Commit 73cb89ee authored by unknown's avatar unknown


parents ac430a4b e3d365c5
......@@ -332,6 +332,9 @@ inline double ulonglong2double(ulonglong value)
#define SHAREDIR "share"
#define DEFAULT_CHARSET_HOME "C:/mysql/"
/* File name handling */
......@@ -139,6 +139,14 @@ ib_time_t
Returns system time. */
ulint* sec, /* out: seconds since the Epoch */
ulint* ms); /* out: microseconds since the Epoch+*sec */
Returns the difference of two times in seconds. */
......@@ -443,7 +443,8 @@ mlog_open_and_write_index(
type = dict_col_get_type(dict_field_get_col(field));
len = field->fixed_len;
ut_ad(len < 0x7fff);
if (len == 0 && dtype_get_len(type) > 255) {
if (len == 0 && (dtype_get_len(type) > 255
|| dtype_get_mtype(type) == DATA_BLOB)) {
/* variable-length field
with maximum length > 255 */
len = 0x7fff;
......@@ -346,10 +346,10 @@ static ulint srv_n_rows_updated_old = 0;
static ulint srv_n_rows_deleted_old = 0;
static ulint srv_n_rows_read_old = 0;
ulint srv_n_lock_wait_count= 0;
ulint srv_n_lock_wait_current_count= 0;
ib_longlong srv_n_lock_wait_time= 0;
ulint srv_n_lock_max_wait_time= 0;
ulint srv_n_lock_wait_count = 0;
ulint srv_n_lock_wait_current_count = 0;
ib_longlong srv_n_lock_wait_time = 0;
ulint srv_n_lock_max_wait_time = 0;
......@@ -1384,7 +1384,8 @@ srv_suspend_mysql_thread(
trx_t* trx;
ibool had_dict_lock = FALSE;
ibool was_declared_inside_innodb = FALSE;
ib_longlong start_time, finish_time;
ib_longlong start_time = 0;
ib_longlong finish_time;
ulint diff_time;
ulint sec;
ulint ms;
......@@ -1430,14 +1431,13 @@ srv_suspend_mysql_thread(
slot->suspend_time = ut_time();
if (thr->lock_state == QUE_THR_LOCK_ROW)
if (thr->lock_state == QUE_THR_LOCK_ROW) {
ut_usectime(&sec, &ms);
start_time= (ib_longlong)sec * 1000000 + ms;
start_time = (ib_longlong)sec * 1000000 + ms;
/* Wake the lock timeout monitor thread, if it is suspended */
......@@ -1490,18 +1490,16 @@ srv_suspend_mysql_thread(
wait_time = ut_difftime(ut_time(), slot->suspend_time);
if (thr->lock_state == QUE_THR_LOCK_ROW)
if (thr->lock_state == QUE_THR_LOCK_ROW) {
ut_usectime(&sec, &ms);
finish_time= (ib_longlong)sec * 1000000 + ms;
finish_time = (ib_longlong)sec * 1000000 + ms;
diff_time= finish_time-start_time;
diff_time = finish_time - start_time;
srv_n_lock_wait_time= srv_n_lock_wait_time + diff_time;
if (diff_time > srv_n_lock_max_wait_time)
srv_n_lock_max_wait_time= diff_time;
srv_n_lock_wait_time = srv_n_lock_wait_time + diff_time;
if (diff_time > srv_n_lock_max_wait_time) {
srv_n_lock_max_wait_time = diff_time;
......@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ mutex_spin_wait(
ulint index; /* index of the reserved wait cell */
ulint i; /* spin round count */
ib_longlong lstart_time, lfinish_time; /* for timing os_wait */
ib_longlong lstart_time = 0, lfinish_time; /* for timing os_wait */
ulint ltime_diff;
ulint sec;
ulint ms;
......@@ -74,18 +74,18 @@ ut_time(void)
Returns system time. We do not specify the format of the time returned:
the only way to manipulate it is to use the function ut_difftime. */
Returns system time. */
ut_usectime(ulint* sec, ulint* ms)
ulint* sec, /* out: seconds since the Epoch */
ulint* ms) /* out: microseconds since the Epoch+*sec */
struct timeval tv;
*sec = (ulint) tv.tv_sec;
*ms = (ulint) tv.tv_usec;
......@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ CLEANFILES = $(target_libadd) $(SHLIBOBJS) \
-DSHAREDIR="\"$(MYSQLSHAREdir)\"" $(target_defs)
# The automatic dependencies miss this
......@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1305 PROCEDURE foo does not exist
show create procedure foo|
ERROR 42000: PROCEDURE foo does not exist
show create function foo|
ERROR 42000: FUNCTION foo does not exist
create procedure foo()
foo: loop
leave bar;
......@@ -363,107 +363,6 @@ v4 CREATE ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE VIEW `mysqltest`.`v4` AS select (`mysqltest`.`t2`.
