From 867e01d9fe77c2b808e772d8328237928f350bf3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: unknown <msvensson@neptunus.(none)>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 15:34:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Store the each column from a multi column result set into a
 separate variable.

  Update var_query_set to store every column from a query into a separate variable.
  The whole result will still be stored as tab separated string in the var that let points at.
  Add test results
  Add tests for "one variable for each column" from let.
 client/mysqltest.c            | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 mysql-test/r/mysqltest.result | 19 ++++++++++
 mysql-test/t/mysqltest.test   | 36 +++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/client/mysqltest.c b/client/mysqltest.c
index 7ba8dc31405..e709dc64ef4 100644
--- a/client/mysqltest.c
+++ b/client/mysqltest.c
@@ -1137,26 +1137,50 @@ static void do_exec(struct st_query *query)
+  Set variable from the result of a query
+    var_query_set()
+    var	        variable to set from query
+    query       start of query string to execute
+    query_end   end of the query string to execute
-int var_query_set(VAR* v, const char *p, const char** p_end)
+    let @<var_name> = `<query>`
+    Execute the query and assign the first row of result to var as
+    a tab separated strings
+    Also assign each column of the result set to
+    variable "$<var_name>_<column_name>"
+    Thus the tab separated output can be read from $<var_name> and
+    and each individual column can be read as $<var_name>_<col_name>
+int var_query_set(VAR* var, const char *query, const char** query_end)
-  char* end = (char*)((p_end && *p_end) ? *p_end : p + strlen(p));
+  char* end = (char*)((query_end && *query_end) ?
+		      *query_end : query + strlen(query));
   MYSQL_RES *res;
   MYSQL_ROW row;
   MYSQL* mysql = &cur_con->mysql;
-  while (end > p && *end != '`')
+  while (end > query && *end != '`')
-  if (p == end)
+  if (query == end)
     die("Syntax error in query, missing '`'");
-  ++p;
+  ++query;
-  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, p, (int)(end - p)) ||
+  if (mysql_real_query(mysql, query, (int)(end - query)) ||
       !(res = mysql_store_result(mysql)))
     *end = 0;
-    die("Error running query '%s': %s", p, mysql_error(mysql));
+    die("Error running query '%s': %d: %s", query,
+	mysql_errno(mysql) ,mysql_error(mysql));
   if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) && row[0])
@@ -1169,21 +1193,39 @@ int var_query_set(VAR* v, const char *p, const char** p_end)
     uint i;
     ulong *lengths;
     char *end;
+    MYSQL_FIELD *fields= mysql_fetch_fields(res);
     init_dynamic_string(&result, "", 16384, 65536);
     lengths= mysql_fetch_lengths(res);
     for (i=0; i < mysql_num_fields(res); i++)
       if (row[0])
+      {
+	/* Add to <var_name>_<col_name> */
+	uint j;
+	char var_col_name[MAX_VAR_NAME];
+	uint length= snprintf(var_col_name, MAX_VAR_NAME,
+			      "$%s_%s", var->name, fields[i].name);
+	/* Convert characters not allowed in variable names to '_' */
+	for (j= 1; j < length; j++)
+	{
+	  if (!my_isvar(charset_info,var_col_name[j]))
+	     var_col_name[j]= '_';
+        }
+	var_set(var_col_name,  var_col_name + length,
+		row[i], row[i] + lengths[i]);
+        /* Add column to tab separated string */
 	dynstr_append_mem(&result, row[i], lengths[i]);
+      }
       dynstr_append_mem(&result, "\t", 1);
     end= result.str + result.length-1;
-    eval_expr(v, result.str, (const char**) &end);
+    eval_expr(var, result.str, (const char**) &end);
-    eval_expr(v, "", 0);
+    eval_expr(var, "", 0);
   return 0;
@@ -4129,12 +4171,10 @@ static VAR *var_init(VAR *v, const char *name, int name_len, const char *val,
   if (!(tmp_var->str_val = my_malloc(val_alloc_len+1, MYF(MY_WME))))
     die("Out of memory");
-  memcpy(tmp_var->name, name, name_len);
+  if (name)
+    strmake(tmp_var->name, name, name_len);
   if (val)
-  {
-    memcpy(tmp_var->str_val, val, val_len);
-    tmp_var->str_val[val_len]=0;
-  }
+    strmake(tmp_var->str_val, val, val_len);
   tmp_var->name_len = name_len;
   tmp_var->str_val_len = val_len;
   tmp_var->alloced_len = val_alloc_len;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/mysqltest.result b/mysql-test/r/mysqltest.result
index 0109436fac9..bf3821555cc 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/mysqltest.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/mysqltest.result
@@ -222,6 +222,25 @@ mysqltest: At line 1: Missing arguments to let
 mysqltest: At line 1: Missing variable name in let
 mysqltest: At line 1: Variable name in =hi does not start with '$'
 mysqltest: At line 1: Missing assignment operator in let
+hi	1	hi there
+hi there
+var2 again
+var3 two columns with same name
+1	2	3
 mysqltest: At line 1: Missing file name in source
 mysqltest: At line 1: Could not open file ./non_existingFile
 mysqltest: In included file "./var/tmp/recursive.sql": At line 1: Source directives are nesting too deep
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/mysqltest.test b/mysql-test/t/mysqltest.test
index 3d851605823..ae28a66c685 100644
--- a/mysql-test/t/mysqltest.test
+++ b/mysql-test/t/mysqltest.test
@@ -539,6 +539,42 @@ echo $novar1;
 --error 1
 --exec echo "let hi;" | $MYSQL_TEST  2>&1
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Test to assign let from query
+# let $<var_name>=`<query>`;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+echo var1;
+let $var1= `select "hi" as "Col", 1 as "Column1", "hi there" as Col3`;
+echo $var1;
+echo $var1_Col;
+echo $var1_Column1;
+echo $var1_Col3;
+echo var2;
+let $var2= `select 2 as "Column num 2"`;
+echo $var2;
+echo $var2_Column num 2;
+echo $var2_Column;
+echo var2 again;
+let $var2= `select 2 as "Column num 2"`;
+echo $var2;
+echo $var2_Column num 2;
+echo $var2_Column_num_2;
+echo $var2_Column;
+echo var3 two columns with same name;
+let $var3= `select 1 as "Col", 2 as "Col", 3 as "var3"`;
+echo $var3;
+echo $var3_Col;
+echo $var3_Col;
+echo $var3_var3;
+#echo failing query in let;
+#--error 1
+#--exec echo "let $var2= `failing query;`" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Test source command
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------