Commit 2ee007ba authored by mats@romeo.(none)'s avatar mats@romeo.(none)

BUG#23171: Illegal group log position

Tail fixes after re-applying patches to older version of clone.
parent 3920f529
......@@ -596,14 +596,20 @@ int Log_event::do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
Log_event::shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
if (this->server_id == ::server_id && !replicate_same_server_id)
Log_event::do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ev->server_id=%lu, ::server_id=%lu,"
" rli->replicate_same_server_id=%d,"
" rli->slave_skip_counter=%d",
(ulong) server_id, (ulong) ::server_id,
if (server_id == ::server_id && !rli->replicate_same_server_id)
else if (rli->slave_skip_counter > 0)
......@@ -2566,9 +2572,9 @@ int Format_description_log_event::do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
Format_description_log_event::shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
Format_description_log_event::do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
return Log_event::EVENT_NOT_SKIPPED;
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_NOT;
......@@ -3077,7 +3083,7 @@ void Load_log_event::set_fields(const char* affected_db,
int Load_log_event::do_apply_event(NET* net, RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli,
bool use_rli_only_for_errors)
bool use_rli_only_for_errors)
LEX_STRING new_db;
new_db.length= db_len;
......@@ -3416,6 +3422,7 @@ Rotate_log_event::Rotate_log_event(const char* buf, uint event_len,
ident_offset = post_header_len;
new_log_ident= my_strndup(buf + ident_offset, (uint) ident_len, MYF(MY_WME));
DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("new_log_ident: '%s'", new_log_ident));
......@@ -3438,11 +3445,13 @@ bool Rotate_log_event::write(IO_CACHE* file)
Helper function to detect if the event is inside a group.
#if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT)
static bool is_in_group(THD *const thd, RELAY_LOG_INFO *const rli)
return (thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN) != 0 ||
(rli->last_event_start_time > 0);
......@@ -3470,7 +3479,8 @@ int Rotate_log_event::do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
char buf[32];
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("server_id=%lu; ::server_id=%lu", this->server_id, ::server_id));
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("server_id=%lu; ::server_id=%lu",
(ulong) this->server_id, (ulong) ::server_id));
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("new_log_ident: %s", this->new_log_ident));
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("pos: %s", llstr(this->pos, buf)));
......@@ -3490,10 +3500,15 @@ int Rotate_log_event::do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
In that case, we don't want to touch the coordinates which
correspond to the beginning of the transaction. Starting from
5.0.0, there also are some rotates from the slave itself, in the
relay log.
relay log, which shall not change the group positions.
if (!is_in_group(thd, rli))
if ((server_id != ::server_id || rli->replicate_same_server_id) &&
!is_in_group(thd, rli))
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("old group_master_log_name: '%s' "
"old group_master_log_pos: %lu",
(ulong) rli->group_master_log_pos));
memcpy(rli->group_master_log_name, new_log_ident, ident_len+1);
rli->group_master_log_pos= pos;
......@@ -3524,18 +3539,17 @@ int Rotate_log_event::do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
Rotate_log_event::shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
Rotate_log_event::do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
enum_skip_reason reason= Log_event::shall_skip(rli);
enum_skip_reason reason= Log_event::do_shall_skip(rli);
switch (reason) {
case Log_event::EVENT_NOT_SKIPPED:
case Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_NOT:
case Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_COUNT:
return Log_event::EVENT_NOT_SKIPPED;
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_NOT;
case Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_SAME_SID:
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_SAME_SID;
case Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_IGNORE:
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_IGNORE;
......@@ -3671,21 +3685,20 @@ int Intvar_log_event::do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
Intvar_log_event::shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
Intvar_log_event::do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
It is a common error to set the slave skip counter to 1 instead
of 2 when recovering from an insert which used a auto increment,
rand, or user var. Therefore, if the slave skip counter is 1,
we just say that this event should be skipped because of the
slave skip count, but we do not change the value of the slave
skip counter since it will be decreased by the following insert
It is a common error to set the slave skip counter to 1 instead of
2 when recovering from an insert which used a auto increment,
rand, or user var. Therefore, if the slave skip counter is 1, we
just say that this event should be skipped by ignoring it, meaning
that we do not change the value of the slave skip counter since it
will be decreased by the following insert event.
