Commit 191561ee authored by Matthias Leich's avatar Matthias Leich

Fix for Bug#40377 sporadic pushbuild failure in log_state: result mismatch

+ add workaround for bug 38124
+ messages into the protocol when sessions are switched
+ replace error numbers by error names
+ reset of system variables to initial values per subtest
+ remove a file created by this test
+ minor improvements in structure and formatting
parent 7a3c3619
SET @old_general_log= @@global.general_log;
SET @old_general_log_file= @@global.general_log_file;
SET @old_slow_query_log= @@global.slow_query_log;
SET @old_slow_query_log_file= @@global.slow_query_log_file;
set global general_log= OFF;
truncate table mysql.general_log;
truncate table mysql.slow_log;
......@@ -33,20 +37,26 @@ general_log ON
log ON
log_slow_queries OFF
slow_query_log OFF
set session long_query_time=1;
select sleep(2);
# Establish connection con1 (user=root)
# Switch to connection con1
set @long_query_time = <long_query_time>;
set session long_query_time = @long_query_time;
select sleep(@long_query_time + 1);
sleep(@long_query_time + 1)
select * from mysql.slow_log where sql_text NOT LIKE '%slow_log%';
start_time user_host query_time lock_time rows_sent rows_examined db last_insert_id insert_id server_id sql_text
# Switch to connection default
set global slow_query_log= ON;
set session long_query_time=1;
select sleep(2);
# Switch to connection con1
set session long_query_time = @long_query_time;
select sleep(@long_query_time + 1);
sleep(@long_query_time + 1)
select * from mysql.slow_log where sql_text NOT LIKE '%slow_log%';
start_time user_host query_time lock_time rows_sent rows_examined db last_insert_id insert_id server_id sql_text
TIMESTAMP USER_HOST QUERY_TIME 00:00:00 1 0 test 0 0 1 select sleep(2)
TIMESTAMP USER_HOST QUERY_TIME 00:00:00 1 0 test 0 0 1 select sleep(@long_query_time + 1)
# Switch to connection default
show global variables
where Variable_name = 'log' or Variable_name = 'log_slow_queries' or
Variable_name = 'general_log' or Variable_name = 'slow_query_log';
......@@ -92,8 +102,8 @@ slow_query_log_file #
show variables like 'log_output';
Variable_name Value
log_output FILE,TABLE
set global general_log_file='/not exiting path/log.master';
ERROR 42000: Variable 'general_log_file' can't be set to the value of '/not exiting path/log.master'
set global general_log_file='/not existing path/log.master';
ERROR 42000: Variable 'general_log_file' can't be set to the value of '/not existing path/log.master'
set global general_log_file='MYSQLTEST_VARDIR';
ERROR 42000: Variable 'general_log_file' can't be set to the value of 'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'
set global general_log_file='';
......@@ -153,8 +163,10 @@ select * from mysql.general_log;
event_time user_host thread_id server_id command_type argument
TIMESTAMP USER_HOST # 1 Query drop table t1
TIMESTAMP USER_HOST # 1 Query select * from mysql.general_log
SET @old_general_log_state = @@global.general_log;
SET @old_slow_log_state = @@global.slow_query_log;
SET @@global.general_log = @old_general_log;
SET @@global.general_log_file = @old_general_log_file;
SET @@global.slow_query_log = @old_slow_query_log;
SET @@global.slow_query_log_file = @old_slow_query_log_file;
SET GLOBAL general_log = ON;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = ON;
......@@ -173,10 +185,9 @@ SET GLOBAL READ_ONLY = ON;
SET GLOBAL general_log = ON;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = ON;
SET GLOBAL general_log = @old_general_log_state;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = @old_slow_log_state;
SET @old_general_log_state = @@global.general_log;
SET @old_slow_log_state = @@global.slow_query_log;
SET GLOBAL general_log = @old_general_log;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = @old_slow_query_log;
SET GLOBAL general_log = ON;
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'general_log';
Variable_name Value
general_log ON
......@@ -239,29 +250,24 @@ log_slow_queries ON
SELECT @@slow_query_log, @@log_slow_queries;
@@slow_query_log @@log_slow_queries
1 1
SET GLOBAL general_log = @old_general_log_state;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = @old_slow_log_state;
set @old_general_log_file= @@global.general_log_file;
set @old_slow_query_log_file= @@global.slow_query_log_file;
