diff --git a/.bzrignore b/.bzrignore
index 82adbf625f3cf1fc956a481a6348cb31de549bdf..b1bde9bc6ed1ad6d3d3d8f4730073ef88e12bcff 100644
--- a/.bzrignore
+++ b/.bzrignore
@@ -617,3 +617,4 @@ vio/test-sslclient
diff --git a/libmysqld/Makefile.am b/libmysqld/Makefile.am
index 93702e5b6d082242c60bfcac78d2fee58aad4c8e..d127112819e4f80155dd81ced64d43f9ff555709 100644
--- a/libmysqld/Makefile.am
+++ b/libmysqld/Makefile.am
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ sqlsources = derror.cc field.cc field_conv.cc filesort.cc \
 	hostname.cc init.cc password.c \
 	item.cc item_buff.cc item_cmpfunc.cc item_create.cc \
 	item_func.cc item_strfunc.cc item_sum.cc item_timefunc.cc \
-	item_uniq.cc item_subselect.cc item_row.cc\
+	item_geofunc.cc item_uniq.cc item_subselect.cc item_row.cc\
 	key.cc lock.cc log.cc log_event.cc mf_iocache.cc\
 	mini_client.cc protocol.cc net_serv.cc opt_ft.cc opt_range.cc \
 	opt_sum.cc procedure.cc records.cc sql_acl.cc \
diff --git a/sql/Makefile.am b/sql/Makefile.am
index 608b959a8b9f3ecfe253e70cd69a223c5f129478..6e7f2f08a1d38daa0ec8a6b31a5ccb3bec905eb5 100644
--- a/sql/Makefile.am
+++ b/sql/Makefile.am
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ mysqld_LDADD =		@MYSQLD_EXTRA_LDFLAGS@ \
 noinst_HEADERS =	item.h item_func.h item_sum.h item_cmpfunc.h \
 			item_strfunc.h item_timefunc.h item_uniq.h \
 			item_create.h item_subselect.h item_row.h \
-			mysql_priv.h \
+			mysql_priv.h item_geofunc.h \
 			procedure.h sql_class.h sql_lex.h sql_list.h \
 			sql_manager.h sql_map.h sql_string.h unireg.h \
 			field.h handler.h \
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ mysqld_SOURCES =	sql_lex.cc sql_handler.cc \
 			item.cc item_sum.cc item_buff.cc item_func.cc \
 			item_cmpfunc.cc item_strfunc.cc item_timefunc.cc \
 			thr_malloc.cc item_create.cc item_subselect.cc \
-			item_row.cc \
+			item_row.cc item_geofunc.cc \
 			field.cc key.cc sql_class.cc sql_list.cc \
 			net_serv.cc protocol.cc lock.cc my_lock.c \
 			sql_string.cc sql_manager.cc sql_map.cc \
diff --git a/sql/item.h b/sql/item.h
index 470937f8ee739ffca775306a332bea491573b2ea..2d285bbe434b2c7d45214ae92e816eccd3c48bc4 100644
--- a/sql/item.h
+++ b/sql/item.h
@@ -644,6 +644,7 @@ class Item_int_with_ref :public Item_int
 #include "item_row.h"
 #include "item_cmpfunc.h"
 #include "item_strfunc.h"
+#include "item_geofunc.h"
 #include "item_timefunc.h"
 #include "item_uniq.h"
 #include "item_subselect.h"
diff --git a/sql/item_cmpfunc.cc b/sql/item_cmpfunc.cc
index 4f55357f2886449b21c054f765d587a8e8083556..299014689f03b1068f8b9cee6c0b25d6a3fb3535 100644
--- a/sql/item_cmpfunc.cc
+++ b/sql/item_cmpfunc.cc
@@ -2363,85 +2363,3 @@ longlong Item_cond_xor::val_int()
   return (longlong) result;
- Classes and functions for spatial relations
-longlong Item_func_spatial_rel::val_int()
-  String *res1= args[0]->val_str(&tmp_value1);
-  String *res2= args[1]->val_str(&tmp_value2);
-  Geometry g1, g2;
-  MBR mbr1, mbr2;
-  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
-		    args[1]->null_value ||
-		    g1.create_from_wkb(res1->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				       res1->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
-		    g2.create_from_wkb(res2->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				       res2->length() - SRID_SIZE) ||
-		    g1.get_mbr(&mbr1) || 
-		    g2.get_mbr(&mbr2))))
-   return 0;
-  switch (spatial_rel)
-  {
-      return mbr1.contains(&mbr2);
-    case SP_WITHIN_FUNC:
-      return mbr1.within(&mbr2);
-    case SP_EQUALS_FUNC:
-      return mbr1.equals(&mbr2);
-      return mbr1.disjoint(&mbr2);
-      return mbr1.intersects(&mbr2);
-    case SP_TOUCHES_FUNC:
-      return mbr1.touches(&mbr2);
-      return mbr1.overlaps(&mbr2);
-    case SP_CROSSES_FUNC:
-      return 0;
-    default:
-      break;
-  }
-  null_value=1;
-  return 0;
-longlong Item_func_isempty::val_int()
-  String tmp; 
-  null_value=0;
-  return args[0]->null_value ? 1 : 0;
-longlong Item_func_issimple::val_int()
-  String tmp;
-  String *wkb=args[0]->val_str(&tmp);
-  if ((null_value= (!wkb || args[0]->null_value )))
-    return 0;
-  /* TODO: Ramil or Holyfoot, add real IsSimple calculation */
-  return 0;
-longlong Item_func_isclosed::val_int()
-  String tmp;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&tmp);
-  Geometry geom;
-  int isclosed;
-  null_value= (!swkb || 
-	       args[0]->null_value ||
-	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) ||
-	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,is_closed) ||
-	       geom.is_closed(&isclosed));
-  return (longlong) isclosed;
diff --git a/sql/item_cmpfunc.h b/sql/item_cmpfunc.h
index ff469deab302da5e1448031f56f3c884b73da51a..4438b9020111a244bb7e1d8515bfc5651e57a133 100644
--- a/sql/item_cmpfunc.h
+++ b/sql/item_cmpfunc.h
@@ -850,79 +850,3 @@ inline Item *and_conds(Item *a,Item *b)
 Item *and_expressions(Item *a, Item *b, Item **org_item);
-  Spatial relations
-class Item_func_spatial_rel :public Item_bool_func2
-  enum Functype spatial_rel;
-  Item_func_spatial_rel(Item *a,Item *b, enum Functype sp_rel) :
-    Item_bool_func2(a,b) { spatial_rel = sp_rel; }
-  longlong val_int();
-  enum Functype functype() const 
-  { 
-    switch (spatial_rel) {
-      return SP_WITHIN_FUNC;
-    case SP_WITHIN_FUNC:
-      return SP_CONTAINS_FUNC;
-    default:
-      return spatial_rel;
-    }
-  }
-  enum Functype rev_functype() const { return spatial_rel; }
-  const char *func_name() const 
-  { 
-    switch (spatial_rel) {
-      return "contains";
-    case SP_WITHIN_FUNC:
-      return "within";
-    case SP_EQUALS_FUNC:
-      return "equals";
-      return "disjoint";
-      return "intersects";
-    case SP_TOUCHES_FUNC:
-      return "touches";
-    case SP_CROSSES_FUNC:
-      return "crosses";
-      return "overlaps";
-    default:
-      return "sp_unknown"; 
-    }
-    }
-class Item_func_isempty :public Item_bool_func
-  Item_func_isempty(Item *a) :Item_bool_func(a) {}
-  longlong val_int();
-  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_NONE; }
-  const char *func_name() const { return "isempty"; }
-class Item_func_issimple :public Item_bool_func
-  Item_func_issimple(Item *a) :Item_bool_func(a) {}
-  longlong val_int();
-  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_NONE; }
-  const char *func_name() const { return "issimple"; }
-class Item_func_isclosed :public Item_bool_func
-  Item_func_isclosed(Item *a) :Item_bool_func(a) {}
-  longlong val_int();
-  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_NONE; }