if (rli->slave_skip_counter == 1)
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_COUNT;
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_IGNORE;
return Log_event::shall_skip(rli);
return Log_event::do_shall_skip(rli);
......@@ -3764,21 +3777,20 @@ int Rand_log_event::do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
Rand_log_event::shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
Rand_log_event::do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
It is a common error to set the slave skip counter to 1 instead
of 2 when recovering from an insert which used a auto increment,
rand, or user var. Therefore, if the slave skip counter is 1,
we just say that this event should be skipped because of the
slave skip count, but we do not change the value of the slave
skip counter since it will be decreased by the following insert
It is a common error to set the slave skip counter to 1 instead of
2 when recovering from an insert which used a auto increment,
rand, or user var. Therefore, if the slave skip counter is 1, we
just say that this event should be skipped by ignoring it, meaning
that we do not change the value of the slave skip counter since it
will be decreased by the following insert event.
if (rli->slave_skip_counter == 1)
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_COUNT;
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_IGNORE;
return Log_event::shall_skip(rli);
return Log_event::do_shall_skip(rli);
#endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */
......@@ -4204,22 +4216,21 @@ int User_var_log_event::do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
User_var_log_event::shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
It is a common error to set the slave skip counter to 1 instead
of 2 when recovering from an insert which used a auto increment,
rand, or user var. Therefore, if the slave skip counter is 1,
we just say that this event should be skipped because of the
slave skip count, but we do not change the value of the slave
skip counter since it will be decreased by the following insert
if (rli->slave_skip_counter == 1)
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_COUNT;
return Log_event::shall_skip(rli);
User_var_log_event::do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
It is a common error to set the slave skip counter to 1 instead
of 2 when recovering from an insert which used a auto increment,
rand, or user var. Therefore, if the slave skip counter is 1, we
just say that this event should be skipped by ignoring it, meaning
that we do not change the value of the slave skip counter since it
will be decreased by the following insert event.
if (rli->slave_skip_counter == 1)
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_IGNORE;
return Log_event::do_shall_skip(rli);
#endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */
......@@ -5920,7 +5931,7 @@ int Rows_log_event::do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli)
slave_print_msg(ERROR_LEVEL, rli, thd->net.last_errno,
"Error in %s event: row application failed",
get_type_str(), error);
thd->query_error= 1;
......@@ -558,6 +558,33 @@ typedef struct st_print_event_info
class Log_event
Enumeration of what kinds of skipping (and non-skipping) that can
occur when the slave executes an event.
@see shall_skip
@see do_shall_skip
enum enum_skip_reason {
Don't skip event.
Skip event by ignoring it.
This means that the slave skip counter will not be changed.
Skip event and decrease skip counter.
The offset in the log where this event originally appeared (it is
preserved in relay logs, making SHOW SLAVE STATUS able to print
......@@ -633,40 +660,6 @@ class Log_event
int net_send(Protocol *protocol, const char* log_name, my_off_t pos);
Execute the event to change the database and update the binary
log coordinates.
@param rli Pointer to relay log information
@retval 0 The event was successfully executed.
@retval errno Error code when the execution failed
int exec_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
// !!! Just chaining the calls in this first patch
return apply_event_impl(rli);
Skip the event by just updating the binary log coordinates.
@param rli Pointer to relay log information
@retval 0 The event was successfully executed.
@retval errno Error code when the execution failed
int skip_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
// !!! Nothing yet. This is just the reorgainization patch.
return 0;
pack_info() is used by SHOW BINLOG EVENTS; as print() it prepares and sends
a string to display to the user, so it resembles print().
......@@ -747,36 +740,125 @@ class Log_event
/* returns the human readable name of the event's type */
const char* get_type_str();
protected: /* !!! Protected in this patch to allow old usage */
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
Apply the event to the database.
This function represents the public interface for applying an
@see do_apply_event
int apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli) {
return do_apply_event(rli);
Update the relay log position.
This function represents the public interface for "stepping over"
the event and will update the relay log information.
@see do_update_pos
int update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
return do_update_pos(rli);
Decide if the event shall be skipped, and the reason for skipping
@see do_shall_skip
enum_skip_reason shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
return do_shall_skip(rli);
Primitive to apply an event to the database.
This is where the change to the database is made.
@note The primitive is protected instead of private, since there
is a hierarchy of actions to be performed in some cases.
