Commit 3c38ebf6 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Add support for debuggers and impove support for valgrind

  Add support for debuggers and improve support for valgrind
parent 685ca4d7
......@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ our $glob_win32= 0; # OS and native Win32 executables
our $glob_win32_perl= 0; # ActiveState Win32 Perl
our $glob_cygwin_perl= 0; # Cygwin Perl
our $glob_cygwin_shell= undef;
our $glob_use_libtool= 1;
our $glob_mysql_test_dir= undef;
our $glob_mysql_bench_dir= undef;
our $glob_hostname= undef;
......@@ -189,7 +190,6 @@ our @opt_extra_mysqld_opt;
our $opt_comment;
our $opt_compress;
our $opt_current_test;
our $opt_ddd;
our $opt_debug;
our $opt_do_test;
our @opt_cases; # The test cases names in argv
......@@ -203,9 +203,14 @@ our $opt_gcov;
our $opt_gcov_err;
our $opt_gcov_msg;
our $glob_debugger= 0;
our $opt_gdb;
our $opt_client_gdb;
our $opt_ddd;
our $opt_client_ddd;
our $opt_manual_gdb;
our $opt_manual_ddd;
our $opt_manual_debug;
our $opt_gprof;
our $opt_gprof_dir;
......@@ -259,11 +264,12 @@ our $opt_timer;
our $opt_user;
our $opt_user_test;
our $opt_valgrind;
our $opt_valgrind_mysqld;
our $opt_valgrind_mysqltest;
our $opt_valgrind_all;
our $opt_valgrind= 0;
our $opt_valgrind_mysqld= 0;
our $opt_valgrind_mysqltest= 0;
our $opt_valgrind_all= 0;
our $opt_valgrind_options;
our $opt_valgrind_path;
our $opt_verbose;
......@@ -410,6 +416,12 @@ sub initial_setup () {
$glob_cygwin_perl= ($^O eq "cygwin");
$glob_win32= ($glob_win32_perl or $glob_cygwin_perl);
# Use libtool on all platforms except windows
if ( $glob_win32 )
$glob_use_libtool= 0;
# We require that we are in the "mysql-test" directory
# to run mysql-test-run
......@@ -524,9 +536,11 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
# Debugging
'gdb' => \$opt_gdb,
'manual-gdb' => \$opt_manual_gdb,
'client-gdb' => \$opt_client_gdb,
'manual-gdb' => \$opt_manual_gdb,
'manual-debug' => \$opt_manual_debug,
'ddd' => \$opt_ddd,
'client-ddd' => \$opt_client_ddd,
'strace-client' => \$opt_strace_client,
'master-binary=s' => \$exe_master_mysqld,
'slave-binary=s' => \$exe_slave_mysqld,
......@@ -534,10 +548,12 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
# Coverage, profiling etc
'gcov' => \$opt_gcov,
'gprof' => \$opt_gprof,
'valgrind:s' => \$opt_valgrind,
'valgrind-mysqltest:s' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqltest,
'valgrind-all:s' => \$opt_valgrind_all,
'valgrind' => \$opt_valgrind,
'valgrind-mysqltest' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqltest,
'valgrind-mysqld' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqld,
'valgrind-all' => \$opt_valgrind_all,
'valgrind-options=s' => \$opt_valgrind_options,
'valgrind-path=s' => \$opt_valgrind_path,
# Misc
'big-test' => \$opt_big_test,
......@@ -692,29 +708,17 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
mtr_error("Coverage test needs the source - please use source dist");
if ( $opt_gdb )
# Check debug related options
if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_client_gdb || $opt_ddd || opt_client_ddd ||
$opt_manual_gdb || $opt_manual_ddd || opt_manual_debug)
# Indicate that we are using debugger
$glob_debugger= 1;
# Increase timeouts
$opt_wait_timeout= 300;
if ( $opt_extern )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --gdb");
if ( $opt_manual_gdb )
$opt_gdb= 1;
if ( $opt_extern )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --manual-gdb");
if ( $opt_ddd )
if ( $opt_extern )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --ddd");
mtr_error("Can't use --extern when using debugger");
......@@ -733,22 +737,20 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
$opt_with_ndbcluster= 0;
# The ":s" in the argument spec, means we have three different cases
# undefined option not set
# "" option set with no argument
# "somestring" option is name/path of valgrind executable
# Take executable path from any of them, if any
$opt_valgrind_mysqld= $opt_valgrind;
$opt_valgrind= $opt_valgrind_mysqltest if $opt_valgrind_mysqltest;
$opt_valgrind= $opt_valgrind_all if $opt_valgrind_all;
# If valgrind flag not defined, define if other valgrind flags are
unless ( defined $opt_valgrind )
# Turn on valgrinding of all executables if "valgrind" or "valgrind-all"
if ( $opt_valgrind or $opt_valgrind_all )
mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for all executables");
$opt_valgrind= 1;
$opt_valgrind_mysqld= 1;
$opt_valgrind_mysqltest= 1;
elsif ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld or $opt_valgrind_mysqltest )
$opt_valgrind= ""
if defined $opt_valgrind_mysqltest or defined $opt_valgrind_all;
# If test's are run for a specific executable, turn on
# verbose and show-reachable
$opt_valgrind= 1;
