Commit 965c0870 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

BUG#43418: MTR2: does not notice a memory leak occuring at shutdown of

mysqld w/ --valgrind

 - Fixed by implementing parsing of error log messages generated outside of
   test case runs (eg. during server shutdown).

Also make not delete the error log after server restart,
which looses information about which warnings were found.

Finally, make multi_update2 a --big test.

  Fix home-brewed (and broken) serialization in My::Test to use the standard
  Storable serializer.
   - Stop mysqld servers gracefully rather than kill -9 when
     warnings are being checked.
   - After stopping mysqld servers, do an additional parse of the error
     log to check for any warnings generated during shutdown.
   - Fix error log parsing to be careful not to skip parsing part of the
     file, by keeping track of previous file position rather than
     relying on mark_log markers.
   - Workers report warnings during shutdown to the master process with
     a new packet 'WARNINGS' which includes a list of names of test that
     might have caused the problem (could be any test run since last
     server start).
   - Fail entire test suite if warnings are found.
   - When we remove the server data dir before server restart, preserve the
     error log (don't delete it between restarts), as it may contain
     valuable information even for test cases which don't show direct
  Make test --big, as it takes a _long_ time to run and only tests a single bug.
parent 5941c954
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ package My::Test;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Storable();
sub new {
......@@ -30,18 +31,6 @@ sub key {
sub _encode {
my ($value)= @_;
$value =~ s/([|\\\x{0a}\x{0d}])/sprintf('\%02X', ord($1))/eg;
return $value;
sub _decode {
my ($value)= @_;
$value =~ s/\\([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge;
return $value;
sub is_failed {
my ($self)= @_;
my $result= $self->{result};
......@@ -58,66 +47,22 @@ sub write_test {
# Give the test a unique key before serializing it
$test->{key}= "$test" unless defined $test->{key};
print $sock $header, "\n";
while ((my ($key, $value)) = each(%$test)) {
print $sock $key, "= ";
if (ref $value eq "ARRAY") {
print $sock "[", _encode(join(", ", @$value)), "]";
} else {
print $sock _encode($value);
print $sock "\n";
print $sock "\n";
my $serialized= Storable::freeze($test);
$serialized =~ s/([\x0d\x0a\\])/sprintf("\\%02x", ord($1))/eg;
print $sock $header, "\n", $serialized, "\n";
sub read_test {
my ($sock)= @_;
my $test= My::Test->new();
# Read the : separated key value pairs until a
# single newline on it's own line
my $line;
while (defined($line= <$sock>)) {
# List is terminated by newline on it's own
if ($line eq "\n") {
# Correctly terminated reply
# print "Got newline\n";
# Split key/value on the first "="
my ($key, $value)= split("= ", $line, 2);
if ($value =~ /^\[(.*)\]/){
my @values= split(", ", _decode($1));
push(@{$test->{$key}}, @values);
$test->{$key}= _decode($value);
my $serialized= <$sock>;
$serialized =~ s/\\([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
my $test= Storable::thaw($serialized);
die "wrong class (hack attempt?)"
unless ref($test) eq 'My::Test';
return $test;
sub print_test {
my ($self)= @_;
print "[", $self->{name}, "]", "\n";
while ((my ($key, $value)) = each(%$self)) {
print " ", $key, "= ";
if (ref $value eq "ARRAY") {
print "[", join(", ", @$value), "]";
} else {
print $value;
print "\n";
print "\n";
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ sub main {
my $completed= run_test_server($server, $tests, $opt_parallel);
my ($completed, $fail)= run_test_server($server, $tests, $opt_parallel);
# Send Ctrl-C to any children still running
kill("INT", keys(%children));
......@@ -393,6 +393,10 @@ sub main {
mtr_error("Not all tests completed");
if ($fail) {
mtr_error("Test suite failure.");
if ( $opt_gcov ) {
......@@ -412,6 +416,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
my $num_saved_cores= 0; # Number of core files saved in vardir/log/ so far.