@see Format_description_log_event::do_apply_event()
@param rli Pointer to relay log info structure
@retval 0 Event applied successfully
@retval errno Error code if event application failed
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli)
return 0; /* Default implementation does nothing */
Advance binary log coordinates.
Advance relay log coordinates.
This function is called to advance the relay log coordinates to
just after the event. It is essential that both the relay log
coordinate and the group log position is updated correctly, since
this function is used also for skipping events.
This function is called to advance the binary log or relay log
coordinates to just after the event.
Normally, each implementation of do_update_pos() shall:
- Update the event position to refer to the position just after
the event.
- Update the group log position to refer to the position just
after the event <em>if the event is last in a group</em>
@param rli Pointer to relay log info structure
@retval 0 Coordinates changed successfully
@retval errno Error code if advancing failed
@retval errno Error code if advancing failed (usually just
1). Observe that handler errors are returned by the
do_apply_event() function, and not by this one.
virtual int advance_coord_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
// !!! Dummy implementation for this patch only
return 0;
virtual int do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
Decide if this event shall be skipped or not and the reason for
skipping it.
The default implementation decide that the event shall be skipped
if either:
- the server id of the event is the same as the server id of the
server and <code>rli->replicate_same_server_id</code> is true,
- if <code>rli->slave_skip_counter</code> is greater than zero.
@see do_apply_event
@see do_update_pos
@retval Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_NOT
The event shall not be skipped and should be applied.
@retval Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_IGNORE
The event shall be skipped by just ignoring it, i.e., the slave
skip counter shall not be changed. This happends if, for example,
the originating server id of the event is the same as the server
id of the slave.
@retval Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_COUNT
The event shall be skipped because the slave skip counter was
non-zero. The caller shall decrease the counter by one.
virtual enum_skip_reason do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
......@@ -818,8 +900,8 @@ class Query_log_event: public Log_event
uint16 error_code;
ulong thread_id;
For events created by Query_log_event::apply_event_impl (and
Load_log_event::apply_event_impl()) we need the *original* thread
For events created by Query_log_event::do_apply_event (and
Load_log_event::do_apply_event()) we need the *original* thread
id, to be able to log the event with the original (=master's)
thread id (fix for BUG#1686).
......@@ -913,8 +995,10 @@ class Query_log_event: public Log_event
public: /* !!! Public in this patch to allow old usage */
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli,
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
virtual int do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli,
const char *query_arg,
uint32 q_len_arg);
......@@ -981,7 +1065,7 @@ class Slave_log_event: public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const* rli);
......@@ -1086,13 +1170,13 @@ class Load_log_event: public Log_event
public: /* !!! Public in this patch to allow old usage */
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli)
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const* rli)
return apply_event_impl(thd->slave_net,rli,0);
return do_apply_event(thd->slave_net,rli,0);
int apply_event_impl(NET* net, RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli,
bool use_rli_only_for_errors);
int do_apply_event(NET *net, RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli,
bool use_rli_only_for_errors);
......@@ -1171,9 +1255,20 @@ class Start_log_event_v3: public Log_event
virtual bool is_artificial_event() { return artificial_event; }
protected: /* !!! Protected in this patch to allow old usage */
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
virtual enum_skip_reason do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO*)
Events from ourself should be skipped, but they should not
decrease the slave skip counter.
if (this->server_id == ::server_id)
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_IGNORE;
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_NOT;
......@@ -1222,9 +1317,11 @@ class Format_description_log_event: public Start_log_event_v3
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
virtual int do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
virtual enum_skip_reason do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
......@@ -1266,7 +1363,9 @@ class Intvar_log_event: public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
virtual int do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
virtual enum_skip_reason do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
......@@ -1310,7 +1409,9 @@ class Rand_log_event: public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
virtual int do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
virtual enum_skip_reason do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
......@@ -1351,7 +1452,7 @@ class Xid_log_event: public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
......@@ -1396,7 +1497,9 @@ class User_var_log_event: public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
virtual int do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
virtual enum_skip_reason do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
......@@ -1425,7 +1528,18 @@ class Stop_log_event: public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
virtual enum_skip_reason do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli)
Events from ourself should be skipped, but they should not
decrease the slave skip counter.
