Commit 17871ade authored by Davi Arnaut's avatar Davi Arnaut

Backport of Bug#41860 to mysql-next-mr

revno: 3317
committer: Davi Arnaut <Davi.Arnaut@Sun.COM>
branch nick: 41860-6.0
timestamp: Fri 2009-05-22 14:09:16 -0300
  Bug#41860: Without Windows named pipe

  The problem was that the patch for Bug#10374 broke named pipe
  and shared memory transports on Windows due to a failure to
  implement a dummy poll method for transports other than BSD
  sockets. Another problem was that mysqltest lacked support
  for named pipe and shared memory connections, which lead to
  misleading test cases that were supposed run common queries
  over both transports.

  The solution is to properly implement, at the VIO layer, the
  poll and is_connected methods. The is_connected method is
  implemented for every suppported transport and the poll one
  only where it makes sense. Furthermore, support for named pipe
  and shared memory connections is added to mysqltest as to
  enable testing of both transports using the test suite.

  Add support for named pipe and shared memory connections.
  Move private functions to vio/vio_priv.h
  Add poll_read and is_connected methods.
  Run tests over a named pipe connection.
  Run tests over a shared memory connection.
  Rename method.
  Remove higher-level vio_is_connected implementation.
  Rename vio_is_connected to not conflict with the vio one.
  Verify that there is a valid vio.
  Add poll_read and is_connected methods.
  Add private functions.
  Implement the is_connected method for the various transports.
parent 80582b00
......@@ -4859,6 +4859,8 @@ int connect_n_handle_errors(struct st_command *command,
<opts> - options to use for the connection
* SSL - use SSL if available
* COMPRESS - use compression if available
* SHM - use shared memory if available
* PIPE - use named pipe if available
......@@ -4867,6 +4869,7 @@ void do_connect(struct st_command *command)
int con_port= opt_port;
char *con_options;
my_bool con_ssl= 0, con_compress= 0;
my_bool con_pipe= 0, con_shm= 0;
struct st_connection* con_slot;
static DYNAMIC_STRING ds_connection_name;
......@@ -4877,6 +4880,9 @@ void do_connect(struct st_command *command)
static DYNAMIC_STRING ds_port;
static DYNAMIC_STRING ds_sock;
static DYNAMIC_STRING ds_options;
#ifdef HAVE_SMEM
static DYNAMIC_STRING ds_shm;
const struct command_arg connect_args[] = {
{ "connection name", ARG_STRING, TRUE, &ds_connection_name, "Name of the connection" },
{ "host", ARG_STRING, TRUE, &ds_host, "Host to connect to" },
......@@ -4904,6 +4910,11 @@ void do_connect(struct st_command *command)
die("Illegal argument for port: '%s'", ds_port.str);
#ifdef HAVE_SMEM
/* Shared memory */
init_dynamic_string(&ds_shm, ds_sock.str, 0, 0);
/* Sock */
if (ds_sock.length)
......@@ -4942,6 +4953,10 @@ void do_connect(struct st_command *command)
con_ssl= 1;
else if (!strncmp(con_options, "COMPRESS", 8))
con_compress= 1;
else if (!strncmp(con_options, "PIPE", 4))
con_pipe= 1;
else if (!strncmp(con_options, "SHM", 3))
con_shm= 1;
die("Illegal option to connect: %.*s",
(int) (end - con_options), con_options);
......@@ -4994,6 +5009,26 @@ void do_connect(struct st_command *command)
#ifdef __WIN__
if (con_pipe)
uint protocol= MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE;
mysql_options(&con_slot->mysql, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, &protocol);
#ifdef HAVE_SMEM
if (con_shm)
if (!ds_shm.length)
die("Missing shared memory base name");
mysql_options(&con_slot->mysql, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, &protocol);
mysql_options(&con_slot->mysql, MYSQL_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE_NAME, ds_shm.str);
/* Use default db name */
if (ds_database.length == 0)
dynstr_set(&ds_database, opt_db);
......@@ -5026,6 +5061,9 @@ void do_connect(struct st_command *command)
#ifdef HAVE_SMEM