-  const char *func_name() const { return "isclosed"; }
diff --git a/sql/item_func.cc b/sql/item_func.cc
index 7ed9e5c85f633a2fdfff91e9c8222c5c9077e8cd..6482d81f4843167885f7a2fe45d7feb659502c95 100644
--- a/sql/item_func.cc
+++ b/sql/item_func.cc
@@ -2680,139 +2680,3 @@ longlong Item_func_is_used_lock::val_int()
   return ull->thread_id;
-  Spatial functions
-longlong Item_func_dimension::val_int()
-  uint32 dim;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
-  Geometry geom;
-  null_value= (!swkb || 
-	       args[0]->null_value ||
-	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
-	       geom.dimension(&dim));
-  return (longlong) dim;
-longlong Item_func_numinteriorring::val_int()
-  uint32 num;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
-  Geometry geom;
-  null_value= (!swkb || 
-	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
-	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, num_interior_ring) || 
-	       geom.num_interior_ring(&num));
-  return (longlong) num;
-longlong Item_func_numgeometries::val_int()
-  uint32 num= 0;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
-  Geometry geom;
-  null_value= (!swkb ||
-	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
-	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, num_geometries) || 
-	       geom.num_geometries(&num));
-  return (longlong) num;
-longlong Item_func_numpoints::val_int()
-  uint32 num;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
-  Geometry geom;
-  null_value= (!swkb ||
-	       args[0]->null_value ||
-	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) ||
-	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, num_points) ||
-	       geom.num_points(&num));
-  return (longlong) num;
-double Item_func_x::val()
-  double res;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
-  Geometry geom;
-  null_value= (!swkb ||
-	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
-	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, get_x) || 
-	       geom.get_x(&res));
-  return res;
-double Item_func_y::val()
-  double res;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
-  Geometry geom;
-  null_value= (!swkb ||
-	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
-	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, get_y) || 
-	       geom.get_y(&res));
-  return res;
-double Item_func_area::val()
-  double res;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
-  Geometry geom;
-  null_value= (!swkb ||
-	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
-	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, area) || 
-	       geom.area(&res));
-  return res;
-double Item_func_glength::val()
-  double res;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
-  Geometry geom;
-  null_value= (!swkb || 
-	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
-	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, length) || 
-	       geom.length(&res));
-  return res;
-longlong Item_func_srid::val_int()
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
-  Geometry geom;
-  null_value= (!swkb || 
-	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE));
-  uint32 res= uint4korr(swkb->ptr());
-  return (longlong) res;
diff --git a/sql/item_func.h b/sql/item_func.h
index e1d6156c12cbcba47b7ec0c42401d18684c29978..8ef2b85de5246605153b92337a7f7e389a33c1e4 100644
--- a/sql/item_func.h
+++ b/sql/item_func.h
@@ -1037,101 +1037,6 @@ class Item_func_match :public Item_real_func
-class Item_func_dimension :public Item_int_func
-  String value;
-  Item_func_dimension(Item *a) :Item_int_func(a) {}
-  longlong val_int();
-  const char *func_name() const { return "dimension"; }
-  void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length=10; }
-class Item_func_x :public Item_real_func
-  String value;
-  Item_func_x(Item *a) :Item_real_func(a) {}
-  double val();
-  const char *func_name() const { return "x"; }
-class Item_func_y :public Item_real_func
-  String value;
-  Item_func_y(Item *a) :Item_real_func(a) {}
-  double val();
-  const char *func_name() const { return "y"; }
-class Item_func_numgeometries :public Item_int_func
-  String value;
-  Item_func_numgeometries(Item *a) :Item_int_func(a) {}
-  longlong val_int();
-  const char *func_name() const { return "numgeometries"; }
-  void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length=10; }
-class Item_func_numinteriorring :public Item_int_func
-  String value;
-  Item_func_numinteriorring(Item *a) :Item_int_func(a) {}
-  longlong val_int();
-  const char *func_name() const { return "numinteriorring"; }
-  void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length=10; }
-class Item_func_numpoints :public Item_int_func
-  String value;
-  Item_func_numpoints(Item *a) :Item_int_func(a) {}
-  longlong val_int();
-  const char *func_name() const { return "numpoints"; }
-  void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length=10; }
-class Item_func_area :public Item_real_func
-  String value;
-  Item_func_area(Item *a) :Item_real_func(a) {}
-  double val();
-  const char *func_name() const { return "area"; }
-class Item_func_glength :public Item_real_func
-  String value;
-  Item_func_glength(Item *a) :Item_real_func(a) {}
-  double val();
-  const char *func_name() const { return "glength"; }
-class Item_func_srid: public Item_int_func
-  String value;
-  Item_func_srid(Item *a): Item_int_func(a) {}
-  longlong val_int();
-  const char *func_name() const { return "srid"; }
-  void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length= 10; }
 class Item_func_match_nl :public Item_func_match
diff --git a/sql/item_geofunc.cc b/sql/item_geofunc.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06ba67cbc73e330a1e5cdf6b60c84daf82c9039e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/item_geofunc.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */
+/* This file defines all spatial functions */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#pragma implementation				// gcc: Class implementation
+#include "mysql_priv.h"
+#include "sql_acl.h"
+#include <m_ctype.h>
+String *Item_func_geometry_from_text::val_str(String *str)
+  Geometry geom;
+  String arg_val;
+  String *wkt= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
+  GTextReadStream trs(wkt->ptr(), wkt->length());
+  uint32 srid;
+  if ((arg_count == 2) && !args[1]->null_value)
+    srid= args[1]->val_int();
+  else
+    srid= 0;
+  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
+    return 0;
+  str->length(0);
+  str->q_append(srid);