if (this->server_id == ::server_id)
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_IGNORE;
return Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_NOT;
......@@ -1474,7 +1588,8 @@ class Rotate_log_event: public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
virtual enum_skip_reason do_shall_skip(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
......@@ -1546,7 +1661,7 @@ class Create_file_log_event: public Load_log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
......@@ -1600,7 +1715,7 @@ class Append_block_log_event: public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
......@@ -1640,7 +1755,7 @@ class Delete_file_log_event: public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
......@@ -1679,7 +1794,7 @@ class Execute_load_log_event: public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
......@@ -1771,7 +1886,7 @@ class Execute_load_query_log_event: public Query_log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
......@@ -1880,7 +1995,8 @@ class Table_map_log_event : public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
virtual int do_update_pos(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli);
......@@ -2037,7 +2153,7 @@ class Rows_log_event : public Log_event
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)
virtual int apply_event_impl(RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli);
virtual int do_apply_event(RELAY_LOG_INFO const *rli);
Primitive to prepare for a sequence of row executions.
......@@ -2086,7 +2202,7 @@ class Rows_log_event : public Log_event
Error code, if something went wrong, 0 otherwise.
virtual int do_prepare_row(THD*, RELAY_LOG_INFO*, TABLE*,
virtual int do_prepare_row(THD*, RELAY_LOG_INFO const*, TABLE*,
char const *row_start, char const **row_end) = 0;
......@@ -2157,7 +2273,7 @@ class Write_rows_log_event : public Rows_log_event
virtual int do_before_row_operations(TABLE *table);
virtual int do_after_row_operations(TABLE *table, int error);
virtual int do_prepare_row(THD*, RELAY_LOG_INFO*, TABLE*,
virtual int do_prepare_row(THD*, RELAY_LOG_INFO const*, TABLE*,
char const *row_start, char const **row_end);
virtual int do_exec_row(TABLE *table);
......@@ -2222,7 +2338,7 @@ class Update_rows_log_event : public Rows_log_event
virtual int do_before_row_operations(TABLE *table);
virtual int do_after_row_operations(TABLE *table, int error);
virtual int do_prepare_row(THD*, RELAY_LOG_INFO*, TABLE*,
virtual int do_prepare_row(THD*, RELAY_LOG_INFO const*, TABLE*,
char const *row_start, char const **row_end);
virtual int do_exec_row(TABLE *table);
#endif /* !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) && defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) */
......@@ -2293,7 +2409,7 @@ class Delete_rows_log_event : public Rows_log_event
virtual int do_before_row_operations(TABLE *table);
virtual int do_after_row_operations(TABLE *table, int error);
virtual int do_prepare_row(THD*, RELAY_LOG_INFO*, TABLE*,
virtual int do_prepare_row(THD*, RELAY_LOG_INFO const*, TABLE*,
char const *row_start, char const **row_end);
virtual int do_exec_row(TABLE *table);
......@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ int init_strvar_from_file(char *var, int max_size, IO_CACHE *f,
:no_storage(FALSE), info_fd(-1), cur_log_fd(-1), save_temporary_tables(0),
:no_storage(FALSE), replicate_same_server_id(::replicate_same_server_id),
info_fd(-1), cur_log_fd(-1), save_temporary_tables(0),
cur_log_old_open_count(0), group_master_log_pos(0), log_space_total(0),
ignore_log_space_limit(0), last_master_timestamp(0), slave_skip_counter(0),
abort_pos_wait(0), slave_run_id(0), sql_thd(0), last_slave_errno(0),
......@@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ typedef struct st_relay_log_info
bool no_storage;
If true, events with the same server id should be replicated. This
field is set on creation of a relay log info structure by copying
the value of ::replicate_same_server_id and can be overridden if
necessary. For example of when this is done, check,
where the BINLOG statement can be used to execute "raw" events.
bool replicate_same_server_id;
/*** The following variables can only be read when protect by data lock ****/
......@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ do not trust column Seconds_Behind_Master of SHOW SLAVE STATUS");
if ((master_row= mysql_fetch_row(master_res)) &&
(::server_id == strtoul(master_row[1], 0, 10)) &&
errmsg= "The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal \
MySQL server ids; these ids must be different for replication to work (or \
the --replicate-same-server-id option must be used on slave but this does \
......@@ -1721,20 +1721,9 @@ static int exec_relay_log_event(THD* thd, RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli)
if (ev)
int type_code = ev->get_type_code();
int exec_res;
int exec_res= 0;
Queries originating from this server must be skipped.
