (!is_excluded_key)
do /* For all equalities on all key parts */
......@@ -1356,20 +1355,15 @@ bool find_eq_ref_candidate(TABLE *table, table_map sj_inner_tables)
if (bound_parts == PREV_BITS(uint, keyinfo->key_parts))
return TRUE;
if (keyuse->table != table)
return FALSE;
if (keyuse->table != table)
return FALSE;
while (keyuse->key == key);
} while (keyuse->key == key && keyuse->table == table);
} while (keyuse->table == table);
return FALSE;
......@@ -2987,9 +2987,10 @@ make_join_statistics(JOIN *join, TABLE_LIST *tables_arg, COND *conds,
TODO. Apply single row substitution to null complemented inner tables
for nested outer join operations.
while (keyuse->table == table && !keyuse->is_for_hash_join())
while (keyuse->table == table)
if (!(keyuse->val->used_tables() & ~join->const_table_map) &&
if (!keyuse->is_for_hash_join() &&
!(keyuse->val->used_tables() & ~join->const_table_map) &&
keyuse->val->is_null() && keyuse->null_rejecting)
s->type= JT_CONST;
......@@ -3511,7 +3512,7 @@ add_key_field(JOIN *join,
optimize= KEY_OPTIMIZE_EQ;
if (!(field->flags & PART_KEY_FLAG) && !optimize)
else if (!(field->flags & PART_KEY_FLAG))
// Don't remove column IS NULL on a LEFT JOIN table
if (!eq_func || (*value)->type() != Item::NULL_ITEM ||
......@@ -3967,7 +3968,7 @@ max_part_bit(key_part_map bits)
The function builds a new KEYUSE object for a key use utilizing the info
on the left anf right parts of the given key use extracted from the
on the left and right parts of the given key use extracted from the
structure key_field, the key number and key part for this key use.
The built object is added to the dynamic array keyuse_array.
......@@ -4367,43 +4368,34 @@ update_ref_and_keys(THD *thd, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,
for (i=0 ; i < keyuse->elements-1 ; i++,use++)
if (use->is_for_hash_join())
if (!use->is_for_hash_join())
if (!use->table->reginfo.join_tab->keyuse)
use->table->reginfo.join_tab->keyuse= save_pos;
#ifdef HAVE_valgrind
/* Valgrind complains about overlapped memcpy when save_pos==use. */
if (save_pos != use)
*save_pos= *use;
if (!use->used_tables && use->optimize != KEY_OPTIMIZE_REF_OR_NULL)
use->table->const_key_parts[use->key]|= use->keypart_map;
if (use->keypart != FT_KEYPART)
if (use->key == prev->key && use->table == prev->table)
if (prev->keypart+1 < use->keypart ||
(prev->keypart == use->keypart && found_eq_constant))
continue; /* remove */
else if (use->keypart != 0) // First found must be 0
if (!use->used_tables && use->optimize != KEY_OPTIMIZE_REF_OR_NULL)
use->table->const_key_parts[use->key]|= use->keypart_map;
if (use->keypart != FT_KEYPART)
if (use->key == prev->key && use->table == prev->table)
if (prev->keypart+1 < use->keypart ||
(prev->keypart == use->keypart && found_eq_constant))
continue; /* remove */
else if (use->keypart != 0) // First found must be 0
prev= use;
found_eq_constant= !use->used_tables;
#ifdef HAVE_valgrind
/* Valgrind complains about overlapped memcpy when save_pos==use. */
if (save_pos != use)
*save_pos= *use;
found_eq_constant= !use->used_tables;
/* Save ptr to first use */
if (!use->table->reginfo.join_tab->keyuse)
use->table->reginfo.join_tab->keyuse= save_pos;
i=(uint) (save_pos-(KEYUSE*) keyuse->buffer);
......@@ -4548,6 +4540,35 @@ void set_position(JOIN *join,uint idx,JOIN_TAB *table,KEYUSE *key)
/* Estimate of the number matching candidates in the joined table */
ha_rows matching_candidates_in_table(JOIN_TAB *s, bool with_found_constraint)
ha_rows records= s->found_records;
If there is a filtering condition on the table (i.e. ref analyzer found
at least one "table.keyXpartY= exprZ", where exprZ refers only to tables
preceding this table in the join order we're now considering), then
assume that 25% of the rows will be filtered out by this condition.
This heuristic is supposed to force tables used in exprZ to be before
this table in join order.
if (with_found_constraint)
records-= records/4;
If applicable, get a more accurate estimate. Don't use the two
heuristics at once.
if (s->table->quick_condition_rows != s->found_records)
records= s->table->quick_condition_rows;
return records;
Find the best access path for an extension of a partial execution
plan and add this path to the plan.