+  if ((null_value=(args[0]->null_value || geom.create_from_wkt(&trs, str, 0))))
+    return 0;
+  return str;
+void Item_func_geometry_from_text::fix_length_and_dec()
+  max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;
+String *Item_func_geometry_from_wkb::val_str(String *str)
+  String arg_val;
+  String *wkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
+  Geometry geom;
+  uint32 srid;
+  if ((arg_count == 2) && !args[1]->null_value)
+    srid= args[1]->val_int();
+  else
+    srid= 0;
+  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
+    return 0;
+  str->length(0);
+  str->q_append(srid);
+  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
+		    geom.create_from_wkb(wkb->ptr(), wkb->length()))))
+    return 0;
+  str->append(*wkb);
+  return str;
+void Item_func_geometry_from_wkb::fix_length_and_dec()
+  max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;
+String *Item_func_as_text::val_str(String *str)
+  String arg_val;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
+  Geometry geom;
+  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
+		    geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+					 swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE))))
+    return 0;
+  str->length(0);
+  if ((null_value= geom.as_wkt(str)))
+    return 0;
+  return str;
+void Item_func_as_text::fix_length_and_dec()
+  max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;
+String *Item_func_as_wkb::val_str(String *str)
+  String arg_val;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
+  Geometry geom;
+  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
+		    geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+					 swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE))))
+    return 0;
+  str->copy(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE, swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE,
+	    &my_charset_bin);
+  return str;
+void Item_func_as_wkb::fix_length_and_dec()
+  max_length= MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;
+String *Item_func_geometry_type::val_str(String *str)
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(str);
+  Geometry geom;
+  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
+		    geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+					 swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE))))
+    return 0;
+  str->copy(geom.get_class_info()->m_name,
+	    strlen(geom.get_class_info()->m_name),
+	    default_charset_info);
+  return str;
+String *Item_func_envelope::val_str(String *str)
+  String arg_val;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
+  Geometry geom;
+  if ((null_value= args[0]->null_value ||
+		   geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+					swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE)))
+    return 0;
+  uint32 srid= uint4korr(swkb->ptr());
+  str->length(0);
+  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
+    return 0;
+  str->q_append(srid);
+  return (null_value= geom.envelope(str)) ? 0 : str;
+String *Item_func_centroid::val_str(String *str)
+  String arg_val;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
+  Geometry geom;
+  if ((null_value= args[0]->null_value ||
+		   geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+					swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) ||
+		   !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, centroid)))
+    return 0;
+  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
+    return 0;
+  str->length(0);
+  uint32 srid= uint4korr(swkb->ptr());
+  str->q_append(srid);
+  return (null_value= geom.centroid(str)) ? 0 : str;
+  Spatial decomposition functions
+String *Item_func_spatial_decomp::val_str(String *str)
+  String arg_val;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
+  Geometry geom;
+  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
+		    geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+					 swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE))))
+    return 0;
+  null_value= 1;
+  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
+    return 0;
+  str->length(0);
+  uint32 srid= uint4korr(swkb->ptr());
+  str->q_append(srid);
+  switch(decomp_func)
+  {
+    case SP_STARTPOINT:
+      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,start_point) || geom.start_point(str))
+        goto ret;
+      break;
+    case SP_ENDPOINT:
+      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,end_point) || geom.end_point(str))
+        goto ret;
+      break;
+      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,exterior_ring) || geom.exterior_ring(str))
+        goto ret;
+      break;
+    default:
+      goto ret;
+  }
+  null_value= 0;
+  return null_value ? 0 : str;
+String *Item_func_spatial_decomp_n::val_str(String *str)
+  String arg_val;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
+  long n= (long) args[1]->val_int();
+  Geometry geom;
+  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value || args[1]->null_value ||
+		    geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+					 swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE))))
+    return 0;
+  null_value= 1;
+  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
+    return 0;
+  str->length(0);
+  uint32 srid= uint4korr(swkb->ptr());
+  str->q_append(srid);
+  switch(decomp_func_n)
+  {
+    case SP_POINTN:
+      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,point_n) || geom.point_n(n,str))
+        goto ret;
+      break;
+    case SP_GEOMETRYN:
+      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,geometry_n) || geom.geometry_n(n,str))
+        goto ret;
+      break;
+      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,interior_ring_n) ||
+          geom.interior_ring_n(n,str))
+        goto ret;
+      break;
+    default:
+      goto ret;
+  }
+  null_value= 0;
+  return null_value ? 0 : str;
+  Functions to concatinate various spatial objects
+*  Concatinate doubles into Point
+String *Item_func_point::val_str(String *str)
+  double x= args[0]->val();
+  double y= args[1]->val();
+  if ( (null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
+		     args[1]->null_value ||
+		     str->realloc(1 + 4 + 8 + 8))))
+    return 0;
+  str->length(0);
+  str->q_append((char)Geometry::wkbNDR);
+  str->q_append((uint32)Geometry::wkbPoint);
+  str->q_append(x);
+  str->q_append(y);
+  return str;
+  Concatinates various items into various collections
+  with checkings for valid wkb type of items.
