Commit 4943ffde authored by Daniel Fischer's avatar Daniel Fischer

Bug#42888 for MySQL 5.1. Add collections of test runs to make it both...

Bug#42888 for MySQL 5.1. Add collections of test runs to make it both configurable and transparent what kinds of tests we run during integration testing. Implement filter list in to filter out failures of experimental test cases, using a new status code "exp-fail", so we can tell regressions ("fail") from failures of test cases that are still in development ("exp-fail").
parents 2515ce79 4f7608e7
This directory contains collections of test runs that we run during our
integration and release testing. Each file contains zero or more lines,
with one invocation of on each. These invocations are
written so that, with the assumption that perl is in your search path,
any collection can run as a shell script or a batch file, with the parent
mysql-test directory being the current working directory.
During integration testing, we choose the collection to run by following
these steps:
1) We choose the extension to look for, based on these rules:
- If we're running a per-push test, we choose ".push" as the extension.
- If we're running a daily test, we choose ".daily" as the extension.
- If we're running a weekly test, we choose ".weekly" as the extension.
2) If there is a collection that has the same name as the branch we're
testing plus the extension as determined in step 1, we choose that
3) If the branch is unknown or we have removed all characters from it
and still not found a matching collection, we choose the name "default"
plus the extension determined in step 1. If there is no such file,
we give up and don't test anything at all.
4) If we haven't found a collection yet, we remove the last character from
the branch name and go back to step 2.
5) The commands from the collection are run line by line via execv() or
similar system calls. They are not run as a shell script. Shell
expansions are not guaranteed to work and most likely won't.
The .experimental files in this directory contain names of test cases that
are still in development and whose failures should be considered expected,
instead of regressions.
These files are to be used with the --experimental option of Please look at its help screen for usage information.
The syntax is as follows:
1) One line per test case.
2) Empty lines and lines starting with a hash (#) are ignored.
3) If any other line contains a black followed by a hash (#), the hash
and any subsequent characters are ignored.
4) The full test case name including the suite and execution mode
must be specified, for example:
main.alias 'row' # bug#00000
5) As an exception to item 4, the last character of the test case
specification may be an asterisk (*). In that case, all test cases that
start with the same characters up to the last letter before the asterisk
are considered experimental:
main.a* # get rid of main.alias, and main.agliolio
perl --timer --force --comment=rpl_ndb_row --suite=rpl_ndb,ndb --mysqld=--binlog-format=row --experimental=collections/default.experimental
funcs_1.charset_collation_1 # depends on compile-time decisions
perl --timer --force --comment=n_mix --mysqld=--binlog-format=mixed --experimental=collections/default.experimental
perl --timer --force --comment=ps_row --ps-protocol --mysqld=--binlog-format=row --experimental=collections/default.experimental
perl --timer --force --comment=embedded --embedded --experimental=collections/default.experimental
perl --timer --force --comment=rpl_binlog_row --suite=rpl,binlog --mysqld=--binlog-format=row --experimental=collections/default.experimental
perl --timer --force --comment=funcs_1 --suite=funcs_1 --experimental=collections/default.experimental
......@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ sub _mtr_report_test_name ($) {
print _name(), _timestamp();
printf "%-40s ", $tname;
return $tname;
......@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ sub mtr_report_test_passed ($) {
sub mtr_report_test ($) {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
my $test_name = _mtr_report_test_name($tinfo);
my $comment= $tinfo->{'comment'};
my $logfile= $tinfo->{'logfile'};
......@@ -115,10 +117,31 @@ sub mtr_report_test ($) {
if ($result eq 'MTR_RES_FAILED'){
my $timest = format_time();
my $fail = "fail";
if ( $::opt_experimental )
# Find out if this test case is an experimental one, so we can treat
# the failure as an expected failure instead of a regression.
for my $exp ( @$::opt_experimental ) {
if ( $exp ne $test_name ) {
if ( $exp ne "" && substr($exp, -1, 1) eq "*" ) {
$exp = substr($exp, 0, length($exp) - 1);
if ( substr($test_name, 0, length($exp)) ne $exp ) {
} else {
$fail = "exp-fail";
if ( $warnings )
mtr_report("[ fail ] Found warnings/errors in server log file!");
mtr_report("[ $fail ] Found warnings/errors in server log file!");
mtr_report(" Test ended at $timest");
......@@ -126,14 +149,14 @@ sub mtr_report_test ($) {
my $timeout= $tinfo->{'timeout'};
if ( $timeout )
mtr_report("[ fail ] timeout after $timeout seconds");
mtr_report("[ $fail ] timeout after $timeout seconds");
mtr_report(" Test ended at $timest");
mtr_report("[ fail ]\n Test ended at $timest");
mtr_report("[ $fail ]\n Test ended at $timest");
if ( $logfile )
......@@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ our $opt_client_debugger;
my $config; # The currently running config
my $current_config_name; # The currently running config file template
our $opt_experimental;
my $baseport;
my $opt_build_thread= $ENV{'MTR_BUILD_THREAD'} || "auto";
......@@ -792,7 +794,7 @@ sub command_line_setup {
'big-test' => \$opt_big_test,
'combination=s' => \@opt_combinations,
'skip-combinations' => \&collect_option,
'experimental=s' => \$opt_experimental,
'skip-im' => \&ignore_option,
# Specify ports
......@@ -959,6 +961,28 @@ sub command_line_setup {
if ( $opt_experimental )
if ( open(FILE, "<", $opt_experimental) ) {
mtr_report("Using experimental file: $opt_experimental");
$opt_experimental = [];
while(<FILE>) {
s/( +|^)#.*$//;
s/^ +//;
s/ +$//;
if ( $_ eq "" ) {
print " - $_\n";
push @$opt_experimental, $_;
close FILE;
} else {
mtr_error("Can't read experimental file: $opt_experimental");
foreach my $arg ( @ARGV )
if ( $arg =~ /^--skip-/ )
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