......@@ -4598,7 +4619,6 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
ha_rows rec;
bool best_uses_jbuf= FALSE;
MY_BITMAP *eq_join_set= &s->table->eq_join_set;
KEYUSE *start_key=0;
KEYUSE *hj_start_key= 0;
Loose_scan_opt loose_scan_opt;
......@@ -4610,8 +4630,9 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
if (s->keyuse)
{ /* Use key if possible */
TABLE *table= s->table;
KEYUSE *keyuse;
KEYUSE *start_key=0;
TABLE *table= s->table;
double best_records= DBL_MAX;
uint max_key_part=0;
......@@ -4630,6 +4651,10 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
key_part_map ref_or_null_part= 0;
if (is_hash_join_key_no(key))
Hash join as any join employing join buffer can be used to join
only those tables that are joined after the first non const table
if (!(remaining_tables & keyuse->used_tables) &&
idx > join->const_tables)
......@@ -4986,21 +5011,20 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
If there is no key to access the table, but there is an equi-join
predicate connecting the table with the privious tables then we
consider the possibility of using hash join.
We need also to check that:
(1) s is inner table of semi-join -> join cache is allowed for semijoins
(2) s is inner table of outer join -> join cache is allowed for outer joins
if (idx >= join->const_tables && best_key == 0 &&
if (idx > join->const_tables && best_key == 0 &&
!bitmap_is_clear_all(eq_join_set) && !disable_jbuf &&
(!s->emb_sj_nest ||
join->allowed_semijoin_with_cache) &&
(!s->emb_sj_nest ||
join->allowed_semijoin_with_cache) && // (1)
(!(s->table->map & join->outer_join) ||
join->allowed_outer_join_with_cache)) // (2)
double join_sel= 0.1;
/* Estimate the cost of the hash join access to the table */
ha_rows rnd_records= s->found_records;
if (found_constraint)
rnd_records-= rnd_records/4;
if (s->table->quick_condition_rows != s->found_records)
rnd_records= s->table->quick_condition_rows;
ha_rows rnd_records= matching_candidates_in_table(s, found_constraint);
tmp= s->table->file->scan_time();
/* We read the table as many times as join buffer becomes full. */
......@@ -5052,25 +5076,7 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
! s->table->covering_keys.is_clear_all() && best_key && !s->quick) &&// (3)
!(s->table->force_index && best_key && !s->quick)) // (4)
{ // Check full join
ha_rows rnd_records= s->found_records;
If there is a filtering condition on the table (i.e. ref analyzer found
at least one "table.keyXpartY= exprZ", where exprZ refers only to tables
preceding this table in the join order we're now considering), then
assume that 25% of the rows will be filtered out by this condition.
This heuristic is supposed to force tables used in exprZ to be before
this table in join order.
if (found_constraint)
rnd_records-= rnd_records/4;
If applicable, get a more accurate estimate. Don't use the two
heuristics at once.
if (s->table->quick_condition_rows != s->found_records)
rnd_records= s->table->quick_condition_rows;
ha_rows rnd_records= matching_candidates_in_table(s, found_constraint);
Range optimizer never proposes a RANGE if it isn't better
......@@ -5846,6 +5852,10 @@ best_extension_by_limited_search(JOIN *join,
DBUG_EXECUTE("opt", print_plan(join, idx, record_count, read_time, read_time,
If we are searching for the execution plan of a materialized semi-join nest
then allowed_tables contains bits only for the tables from this nest.
table_map allowed_tables= ~(table_map)0;
if (join->emb_sjm_nest)
allowed_tables= join->emb_sjm_nest->sj_inner_tables & ~join->const_table_map;
......@@ -6419,10 +6429,9 @@ static bool create_hj_key_for_table(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab,
keyinfo->algorithm= HA_KEY_ALG_UNDEF;
keyinfo->flags= HA_GENERATED_KEY;
keyinfo->name= (char *) "hj_key";
keyinfo->rec_per_key= (ulong*) thd->alloc(sizeof(ulong)*key_parts);
keyinfo->rec_per_key= (ulong*) thd->calloc(sizeof(ulong)*key_parts);
if (!keyinfo->rec_per_key)
bzero(keyinfo->rec_per_key, sizeof(ulong)*key_parts);
keyinfo->key_part= key_part_info;
first_keyuse= TRUE;
......@@ -7553,6 +7562,7 @@ void set_join_cache_denial(JOIN_TAB *join_tab)
if (join_tab->use_join_cache)
join_tab->use_join_cache= FALSE;
join_tab->used_join_cache_level= 0;
It could be only sub_select(). It could not be sub_seject_sjm because we
don't do join buffering for the first table in sjm nest.