+  For example, MultiPoint can be a collection of Points only.
+  coll_type contains wkb type of target collection.
+  item_type contains a valid wkb type of items.
+  In the case when coll_type is wkbGeometryCollection,
+  we do not check wkb type of items, any is valid.
+String *Item_func_spatial_collection::val_str(String *str)
+  String arg_value;
+  uint i;
+  null_value= 1;
+  str->length(0);
+  if (str->reserve(1 + 4 + 4, 512))
+    return 0;
+  str->q_append((char) Geometry::wkbNDR);
+  str->q_append((uint32) coll_type);
+  str->q_append((uint32) arg_count);
+  for (i= 0; i < arg_count; ++i)
+  {
+    String *res= args[i]->val_str(&arg_value);
+    if (args[i]->null_value)
+      goto ret;
+    if ( coll_type == Geometry::wkbGeometryCollection )
+    {
+      /*
+         In the case of GeometryCollection we don't need
+         any checkings for item types, so just copy them
+         into target collection
+      */
+      if ((null_value= str->reserve(res->length(), 512)))
+        goto ret;
+      str->q_append(res->ptr(), res->length());
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      enum Geometry::wkbType wkb_type;
+      uint32 len=res->length();
+      const char *data= res->ptr() + 1;
+      /*
+         In the case of named collection we must to
+         check that items are of specific type, let's
+         do this checking now
+      */
+      if (len < 5)
+        goto ret;
+      wkb_type= (Geometry::wkbType) uint4korr(data);
+      data+= 4;
+      len-= 5;
+      if (wkb_type != item_type)
+        goto ret;
+      switch (coll_type) {
+      case Geometry::wkbMultiPoint:
+      case Geometry::wkbMultiLineString:
+      case Geometry::wkbMultiPolygon:
+	if (len < WKB_HEADER_SIZE)
+	  goto ret;
+	if (str->reserve(len, 512))
+	  goto ret;
+	str->q_append(data, len);
+	break;
+      case Geometry::wkbLineString:
+	if (str->reserve(POINT_DATA_SIZE, 512))
+	  goto ret;
+	str->q_append(data, POINT_DATA_SIZE);
+	break;
+      case Geometry::wkbPolygon:
+      {
+	uint32 n_points;
+	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
+	if (len < 4 + 2 * POINT_DATA_SIZE)
+	  goto ret;
+	uint32 llen= len;
+	const char *ldata= data;
+	n_points= uint4korr(data);
+	data+= 4;
+	float8get(x1, data);
+	data+= 8;
+	float8get(y1, data);
+	data+= 8;
+	data+= (n_points - 2) * POINT_DATA_SIZE;
+	float8get(x2, data);
+	float8get(y2, data + 8);
+	if ((x1 != x2) || (y1 != y2))
+	  goto ret;
+	if (str->reserve(llen, 512))
+	  goto ret;
+	str->q_append(ldata, llen);
+      }
+      break;
+      default:
+	goto ret;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (str->length() > current_thd->variables.max_allowed_packet)
+    goto ret;
+  null_value = 0;
+  return null_value ? 0 : str;
+  Functions for spatial relations
+longlong Item_func_spatial_rel::val_int()
+  String *res1= args[0]->val_str(&tmp_value1);
+  String *res2= args[1]->val_str(&tmp_value2);
+  Geometry g1, g2;
+  MBR mbr1, mbr2;
+  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
+		    args[1]->null_value ||
+		    g1.create_from_wkb(res1->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				       res1->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
+		    g2.create_from_wkb(res2->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				       res2->length() - SRID_SIZE) ||
+		    g1.get_mbr(&mbr1) || 
+		    g2.get_mbr(&mbr2))))
+   return 0;
+  switch (spatial_rel)
+  {
+      return mbr1.contains(&mbr2);
+    case SP_WITHIN_FUNC:
+      return mbr1.within(&mbr2);
+    case SP_EQUALS_FUNC:
+      return mbr1.equals(&mbr2);
+      return mbr1.disjoint(&mbr2);
+      return mbr1.intersects(&mbr2);
+    case SP_TOUCHES_FUNC:
+      return mbr1.touches(&mbr2);
+      return mbr1.overlaps(&mbr2);
+    case SP_CROSSES_FUNC:
+      return 0;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  null_value=1;
+  return 0;
+longlong Item_func_isempty::val_int()
+  String tmp; 
+  null_value=0;
+  return args[0]->null_value ? 1 : 0;
+longlong Item_func_issimple::val_int()
+  String tmp;
+  String *wkb=args[0]->val_str(&tmp);
+  if ((null_value= (!wkb || args[0]->null_value )))
+    return 0;
+  /* TODO: Ramil or Holyfoot, add real IsSimple calculation */
+  return 0;
+longlong Item_func_isclosed::val_int()
+  String tmp;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&tmp);
+  Geometry geom;
+  int isclosed;
+  null_value= (!swkb || 
+	       args[0]->null_value ||
+	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) ||
+	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,is_closed) ||
+	       geom.is_closed(&isclosed));
+  return (longlong) isclosed;
+  Numerical functions
+longlong Item_func_dimension::val_int()
+  uint32 dim;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
+  Geometry geom;
+  null_value= (!swkb || 
+	       args[0]->null_value ||
+	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
+	       geom.dimension(&dim));
+  return (longlong) dim;
+longlong Item_func_numinteriorring::val_int()
+  uint32 num;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
+  Geometry geom;
+  null_value= (!swkb || 
+	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
+	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, num_interior_ring) || 
+	       geom.num_interior_ring(&num));
+  return (longlong) num;
+longlong Item_func_numgeometries::val_int()
+  uint32 num= 0;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
+  Geometry geom;
+  null_value= (!swkb ||
+	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
+	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, num_geometries) || 
+	       geom.num_geometries(&num));
+  return (longlong) num;
+longlong Item_func_numpoints::val_int()
+  uint32 num;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
+  Geometry geom;
+  null_value= (!swkb ||
+	       args[0]->null_value ||
+	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) ||
+	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, num_points) ||
+	       geom.num_points(&num));
+  return (longlong) num;
+double Item_func_x::val()
+  double res;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
+  Geometry geom;
+  null_value= (!swkb ||
+	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
+	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, get_x) || 
+	       geom.get_x(&res));
+  return res;
+double Item_func_y::val()
+  double res;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