set global general_log_file= concat('/not exiting path/log.maste', 'r');
ERROR 42000: Variable 'general_log_file' can't be set to the value of '/not exiting path/log.master'
set global general_log_file= NULL;
SET GLOBAL general_log = @old_general_log;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = @old_slow_query_log;
SET GLOBAL general_log_file= CONCAT('/not existing path/log.maste', 'r');
ERROR 42000: Variable 'general_log_file' can't be set to the value of '/not existing path/log.master'
SET GLOBAL general_log_file= NULL;
ERROR 42000: Variable 'general_log_file' can't be set to the value of 'NULL'
set global slow_query_log_file= concat('/not exiting path/log.maste', 'r');
ERROR 42000: Variable 'slow_query_log_file' can't be set to the value of '/not exiting path/log.master'
set global slow_query_log_file= NULL;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file= CONCAT('/not existing path/log.maste', 'r');
ERROR 42000: Variable 'slow_query_log_file' can't be set to the value of '/not existing path/log.master'
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file= NULL;
ERROR 42000: Variable 'slow_query_log_file' can't be set to the value of 'NULL'
set global general_log_file= @old_general_log_file;
set global slow_query_log_file= @old_slow_query_log_file;
SET GLOBAL general_log_file= @old_general_log_file;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file= @old_slow_query_log_file;
# --
# -- Bug#32748: Inconsistent handling of assignments to
# -- general_log_file/slow_query_log_file.
# -- general_log_file/slow_query_log_file.
# --
SET @general_log_file_saved = @@global.general_log_file;
SET @slow_query_log_file_saved = @@global.slow_query_log_file;
SET GLOBAL general_log_file = 'bug32748.query.log';
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file = 'bug32748.slow.log';
......@@ -270,8 +276,8 @@ Variable_name Value
general_log_file bug32748.query.log
slow_query_log_file bug32748.slow.log
SET GLOBAL general_log_file = @general_log_file_saved;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file = @slow_query_log_file_saved;
SET GLOBAL general_log_file = @old_general_log_file;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file = @old_slow_query_log_file;
# -- End of Bug#32748.
......@@ -298,4 +304,13 @@ SET GLOBAL general_log_file = @my_glf;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file = @my_sqlf;
SET GLOBAL general_log = DEFAULT;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = DEFAULT;
SET @@global.general_log = @old_general_log;
SET @@global.general_log_file = @old_general_log_file;
SET @@global.slow_query_log = @old_slow_query_log;
SET @@global.slow_query_log_file = @old_slow_query_log_file;
End of 5.1 tests
# Close connection con1
SET global general_log = @old_general_log;
SET global general_log_file = @old_general_log_file;
SET global slow_query_log = @old_slow_query_log;
SET global slow_query_log_file = @old_slow_query_log_file;
-- source include/
### t/log_state.test ###
# This test suffers from server
# Bug#38124 "general_log_file" variable silently unset when using expression
# In short:
# SET GLOBAL general_log_file = @<whatever>
# SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = @<whatever>
# cause that the value of these server system variables is set to default
# instead of the assigned values. There comes no error message or warning.
# If this bug is fixed please
# 1. try this test with "let $fixed_bug38124 = 0;"
# 2. remove all workarounds if 1. was successful.
let $fixed_bug38124 = 0;
--source include/
--source include/
# Several subtests modify global variables. Save the initial values only here,
# but reset to the initial values per subtest.
SET @old_general_log= @@global.general_log;
SET @old_general_log_file= @@global.general_log_file;
SET @old_slow_query_log= @@global.slow_query_log;
SET @old_slow_query_log_file= @@global.slow_query_log_file;
set global general_log= OFF;
truncate table mysql.general_log;
......@@ -23,20 +45,32 @@ show global variables
where Variable_name = 'log' or Variable_name = 'log_slow_queries' or
Variable_name = 'general_log' or Variable_name = 'slow_query_log';
--echo # Establish connection con1 (user=root)
connect (con1,localhost,root,,);
--echo # Switch to connection con1
connection con1;
set session long_query_time=1;
select sleep(2);