revoke all privileges on mysqltest.* from mysqltest_1@localhost;
delete from mysql.user where user='mysqltest_1';
drop database mysqltest;
set GLOBAL query_cache_size=1355776;
flush status;
create table t1 (a int, b int);
create view v1 (c,d) as select sql_no_cache a,b from t1;
create view v2 (c,d) as select a+rand(),b from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 0
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 0
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
select * from v1;
c d
select * from v2;
c d
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 0
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 0
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
select * from v1;
c d
select * from v2;
c d
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 0
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 0
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
drop view v1,v2;
set query_cache_type=demand;
flush status;
create view v1 (c,d) as select sql_cache a,b from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 0
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 0
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
select * from v1;
c d
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 1
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 1
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
select * from t1;
a b
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 1
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 1
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
select * from v1;
c d
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 1
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 1
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 1
select * from t1;
a b
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 1
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 1
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 1
drop view v1;
set query_cache_type=default;
drop table t1;
set GLOBAL query_cache_size=default;
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3), (1), (2), (3);
create view v1 as select distinct a from t1;
set GLOBAL query_cache_size=1355776;
flush status;
create table t1 (a int, b int);
create view v1 (c,d) as select sql_no_cache a,b from t1;
create view v2 (c,d) as select a+rand(),b from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 0
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 0
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
select * from v1;
c d
select * from v2;
c d
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 0
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 0
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
select * from v1;
c d
select * from v2;
c d
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 0
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 0
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
drop view v1,v2;
set query_cache_type=demand;
flush status;
create view v1 (c,d) as select sql_cache a,b from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 0
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 0
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
select * from v1;
c d
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 1
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 1
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
select * from t1;
a b
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 1
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 1
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 0
select * from v1;
c d
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 1
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 1
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 1
select * from t1;
a b
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_queries_in_cache 1
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_inserts 1
show status like "Qcache_hits";
Variable_name Value
Qcache_hits 1
drop view v1;
set query_cache_type=default;
drop table t1;
set GLOBAL query_cache_size=default;
......@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ call foo()|
drop procedure if exists foo|
--error 1305
show create procedure foo|
--error 1305
show create function foo|
# LEAVE/ITERATE/GOTO with no match
--error 1308
......@@ -328,63 +328,6 @@ revoke all privileges on mysqltest.* from mysqltest_1@localhost;
delete from mysql.user where user='mysqltest_1';
drop database mysqltest;
# QUERY CACHE options for VIEWs
set GLOBAL query_cache_size=1355776;
flush status;
create table t1 (a int, b int);
# queries with following views should not be in query cache
create view v1 (c,d) as select sql_no_cache a,b from t1;
create view v2 (c,d) as select a+rand(),b from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from v1;
select * from v2;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from v1;
select * from v2;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
drop view v1,v2;
# SQL_CACHE option
set query_cache_type=demand;
flush status;
# query with view will be cached, but direct acess to table will not
create view v1 (c,d) as select sql_cache a,b from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from v1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from v1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
drop view v1;
set query_cache_type=default;
drop table t1;
set GLOBAL query_cache_size=default;
# DISTINCT option for VIEW
-- source include/
# QUERY CACHE options for VIEWs
set GLOBAL query_cache_size=1355776;
flush status;
create table t1 (a int, b int);
# queries with following views should not be in query cache
create view v1 (c,d) as select sql_no_cache a,b from t1;
create view v2 (c,d) as select a+rand(),b from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from v1;