+  Geometry geom;
+  null_value= (!swkb ||
+	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
+	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, get_y) || 
+	       geom.get_y(&res));
+  return res;
+double Item_func_area::val()
+  double res;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
+  Geometry geom;
+  null_value= (!swkb ||
+	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
+	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, area) || 
+	       geom.area(&res));
+  return res;
+double Item_func_glength::val()
+  double res;
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
+  Geometry geom;
+  null_value= (!swkb || 
+	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) || 
+	       !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, length) || 
+	       geom.length(&res));
+  return res;
+longlong Item_func_srid::val_int()
+  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&value);
+  Geometry geom;
+  null_value= (!swkb || 
+	       geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
+				    swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE));
+  uint32 res= uint4korr(swkb->ptr());
+  return (longlong) res;
diff --git a/sql/item_geofunc.h b/sql/item_geofunc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21e94735f310bef2eab325b80cea87d10e9b118a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/item_geofunc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 MySQL AB
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */
+/* This file defines all spatial functions */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#pragma interface			/* gcc class implementation */
+#define SRID_SIZE sizeof(uint32)
+class Item_func_geometry_from_text: public Item_str_func
+  Item_func_geometry_from_text(Item *a) :Item_str_func(a) {}
+  Item_func_geometry_from_text(Item *a, Item *srid) :Item_str_func(a, srid) {}
+  const char *func_name() const { return "geometryfromtext"; }
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec();
+class Item_func_geometry_from_wkb: public Item_str_func
+  Item_func_geometry_from_wkb(Item *a): Item_str_func(a) {}
+  Item_func_geometry_from_wkb(Item *a, Item *srid): Item_str_func(a, srid) {}
+  const char *func_name() const { return "geometryfromwkb"; }
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec();
+class Item_func_as_text: public Item_str_func
+  Item_func_as_text(Item *a): Item_str_func(a) {}
+  const char *func_name() const { return "astext"; }
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec();
+class Item_func_as_wkb: public Item_str_func
+  Item_func_as_wkb(Item *a): Item_str_func(a) {}
+  const char *func_name() const { return "aswkb"; }
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec();
+class Item_func_geometry_type: public Item_str_func
+  Item_func_geometry_type(Item *a): Item_str_func(a) {}
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  const char *func_name() const { return "geometrytype"; }
+  void fix_length_and_dec() 
+  {
+     max_length=20; // "GeometryCollection" is the most long
+  };
+class Item_func_centroid: public Item_str_func
+  Item_func_centroid(Item *a): Item_str_func(a) {}
+  const char *func_name() const { return "centroid"; }
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
+class Item_func_envelope: public Item_str_func
+  Item_func_envelope(Item *a): Item_str_func(a) {}
+  const char *func_name() const { return "envelope"; }
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
+class Item_func_point: public Item_str_func
+  Item_func_point(Item *a, Item *b): Item_str_func(a, b) {}
+  Item_func_point(Item *a, Item *b, Item *srid): Item_str_func(a, b, srid) {}
+  const char *func_name() const { return "point"; }
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
+class Item_func_spatial_decomp: public Item_str_func
+  enum Functype decomp_func;
+  Item_func_spatial_decomp(Item *a, Item_func::Functype ft) :
+  	Item_str_func(a) { decomp_func = ft; }
+  const char *func_name() const 
+  { 
+    switch (decomp_func)
+    {
+      case SP_STARTPOINT:
+        return "startpoint";
+      case SP_ENDPOINT:
+        return "endpoint";
+      case SP_EXTERIORRING:
+        return "exteriorring";
+      default:
+        return "spatial_decomp_unknown"; 
+    }
+  }
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
+class Item_func_spatial_decomp_n: public Item_str_func
+  enum Functype decomp_func_n;
+  Item_func_spatial_decomp_n(Item *a, Item *b, Item_func::Functype ft):
+  	Item_str_func(a, b) { decomp_func_n = ft; }
+  const char *func_name() const 
+  { 
+    switch (decomp_func_n)
+    {
+      case SP_POINTN:
+        return "pointn";
+      case SP_GEOMETRYN:
+        return "geometryn";
+        return "interiorringn";
+      default:
+        return "spatial_decomp_n_unknown"; 
+    }
+  }
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
+class Item_func_spatial_collection: public Item_str_func
+  String tmp_value;
+  enum Geometry::wkbType coll_type; 
+  enum Geometry::wkbType item_type;
+  Item_func_spatial_collection(
+     List<Item> &list, enum Geometry::wkbType ct, enum Geometry::wkbType it):
+  Item_str_func(list)
+  {
+    coll_type=ct;
+    item_type=it;
+  }
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
+  const char *func_name() const { return "multipoint"; }
+class Item_func_compress: public Item_str_func
+  String buffer;
+  Item_func_compress(Item *a):Item_str_func(a){}
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length= (args[0]->max_length*120)/100+12;}
+  const char *func_name() const{return "compress";}
+class Item_func_uncompress: public Item_str_func 
+  String buffer;
+  Item_func_uncompress(Item *a): Item_str_func(a){}
+  String *val_str(String *);
+  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length= MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
+  const char *func_name() const{return "uncompress";}
+  Spatial relations
+class Item_func_spatial_rel: public Item_bool_func2
+  enum Functype spatial_rel;
+  Item_func_spatial_rel(Item *a,Item *b, enum Functype sp_rel) :
+    Item_bool_func2(a,b) { spatial_rel = sp_rel; }
+  longlong val_int();
+  enum Functype functype() const 
+  { 
+    switch (spatial_rel) {
+      return SP_WITHIN_FUNC;
+    case SP_WITHIN_FUNC:
+      return SP_CONTAINS_FUNC;
+    default:
+      return spatial_rel;
+    }
+  }
