Commit 2d45f765 authored by marko's avatar marko

Merge code from MySQL:

ChangeSet@1.2181.173.1  2006-08-02 17:57:06+02:00  ingo@local

Bug#18775 - Temporary table from alter table visible to other threads
Continued implementation of WL#1324 (table name to filename encoding)
Changed back the encoded temp file prefix to #sql.
parent 23573074
......@@ -3334,8 +3334,8 @@ row_is_mysql_tmp_table_name(
const char* name) /* in: table name in the form
'database/tablename' */
/* return(strstr(name, "/#sql") != NULL); */
return(strstr(name, "/@0023sql") != NULL);
return(strstr(name, "/#sql") != NULL);
/* return(strstr(name, "/@0023sql") != NULL); */
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