Commit 5301097f authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

mhnsw: fix memory management

move everything into a query-local memroot which is freed at the end
parent 0bf119be
......@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ const LEX_CSTRING mhnsw_hlindex_table={STRING_WITH_LEN("\
class FVectorRef
class FVectorRef: public Sql_alloc
// Shallow ref copy. Used for other ref lookups in HashSet
FVectorRef(const void *ref, size_t ref_len): ref{(uchar*)ref}, ref_len{ref_len} {}
static const uchar *get_key(const FVectorRef *elem, size_t *key_len, my_bool)
static uchar *get_key(const FVectorRef *elem, size_t *key_len, my_bool)
*key_len= elem->ref_len;
return elem->ref;
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class FVectorRef
size_t get_ref_len() const { return ref_len; }
const uchar* get_ref() const { return ref; }
uchar* get_ref() const { return ref; }
FVectorRef() = default;
......@@ -68,12 +68,6 @@ class FVectorRef
size_t ref_len;
Hash_set<FVectorRef> all_vector_set(PSI_INSTRUMENT_MEM, &my_charset_bin,
1000, 0, 0, (my_hash_get_key)FVectorRef::get_key, 0, HASH_UNIQUE);
Hash_set<FVectorRef> all_vector_ref_set(PSI_INSTRUMENT_MEM, &my_charset_bin,
1000, 0, 0, (my_hash_get_key)FVectorRef::get_key, NULL, HASH_UNIQUE);
class FVector: public FVectorRef
......@@ -81,83 +75,90 @@ class FVector: public FVectorRef
size_t vec_len;
FVector(): vec(nullptr), vec_len(0) {}
~FVector() { my_free(this->ref); }
bool init(const uchar *ref, size_t ref_len, const void *vec, size_t bytes)
bool init(MEM_ROOT *root, const uchar *ref_, size_t ref_len_, const void *vec_, size_t bytes)
this->ref= (uchar*)my_malloc(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, ref_len + bytes, MYF(0));
if (!this->ref)
ref= (uchar*)alloc_root(root, ref_len_ + bytes);
if (!ref)
return true;
this->vec= reinterpret_cast<float *>(this->ref + ref_len);
vec= reinterpret_cast<float *>(ref + ref_len_);
memcpy(this->ref, ref, ref_len);
memcpy(this->vec, vec, bytes);
memcpy(ref, ref_, ref_len_);
memcpy(vec, vec_, bytes);
this->ref_len= ref_len;
this->vec_len= bytes / sizeof(float);
ref_len= ref_len_;
vec_len= bytes / sizeof(float);
return false;
size_t size_of() const { return vec_len * sizeof(float); }
size_t get_vec_len() const { return vec_len; }
const float* get_vec() const { return vec; }
float distance_to(const FVector &other) const
DBUG_ASSERT(other.vec_len == vec_len);
return euclidean_vec_distance(vec, other.vec, vec_len);
class MHNSW_Context
MEM_ROOT root;
TABLE *table;
Field *vec_field;
Hash_set<FVectorRef> vector_cache{PSI_INSTRUMENT_MEM, FVectorRef::get_key};
Hash_set<FVectorRef> vector_ref_cache{PSI_INSTRUMENT_MEM, FVectorRef::get_key};
MHNSW_Context(TABLE *table, Field *vec_field)
: table(table), vec_field(vec_field)
init_alloc_root(PSI_INSTRUMENT_MEM, &root, 8192, 0, MYF(MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC));
static FVectorRef *get_fvector_ref(const uchar *ref, size_t ref_len)
FVectorRef tmp{ref, ref_len};
FVectorRef *v= all_vector_ref_set.find(&tmp);
free_root(&root, MYF(0));
FVectorRef *get_fvector_ref(const uchar *ref, size_t ref_len)
FVectorRef tmp(ref, ref_len);
FVectorRef *v= vector_ref_cache.find(&tmp);
if (v)
return v;
// TODO(cvicentiu) memory management.