+  enum Functype rev_functype() const { return spatial_rel; }
+  const char *func_name() const 
+  { 
+    switch (spatial_rel) {
+      return "contains";
+    case SP_WITHIN_FUNC:
+      return "within";
+    case SP_EQUALS_FUNC:
+      return "equals";
+      return "disjoint";
+      return "intersects";
+    case SP_TOUCHES_FUNC:
+      return "touches";
+    case SP_CROSSES_FUNC:
+      return "crosses";
+      return "overlaps";
+    default:
+      return "sp_unknown"; 
+    }
+    }
+class Item_func_isempty: public Item_bool_func
+  Item_func_isempty(Item *a): Item_bool_func(a) {}
+  longlong val_int();
+  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_NONE; }
+  const char *func_name() const { return "isempty"; }
+class Item_func_issimple: public Item_bool_func
+  Item_func_issimple(Item *a): Item_bool_func(a) {}
+  longlong val_int();
+  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_NONE; }
+  const char *func_name() const { return "issimple"; }
+class Item_func_isclosed: public Item_bool_func
+  Item_func_isclosed(Item *a): Item_bool_func(a) {}
+  longlong val_int();
+  optimize_type select_optimize() const { return OPTIMIZE_NONE; }
+  const char *func_name() const { return "isclosed"; }
+class Item_func_dimension: public Item_int_func
+  String value;
+  Item_func_dimension(Item *a): Item_int_func(a) {}
+  longlong val_int();
+  const char *func_name() const { return "dimension"; }
+  void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length=10; }
+class Item_func_x: public Item_real_func
+  String value;
+  Item_func_x(Item *a): Item_real_func(a) {}
+  double val();
+  const char *func_name() const { return "x"; }
+class Item_func_y: public Item_real_func
+  String value;
+  Item_func_y(Item *a): Item_real_func(a) {}
+  double val();
+  const char *func_name() const { return "y"; }
+class Item_func_numgeometries: public Item_int_func
+  String value;
+  Item_func_numgeometries(Item *a): Item_int_func(a) {}
+  longlong val_int();
+  const char *func_name() const { return "numgeometries"; }
+  void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length=10; }
+class Item_func_numinteriorring: public Item_int_func
+  String value;
+  Item_func_numinteriorring(Item *a): Item_int_func(a) {}
+  longlong val_int();
+  const char *func_name() const { return "numinteriorring"; }
+  void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length=10; }
+class Item_func_numpoints: public Item_int_func
+  String value;
+  Item_func_numpoints(Item *a): Item_int_func(a) {}
+  longlong val_int();
+  const char *func_name() const { return "numpoints"; }
+  void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length=10; }
+class Item_func_area: public Item_real_func
+  String value;
+  Item_func_area(Item *a): Item_real_func(a) {}
+  double val();
+  const char *func_name() const { return "area"; }
+class Item_func_glength: public Item_real_func
+  String value;
+  Item_func_glength(Item *a): Item_real_func(a) {}
+  double val();
+  const char *func_name() const { return "glength"; }
+class Item_func_srid: public Item_int_func
+  String value;
+  Item_func_srid(Item *a): Item_int_func(a) {}
+  longlong val_int();
+  const char *func_name() const { return "srid"; }
+  void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length= 10; }
diff --git a/sql/item_strfunc.cc b/sql/item_strfunc.cc
index ae48aeb115a9fffe751202d75180a70c07b76c24..065690950186ef5cce419cf54c6a34c978f62435 100644
--- a/sql/item_strfunc.cc
+++ b/sql/item_strfunc.cc
@@ -2522,428 +2522,6 @@ String *Item_func_quote::val_str(String *str)
   return 0;
-General functions for spatial objects
-String *Item_func_geometry_from_text::val_str(String *str)
-  Geometry geom;
-  String arg_val;
-  String *wkt= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
-  GTextReadStream trs(wkt->ptr(), wkt->length());
-  uint32 srid;
-  if ((arg_count == 2) && !args[1]->null_value)
-    srid= args[1]->val_int();
-  else
-    srid= 0;
-  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
-    return 0;
-  str->length(0);
-  str->q_append(srid);
-  if ((null_value=(args[0]->null_value || geom.create_from_wkt(&trs, str, 0))))
-    return 0;
-  return str;
-void Item_func_geometry_from_text::fix_length_and_dec()
-  max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;
-String *Item_func_geometry_from_wkb::val_str(String *str)
-  String arg_val;
-  String *wkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
-  Geometry geom;
-  uint32 srid;
-  if ((arg_count == 2) && !args[1]->null_value)
-    srid= args[1]->val_int();
-  else
-    srid= 0;
-  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
-    return 0;
-  str->length(0);
-  str->q_append(srid);
-  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
-		    geom.create_from_wkb(wkb->ptr(), wkb->length()))))
-    return 0;
-  str->append(*wkb);
-  return str;
-void Item_func_geometry_from_wkb::fix_length_and_dec()
-  max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;
-String *Item_func_as_text::val_str(String *str)
-  String arg_val;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
-  Geometry geom;
-  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
-		    geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-					 swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE))))
-    return 0;
-  str->length(0);
-  if ((null_value= geom.as_wkt(str)))
-    return 0;
-  return str;
-void Item_func_as_text::fix_length_and_dec()
-  max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;
-String *Item_func_as_wkb::val_str(String *str)
-  String arg_val;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
-  Geometry geom;
-  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
-		    geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-					 swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE))))
-    return 0;
-  str->copy(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE, swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE,
-	    &my_charset_bin);
-  return str;
-void Item_func_as_wkb::fix_length_and_dec()
-  max_length= MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;
-String *Item_func_geometry_type::val_str(String *str)
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(str);
-  Geometry geom;
-  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
-		    geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-					 swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE))))