......@@ -7562,8 +7572,8 @@ void set_join_cache_denial(JOIN_TAB *join_tab)
join_tab->type= JT_ALL;
join_tab->ref.key_parts= 0;
join_tab->join->return_tab= join_tab;
join_tab->join->return_tab= join_tab;
......@@ -7742,14 +7752,9 @@ end_sj_materialize(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab, bool end_of_records)
tab joined table to check join buffer usage for
join join for which the check is performed
options options of the join
no_jbuf_after don't use join buffering after table with this number
prev_tab previous join table
icp_other_tables_ok OUT TRUE if condition pushdown supports
other tables presence
idx_cond_fact_out OUT TRUE if condition pushed to the index is factored
out of the condition pushed to the table
The function finds out whether the table 'tab' can be joined using a join
......@@ -7777,12 +7782,11 @@ end_sj_materialize(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab, bool end_of_records)
for semi-join operations.
If the optimizer switch join_cache_incremental is off no incremental join
buffers are used.
If the optimizer switch join_cache_hashed is off then the optimizer does
not use neither BNLH algorithm, nor BKAH algorithm to perform join
If the optimizer switch join_cache_hashed is off then the optimizer uses
neither BNLH algorithm, nor BKAH algorithm to perform join operations.
If the optimizer switch join_cache_bka is off then the optimizer does not
use neither BKA algprithm, nor BKAH algorithm to perform join operation.
If the optimizer switch join_cache_bka is off then the optimizer uses
neither BKA algorithm, nor BKAH algorithm to perform join operation.
The valid settings for join_cache_level lay in the interval 0..8.
If it set to 0 no join buffers are used to perform join operations.
Currently we differentiate between join caches of 8 levels:
......@@ -7828,11 +7832,20 @@ end_sj_materialize(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab, bool end_of_records)
If the function creates a join cache object it tries to initialize it. The
failure to do this results in an invocation of the function that destructs
the created object.
If the function decides that but some reasons no join buffer can be used
for a table it calls the function revise_cache_usage that checks
whether join cache should be denied for some previous tables. In this case
a pointer to the first table for which join cache usage has been denied
is passed in join->return_val (see the function set_join_cache_denial).
The functions changes the value the fields tab->icp_other_tables_ok and
tab->idx_cond_fact_out to FALSE if the chosen join cache algorithm
requires it.
An inner table of a nested outer join or a nested semi-join can be currently
joined only when a linked cache object is employed. In these cases setting
join cache level to an odd number results in denial of usage of any join
join_cache_incremental to 'off' results in denial of usage of any join
buffer when joining the table.
For a nested outer join/semi-join, currently, we either use join buffers for
all inner tables or for none of them.
......@@ -7871,18 +7884,17 @@ end_sj_materialize(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab, bool end_of_records)
uint check_join_cache_usage(JOIN_TAB *tab,
JOIN *join, ulonglong options,
ulonglong options,
uint no_jbuf_after,
JOIN_TAB *prev_tab,
bool *icp_other_tables_ok,
bool *idx_cond_fact_out)
JOIN_TAB *prev_tab)
uint flags= 0;
ha_rows rows= 0;
uint bufsz= 4096;
JOIN_CACHE *prev_cache=0;
uint cache_level= join->max_allowed_join_cache_level;
JOIN *join= tab->join;
uint cache_level= tab->used_join_cache_level;
bool force_unlinked_cache=
!(join->allowed_join_cache_types & JOIN_CACHE_INCREMENTAL_BIT);
bool no_hashed_cache=
......@@ -7893,8 +7905,6 @@ uint check_join_cache_usage(JOIN_TAB *tab,
join->return_tab= 0;
*icp_other_tables_ok= TRUE;
*idx_cond_fact_out= TRUE;
if (cache_level == 0 || i == join->const_tables || !prev_tab)
return 0;
......@@ -7975,7 +7985,7 @@ uint check_join_cache_usage(JOIN_TAB *tab,
if ((tab->cache= new JOIN_CACHE_BNL(join, tab, prev_cache)) &&
((options & SELECT_DESCRIBE) || !tab->cache->init()))
*icp_other_tables_ok= FALSE;
tab->icp_other_tables_ok= FALSE;
return (2-test(!prev_cache));
goto no_join_cache;
......@@ -8007,7 +8017,7 @@ uint check_join_cache_usage(JOIN_TAB *tab,
if ((tab->cache= new JOIN_CACHE_BNLH(join, tab, prev_cache)) &&
((options & SELECT_DESCRIBE) || !tab->cache->init()))
*icp_other_tables_ok= FALSE;
tab->icp_other_tables_ok= FALSE;
return (4-test(!prev_cache));
goto no_join_cache;
......@@ -8037,7 +8047,7 @@ uint check_join_cache_usage(JOIN_TAB *tab,
if ((tab->cache= new JOIN_CACHE_BKAH(join, tab, flags, prev_cache)) &&
((options & SELECT_DESCRIBE) || !tab->cache->init()))
*idx_cond_fact_out= FALSE;
tab->idx_cond_fact_out= FALSE;
return (8-test(!prev_cache));
goto no_join_cache;
......@@ -8055,6 +8065,83 @@ uint check_join_cache_usage(JOIN_TAB *tab,
Check whether join buffers can be used to join tables of a join
join join whose tables are to be checked
options options of the join
no_jbuf_after don't use join buffering after table with this number
For each table after the first non-constant table the function checks
whether the table can be joined using a join buffer. If the function decides
that a join buffer can be employed then it selects the most appropriate join
cache object that contains this join buffer whose level is not greater
than join_cache_level set for the join. To make this check the function
calls the function check_join_cache_usage for every non-constant table.
