Commit 5b534a68 authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand

Fix MDEV-12969. Crash during inserting binary value in Connect table.

Seems due to making an index on unsigned integer that triggers an
un-handled THROW.
  modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/xindex.cpp
parent c746b768
......@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ int TDBDOS::TestBlock(PGLOBAL g)
int TDBDOS::MakeIndex(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF pxdf, bool add)
int k, n;
int k, n, rc = RC_OK;
bool fixed, doit, sep, b = (pxdf != NULL);
PCOL *keycols, colp;
PIXDEF xdp, sxp = NULL;
......@@ -1691,6 +1691,7 @@ int TDBDOS::MakeIndex(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF pxdf, bool add)
} else if (!(pxdf = dfp->GetIndx()))
return RC_INFO; // No index to make
try {
// Allocate all columns that will be used by indexes.
// This must be done before opening the table so specific
// column initialization can be done (in particular by TDBVCT)
......@@ -1757,7 +1758,7 @@ int TDBDOS::MakeIndex(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF pxdf, bool add)
if (!x->Make(g, sxp)) {
// Retreive define values from the index
// xdp->SetSize(x->GetSize());
// xdp->SetSize(x->GetSize());
// store KXYCOL Mxs in KPARTDEF Mxsame
......@@ -1766,7 +1767,7 @@ int TDBDOS::MakeIndex(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF pxdf, bool add)
printf("Make done...\n");
#endif // TRACE
// if (x->GetSize() > 0)
// if (x->GetSize() > 0)
sxp = xdp;
......@@ -1776,10 +1777,19 @@ int TDBDOS::MakeIndex(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF pxdf, bool add)
} else
return RC_INFO; // Error or Physical table does not exist
} catch (int n) {
if (trace)
htrc("Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message);
rc = RC_FX;
} catch (const char *msg) {
strcpy(g->Message, msg);
rc = RC_FX;
} // end catch
if (Use == USE_OPEN)
return RC_OK;
return rc;
if (sxp)
......@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ bool XINDEX::Make(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF sxp)
if (ApplyFilter(g, filp))
// passthru
// fall through
case RC_NF:
case RC_EF:
......@@ -3009,6 +3009,7 @@ KXYCOL::KXYCOL(PKXBASE kp) : To_Keys(Keys.Memp),
bool KXYCOL::Init(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int n, bool sm, int kln)
int len = colp->GetLength(), prec = colp->GetScale();
bool un = colp->IsUnsigned();
// Currently no indexing on NULL columns
if (colp->IsNullable() && kln) {
......@@ -3028,7 +3029,7 @@ bool KXYCOL::Init(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int n, bool sm, int kln)
// Allocate the Value object used when moving items
Type = colp->GetResultType();
if (!(Valp = AllocateValue(g, Type, len, prec, colp->IsUnsigned())))
if (!(Valp = AllocateValue(g, Type, len, prec, un)))
return true;
Klen = Valp->GetClen();
......@@ -3044,7 +3045,7 @@ bool KXYCOL::Init(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int n, bool sm, int kln)
// Currently we set it to true to be compatible with QRY blocks,
// and the one before last is to enable length/type checking, set to
// true if not a prefix key.
Kblp = AllocValBlock(g, To_Keys, Type, n, len, prec, !Prefix, true);
Kblp = AllocValBlock(g, To_Keys, Type, n, len, prec, !Prefix, true, un);
Asc = sm; // Sort mode: Asc=true Desc=false
Ndf = n;
......@@ -3065,6 +3066,7 @@ bool KXYCOL::Init(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int n, bool sm, int kln)
BYTE* KXYCOL::MapInit(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int *n, BYTE *m)
int len = colp->GetLength(), prec = colp->GetScale();
bool un = colp->IsUnsigned();
if (n[3] && colp->GetLength() > n[3]
&& colp->GetResultType() == TYPE_STRING) {
......@@ -3079,7 +3081,7 @@ BYTE* KXYCOL::MapInit(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int *n, BYTE *m)
this, colp, Type, n[0], len, m);
// Allocate the Value object used when moving items
Valp = AllocateValue(g, Type, len, prec, colp->IsUnsigned());
Valp = AllocateValue(g, Type, len, prec, un);
Klen = Valp->GetClen();
if (n[2]) {
......@@ -3088,7 +3090,7 @@ BYTE* KXYCOL::MapInit(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int *n, BYTE *m)
Bkeys.Sub = true;
// Allocate the Valblk containing initial block key values
Blkp = AllocValBlock(g, To_Bkeys, Type, n[2], len, prec, true, true);
Blkp = AllocValBlock(g, To_Bkeys, Type, n[2], len, prec, true, true, un);
} // endif nb
Keys.Size = n[0] * Klen;
......@@ -3099,7 +3101,7 @@ BYTE* KXYCOL::MapInit(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int *n, BYTE *m)
// by blanks (if true) or keep the zero ending char (if false).
// Currently we set it to true to be compatible with QRY blocks,
// and last one to enable type checking (no conversion).
Kblp = AllocValBlock(g, To_Keys, Type, n[0], len, prec, !Prefix, true);
Kblp = AllocValBlock(g, To_Keys, Type, n[0], len, prec, !Prefix, true, un);
if (n[1]) {
Koff.Size = n[1] * sizeof(int);
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