Low-level events (Format_desc, Rotate, Stop) from this server
must also be skipped. But for those we don't want to modify
group_master_log_pos, because these events did not exist on the master.
Format_desc is not completely skipped.
Skip queries specified by the user in slave_skip_counter.
We can't however skip events that has something to do with the
log files themselves.
Filtering on own server id is extremely important, to ignore execution of
events created by the creation/rotation of the relay log (remember that
now the relay log starts with its Format_desc, has a Rotate etc).
DBUG_PRINT("info",("type_code=%d (%s), server_id=%d",
......@@ -1742,8 +1731,27 @@ static int exec_relay_log_event(THD* thd, RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli)
Execute the event, but first we set some data that is needed for
Execute the event to change the database and update the binary
log coordinates, but first we set some data that is needed for
the thread.
The event will be executed unless it is supposed to be skipped.
Queries originating from this server must be skipped. Low-level
events (Format_description_log_event, Rotate_log_event,
Stop_log_event) from this server must also be skipped. But for
those we don't want to modify 'group_master_log_pos', because
these events did not exist on the master.
Format_description_log_event is not completely skipped.
Skip queries specified by the user in 'slave_skip_counter'. We
can't however skip events that has something to do with the log
files themselves.
Filtering on own server id is extremely important, to ignore
execution of events created by the creation/rotation of the relay
log (remember that now the relay log starts with its Format_desc,
has a Rotate etc).
thd->server_id = ev->server_id; // use the original server id for logging
......@@ -1753,9 +1761,62 @@ static int exec_relay_log_event(THD* thd, RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli)
ev->when = time(NULL);
ev->thd = thd; // because up to this point, ev->thd == 0
exec_res= ev->exec_event(rli);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("exec_event result = %d", exec_res));
int reason= ev->shall_skip(rli);
if (reason == Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_COUNT)
if (reason == Log_event::EVENT_SKIP_NOT)
exec_res= ev->apply_event(rli);
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
This only prints information to the debug trace.
TODO: Print an informational message to the error log?
static const char *const explain[] = {
"event was not skipped", // EVENT_SKIP_NOT,
"event originated from this server", // EVENT_SKIP_IGNORE,
"event skip counter was non-zero" // EVENT_SKIP_COUNT
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("%s was skipped because %s",
ev->get_type_str(), explain[reason]));
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("apply_event error = %d", exec_res));
if (exec_res == 0)
int error= ev->update_pos(rli);
char buf[22];
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("update_pos error = %d", error));
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("group %s %s",
llstr(rli->group_relay_log_pos, buf),
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("event %s %s",
llstr(rli->event_relay_log_pos, buf),
The update should not fail, so print an error message and
return an error code.
TODO: Replace this with a decent error message when merged
with BUG#24954 (which adds several new error message).
if (error)
slave_print_msg(ERROR_LEVEL, rli, ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR,
"It was not possible to update the positions"
" of the relay log information: the slave may"
" be in an inconsistent state."
" Stopped in %s position %s",
llstr(rli->group_relay_log_pos, buf));
Format_description_log_event should not be deleted because it will be
used to read info about the relay log's format; it will be deleted when
......@@ -2902,7 +2963,7 @@ int queue_event(MASTER_INFO* mi,const char* buf, ulong event_len)
if ((uint4korr(buf + SERVER_ID_OFFSET) == ::server_id) &&
Do not write it to the relay log.
......@@ -150,9 +150,17 @@ void mysql_client_binlog_statement(THD* thd)
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("bytes_decoded=%d; bufptr=0x%lx; buf[EVENT_LEN_OFFSET]=%u",
bytes_decoded, bufptr, uint4korr(bufptr+EVENT_LEN_OFFSET)));
ev->thd= thd;
if (int err= ev->exec_event(thd->rli_fake))
We go directly to the application phase, since we don't need
to check if the event shall be skipped or not.
Neither do we have to update the log positions, since that is
not used at all: the rli_fake instance is used only for error
if (int err= ev->apply_event(thd->rli_fake))
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("exec_event() - error=%d", error));
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("apply_event() - error=%d", error));
TODO: Maybe a better error message since the BINLOG statement
now contains several events.
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