# Please increase @long_query_time if the corresponding selects show an
# additional unexpected entry like
# start_time ... sql_text
# TIMESTAMP ... set session long_query_time=...
# (Bug#40377 sporadic pushbuild failure in log_state: result mismatch)
--replace_result 2 <long_query_time>
set @long_query_time = 2;
set session long_query_time = @long_query_time;
select sleep(@long_query_time + 1);
--replace_column 1 TIMESTAMP 2 USER_HOST 3 QUERY_TIME
select * from mysql.slow_log where sql_text NOT LIKE '%slow_log%';
--echo # Switch to connection default
connection default;
set global slow_query_log= ON;
--echo # Switch to connection con1
connection con1;
set session long_query_time=1;
select sleep(2);
set session long_query_time = @long_query_time;
select sleep(@long_query_time + 1);
--replace_column 1 TIMESTAMP 2 USER_HOST 3 QUERY_TIME
select * from mysql.slow_log where sql_text NOT LIKE '%slow_log%';
--echo # Switch to connection default
connection default;
show global variables
where Variable_name = 'log' or Variable_name = 'log_slow_queries' or
......@@ -71,16 +105,16 @@ show variables like 'slow_query_log_file';
show variables like 'log_output';
# Can't set general_log_file to a non existing file
--error 1231
set global general_log_file='/not exiting path/log.master';
set global general_log_file='/not existing path/log.master';
# Can't set general_log_file to a directory
--error 1231
eval set global general_log_file='$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR';
# Can't set general_log_file to empty string
--error 1231
set global general_log_file='';
--replace_column 2 #
......@@ -126,17 +160,30 @@ drop table t1;
--replace_column 1 TIMESTAMP 2 USER_HOST 3 #
select * from mysql.general_log;
# Bug#29129 (Resetting general_log while the GLOBAL READ LOCK is set causes
# a deadlock)
# Reset to initial values
SET @@global.general_log = @old_general_log;
SET @@global.general_log_file = @old_general_log_file;
SET @@global.slow_query_log = @old_slow_query_log;
SET @@global.slow_query_log_file = @old_slow_query_log_file;
let $my_var = `SELECT @old_general_log_file`;
eval SET @@global.general_log_file = '$my_var';
let $my_var = `SELECT @old_slow_query_log_file`;
eval SET @@global.slow_query_log_file = '$my_var';
# save state
SET @old_general_log_state = @@global.general_log;
SET @old_slow_log_state = @@global.slow_query_log;
# Test ON->OFF transition under a GLOBAL READ LOCK
# Bug#29129 (Resetting general_log while the GLOBAL READ LOCK is set causes
# a deadlock)
# Test ON->OFF transition under a GLOBAL READ LOCK
SET GLOBAL general_log = ON;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = ON;
......@@ -148,7 +195,6 @@ SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = OFF;
# Test OFF->ON transition under a GLOBAL READ LOCK
SET GLOBAL general_log = ON;
......@@ -157,7 +203,6 @@ SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = ON;
# Test ON->OFF transition under a GLOBAL READ_ONLY
SET GLOBAL general_log = OFF;
......@@ -166,7 +211,6 @@ SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = OFF;
# Test OFF->ON transition under a GLOBAL READ_ONLY
SET GLOBAL general_log = ON;
......@@ -174,17 +218,18 @@ SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = ON;
# Restore state
# Reset to initial values
SET GLOBAL general_log = @old_general_log;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = @old_slow_query_log;
SET GLOBAL general_log = @old_general_log_state;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = @old_slow_log_state;
# Bug #29131: SHOW VARIABLES reports variable 'log' but SET doesn't recognize it
# Bug#29131: SHOW VARIABLES reports variable 'log' but SET doesn't recognize it
SET @old_general_log_state = @@global.general_log;
SET @old_slow_log_state = @@global.slow_query_log;
SET GLOBAL general_log = ON;
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'general_log';
......@@ -210,39 +255,47 @@ SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'slow_query_log';
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_slow_queries';
SELECT @@slow_query_log, @@log_slow_queries;
SET GLOBAL general_log = @old_general_log_state;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = @old_slow_log_state;
SET GLOBAL general_log = @old_general_log;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = @old_slow_query_log;
# Bug #31604: server crash when setting slow_query_log_file/general_log_file
# Bug#31604: server crash when setting slow_query_log_file/general_log_file
set @old_general_log_file= @@global.general_log_file;
set @old_slow_query_log_file= @@global.slow_query_log_file;
--error 1231
set global general_log_file= concat('/not exiting path/log.maste', 'r');
--error 1231
set global general_log_file= NULL;
--error 1231
set global slow_query_log_file= concat('/not exiting path/log.maste', 'r');
--error 1231
set global slow_query_log_file= NULL;
SET GLOBAL general_log_file= CONCAT('/not existing path/log.maste', 'r');
SET GLOBAL general_log_file= NULL;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file= CONCAT('/not existing path/log.maste', 'r');
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file= NULL;