-    return 0;
-  str->copy(geom.get_class_info()->m_name,
-	    strlen(geom.get_class_info()->m_name),
-	    default_charset_info);
-  return str;
-String *Item_func_envelope::val_str(String *str)
-  String arg_val;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
-  Geometry geom;
-  if ((null_value= args[0]->null_value ||
-		   geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-					swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE)))
-    return 0;
-  uint32 srid= uint4korr(swkb->ptr());
-  str->length(0);
-  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
-    return 0;
-  str->q_append(srid);
-  return (null_value= geom.envelope(str)) ? 0 : str;
-String *Item_func_centroid::val_str(String *str)
-  String arg_val;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
-  Geometry geom;
-  if ((null_value= args[0]->null_value ||
-		   geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-					swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE) ||
-		   !GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom, centroid)))
-    return 0;
-  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
-    return 0;
-  str->length(0);
-  uint32 srid= uint4korr(swkb->ptr());
-  str->q_append(srid);
-  return (null_value= geom.centroid(str)) ? 0 : str;
-  Spatial decomposition functions
-String *Item_func_spatial_decomp::val_str(String *str)
-  String arg_val;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
-  Geometry geom;
-  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
-		    geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-					 swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE))))
-    return 0;
-  null_value= 1;
-  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
-    return 0;
-  str->length(0);
-  uint32 srid= uint4korr(swkb->ptr());
-  str->q_append(srid);
-  switch(decomp_func)
-  {
-    case SP_STARTPOINT:
-      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,start_point) || geom.start_point(str))
-        goto ret;
-      break;
-    case SP_ENDPOINT:
-      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,end_point) || geom.end_point(str))
-        goto ret;
-      break;
-      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,exterior_ring) || geom.exterior_ring(str))
-        goto ret;
-      break;
-    default:
-      goto ret;
-  }
-  null_value= 0;
-  return null_value ? 0 : str;
-String *Item_func_spatial_decomp_n::val_str(String *str)
-  String arg_val;
-  String *swkb= args[0]->val_str(&arg_val);
-  long n= (long) args[1]->val_int();
-  Geometry geom;
-  if ((null_value= (args[0]->null_value || args[1]->null_value ||
-		    geom.create_from_wkb(swkb->ptr() + SRID_SIZE,
-					 swkb->length() - SRID_SIZE))))
-    return 0;
-  null_value= 1;
-  if (str->reserve(SRID_SIZE, 512))
-    return 0;
-  str->length(0);
-  uint32 srid= uint4korr(swkb->ptr());
-  str->q_append(srid);
-  switch(decomp_func_n)
-  {
-    case SP_POINTN:
-      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,point_n) || geom.point_n(n,str))
-        goto ret;
-      break;
-    case SP_GEOMETRYN:
-      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,geometry_n) || geom.geometry_n(n,str))
-        goto ret;
-      break;
-      if (!GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom,interior_ring_n) ||
-          geom.interior_ring_n(n,str))
-        goto ret;
-      break;
-    default:
-      goto ret;
-  }
-  null_value= 0;
-  return null_value ? 0 : str;
-Functions to concatinate various spatial objects
-*  Concatinate doubles into Point
-String *Item_func_point::val_str(String *str)
-  double x= args[0]->val();
-  double y= args[1]->val();
-  if ( (null_value= (args[0]->null_value ||
-		     args[1]->null_value ||
-		     str->realloc(1 + 4 + 8 + 8))))
-    return 0;
-  str->length(0);
-  str->q_append((char)Geometry::wkbNDR);
-  str->q_append((uint32)Geometry::wkbPoint);
-  str->q_append(x);
-  str->q_append(y);
-  return str;
-  Concatinates various items into various collections
-  with checkings for valid wkb type of items.
-  For example, MultiPoint can be a collection of Points only.
-  coll_type contains wkb type of target collection.
-  item_type contains a valid wkb type of items.
-  In the case when coll_type is wkbGeometryCollection,
-  we do not check wkb type of items, any is valid.
-String *Item_func_spatial_collection::val_str(String *str)
-  String arg_value;
-  uint i;
-  null_value= 1;
-  str->length(0);
-  if (str->reserve(1 + 4 + 4, 512))
-    return 0;
-  str->q_append((char) Geometry::wkbNDR);
-  str->q_append((uint32) coll_type);
-  str->q_append((uint32) arg_count);
-  for (i= 0; i < arg_count; ++i)
-  {
-    String *res= args[i]->val_str(&arg_value);
-    if (args[i]->null_value)
-      goto ret;
-    if ( coll_type == Geometry::wkbGeometryCollection )
-    {
-      /*
-         In the case of GeometryCollection we don't need
-         any checkings for item types, so just copy them
-         into target collection
-      */
-      if ((null_value= str->reserve(res->length(), 512)))
-        goto ret;
-      str->q_append(res->ptr(), res->length());
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      enum Geometry::wkbType wkb_type;
-      uint32 len=res->length();
-      const char *data= res->ptr() + 1;
-      /*
-         In the case of named collection we must to
-         check that items are of specific type, let's
-         do this checking now
-      */
-      if (len < 5)
-        goto ret;
-      wkb_type= (Geometry::wkbType) uint4korr(data);
-      data+= 4;
-      len-= 5;
-      if (wkb_type != item_type)
-        goto ret;
-      switch (coll_type) {
-      case Geometry::wkbMultiPoint:
-      case Geometry::wkbMultiLineString:
-      case Geometry::wkbMultiPolygon:
-	if (len < WKB_HEADER_SIZE)
-	  goto ret;
-	if (str->reserve(len, 512))
-	  goto ret;
-	str->q_append(data, len);
-	break;
-      case Geometry::wkbLineString:
-	if (str->reserve(POINT_DATA_SIZE, 512))
-	  goto ret;
-	str->q_append(data, POINT_DATA_SIZE);
-	break;
-      case Geometry::wkbPolygon:
-      {
-	uint32 n_points;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	if (len < 4 + 2 * POINT_DATA_SIZE)
-	  goto ret;
-	uint32 llen= len;
-	const char *ldata= data;
-	n_points= uint4korr(data);
-	data+= 4;
-	float8get(x1, data);
-	data+= 8;
-	float8get(y1, data);