uchar *buf= (uchar *)my_malloc(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, ref_len, MYF(0));
if (buf)
memcpy(buf, ref, ref_len);
if ((v= new FVectorRef(buf, ref_len)))
uchar *buf= (uchar*)memdup_root(&root, ref, ref_len);
if ((v= new (&root) FVectorRef(buf, ref_len)))
return v;
static FVector *get_fvector_from_source(TABLE *source, Field *vec_field,
const FVectorRef &ref)
FVector *get_fvector_from_source(const FVectorRef &ref)
FVectorRef *v= all_vector_set.find(&ref);
FVectorRef *v= vector_cache.find(&ref);
if (v)
return (FVector *)v;
FVector *new_vector= new FVector;
if (!new_vector)
return nullptr;
if (table->file->ha_rnd_pos(table->record[0], ref.get_ref()))
return nullptr; // XXX the error code is lost
const_cast<uchar *>(ref.get_ref()));
String buf, *vec= vec_field->val_str(&buf);
String buf, *vec;
vec= vec_field->val_str(&buf);
FVector *new_vector= new (&root) FVector;
new_vector->init(&root, ref.get_ref(), ref.get_ref_len(), vec->ptr(), vec->length());
// TODO(cvicentiu) error checking
new_vector->init(ref.get_ref(), ref.get_ref_len(), vec->ptr(), vec->length());
return new_vector;
static int cmp_vec(const FVector *reference, const FVector *a, const FVector *b)
static int cmp_vec(const FVector *target, const FVector *a, const FVector *b)
float a_dist= reference->distance_to(*a);
float b_dist= reference->distance_to(*b);
float a_dist= a->distance_to(*target);
float b_dist= b->distance_to(*target);
if (a_dist < b_dist)
return -1;
......@@ -169,10 +170,11 @@ static int cmp_vec(const FVector *reference, const FVector *a, const FVector *b)
const bool KEEP_PRUNED_CONNECTIONS=true; // XXX why?
const bool EXTEND_CANDIDATES=true; // XXX or false?
static int get_neighbors(TABLE *graph, size_t layer_number,
static int get_neighbors(MHNSW_Context *ctx, size_t layer_number,
const FVectorRef &source_node,
List<FVectorRef> *neighbors)
TABLE *graph= ctx->table->hlindex;
uchar *key= static_cast<uchar*>(alloca(graph->key_info->key_length));
graph->field[0]->store(layer_number, false);
......@@ -195,10 +197,10 @@ static int get_neighbors(TABLE *graph, size_t layer_number,
const uchar *pos= neigh_arr_bytes + HNSW_MAX_M_WIDTH;
for (uint i= 0; i < number_of_neighbors; i++)
FVectorRef *v= FVector::get_fvector_ref(pos, ref_length);
FVectorRef *v= ctx->get_fvector_ref(pos, ref_length);
if (!v)
neighbors->push_back(v, &ctx->root);
pos+= ref_length;
......@@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ static int get_neighbors(TABLE *graph, size_t layer_number,
static int select_neighbors(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
static int select_neighbors(MHNSW_Context *ctx,
size_t layer_number, const FVector &target,
const List<FVectorRef> &candidates,
size_t max_neighbor_connections,
......@@ -217,9 +219,7 @@ static int select_neighbors(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
no need to do additional queue build steps here.
Hash_set<FVectorRef> visited(PSI_INSTRUMENT_MEM, &my_charset_bin, 1000, 0,
0, (my_hash_get_key)FVectorRef::get_key,
Hash_set<FVectorRef> visited(PSI_INSTRUMENT_MEM, FVectorRef::get_key);
Queue<FVector, const FVector> pq; // working queue
Queue<FVector, const FVector> pq_discard; // queue for discarded candidates
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ static int select_neighbors(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
for (const FVectorRef &candidate : candidates)
FVector *v= FVector::get_fvector_from_source(source, vec_field, candidate);
FVector *v= ctx->get_fvector_from_source(candidate);
if (!v)
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ static int select_neighbors(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
for (const FVectorRef &candidate : candidates)
List<FVectorRef> candidate_neighbors;
if (int err= get_neighbors(graph, layer_number, candidate,
if (int err= get_neighbors(ctx, layer_number, candidate,
return err;
for (const FVectorRef &extra_candidate : candidate_neighbors)
......@@ -254,8 +254,7 @@ static int select_neighbors(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
if (visited.find(&extra_candidate))
FVector *v= FVector::get_fvector_from_source(source, vec_field,
FVector *v= ctx->get_fvector_from_source(extra_candidate);
if (!v)
......@@ -292,7 +291,7 @@ static int select_neighbors(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
DBUG_ASSERT(best.elements() <= max_neighbor_connections);
while (best.elements()) // XXX why not to return best directly?