# Reset to initial values in case a setting above was successful.
SET GLOBAL general_log_file= @old_general_log_file;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file= @old_slow_query_log_file;
let $my_var = `SELECT @old_general_log_file`;
eval SET @@global.general_log_file = '$my_var';
let $my_var = `SELECT @old_slow_query_log_file`;
eval SET @@global.slow_query_log_file = '$my_var';
set global general_log_file= @old_general_log_file;
set global slow_query_log_file= @old_slow_query_log_file;
--echo # --
--echo # -- Bug#32748: Inconsistent handling of assignments to
--echo # -- general_log_file/slow_query_log_file.
--echo # -- general_log_file/slow_query_log_file.
--echo # --
SET @general_log_file_saved = @@global.general_log_file;
SET @slow_query_log_file_saved = @@global.slow_query_log_file;
SET GLOBAL general_log_file = 'bug32748.query.log';
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file = 'bug32748.slow.log';
......@@ -250,27 +303,37 @@ SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file = 'bug32748.slow.log';
# Reset to initial values
SET GLOBAL general_log_file = @general_log_file_saved;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file = @slow_query_log_file_saved;
SET GLOBAL general_log_file = @old_general_log_file;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file = @old_slow_query_log_file;
let $my_var = `SELECT @old_general_log_file`;
eval SET @@global.general_log_file = '$my_var';
let $my_var = `SELECT @old_slow_query_log_file`;
eval SET @@global.slow_query_log_file = '$my_var';
--echo # -- End of Bug#32748.
## WL#4403 - deprecate @log and @slow_log_queries variables
# WL#4403 - deprecate @log and @slow_log_queries variables
## these are all deprecated -- show for command-line as well!
# These server system variables are all deprecated
# -- show for command-line as well!
--echo deprecated:
SET GLOBAL log = 0;
SET GLOBAL log_slow_queries = 0;
SET GLOBAL log_slow_queries = DEFAULT;
## these are NOT deprecated
# These server system variables are NOT deprecated.
--echo not deprecated:
SELECT @@global.general_log_file INTO @my_glf;
SELECT @@global.slow_query_log_file INTO @my_sqlf;
......@@ -283,6 +346,20 @@ SET GLOBAL slow_query_log_file = @my_sqlf;
SET GLOBAL general_log = DEFAULT;
SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = DEFAULT;
## Reset to initial values
SET @@global.general_log = @old_general_log;
SET @@global.general_log_file = @old_general_log_file;
SET @@global.slow_query_log = @old_slow_query_log;
SET @@global.slow_query_log_file = @old_slow_query_log_file;
let $my_var = `SELECT @old_general_log_file`;
eval SET @@global.general_log_file = '$my_var';
let $my_var = `SELECT @old_slow_query_log_file`;
eval SET @@global.slow_query_log_file = '$my_var';
--echo End of 5.1 tests
......@@ -290,10 +367,27 @@ SET GLOBAL slow_query_log = DEFAULT;
# Cleanup (must be done last to avoid delayed 'Quit' message in general log)
# Cleanup
# Disconnect must be done last to avoid delayed 'Quit' message in general log
--echo # Close connection con1
disconnect con1;
# Reset global system variables to initial values if forgotten somewhere above.
SET global general_log = @old_general_log;
SET global general_log_file = @old_general_log_file;
SET global slow_query_log = @old_slow_query_log;
SET global slow_query_log_file = @old_slow_query_log_file;
let $my_var = `SELECT @old_general_log_file`;
eval SET @@global.general_log_file = '$my_var';
let $my_var = `SELECT @old_slow_query_log_file`;
eval SET @@global.slow_query_log_file = '$my_var';
# Remove the log files that was created in the "default location"
# i.e var/run
--remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/run/master.log
--remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/log.master
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