......@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ Vio* vio_new_win32shared_memory(NET *net,HANDLE handle_file_map,
HANDLE event_client_wrote,
HANDLE event_client_read,
HANDLE event_conn_closed);
size_t vio_read_pipe(Vio *vio, uchar * buf, size_t size);
size_t vio_write_pipe(Vio *vio, const uchar * buf, size_t size);
int vio_close_pipe(Vio * vio);
#define HANDLE void *
#endif /* __WIN__ */
......@@ -87,8 +84,8 @@ my_socket vio_fd(Vio*vio);
my_bool vio_peer_addr(Vio* vio, char *buf, uint16 *port);
/* Remotes in_addr */
void vio_in_addr(Vio *vio, struct in_addr *in);
my_bool vio_poll_read(Vio *vio,uint timeout);
my_bool vio_peek_read(Vio *vio, uint *bytes);
my_bool vio_poll_read(Vio *vio, uint timeout);
my_bool vio_is_connected(Vio *vio);
#include <openssl/opensslv.h>
......@@ -137,12 +134,6 @@ struct st_VioSSLFd
void free_vio_ssl_acceptor_fd(struct st_VioSSLFd *fd);
#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */
#ifdef HAVE_SMEM
size_t vio_read_shared_memory(Vio *vio, uchar * buf, size_t size);
size_t vio_write_shared_memory(Vio *vio, const uchar * buf, size_t size);
int vio_close_shared_memory(Vio * vio);
void vio_end(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -165,6 +156,8 @@ void vio_end(void);
#define vio_peer_addr(vio, buf, prt) (vio)->peer_addr(vio, buf, prt)
#define vio_in_addr(vio, in) (vio)->in_addr(vio, in)
#define vio_timeout(vio, which, seconds) (vio)->timeout(vio, which, seconds)
#define vio_poll_read(vio, timeout) (vio)->poll_read(vio, timeout)
#define vio_is_connected(vio) (vio)->is_connected(vio)
#endif /* !defined(DONT_MAP_VIO) */
/* This enumerator is used in parser - should be always visible */
......@@ -209,6 +202,8 @@ struct st_vio
my_bool (*was_interrupted)(Vio*);
int (*vioclose)(Vio*);
void (*timeout)(Vio*, unsigned int which, unsigned int timeout);
my_bool (*poll_read)(Vio *vio, uint timeout);
my_bool (*is_connected)(Vio*);
void *ssl_arg;
......@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ if (`SELECT '$nmp' != 'ON'`){
skip No named pipe support;
# Connect using named pipe for testing
# Source select test case
-- source include/
connection default;
disconnect pipe_con;
......@@ -7,10 +7,17 @@ let $shm= query_get_value("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'shared_memory'", Value, 1);
if (`SELECT '$shm' != 'ON'`){
skip No shm support;
let $shm_name= query_get_value("SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'shared_memory_base_name'", Value, 1);
# Connect using SHM for testing
# Source select test case
-- source include/
connection default;
disconnect shm_con;
# Bug #24924: shared-memory-base-name that is too long causes buffer overflow
......@@ -20,7 +27,6 @@ if (`SELECT '$shm' != 'ON'`){
# Bug #33899: Deadlock in mysql_real_query with shared memory connections
let $name= query_get_value("SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'shared_memory_base_name'", Value, 1);
let $stmt= `SELECT REPEAT('a', 2048)`;
SET @max_allowed_packet= @@global.max_allowed_packet;
......@@ -30,7 +36,7 @@ SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet= 1024;
SET GLOBAL net_buffer_length= 1024;
--error 1
--exec echo SELECT '$stmt'| $MYSQL --protocol=memory --shared-memory-base-name=$name 2>&1
--exec echo SELECT '$stmt'| $MYSQL --protocol=memory --shared-memory-base-name=$shm_name 2>&1
SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet= @max_allowed_packet;
SET GLOBAL net_buffer_length= @net_buffer_length;
......@@ -3471,7 +3471,7 @@ static int interruptible_wait(THD *thd, pthread_cond_t *cond,
if (error == ETIMEDOUT || error == ETIME)
/* Return error if timed out or connection is broken. */
if (!timeout || !thd->vio_is_connected())
if (!timeout || !thd->is_connected())
} while (error && timeout);
......@@ -1618,30 +1618,6 @@ void THD::rollback_item_tree_changes()
Check that the endpoint is still available.