neighbors->push_front(best.pop(), &ctx->root);
return 0;
......@@ -337,10 +336,11 @@ static void dbug_print_hash_vec(Hash_set<FVectorRef> &h)
static int write_neighbors(TABLE *graph, size_t layer_number,
static int write_neighbors(MHNSW_Context *ctx, size_t layer_number,
const FVectorRef &source_node,
const List<FVectorRef> &new_neighbors)
TABLE *graph= ctx->table->hlindex;
DBUG_ASSERT(new_neighbors.elements <= HNSW_MAX_M);
size_t total_size= HNSW_MAX_M_WIDTH + new_neighbors.elements * source_node.get_ref_len();
......@@ -365,6 +365,7 @@ static int write_neighbors(TABLE *graph, size_t layer_number,
uchar *key= static_cast<uchar*>(alloca(graph->key_info->key_length));
key_copy(key, graph->record[0], graph->key_info, graph->key_info->key_length);
// XXX try to write first?
int err= graph->file->ha_index_read_map(graph->record[1], key, HA_WHOLE_KEY,
......@@ -386,8 +387,8 @@ static int write_neighbors(TABLE *graph, size_t layer_number,
static int update_second_degree_neighbors(TABLE *source, Field *vec_field,
TABLE *graph, size_t layer_number,
static int update_second_degree_neighbors(MHNSW_Context *ctx,
size_t layer_number,
uint max_neighbors,
const FVectorRef &source_node,
const List<FVectorRef> &neighbors)
......@@ -397,92 +398,84 @@ static int update_second_degree_neighbors(TABLE *source, Field *vec_field,
for (const FVectorRef &neigh: neighbors) // XXX why this loop?
List<FVectorRef> new_neighbors;
if (int err= get_neighbors(graph, layer_number, neigh, &new_neighbors))
if (int err= get_neighbors(ctx, layer_number, neigh, &new_neighbors))
return err;
if (int err= write_neighbors(graph, layer_number, neigh, new_neighbors))
new_neighbors.push_back(&source_node, &ctx->root);
if (int err= write_neighbors(ctx, layer_number, neigh, new_neighbors))
return err;
for (const FVectorRef &neigh: neighbors)
List<FVectorRef> new_neighbors;
if (int err= get_neighbors(graph, layer_number, neigh, &new_neighbors))
if (int err= get_neighbors(ctx, layer_number, neigh, &new_neighbors))
return err;
if (new_neighbors.elements > max_neighbors)
// shrink the neighbors
List<FVectorRef> selected;
FVector *v= FVector::get_fvector_from_source(source, vec_field, neigh);
FVector *v= ctx->get_fvector_from_source(neigh);
if (!v)
if (int err= select_neighbors(source, graph, vec_field, layer_number,
*v, new_neighbors, max_neighbors, &selected))
if (int err= select_neighbors(ctx, layer_number, *v,
new_neighbors, max_neighbors, &selected))
return err;
if (int err= write_neighbors(graph, layer_number, neigh, selected))
if (int err= write_neighbors(ctx, layer_number, neigh, selected))
return err;
// release memory
return 0;
static int update_neighbors(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
static int update_neighbors(MHNSW_Context *ctx,
size_t layer_number, uint max_neighbors,
const FVectorRef &source_node,
const List<FVectorRef> &neighbors)
// 1. update node's neighbors
if (int err= write_neighbors(graph, layer_number, source_node, neighbors))
if (int err= write_neighbors(ctx, layer_number, source_node, neighbors))
return err;
// 2. update node's neighbors' neighbors (shrink before update)
return update_second_degree_neighbors(source, vec_field, graph, layer_number,
return update_second_degree_neighbors(ctx, layer_number,
max_neighbors, source_node, neighbors);
static int search_layer(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
const FVector &target,
static int search_layer(MHNSW_Context *ctx, const FVector &target,
const List<FVectorRef> &start_nodes,
uint max_candidates_return, size_t layer,
List<FVectorRef> *result)
DBUG_ASSERT(start_nodes.elements > 0);
// Result list must be empty, otherwise there's a risk of memory leak
DBUG_ASSERT(result->elements == 0);
Queue<FVector, const FVector> candidates;
Queue<FVector, const FVector> best;
//TODO(cvicentiu) Fix this hash method.