select * from v2;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from v1;
select * from v2;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
drop view v1,v2;
# SQL_CACHE option
set query_cache_type=demand;
flush status;
# query with view will be cached, but direct acess to table will not
create view v1 (c,d) as select sql_cache a,b from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from v1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from v1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
select * from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_inserts";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
drop view v1;
set query_cache_type=default;
drop table t1;
set GLOBAL query_cache_size=default;
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ DEFS = -DDEFAULT_BASEDIR=\"$(prefix)\" \
......@@ -45,23 +45,8 @@ char *defaults_extra_file=0;
/* Which directories are searched for options (and in which order) */
const char *default_directories[]= {
#ifdef __WIN__
#elif defined(__NETWARE__)
#ifdef DATADIR
"", /* Place for defaults_extra_dir */
#if !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(__NETWARE__)
const char *default_directories[MAX_DEFAULT_DIRS + 1];
#ifdef __WIN__
static const char *f_extensions[]= { ".ini", ".cnf", 0 };
......@@ -89,6 +74,7 @@ static int search_default_file_with_ext(Process_option_func func,
void *func_ctx,
const char *dir, const char *ext,
const char *config_file);
static void init_default_directories();
static char *remove_end_comment(char *ptr);
......@@ -319,6 +305,7 @@ int load_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups,
struct handle_option_ctx ctx;
if (*argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[0][1],"--no-defaults"))
......@@ -652,6 +639,7 @@ void print_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups)
char name[FN_REFLEN], **ext;
const char **dirs;
puts("\nDefault options are read from the following files in the given order:");
if (dirname_length(conf_file))
......@@ -714,3 +702,23 @@ void print_defaults(const char *conf_file, const char **groups)
#include <help_end.h>
static void init_default_directories()
const char *env, **ptr= default_directories;
#ifdef __WIN__
*ptr++= "C:/";
#elif defined(__NETWARE__)
*ptr++= "sys:/etc/";
*ptr++= "/etc/";
*ptr++= env;
*ptr++= ""; /* Place for defaults_extra_file */
#if !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(__NETWARE__)
*ptr++= "~/";;
*ptr= 0; /* end marker */
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$opt_config_file = undef();
$opt_example = 0;
......@@ -430,6 +430,16 @@ sub find_groups
$data[$i] = $line;
if (defined($ENV{MYSQL_HOME}) && -f "$ENV{MYSQL_HOME}/my.cnf" &&
-r "$ENV{MYSQL_HOME}/my.cnf")
open(MY_CNF, "<$ENV{MYSQL_HOME}/my.cnf") && (@tmp=<MY_CNF>) &&
for (; ($line = shift @tmp); $i++)
$data[$i] = $line;
if (-f "$homedir/.my.cnf" && -r "$homedir/.my.cnf")
open(MY_CNF, "<$homedir/.my.cnf") && (@tmp=<MY_CNF>) && close(MY_CNF);
......@@ -52,11 +52,7 @@ parse_arguments() {
# mysqld_safe-specific options - must be set in my.cnf ([mysqld_safe])!
--ledir=*) ledir=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--ledir=;;"` ;;
# err-log should be removed in 5.0
--err-log=*) err_log=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--err-log=;;"` ;;
--log-error=*) err_log=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--log-error=;;"` ;;
# QQ The --open-files should be removed in 5.0
--open-files=*) open_files=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--open-files=;;"` ;;
--open-files-limit=*) open_files=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--open-files-limit=;;"` ;;
--core-file-size=*) core_file_size=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--core-file-size=;;"` ;;
--timezone=*) TZ=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--timezone=;;"` ; export TZ; ;;
......@@ -94,7 +90,7 @@ then
if test -z "$defaults"
# Check if this is a 'moved install directory'
elif test -f ./var/mysql/db.frm -a -f ./share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys -a \
......@@ -106,8 +102,17 @@ then
if test -z "$MYSQL_HOME"
MYSQL_HOME=$DATADIR # Installation in a not common path
if test -z "$MYSQL_HOME"
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ static byte* federated_get_key(FEDERATED_SHARE *share,uint *length,
-1 failure, wrong string format
int parse_url(FEDERATED_SHARE *share, TABLE *table, uint table_create_flag)
static int parse_url(FEDERATED_SHARE *share, TABLE *table, uint table_create_flag)
......@@ -1522,7 +1522,7 @@ void ha_federated::position(const byte *record)
//ha_store_ptr Add seek storage
ha_store_ptr(ref, ref_length, current_position);
*(MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET *)ref=current_position;
......@@ -1541,7 +1541,7 @@ int ha_federated::rnd_pos(byte * buf, byte *pos)
current_position= ha_get_ptr(pos,ref_length);
current_position= *(MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET *)pos;
result->current_row= 0;
result->data_cursor= current_position;
......@@ -1706,10 +1706,10 @@ THR_LOCK_DATA **ha_federated::store_lock(THD *thd,
int ha_federated::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info)
int retcode;
retcode= parse_url(tmp, table_arg, 1);
retcode= parse_url(&tmp, table_arg, 1);
if (retcode < 0)
......@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ bool Item_func::agg_arg_charsets(DTCollation &coll,
if ((*arg)->type() == FIELD_ITEM)
((Item_field *)(*arg))->no_const_subst= 1;
conv->fix_fields(thd, 0, &conv);
*arg= conv;
conv->fix_fields(thd, 0, arg);
if (arena)
thd->restore_backup_item_arena(arena, &backup);
......@@ -2262,7 +2262,7 @@ find_field_in_tables(THD *thd, Item_ident *item, TABLE_LIST *tables,
field makes some prepared query ambiguous and so erroneous, but we
accept this trade off.