$opt_valgrind_all= 1;
if ( ! $opt_testcase_timeout )
......@@ -763,12 +765,11 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
$opt_suite_timeout*= 4 if defined $opt_valgrind;
if ( defined $opt_valgrind )
# Increase times to wait for executables to start if using valgrind
if ( $opt_valgrind )
$opt_sleep_time_after_restart= 10;
$opt_sleep_time_for_delete= 60;
# >=2.1.2 requires the --tool option, some versions write to stdout, some to stderr
# valgrind --help 2>&1 | grep "\-\-tool" > /dev/null && VALGRIND="$VALGRIND --tool=memcheck"
if ( ! $opt_user )
......@@ -893,19 +894,7 @@ sub executable_setup () {
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest )
# client/mysqltest might be a libtool .sh script, so look for real exe
# to avoid valgrinding bash ;)
$exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqltest");
$exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqltest");
......@@ -1378,8 +1367,9 @@ sub run_suite () {
if ( ! $opt_gdb and ! $glob_use_running_server and
! $opt_ddd and ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
if ( ! $opt_debugger and
! $glob_use_running_server and
! $glob_use_embedded_server )
......@@ -1748,17 +1738,18 @@ sub report_failure_and_restart ($) {
my $test_mode= join(" ", @::glob_test_mode) || "default";
print "Aborting: $tinfo->{'name'} failed in $test_mode mode. ";
print "To continue, re-run with '--force'.\n";
if ( ! $opt_gdb and ! $glob_use_running_server and
! $opt_ddd and ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
if ( ! $glob_debugger and
! $glob_use_running_server and
! $glob_use_embedded_server )
# FIXME always terminate on failure?!
if ( ! $opt_gdb and ! $glob_use_running_server and
! $opt_ddd and ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
if ( ! $glob_debugger and
! $glob_use_running_server and
! $glob_use_embedded_server )
......@@ -1882,7 +1873,7 @@ sub mysqld_arguments ($$$$$) {
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--language=%s", $prefix, $path_language);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--tmpdir=$opt_tmpdir", $prefix);
if ( defined $opt_valgrind_mysqld )
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--skip-safemalloc", $prefix);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--skip-bdb", $prefix);
......@@ -2020,7 +2011,8 @@ sub mysqld_arguments ($$$$$) {
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--log-warnings", $prefix);
if ( $opt_gdb or $opt_client_gdb or $opt_manual_gdb or $opt_ddd)
# Indicate to "mysqld" it will be debugged in debugger
if ( $glob_debugger )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s--gdb", $prefix);
......@@ -2111,13 +2103,22 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$$$) {
if ( defined $opt_valgrind_mysqld )
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld )
valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe);
if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_manual_gdb)
gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $type);
elsif ( $opt_ddd || $opt_manual_ddd )
ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $type);
if ( $type eq 'master' )
if ( $pid= mtr_spawn($exe, $args, "",
......@@ -2297,7 +2298,7 @@ sub run_mysqltest ($) {
if ( defined $opt_valgrind_mysqltest )
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest )
valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe);
......@@ -2379,7 +2380,10 @@ sub run_mysqltest ($) {
# Add arguments that should not go into the MYSQL_TEST env var
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mtr_add_arg($args, "-R");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file");
mtr_add_arg($args, $tinfo->{'path'});
mtr_add_arg($args, "--result-file");
mtr_add_arg($args, $tinfo->{'result_file'});
if ( $opt_record )
......@@ -2387,10 +2391,130 @@ sub run_mysqltest ($) {
mtr_add_arg($args, "--record");
return mtr_run_test($exe,$args,$tinfo->{'path'},"",$path_timefile,"");
if ( $opt_client_gdb )
gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client");
elsif ( $opt_client_ddd )
ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client");
if ($glob_use_libtool)
# Add "libtool --mode-execute" before the test to execute
unshift(@$args, "--mode=execute", $path);
$exe= "libtool";
return mtr_run_test($exe,$args,"","",$path_timefile,"");
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in gdb in xterm
sub gdb_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $type= shift;
# Write $args to gdb init file
my $str= join(" ", @$$args);
my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_tmpdir/gdbinit.$type";
if ( $type eq "client" )
# write init file for client
"set args $str\n"
# write init file for mysqld
"file $$exe\n" .
