Commit 2836860c authored by unknown's avatar unknown


  Mofidications to dump secondary and tertiary weigthts
  And some minor improvements

  Mofidications to dump secondary and tertiary weigthts
  And some minor improvements
parent 8f0ea6f0
......@@ -23,13 +23,14 @@ struct uca_item_st
#define MY_UCA_PSHIFT 8
static char *pname[]= {"", "2", "3"};
int main(int ac, char **av)
char str[256];
char *weights[64];
struct uca_item_st uca[64*1024];
size_t code, page, w;
int pagemaxlen[MY_UCA_NPAGES];
size_t code, w;
int pageloaded[MY_UCA_NPAGES];
bzero(uca, sizeof(uca));
......@@ -155,14 +156,20 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
printf("#define MY_UCA_CMASK %d\n",MY_UCA_CMASK);
printf("#define MY_UCA_PSHIFT %d\n",MY_UCA_PSHIFT);
for (w=0; w<1; w++)
for (w=0; w<3; w++)
size_t page;
int pagemaxlen[MY_UCA_NPAGES];
for (page=0; page < MY_UCA_NPAGES; page++)
size_t offs;
size_t maxnum= 0;
size_t nchars= 0;
size_t mchars;
size_t ndefs= 0;
pagemaxlen[page]= 0;
Skip this page if no weights were loaded
......@@ -183,15 +190,37 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
code= page*MY_UCA_NCHARS+offs;
/* Calculate only non-zero weights */
for (i=0; i < uca[code].num; i++)
for (num=0, i=0; i < uca[code].num; i++)
if (uca[code].weight[w][i])
maxnum= maxnum < num ? num : maxnum;
/* Check if default weight */
if (w == 1 && num == 1)
/* 0020 0000 ... */
if (uca[code].weight[w][0] == 0x0020)
else if (w == 2 && num == 1)
/* 0002 0000 ... */
if (uca[code].weight[w][0] == 0x0002)
If the page have only default weights
then no needs to dump it, skip.
if (ndefs == MY_UCA_NCHARS)
printf("/* Don't dump w=%d pg=%3X: ndefs=%d */\n",w, page, ndefs);
switch (maxnum)
case 0: mchars= 8; break;
......@@ -210,8 +239,8 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
printf("uint16 page%03Xdata[]= { /* %04X (%d weights per char) */\n",
page, page*MY_UCA_NCHARS, maxnum);
printf("uint16 page%03Xdata%s[]= { /* %04X (%d weights per char) */\n",
page, pname[w], page*MY_UCA_NCHARS, maxnum);
for (offs=0; offs < MY_UCA_NCHARS; offs++)
......@@ -251,9 +280,8 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
printf("uchar ucal[%d]={\n",MY_UCA_NPAGES);
printf("uchar ucal%s[%d]={\n", pname[w], MY_UCA_NPAGES);
for (page=0; page < MY_UCA_NPAGES; page++)
printf("%d%s%s",pagemaxlen[page],page<MY_UCA_NPAGES-1?",":"",(page+1) % 16 ? "":"\n");
......@@ -261,15 +289,19 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
printf("uint16 *ucaw[%d]={\n",MY_UCA_NPAGES);
printf("uint16 *ucaw%s[%d]={\n", pname[w], MY_UCA_NPAGES);
for (page=0; page < MY_UCA_NPAGES; page++)
if (!pageloaded[page])
printf("NULL %s%s",page<MY_UCA_NPAGES-1?",":"", (page+1) % 4 ? "":"\n");
const char *comma= page < MY_UCA_NPAGES-1 ? "," : "";
const char *nline= (page+1) % 4 ? "" : "\n";
if (!pagemaxlen[page])
printf("NULL %s%s", comma , nline);
printf("page%03Xdata%s%s",page,page<MY_UCA_NPAGES-1?",":"", (page+1) % 4 ? "":"\n");
printf("page%03Xdata%s%s%s", page, pname[w], comma, nline);
printf("int main(void){ return 0;};\n");
return 0;
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