-	data+= 8;
-	data+= (n_points - 2) * POINT_DATA_SIZE;
-	float8get(x2, data);
-	float8get(y2, data + 8);
-	if ((x1 != x2) || (y1 != y2))
-	  goto ret;
-	if (str->reserve(llen, 512))
-	  goto ret;
-	str->q_append(ldata, llen);
-      }
-      break;
-      default:
-	goto ret;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (str->length() > current_thd->variables.max_allowed_packet)
-    goto ret;
-  null_value = 0;
-  return null_value ? 0 : str;
 #include "../zlib/zlib.h"
diff --git a/sql/item_strfunc.h b/sql/item_strfunc.h
index 8ae5c995375e43ebdaed8f69275c137b58d10272..65aad3a3fffb9a9454142728a51b9edf186e1a95 100644
--- a/sql/item_strfunc.h
+++ b/sql/item_strfunc.h
@@ -628,242 +628,3 @@ class Item_func_collation :public Item_str_func
-Spatial functions
-#define SRID_SIZE sizeof(uint32)
-class Item_func_geometry_from_text :public Item_str_func
-  Item_func_geometry_from_text(Item *a) :Item_str_func(a) {}
-  Item_func_geometry_from_text(Item *a, Item *srid) :Item_str_func(a, srid) {}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "geometryfromtext"; }
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec();
-class Item_func_geometry_from_wkb: public Item_str_func
-  Item_func_geometry_from_wkb(Item *a) :Item_str_func(a) {}
-  Item_func_geometry_from_wkb(Item *a, Item *srid) :Item_str_func(a, srid) {}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "geometryfromwkb"; }
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec();
-class Item_func_as_text :public Item_str_func
-  Item_func_as_text(Item *a) :Item_str_func(a) {}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "astext"; }
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec();
-class Item_func_as_wkb :public Item_str_func
-  Item_func_as_wkb(Item *a) :Item_str_func(a) {}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "aswkb"; }
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec();
-class Item_func_geometry_type :public Item_str_func
-  Item_func_geometry_type(Item *a) :Item_str_func(a) {}
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  const char *func_name() const { return "geometrytype"; }
-  void fix_length_and_dec() 
-  {
-     max_length=20; // "GeometryCollection" is the most long
-  };
-class Item_func_centroid :public Item_str_func
-  Item_func_centroid(Item *a) :Item_str_func(a) {}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "centroid"; }
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-class Item_func_envelope :public Item_str_func
-  Item_func_envelope(Item *a) :Item_str_func(a) {}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "envelope"; }
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-class Item_func_point :public Item_str_func
-  Item_func_point(Item *a, Item *b) :Item_str_func(a, b) {}
-  Item_func_point(Item *a, Item *b, Item *srid) :Item_str_func(a, b, srid) {}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "point"; }
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-class Item_func_spatial_decomp :public Item_str_func
-  enum Functype decomp_func;
-  Item_func_spatial_decomp(Item *a, Item_func::Functype ft) :
-  	Item_str_func(a) { decomp_func = ft; }
-  const char *func_name() const 
-  { 
-    switch (decomp_func)
-    {
-      case SP_STARTPOINT:
-        return "startpoint";
-      case SP_ENDPOINT:
-        return "endpoint";
-      case SP_EXTERIORRING:
-        return "exteriorring";
-      default:
-        return "spatial_decomp_unknown"; 
-    }
-  }
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-class Item_func_spatial_decomp_n :public Item_str_func
-  enum Functype decomp_func_n;
-  Item_func_spatial_decomp_n(Item *a, Item *b, Item_func::Functype ft) :
-  	Item_str_func(a, b) { decomp_func_n = ft; }
-  const char *func_name() const 
-  { 
-    switch (decomp_func_n)
-    {
-      case SP_POINTN:
-        return "pointn";
-      case SP_GEOMETRYN:
-        return "geometryn";
-        return "interiorringn";
-      default:
-        return "spatial_decomp_n_unknown"; 
-    }
-  }
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-class Item_func_spatial_collection :public Item_str_func
-  String tmp_value;
-  enum Geometry::wkbType coll_type; 
-  enum Geometry::wkbType item_type;
-  Item_func_spatial_collection(
-     List<Item> &list, enum Geometry::wkbType ct, enum Geometry::wkbType it) :
-  Item_str_func(list)
-  {
-    coll_type=ct;
-    item_type=it;
-  }
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "multipoint"; }
-class Item_func_compress : public Item_str_func
-  String buffer;
-  Item_func_compress(Item *a):Item_str_func(a){}
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length= (args[0]->max_length*120)/100+12;}
-  const char *func_name() const{return "compress";}
-class Item_func_uncompress : public Item_str_func 
-  String buffer;
-  Item_func_uncompress(Item *a):Item_str_func(a){}
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length= MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-  const char *func_name() const{return "uncompress";}
-class Item_func_multipoint :public Item_str_func
-  String tmp_value;
-  Item_func_multipoint(List<Item> &list) :Item_str_func(list) {}
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "multipoint"; }
-class Item_func_linestring :public Item_str_func
-  String tmp_value;
-  Item_func_linestring(List<Item> &list) :Item_str_func(list) {}
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "linestring"; }
-class Item_func_multilinestring :public Item_str_func
-  String tmp_value;
-  Item_func_multilinestring(List<Item> &list) :Item_str_func(list) {}
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "multilinestring"; }
-class Item_func_polygon :public Item_str_func
-  String tmp_value;
-  Item_func_polygon(List<Item> &list) :Item_str_func(list) {}
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "polygon"; }
-class Item_func_multipolygon :public Item_str_func
-  String tmp_value;
-  Item_func_multipolygon(List<Item> &list) :Item_str_func(list) {}
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "multipolygon"; }
-class Item_func_geometrycollection :public Item_str_func
-  String tmp_value;
-  Item_func_geometrycollection(List<Item> &list) :Item_str_func(list) {}
-  String *val_str(String *);
-  void fix_length_and_dec(){max_length=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH;}
-  const char *func_name() const { return "geometrycollection"; }