Commit 8d253fe2 authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

Bug #53424 Certain combination of flags give internal error

Reorder code breaks when finding tests skipped due to --skip-rpl etc.
Add simple test that master_opt is non-empty
parent b18902fd
......@@ -246,8 +246,10 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($) {
push(@criteria, "ndb=" . ($tinfo->{'ndb_test'} ? "1" : "0"));
# Group test with equal options together.
# Ending with "~" makes empty sort later than filled
if ( $tinfo->{'master_opt'}[0] )
push(@criteria, join("!", sort @{$tinfo->{'master_opt'}}) . "~");
$sort_criteria{$test_name} = join(" ", @criteria);
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