Hash_set<FVectorRef> visited(PSI_INSTRUMENT_MEM, &my_charset_bin, 1000, 0, 0,
(my_hash_get_key)FVectorRef::get_key, NULL,
Hash_set<FVectorRef> visited(PSI_INSTRUMENT_MEM, FVectorRef::get_key);
candidates.init(10000, false, cmp_vec, &target);
best.init(max_candidates_return, true, cmp_vec, &target);
for (const FVectorRef &node : start_nodes)
FVector *v= FVector::get_fvector_from_source(source, vec_field, node);
FVector *v= ctx->get_fvector_from_source(node);
if (best.elements() < max_candidates_return)
else if (target.distance_to(*v) > target.distance_to(*
else if (v->distance_to(target) >>distance_to(target))
dbug_print_vec_ref("INSERTING node in visited: ", layer, node);
float furthest_best= target.distance_to(*;
float furthest_best=>distance_to(target);
while (candidates.elements())
const FVector &cur_vec= *candidates.pop();
float cur_distance= target.distance_to(cur_vec);
float cur_distance= cur_vec.distance_to(target);
if (cur_distance > furthest_best && best.elements() == max_candidates_return)
break; // All possible candidates are worse than what we have.
......@@ -490,7 +483,7 @@ static int search_layer(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
List<FVectorRef> neighbors;
get_neighbors(graph, layer, cur_vec, &neighbors);
get_neighbors(ctx, layer, cur_vec, &neighbors);
for (const FVectorRef &neigh: neighbors)
......@@ -498,20 +491,19 @@ static int search_layer(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
if (visited.find(&neigh))
FVector *clone= FVector::get_fvector_from_source(source, vec_field, neigh);
// TODO(cvicentiu) mem ownership...
FVector *clone= ctx->get_fvector_from_source(neigh);
if (best.elements() < max_candidates_return)
furthest_best= target.distance_to(*;
else if (target.distance_to(*clone) < furthest_best)
else if (clone->distance_to(target) < furthest_best)
furthest_best= target.distance_to(*;
......@@ -520,9 +512,8 @@ static int search_layer(TABLE *source, TABLE *graph, Field *vec_field,
while (best.elements())
// TODO(cvicentiu) FVector memory leak.
// TODO(cvicentiu) this is n*log(n), we need a queue iterator.
result->push_front(best.pop(), &ctx->root);
return 0;
......@@ -547,6 +538,7 @@ int mhnsw_insert(TABLE *table, KEY *keyinfo)
Field *vec_field= keyinfo->key_part->field;
String buf, *res= vec_field->val_str(&buf);
handler *h= table->file->lookup_handler;
MHNSW_Context ctx(table, vec_field);
/* metadata are checked on open */
......@@ -583,7 +575,7 @@ int mhnsw_insert(TABLE *table, KEY *keyinfo)
// First insert!
return write_neighbors(graph, 0, {h->ref, h->ref_length}, {});
return write_neighbors(&ctx, 0, {h->ref, h->ref_length}, {});
longlong max_layer= graph->field[0]->val_int();
......@@ -599,10 +591,10 @@ int mhnsw_insert(TABLE *table, KEY *keyinfo)
// TODO(cvicentiu) use a random start node in last layer.