"set args $str\n" .
"break mysql_parse\n" .
"commands 1\n" .
"disable 1\n" .
"end\n" .
$$args= [];
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-title");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$type");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-e");
if ( $glob_use_libtool )
mtr_add_arg($$args, "libtool");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "--mode=execute");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "gdb");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-x");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$gdb_init_file");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$$exe");
$$exe= "xterm";
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in ddd
sub ddd_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $type= shift;
# Write $args to ddd init file
my $str= join(" ", @$$args);
my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_tmpdir/gdbinit.$type";
if ( $type eq "client" )
# write init file for client
"set args $str\n" .
"break main\n"
# write init file for mysqld
"file $$exe\n" .
"set args $str\n" .
"break mysql_parse\n" .
"commands 1\n" .
"disable 1\n" .
"end\n" .
my $save_exe= $$exe;
$$args= [];
if ( $glob_use_libtool )
$$exe= "libtool";
mtr_add_arg($$args, "--mode=execute");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "ddd");
$$exe= "ddd";
mtr_add_arg($$args, "--command=$gdb_init_file");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$save_exe");
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in valgrind
sub valgrind_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
......@@ -2402,7 +2526,7 @@ sub valgrind_arguments {
mtr_add_arg($args, "--suppressions=%s/valgrind.supp", $glob_mysql_test_dir)
if -f "$glob_mysql_test_dir/valgrind.supp";
if ( defined $opt_valgrind_all )
if ( $opt_valgrind_all )
mtr_add_arg($args, "-v");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--show-reachable=yes");
......@@ -2410,13 +2534,12 @@ sub valgrind_arguments {
if ( $opt_valgrind_options )
# FIXME split earlier and put into @glob_valgrind_*
mtr_add_arg($args, split(' ', $opt_valgrind_options));
mtr_add_arg($args, $$exe);
$$exe= $opt_valgrind || "valgrind";
$$exe= $opt_valgrind_path || "valgrind";
......@@ -2474,10 +2597,12 @@ Options to run test on running server
Options for debugging the product
manual-gdb FIXME
client-gdb FIXME
gdb Start the mysqld(s) in gdb
manual-gdb Let user manually start mysqld in gdb, before running test(s)
manual-debug Let user manually start mysqld in debugger, before running test(s)
client-gdb Start mysqltest client in gdb
ddd Start mysqld in ddd
client-ddd Start mysqltest client in ddd
strace-client FIXME
master-binary=PATH Specify the master "mysqld" to use
slave-binary=PATH Specify the slave "mysqld" to use
......@@ -2486,12 +2611,13 @@ Options for coverage, profiling etc
gcov FIXME
gprof FIXME
valgrind[=EXE] Run the "mysqltest" executable as well as the "mysqld"
server using valgrind, optionally specifying the
executable path/name
valgrind-mysqltest[=EXE] In addition, run the "mysqltest" executable with valgrind
valgrind-all[=EXE] Adds verbose flag, and --show-reachable to valgrind
valgrind Run the "mysqltest" and "mysqld" executables using valgrind
valgrind-all Same as "valgrind" but will also add "verbose" and "--show-reachable"
flags to valgrind
valgrind-mysqltest Run the "mysqltest" executable with valgrind
valgrind-mysqld Run the "mysqld" executable with valgrind
valgrind-options=ARGS Extra options to give valgrind
valgrind-path=[EXE] Path to the valgrind executable
Misc options
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