Commit 344c0ea4 authored by Sergey Petrunya's avatar Sergey Petrunya

Cassandra SE: Add capability to retry failed API calls

- Add capability to retry calls that have failed with UnavailableException or
  [Cassandra's] TimedOutException. 
- We don't retry for Thrift errors yet, although could easily do, now.
parent 73dfd578
......@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ class Cassandra_se_impl: public Cassandra_se_interface
ConsistencyLevel::type write_consistency;
ConsistencyLevel::type read_consistency;
/* How many times to retry an operation before giving up */
int thrift_call_retries_to_do;
/* DDL data */
......@@ -72,10 +75,12 @@ class Cassandra_se_impl: public Cassandra_se_interface
SlicePredicate slice_pred;
bool get_slices_returned_less;
bool get_slice_found_rows;
Cassandra_se_impl() : cass(NULL),
read_consistency(ConsistencyLevel::ONE) {}
thrift_call_retries_to_do(0) {}
virtual ~Cassandra_se_impl(){ delete cass; }
/* Connection and DDL checks */
......@@ -94,6 +99,7 @@ class Cassandra_se_impl: public Cassandra_se_interface
void clear_insert_buffer();
void start_row_insert(const char *key, int key_len);
void add_insert_column(const char *name, const char *value, int value_len);
bool do_insert();
/* Reads, point lookups */
......@@ -105,6 +111,8 @@ class Cassandra_se_impl: public Cassandra_se_interface
bool have_rowkey_to_skip;
std::string rowkey_to_skip;
bool get_range_slices_param_last_key_as_start_key;
bool get_range_slices(bool last_key_as_start_key);
void finish_reading_range_slices();
......@@ -119,19 +127,30 @@ class Cassandra_se_impl: public Cassandra_se_interface
int add_lookup_key(const char *key, size_t key_len);
bool multiget_slice();
std::vector<std::string> mrr_keys; /* TODO: can we use allocator to put them onto MRR buffer? */
std::map<std::string, std::vector<ColumnOrSuperColumn> > mrr_result;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<ColumnOrSuperColumn> >::iterator mrr_result_it;
bool get_next_multiget_row();
bool truncate();
bool remove_row();
bool retryable_truncate();
bool retryable_do_insert();
bool retryable_remove_row();
bool retryable_setup_ddl_checks();
bool retryable_multiget_slice();
bool retryable_get_range_slices();
bool retryable_get_slice();
std::vector<std::string> mrr_keys; /* can we use allocator to put these into MRR buffer? */
std::map<std::string, std::vector<ColumnOrSuperColumn> > mrr_result;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<ColumnOrSuperColumn> >::iterator mrr_result_it;
/* Non-inherited utility functions: */
int64_t get_i64_timestamp();
typedef bool (Cassandra_se_impl::*retryable_func_t)();
bool try_operation(retryable_func_t func);
......@@ -189,34 +208,36 @@ void Cassandra_se_impl::set_consistency_levels(ulong read_cons_level,
bool Cassandra_se_impl::setup_ddl_checks()
bool Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_setup_ddl_checks()
try {
cass->describe_keyspace(ks_def, keyspace);
std::vector<CfDef>::iterator it;
for (it= ks_def.cf_defs.begin(); it < ks_def.cf_defs.end(); it++)
cf_def= *it;
if (!
return false;
print_error("describe_keyspace() didn't return our column family");
} catch (InvalidRequestException ire) {
print_error("%s [%s]", ire.what(), ire.why.c_str());
cass->describe_keyspace(ks_def, keyspace);
} catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
print_error("keyspace not found: %s", nfe.what());
}catch(TException e){
print_error("Thrift exception: %s", e.what());
} catch (...) {
print_error("Unknown exception");
print_error("keyspace `%s` not found: %s", keyspace.c_str(), nfe.what());
return true;
std::vector<CfDef>::iterator it;
for (it= ks_def.cf_defs.begin(); it < ks_def.cf_defs.end(); it++)
cf_def= *it;
if (!
return false;
print_error("Column family %s not found in keyspace %s",
return true;
bool Cassandra_se_impl::setup_ddl_checks()
return try_operation(&Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_setup_ddl_checks);
void Cassandra_se_impl::first_ddl_column()
......@@ -309,41 +330,29 @@ void Cassandra_se_impl::add_insert_column(const char *name, const char *value,
bool Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_do_insert()
cass->batch_mutate(batch_mutation, write_consistency);
cassandra_counters.row_inserts+= batch_mutation.size();
return 0;
bool Cassandra_se_impl::do_insert()
bool res= true;
zero-size mutations are allowed by Cassandra's batch_mutate but lets not
zero-size mutations are allowed by Cassandra's batch_mutate but lets not
do them (we may attempt to do it if there is a bulk insert that stores
exactly @@cassandra_insert_batch_size*n elements.