// XXX or may be *all* nodes in the last layer? there should be few
if (start_nodes.push_back(&start_node_ref))
if (start_nodes.push_back(&start_node_ref, &ctx.root))
FVector *v= FVector::get_fvector_from_source(table, vec_field, start_node_ref);
FVector *v= ctx.get_fvector_from_source(start_node_ref);
if (!v)
......@@ -610,7 +602,7 @@ int mhnsw_insert(TABLE *table, KEY *keyinfo)
return bad_value_on_insert(vec_field);
FVector target;
target.init(h->ref, h->ref_length, res->ptr(), res->length());
target.init(&ctx.root, h->ref, h->ref_length, res->ptr(), res->length());
double new_num= my_rnd(&thd->rand);
double log= -std::log(new_num) * NORMALIZATION_FACTOR;
......@@ -618,37 +610,33 @@ int mhnsw_insert(TABLE *table, KEY *keyinfo)
for (longlong cur_layer= max_layer; cur_layer > new_node_layer; cur_layer--)
if (int err= search_layer(table, graph, vec_field, target, start_nodes,
if (int err= search_layer(&ctx, target, start_nodes,
thd->variables.hnsw_ef_constructor, cur_layer,
return err;
start_nodes.push_back(candidates.head()); // XXX ef=1
start_nodes.push_back(candidates.head(), &ctx.root); // XXX ef=1
//TODO(cvicentiu) memory leak
for (longlong cur_layer= std::min(max_layer, new_node_layer);
cur_layer >= 0; cur_layer--)
List<FVectorRef> neighbors;
if (int err= search_layer(table, graph, vec_field, target, start_nodes,
if (int err= search_layer(&ctx, target, start_nodes,
thd->variables.hnsw_ef_constructor, cur_layer,
return err;
// release vectors
uint max_neighbors= (cur_layer == 0) ? // heuristics from the paper
thd->variables.hnsw_max_connection_per_layer * 2
: thd->variables.hnsw_max_connection_per_layer;
if (int err= select_neighbors(table, graph, vec_field, cur_layer, target,
candidates, max_neighbors, &neighbors))
if (int err= select_neighbors(&ctx, cur_layer, target, candidates,
max_neighbors, &neighbors))
return err;
if (int err= update_neighbors(table, graph, vec_field, cur_layer,
max_neighbors, target, neighbors))
if (int err= update_neighbors(&ctx, cur_layer, max_neighbors, target,
return err;
start_nodes= candidates;
......@@ -658,7 +646,7 @@ int mhnsw_insert(TABLE *table, KEY *keyinfo)
for (longlong cur_layer= max_layer + 1; cur_layer <= new_node_layer;
if (int err= write_neighbors(graph, cur_layer, target, {}))
if (int err= write_neighbors(&ctx, cur_layer, target, {}))
return err;
......@@ -676,6 +664,7 @@ int mhnsw_first(TABLE *table, KEY *keyinfo, Item *dist, ulonglong limit)
Item_func_vec_distance *fun= (Item_func_vec_distance *)dist;
String buf, *res= fun->get_const_arg()->val_str(&buf);
handler *h= table->file;
MHNSW_Context ctx(table, vec_field);
if (int err= h->ha_rnd_init(0))
return err;
......@@ -699,10 +688,10 @@ int mhnsw_first(TABLE *table, KEY *keyinfo, Item *dist, ulonglong limit)
// TODO(cvicentiu) use a random start node in last layer.
// XXX or may be *all* nodes in the last layer? there should be few
if (start_nodes.push_back(&start_node_ref))
if (start_nodes.push_back(&start_node_ref, &ctx.root))
FVector *v= FVector::get_fvector_from_source(table, vec_field, start_node_ref);
FVector *v= ctx.get_fvector_from_source(start_node_ref);
if (!v)
......@@ -712,10 +701,10 @@ int mhnsw_first(TABLE *table, KEY *keyinfo, Item *dist, ulonglong limit)
in any order. For simplicity let's sort by the start_node.
if (!res || v->size_of() != res->length())
(res= &buf)->set((const char*)(v->get_vec()), v->size_of(), &my_charset_bin);
res= vec_field->val_str(&buf);
FVector target;
if (target.init(h->ref, h->ref_length, res->ptr(), res->length()))
if (target.init(&ctx.root, h->ref, h->ref_length, res->ptr(), res->length()))
ulonglong ef_search= std::max<ulonglong>( //XXX why not always limit?
......@@ -724,19 +713,16 @@ int mhnsw_first(TABLE *table, KEY *keyinfo, Item *dist, ulonglong limit)
for (size_t cur_layer= max_layer; cur_layer > 0; cur_layer--)
//XXX in the paper ef_search=1 here
if (int err= search_layer(table, graph, vec_field, target, start_nodes,
ef_search, cur_layer, &candidates))
if (int err= search_layer(&ctx, target, start_nodes, ef_search,
cur_layer, &candidates))
return err;
start_nodes.push_back(candidates.head()); // XXX so ef_search=1 ???
start_nodes.push_back(candidates.head(), &ctx.root); // XXX so ef_search=1 ???
//TODO(cvicentiu) memleak.
if (int err= search_layer(table, graph, vec_field, target, start_nodes,
ef_search, 0, &candidates))
if (int err= search_layer(&ctx, target, start_nodes, ef_search, 0,
return err;
size_t context_size=limit * h->ref_length + sizeof(ulonglong);
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