Commit 13dbdcdb authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

Bug #59148 'INSTALL PLUGIN rpl_semi_sync_master' fails in release build with debug binaries

Do as mysqld_safe: if running mysqld-debug, plugins are in debug subdirs
NB mtr --debug won't work in this context until 47141 is fixed
Also moved read_plugin_defs; no point running this in all worker threads
parent 6d288072
......@@ -417,6 +417,14 @@ sub main {
my $server_port = $server->sockport();
mtr_report("Using server port $server_port");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read definitions from include/plugin.defs
# Simplify reference to semisync plugins
# Create child processes
my %children;
for my $child_num (1..$opt_parallel){
......@@ -1983,13 +1991,13 @@ sub find_plugin($$)
$plugin_filename = $plugin.".so";
my $lib_example_plugin=
my $lib_plugin=
return $lib_example_plugin;
return $lib_plugin;
......@@ -1999,10 +2007,16 @@ sub find_plugin($$)
sub read_plugin_defs($)
my ($defs_file)= @_;
my $running_debug= 0;
open(PLUGDEF, '<', $defs_file)
or mtr_error("Can't read plugin defintions file $defs_file");
# Need to check if we will be running mysqld-debug
if ($opt_debug) {
$running_debug= 1 if find_mysqld($basedir) =~ /-debug$/;
while (<PLUGDEF>) {
next if /^#/;
my ($plug_file, $plug_loc, $plug_var, $plug_names)= split;
......@@ -2010,6 +2024,9 @@ sub read_plugin_defs($)
next unless $plug_file;
mtr_error("Lines in $defs_file must have 3 or 4 items") unless $plug_var;
# If running debug server, plugins will be in 'debug' subdirectory
$plug_file= "debug/$plug_file" if $running_debug;
my ($plugin)= find_plugin($plug_file, $plug_loc);
# Set env. variables that tests may use, set to empty if plugin
......@@ -2074,18 +2091,9 @@ sub environment_setup {
push(@ld_library_paths, "$basedir/storage/ndb/src/.libs");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read definitions from include/plugin.defs
# Plugin settings should no longer be added here, instead
# place definitions in include/plugin.defs.
# See comment in that file for details.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Simplify reference to semisync plugins
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Valgrind need to be run with debug libraries otherwise it's almost
# impossible to add correct supressions, that means if "/usr/lib/debug"
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