bool THD::vio_is_connected()
uint bytes= 0;
/* End of input is signaled by poll if the socket is aborted. */
if (vio_poll_read(net.vio, 0))
return TRUE;
/* Socket is aborted if signaled but no data is available. */
if (vio_peek_read(net.vio, &bytes))
return TRUE;
return bytes ? TRUE : FALSE;
** Functions to provide a interface to select results
......@@ -1962,11 +1962,14 @@ class THD :public Statement,
inline bool vio_ok() const { return net.vio != 0; }
/** Return FALSE if connection to client is broken. */
bool vio_is_connected();
bool is_connected()
return vio_ok() ? vio_is_connected(net.vio) : FALSE;
void clear_error();
inline bool vio_ok() const { return TRUE; }
inline bool vio_is_connected() { return TRUE; }
inline bool is_connected() { return TRUE; }
Mark the current error as fatal. Warning: this does not
......@@ -22,6 +22,28 @@
#include "vio_priv.h"
#if defined(__WIN__) || defined(HAVE_SMEM)
Stub poll_read method that defaults to indicate that there
is data to read.
Used for named pipe and shared memory VIO types.
@param vio Unused.
@param timeout Unused.
@retval FALSE There is data to read.
static my_bool no_poll_read(Vio *vio __attribute__((unused)),
uint timeout __attribute__((unused)))
return FALSE;
* Helper to fill most of the Vio* with defaults.
......@@ -60,6 +82,8 @@ static void vio_init(Vio* vio, enum enum_vio_type type,
vio->vioblocking =vio_blocking;
vio->is_blocking =vio_is_blocking;
vio->timeout =vio_ignore_timeout;
vio->poll_read =no_poll_read;
vio->is_connected =vio_is_connected_pipe;
else /* default is VIO_TYPE_TCPIP */
......@@ -80,6 +104,8 @@ static void vio_init(Vio* vio, enum enum_vio_type type,
vio->vioblocking =vio_blocking;
vio->is_blocking =vio_is_blocking;
vio->timeout =vio_ignore_timeout;
vio->poll_read =no_poll_read;
vio->is_connected =vio_is_connected_shared_memory;
......@@ -100,6 +126,8 @@ static void vio_init(Vio* vio, enum enum_vio_type type,
vio->vioblocking =vio_ssl_blocking;
vio->is_blocking =vio_is_blocking;
vio->timeout =vio_timeout;
vio->poll_read =vio_poll_read;
vio->is_connected =vio_is_connected;
else /* default is VIO_TYPE_TCPIP */
#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */
......@@ -118,6 +146,8 @@ static void vio_init(Vio* vio, enum enum_vio_type type,
vio->vioblocking =vio_blocking;
vio->is_blocking =vio_is_blocking;
vio->timeout =vio_timeout;
vio->poll_read =vio_poll_read;
vio->is_connected =vio_is_connected;
......@@ -25,6 +25,20 @@
#include <m_string.h>
#include <violite.h>
#ifdef __WIN__
size_t vio_read_pipe(Vio *vio, uchar * buf, size_t size);
size_t vio_write_pipe(Vio *vio, const uchar * buf, size_t size);
my_bool vio_is_connected_pipe(Vio *vio);
int vio_close_pipe(Vio * vio);
#ifdef HAVE_SMEM
size_t vio_read_shared_memory(Vio *vio, uchar * buf, size_t size);
size_t vio_write_shared_memory(Vio *vio, const uchar * buf, size_t size);
my_bool vio_is_connected_shared_memory(Vio *vio);
int vio_close_shared_memory(Vio * vio);
void vio_ignore_timeout(Vio *vio, uint which, uint timeout);
void vio_timeout(Vio *vio,uint which, uint timeout);
......@@ -356,15 +356,26 @@ void vio_in_addr(Vio *vio, struct in_addr *in)
/* Return 0 if there is data to be read */
Indicate whether there is data to read on a given socket.
