prepare stmt from "select * from t1 where a in (select a from t1 limit ?)";
ERROR 42000: This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'
prepare stmt from "select * from t1 union all select * from t1 limit ?, ?";
set @offset=9;
set @limit=2;
execute stmt using @offset, @limit;
prepare stmt from "(select * from t1 limit ?, ?) union all
(select * from t1 limit ?, ?) order by a limit ?";
execute stmt using @offset, @limit, @offset, @limit, @limit;
drop table t1;
deallocate prepare stmt;
create table t1 (id int);
prepare stmt from "insert into t1 (id) select id from t1 union select id from t1";
execute stmt;
@@ -839,15 +679,6 @@ ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresp
select ? from t1;
ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? from t1' at line 1
drop table t1;
CREATE VIEW b12651_V1 as SELECT b FROM b12651_T2;
PREPARE b12651 FROM 'SELECT 1 FROM b12651_T1 WHERE a IN (SELECT b FROM b12651_V1)';
ERROR HY000: Can't open shared library '/work/mysql-5.1-runtime/mysql-test/lib/mysql/' (errno: 0 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ERROR HY000: Can't open shared library
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: Can't open shared library '/work/mysql-5.1-runtime/mysql-test/lib/mysql/' (errno: 22 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ERROR HY000: Can't open shared library
call proc_1();
ERROR HY000: Can't open shared library '/work/mysql-5.1-runtime/mysql-test/lib/mysql/' (errno: 22 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
ERROR HY000: Can't open shared library
drop procedure proc_1;
create function func_1() returns int begin install plugin my_plug soname '/tmp/plugin'; return 1; end|
ERROR HY000: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.
@@ -2086,7 +2103,7 @@ drop user pstest_xyz@localhost;
deallocate prepare abc;
drop event if exists xyz;
create function func_1() returns int begin create event xyz on schedule at now() do select 123; return 1; end|
ERROR 0A000: Not allowed to return a result set from a function
ERROR HY000: Recursivity of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is present
# Close to the minimal data needed to exercise bug.
--exececho"select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; "|$MYSQLtest>&-