In some situations (e.g. for nested outer joins, for nested semi-joins) only
incremental buffers can be used. If it turns out that for some inner table
no join buffer can be used then any inner table of an outer/semi-join nest
cannot use join buffer. In the case when already chosen buffer must be
denied for a table the function recalls check_join_cache_usage()
starting from this table. The pointer to the table from which the check
has to be restarted is returned in join->return_val (see the description
of check_join_cache_usage).
void check_join_cache_usage_for_tables(JOIN *join, ulonglong options,
uint no_jbuf_after)
JOIN_TAB *first_sjm_table= NULL;
JOIN_TAB *last_sjm_table= NULL;
for (uint i= join->const_tables; i < join->tables; i++)
join->join_tab[i].used_join_cache_level= join->max_allowed_join_cache_level;
for (uint i= join->const_tables; i < join->tables; i++)
JOIN_TAB *tab= join->join_tab+i;
if (sj_is_materialize_strategy(join->best_positions[i].sj_strategy))
first_sjm_table= tab;
last_sjm_table= tab + join->best_positions[i].n_sj_tables;
for (JOIN_TAB *sjm_tab= first_sjm_table;
sjm_tab != last_sjm_table; sjm_tab++)
sjm_tab->first_sjm_sibling= first_sjm_table;
if (!(tab >= first_sjm_table && tab < last_sjm_table))
tab->first_sjm_sibling= NULL;
tab->icp_other_tables_ok= TRUE;
tab->idx_cond_fact_out= TRUE;
switch (tab->type) {
case JT_CONST:
case JT_EQ_REF:
case JT_REF:
case JT_ALL:
tab->used_join_cache_level= check_join_cache_usage(tab, options,
tab == last_sjm_table ?
first_sjm_table :
tab->use_join_cache= test(tab->used_join_cache_level);
if (join->return_tab)
i= join->return_tab-join->join_tab-1; // always >= 0
tab->used_join_cache_level= 0;
Plan refinement stage: do various setup things for the executor
......@@ -8084,14 +8171,8 @@ make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join, ulonglong options, uint no_jbuf_after)
uint jcl= 0;
bool statistics= test(!(join->select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE));
bool sorted= 1;
uint first_sjm_table= MAX_TABLES;
uint last_sjm_table= MAX_TABLES;
if (!join->select_lex->sj_nests.is_empty() &&
setup_semijoin_dups_elimination(join, options, no_jbuf_after))
......@@ -8102,26 +8183,31 @@ make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join, ulonglong options, uint no_jbuf_after)
for (i=join->const_tables ; i < join->tables ; i++)
JOIN_TAB *tab=join->join_tab+i;
TABLE *table=tab->table;
bool icp_other_tables_ok= FALSE;
bool idx_cond_fact_out= FALSE;
tab->read_record.table= table;
tab->read_record.unlock_row= rr_unlock_row;
tab->next_select=sub_select; /* normal select */
tab->sorted= sorted;
sorted= 0; // only first must be sorted
The approximation below for partial join cardinality is not good because
- it does not take into account some pushdown predicates
- it does not differentiate between inner joins, outer joins and semi-joins.
Later it should be improved.