if (batch_mutation.empty())
return false;
try {
cass->batch_mutate(batch_mutation, write_consistency);
cassandra_counters.row_inserts+= batch_mutation.size();
res= false;
} catch (InvalidRequestException ire) {
print_error("%s [%s]", ire.what(), ire.why.c_str());
} catch (UnavailableException ue) {
print_error("UnavailableException: %s", ue.what());
} catch (TimedOutException te) {
print_error("TimedOutException: %s", te.what());
}catch(TException e){
print_error("Thrift exception: %s", e.what());
} catch (...) {
print_error("Unknown exception");
return res;
return try_operation(&Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_do_insert);
......@@ -357,48 +366,40 @@ bool Cassandra_se_impl::do_insert()
bool Cassandra_se_impl::get_slice(char *key, size_t key_len, bool *found)
bool res;
rowkey.assign(key, key_len);
if (!(res= try_operation(&Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_get_slice)))
*found= get_slice_found_rows;
return res;
bool Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_get_slice()
ColumnParent cparent;
cparent.column_family= column_family;
rowkey.assign(key, key_len);
SlicePredicate slice_pred;
SliceRange sr;
sr.start = "";
sr.finish = "";
try {
cass->get_slice(column_data_vec, rowkey, cparent, slice_pred,
cass->get_slice(column_data_vec, rowkey, cparent, slice_pred,
if (column_data_vec.size() == 0)
No columns found. Cassandra doesn't allow records without any column =>
this means the seach key doesn't exist
*found= false;
return false;
*found= true;
} catch (InvalidRequestException ire) {
print_error("%s [%s]", ire.what(), ire.why.c_str());
return true;
} catch (UnavailableException ue) {
print_error("UnavailableException: %s", ue.what());
return true;
} catch (TimedOutException te) {
print_error("TimedOutException: %s", te.what());
return true;
}catch(TException e){
print_error("Thrift exception: %s", e.what());
} catch (...) {
print_error("Unknown exception");
return true;
if (column_data_vec.size() == 0)
No columns found. Cassandra doesn't allow records without any column =>
this means the seach key doesn't exist
get_slice_found_rows= false;
return false;
get_slice_found_rows= true;
column_data_it= column_data_vec.begin();
return false;
......@@ -456,7 +457,15 @@ void Cassandra_se_impl::get_read_rowkey(char **value, int *value_len)
bool Cassandra_se_impl::get_range_slices(bool last_key_as_start_key)
bool res= true;
get_range_slices_param_last_key_as_start_key= last_key_as_start_key;
return try_operation(&Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_get_range_slices);
bool Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_get_range_slices()
bool last_key_as_start_key= get_range_slices_param_last_key_as_start_key;
ColumnParent cparent;
cparent.column_family= column_family;
......@@ -482,32 +491,17 @@ bool Cassandra_se_impl::get_range_slices(bool last_key_as_start_key)
key_range.end_key.assign("", 0);
key_range.count= read_batch_size;
try {
cparent, slice_pred, key_range,
res= false;
if (key_slice_vec.size() < (uint)read_batch_size)
get_slices_returned_less= true;
get_slices_returned_less= false;
cass->get_range_slices(key_slice_vec, cparent, slice_pred, key_range,
} catch (InvalidRequestException ire) {
print_error("%s [%s]", ire.what(), ire.why.c_str());
} catch (UnavailableException ue) {
print_error("UnavailableException: %s", ue.what());
} catch (TimedOutException te) {
print_error("TimedOutException: %s", te.what());
}catch(TException e){
print_error("Thrift exception: %s", e.what());
} catch (...) {
print_error("Unknown exception");
if (key_slice_vec.size() < (uint)read_batch_size)
get_slices_returned_less= true;
get_slices_returned_less= false;
key_slice_it= key_slice_vec.begin();
return res;
return false;
......@@ -574,50 +568,78 @@ void Cassandra_se_impl::add_read_column(const char *name_arg)
bool Cassandra_se_impl::truncate()
bool res= true;
try {
res= false;
return try_operation(&Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_truncate);
} catch (InvalidRequestException ire) {
print_error("%s [%s]", ire.what(), ire.why.c_str());
} catch (UnavailableException ue) {
print_error("UnavailableException: %s", ue.what());
} catch (TimedOutException te) {
print_error("TimedOutException: %s", te.what());
}catch(TException e){
print_error("Thrift exception: %s", e.what());
} catch (...) {
print_error("Unknown exception");
return res;
bool Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_truncate()
return 0;
bool Cassandra_se_impl::remove_row()
bool res= true;
return try_operation(&Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_remove_row);
bool Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_remove_row()
ColumnPath column_path;
column_path.column_family= column_family;
cass->remove(rowkey, column_path, get_i64_timestamp(), write_consistency);
return 0;
try {
cass->remove(rowkey, column_path, get_i64_timestamp(), write_consistency);
res= false;
This function will try a Cassandra operation, and handle errors.