@note An exceptional condition event and/or errors are
interpreted as if there is data to read.
my_bool vio_poll_read(Vio *vio,uint timeout)
@param sd A connected socket.
@param timeout Maximum time in seconds to poll.
@retval FALSE There is data to read.
@retval TRUE There is no data to read.
static my_bool socket_poll_read(my_socket sd, uint timeout)
#ifdef __WIN__
int res, fd= vio->sd;
my_socket fd= sd;
fd_set readfds, errorfds;
struct timeval tm;
tm.tv_sec= timeout;
tm.tv_usec= 0;
......@@ -380,8 +391,8 @@ my_bool vio_poll_read(Vio *vio,uint timeout)
#elif defined(HAVE_POLL)
struct pollfd fds;
int res;
if ((res=poll(&fds,1,(int) timeout*1000)) <= 0)
......@@ -395,7 +406,17 @@ my_bool vio_poll_read(Vio *vio,uint timeout)
my_bool vio_peek_read(Vio *vio, uint *bytes)
Retrieve the amount of data that can be read from a socket.
@param vio A VIO object.
@param bytes[out] The amount of bytes available.
@retval FALSE Success.
@retval TRUE Failure.
static my_bool socket_peek_read(Vio *vio, uint *bytes)
#ifdef __WIN__
int len;
......@@ -419,6 +440,78 @@ my_bool vio_peek_read(Vio *vio, uint *bytes)
Indicate whether there is data to read on a given socket.
@remark Errors are interpreted as if there is data to read.
@param sd A connected socket.
@param timeout Maximum time in seconds to wait.
@retval FALSE There is data (or EOF) to read. Also FALSE if error.
@retval TRUE There is _NO_ data to read or timed out.
my_bool vio_poll_read(Vio *vio, uint timeout)
my_socket sd= vio->sd;
if (vio->type == VIO_TYPE_SSL)
sd= SSL_get_fd((SSL*) vio->ssl_arg);
DBUG_RETURN(socket_poll_read(sd, timeout));
Determine if the endpoint of a connection is still available.
@remark The socket is assumed to be disconnected if an EOF
condition is encountered.
@param vio The VIO object.
@retval TRUE EOF condition not found.
@retval FALSE EOF condition is signaled.
my_bool vio_is_connected(Vio *vio)
uint bytes= 0;
/* In the presence of errors the socket is assumed to be connected. */
The first step of detecting a EOF condition is veryfing
whether there is data to read. Data in this case would
be the EOF.
if (vio_poll_read(vio, 0))
The second step is read() or recv() from the socket returning
0 (EOF). Unfortunelly, it's not possible to call read directly
as we could inadvertently read meaningful connection data.
Simulate a read by retrieving the number of bytes available to
read -- 0 meaning EOF.
if (socket_peek_read(vio, &bytes))
/* There might be buffered data at the SSL layer. */
if (!bytes && vio->type == VIO_TYPE_SSL)
bytes= SSL_pending((SSL*) vio->ssl_arg);
void vio_timeout(Vio *vio, uint which, uint timeout)
#if defined(SO_SNDTIMEO) && defined(SO_RCVTIMEO)
......@@ -487,6 +580,16 @@ size_t vio_write_pipe(Vio * vio, const uchar* buf, size_t size)
DBUG_RETURN((size_t) length);
my_bool vio_is_connected_pipe(Vio *vio)
if (PeekNamedPipe(vio->hPipe, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL))
return TRUE;
return (GetLastError() != ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE);
int vio_close_pipe(Vio * vio)
int r;
......@@ -625,6 +728,12 @@ size_t vio_write_shared_memory(Vio * vio, const uchar* buf, size_t size)
my_bool vio_is_connected_shared_memory(Vio *vio)
return (WaitForSingleObject(vio->event_conn_closed, 0) != WAIT_OBJECT_0);
Close shared memory and DBUG_PRINT any errors that happen on closing.
@return Zero if all closing functions succeed, and nonzero otherwise.
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