if (item->cached_table->table)
if (item->cached_table->table && !item->cached_table->view)
found= find_field_in_real_table(thd, item->cached_table->table,
name, length,
......@@ -3049,7 +3049,11 @@ insert_fields(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, const char *db_name,
Item *item= iterator->item(thd);
if (view && !thd->lex->current_select->no_wrap_view_item)
item= new Item_ref(it->ref(), tables->view_name.str,
as far as we have view, then item point to view_iter, so we
can use it directly for this view specific operation
item= new Item_ref(view_iter.item_ptr(), tables->view_name.str,
if (!found++)
......@@ -3328,7 +3332,8 @@ int setup_conds(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE_LIST *leaves, COND **conds)
thd->restore_backup_item_arena(arena, &backup);
if (embedded->on_expr && !embedded->on_expr->fixed)
if (embedded->on_expr->fix_fields(thd, tables, &table->on_expr))
if (embedded->on_expr->fix_fields(thd, tables,
goto err_no_arena;
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
#define SP_COM_STRING(LP) \
((LP)->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_SPFUNCTION || \
(LP)->sql_command == SQLCOM_ALTER_FUNCTION || \
(LP)->sql_command == SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE_FUNC || \
(LP)->sql_command == SQLCOM_DROP_FUNCTION ? \
......@@ -906,6 +906,7 @@ static bool mysql_test_insert(Prepared_statement *stmt,
if ((values= its++))
uint value_count;
......@@ -927,6 +928,16 @@ static bool mysql_test_insert(Prepared_statement *stmt,
value_count= values->elements;
res= TRUE;
if (table_list->lock_type == TL_WRITE_DELAYED &&
!(table_list->table->file->table_flags() & HA_CAN_INSERT_DELAYED))
my_error(ER_ILLEGAL_HA, MYF(0), (table_list->view ?
table_list->view_name.str :
goto error;
while ((values= its++))
......@@ -940,7 +951,7 @@ static bool mysql_test_insert(Prepared_statement *stmt,
res= 0;
res= FALSE;
/* insert_values is cleared in open_table */
......@@ -5577,6 +5577,7 @@ insert:
LEX *lex= Lex;
lex->sql_command= SQLCOM_INSERT;
lex->duplicates= DUP_ERROR;
/* for subselects */
lex->lock_option= (using_update_log) ? TL_READ_NO_INSERT : TL_READ;
lex->select_lex.resolve_mode= SELECT_LEX::INSERT_MODE;
......@@ -5596,6 +5597,7 @@ replace:
LEX *lex=Lex;
lex->sql_command = SQLCOM_REPLACE;
lex->duplicates= DUP_REPLACE;
lex->select_lex.resolve_mode= SELECT_LEX::INSERT_MODE;
replace_lock_option insert2
......@@ -5796,6 +5798,7 @@ delete:
LEX *lex= Lex;
lex->sql_command= SQLCOM_DELETE;
lex->lock_option= lex->thd->update_lock_default;
lex->ignore= 0;
......@@ -7124,6 +7127,7 @@ set:
LEX *lex=Lex;
lex->sql_command= SQLCOM_SET_OPTION;
lex->one_shot_set= 0;
......@@ -7190,7 +7194,6 @@ option_value:
lex->var_list.push_back(new set_var_user(new Item_func_set_user_var($2,$4)));
| internal_variable_name equal set_expr_or_default
......@@ -1702,6 +1702,7 @@ bool st_table_list::setup_ancestor(THD *thd, Item **conds,
if (field_translation)
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("there are already translation table"));
/* prevent look up in SELECTs tree */
thd->lex->current_select= &thd->lex->select_lex;
thd->lex->select_lex.no_wrap_view_item= 1;
......@@ -1727,7 +1728,7 @@ bool st_table_list::setup_ancestor(THD *thd, Item **conds,
if (where && !where->fixed && where->fix_fields(thd, ancestor, &where))
goto err;
if (check_option && !check_option->fixed &&
check_option->fix_fields(thd, ancestor, &where))
check_option->fix_fields(thd, ancestor, &check_option))
goto err;
......@@ -1767,11 +1768,11 @@ bool st_table_list::setup_ancestor(THD *thd, Item **conds,
/* save original name of view column */
char *name= item->name;
if (!item->fixed && item->fix_fields(thd, ancestor, &item))
transl[i].item= item;
if (!item->fixed && item->fix_fields(thd, ancestor, &transl[i].item))
goto err;
/* set new item get in fix fields and original column name */
transl[i].name= name;
transl[i++].item= item;
transl[i++].name= name;
field_translation= transl;
/* TODO: sort this list? Use hash for big number of fields */
......@@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ class Field_iterator_view: public Field_iterator
bool end_of_fields() { return ptr == array_end; }
const char *name();
Item *item(THD *thd) { return ptr->item; }
Item **item_ptr() {return &ptr->item; }
Field *field() { return 0; }
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