} catch (InvalidRequestException ire) {
print_error("%s [%s]", ire.what(), ire.why.c_str());
} catch (UnavailableException ue) {
print_error("UnavailableException: %s", ue.what());
} catch (TimedOutException te) {
print_error("TimedOutException: %s", te.what());
}catch(TException e){
print_error("Thrift exception: %s", e.what());
} catch (...) {
print_error("Unknown exception");
bool Cassandra_se_impl::try_operation(retryable_func_t func_to_call)
bool res;
int n_retries= thrift_call_retries_to_do;
res= true;
try {
if ((res= (this->*func_to_call)()))
The function call was made successfully (without timeouts, etc),
but something inside it returned 'true'.
This is supposedly a failure (or "not found" or other negative
result). We need to return this to the caller.
n_retries= 0;
} catch (InvalidRequestException ire) {
n_retries= 0; /* there is no point in retrying this operation */
print_error("%s [%s]", ire.what(), ire.why.c_str());
} catch (UnavailableException ue) {
if (!--n_retries)
print_error("UnavailableException: %s", ue.what());
} catch (TimedOutException te) {
if (!--n_retries)
print_error("TimedOutException: %s", te.what());
}catch(TException e){
/* todo: we may use retry for certain kinds of Thrift errors */
n_retries= 0;
print_error("Thrift exception: %s", e.what());
} catch (...) {
n_retries= 0; /* Don't retry */
print_error("Unknown exception");
} while (res && n_retries > 0);
return res;
......@@ -638,8 +660,13 @@ int Cassandra_se_impl::add_lookup_key(const char *key, size_t key_len)
return mrr_keys.size();
bool Cassandra_se_impl::multiget_slice()
return try_operation(&Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_multiget_slice);
bool Cassandra_se_impl::retryable_multiget_slice()
ColumnParent cparent;
cparent.column_family= column_family;
......@@ -650,34 +677,15 @@ bool Cassandra_se_impl::multiget_slice()
sr.finish = "";
bool res= true;
try {
cassandra_counters.multiget_keys_scanned += mrr_keys.size();
cass->multiget_slice(mrr_result, mrr_keys, cparent, slice_pred,
cassandra_counters.multiget_rows_read += mrr_result.size();
res= false;
mrr_result_it= mrr_result.begin();
cassandra_counters.multiget_keys_scanned += mrr_keys.size();
cass->multiget_slice(mrr_result, mrr_keys, cparent, slice_pred,
} catch (InvalidRequestException ire) {
print_error("%s [%s]", ire.what(), ire.why.c_str());
} catch (UnavailableException ue) {
print_error("UnavailableException: %s", ue.what());
} catch (TimedOutException te) {
print_error("TimedOutException: %s", te.what());
}catch(TException e){
print_error("Thrift exception: %s", e.what());
} catch (...) {
print_error("Unknown exception");
cassandra_counters.multiget_rows_read += mrr_result.size();
mrr_result_it= mrr_result.begin();
return res;
return false;
......@@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ class Cassandra_status_vars
ulong multiget_reads;
ulong multiget_keys_scanned;
ulong multiget_rows_read;
ulong timeout_exceptions;
ulong unavailable_exceptions;
......@@ -82,6 +82,11 @@ static MYSQL_THDVAR_ULONG(rnd_batch_size, PLUGIN_VAR_RQCMDARG,
"Number of rows in an rnd_read (full scan) batch",
NULL, NULL, /*default*/ 10*1000, /*min*/ 1, /*max*/ 1024*1024*1024, 0);
"Number of times to retry Cassandra calls that failed due to timeouts or "
"network communication problems. The default, 0, means not to retry.",
NULL, NULL, /*default*/ 0, /*min*/ 0, /*max*/ 1024*1024*1024, 0);
/* These match values in enum_cassandra_consistency_level */
const char *cassandra_consistency_level[] =
......@@ -161,6 +166,7 @@ static struct st_mysql_sys_var* cassandra_system_variables[]= {
......@@ -177,6 +183,11 @@ static SHOW_VAR cassandra_status_variables[]= {
(char*) &cassandra_counters.multiget_keys_scanned, SHOW_LONG},
(char*) &cassandra_counters.multiget_rows_read, SHOW_LONG},
(char*) &cassandra_counters.timeout_exceptions, SHOW_LONG},
(char*) &cassandra_counters.unavailable_exceptions, SHOW_LONG},
{NullS, NullS, SHOW_LONG}
......@@ -1678,7 +1689,6 @@ bool ha_cassandra::check_if_incompatible_data(HA_CREATE_INFO *info,
static int show_cassandra_vars(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff)
cassandra_counters_copy= cassandra_counters;
var->type= SHOW_ARRAY;
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