JOIN_TAB *tab=join->join_tab+i;
tab->partial_join_cardinality= join->best_positions[i].records_read *
(i ? (tab-1)->partial_join_cardinality : 1);
check_join_cache_usage_for_tables(join, options, no_jbuf_after);
for (i=join->const_tables ; i < join->tables ; i++)
JOIN_TAB *tab=join->join_tab+i;
TABLE *table=tab->table;
uint jcl= tab->used_join_cache_level;
tab->read_record.table= table;
tab->read_record.unlock_row= rr_unlock_row;
tab->next_select=sub_select; /* normal select */
tab->sorted= sorted;
sorted= 0; // only first must be sorted
if (tab->loosescan_match_tab)
if (!(tab->loosescan_buf= (uchar*)join->thd->alloc(tab->
......@@ -8133,13 +8219,8 @@ make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join, ulonglong options, uint no_jbuf_after)
if (!(i >= first_sjm_table && i < last_sjm_table))
tab->first_sjm_sibling= NULL;
if (sj_is_materialize_strategy(join->best_positions[i].sj_strategy))
/* This is a start of semi-join nest */
first_sjm_table= i;
last_sjm_table= i + join->best_positions[i].n_sj_tables;
if (i == join->const_tables)
join->first_select= sub_select_sjm;
......@@ -8147,49 +8228,13 @@ make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join, ulonglong options, uint no_jbuf_after)
if (setup_sj_materialization(tab))
return TRUE;
for (uint j= first_sjm_table; j != last_sjm_table; j++)
join->join_tab[j].first_sjm_sibling= join->join_tab + first_sjm_table;
pick_table_access_method (tab);
This loop currently can be executed only once as the function
check_join_cache_usage does not change the value of tab->type.
It won't be true for the future code.
for ( ; ; )
enum join_type tab_type= tab->type;
switch (tab->type) {
case JT_CONST:
case JT_EQ_REF:
case JT_REF:
case JT_ALL:
if ((jcl= check_join_cache_usage(tab, join, options,
i == last_sjm_table ?
join->join_tab+first_sjm_table :
tab->use_join_cache= TRUE;
if (tab->type == tab_type)
if (join->return_tab)
goto restart;
if (jcl)
switch (tab->type) {
case JT_SYSTEM: // Only happens with left join
case JT_CONST: // Only happens with left join
......@@ -8203,8 +8248,7 @@ make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join, ulonglong options, uint no_jbuf_after)
else if ((!jcl || jcl > 4) && !tab->is_ref_for_hash_join())
push_index_cond(tab, tab->ref.key,
icp_other_tables_ok, idx_cond_fact_out);
push_index_cond(tab, tab->ref.key);
case JT_EQ_REF:
tab->read_record.unlock_row= join_read_key_unlock_row;
......@@ -8216,8 +8260,7 @@ make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join, ulonglong options, uint no_jbuf_after)
else if ((!jcl || jcl > 4) && !tab->is_ref_for_hash_join())
push_index_cond(tab, tab->ref.key,
icp_other_tables_ok, idx_cond_fact_out);
push_index_cond(tab, tab->ref.key);
case JT_REF:
......@@ -8232,8 +8275,7 @@ make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join, ulonglong options, uint no_jbuf_after)
else if ((!jcl || jcl > 4) &&!tab->is_ref_for_hash_join())
push_index_cond(tab, tab->ref.key,
icp_other_tables_ok, idx_cond_fact_out);
push_index_cond(tab, tab->ref.key);
case JT_ALL:
......@@ -8314,8 +8356,7 @@ make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join, ulonglong options, uint no_jbuf_after)
if (tab->select && tab->select->quick &&
tab->select->quick->index != MAX_KEY && ! tab->table->key_read)
push_index_cond(tab, tab->select->quick->index,
icp_other_tables_ok, idx_cond_fact_out);
push_index_cond(tab, tab->select->quick->index);
case JT_FT:
......@@ -251,7 +251,15 @@ typedef struct st_join_table {
ha_rows limit;
/* TRUE <=> condition pushdown supports other tables presence */
bool icp_other_tables_ok;
TRUE <=> condition pushed to the index has to be factored out of
the condition pushed to the table
bool idx_cond_fact_out;
bool use_join_cache;
uint used_join_cache_level;
ulong join_buffer_size_limit;
JOIN_CACHE *cache;
......@@ -1247,8 +1255,7 @@ inline bool optimizer_flag(THD *thd, uint flag)
void eliminate_tables(JOIN *join);
/* Index Condition Pushdown entry point function */
void push_index_cond(JOIN_TAB *tab, uint keyno, bool other_tbls_ok,
bool factor_out);
void push_index_cond(JOIN_TAB *tab, uint keyno);
Temporary table support for SQL Runtime
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