my $num_saved_datadir= 0; # Number of datadirs saved in vardir/log/ so far.
my $num_failed_test= 0; # Number of tests failed so far
my $test_failure= 0;
# Scheduler variables
my $max_ndb= $childs / 2;
......@@ -445,7 +450,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
if (--$childs == 0){
return $completed;
return ($completed, $test_failure);
......@@ -509,18 +514,19 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
$test_failure= 1;
if ( !$opt_force ) {
# Test has failed, force is off
push(@$completed, $result);
return $completed;
return ($completed, 1);
elsif ($opt_max_test_fail > 0 and
$num_failed_test >= $opt_max_test_fail) {
mtr_report("Too many tests($num_failed_test) failed!",
return undef;
return (undef, 1);
......@@ -571,7 +577,18 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
elsif ($line eq 'START'){
; # Send first test
else {
elsif ($line eq 'WARNINGS'){
my $fake_test= My::Test::read_test($sock);
my $test_list= join (" ", @{$fake_test->{testnames}});
mtr_report("***Warnings generated in error logs during shutdown ".
"after running tests: $test_list");
$test_failure= 1;
if ( !$opt_force ) {
# Test failure due to warnings, force is off
return ($completed, 1);
} else {
mtr_error("Unknown response: '$line' from client");
......@@ -649,7 +666,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
if ( ! $suite_timeout_proc->wait_one(0) )
mtr_report("Test suite timeout! Terminating...");
return undef;
return (undef, 1);
......@@ -717,7 +734,7 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
run_testcase($test, $server);
#$test->{result}= 'MTR_RES_PASSED';
# Send it back, now with results set
......@@ -725,6 +742,15 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
elsif ($line eq 'BYE'){
mtr_report("Server said BYE");
# We need to gracefully shut down the servers to see any
# Valgrind memory leak errors etc. since last server restart.
if ($opt_warnings) {
if(check_warnings_post_shutdown($server)) {
# Warnings appeared in log file(s) during final server shutdown.
else {
......@@ -732,9 +758,7 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
die "Internal error: should not reach this place.";
......@@ -3109,6 +3133,7 @@ sub run_on_all($$)
sub mark_log {
my ($log, $tinfo)= @_;
my $log_msg= "CURRENT_TEST: $tinfo->{name}\n";
pre_write_errorlog($log, $tinfo->{name});
mtr_tofile($log, $log_msg);
......@@ -3181,8 +3206,8 @@ my %old_env;
# > 0 failure
sub run_testcase ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
sub run_testcase ($$) {
my ($tinfo, $server_socket)= @_;
mtr_verbose("Running test:", $tinfo->{name});
......@@ -3197,7 +3222,12 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
my @restart= servers_need_restart($tinfo);
if ( @restart != 0) {
stop_servers($tinfo, @restart );
# Remember that we restarted for this test case (count restarts)
$tinfo->{'restarted'}= 1;
stop_servers(@restart );
if ($opt_warnings) {
if ( started(all_servers()) == 0 )
......@@ -3336,7 +3366,18 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
if ($check_res == 1) {
# Test case had sideeffects, not fatal error, just continue
if ($opt_warnings) {
# Checking error logs for warnings, so need to stop server
# gracefully so that memory leaks etc. can be properly detected.
# Even if we got warnings here, we should not fail this
# particular test, as the warnings may be caused by an earlier
# test.
} else {
# Not checking warnings, so can do a hard shutdown.
mtr_report("Resuming tests...\n");
else {
......@@ -3468,6 +3509,64 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# We want to preserve the error log between server restarts, as it may contain
# valuable debugging information even if there is no test failure recorded.
sub _preserve_error_log_names {
my ($mysqld)= @_;
my $error_log_file= $mysqld->value('log-error');
my $error_log_dir= dirname($error_log_file);
my $save_name= $error_log_dir ."/../". $mysqld->name() .".error.log";
return ($error_log_file, $save_name);
sub preserve_error_log {
my ($mysqld)= @_;
my ($error_log_file, $save_name)= _preserve_error_log_names($mysqld);
my $res= rename($error_log_file, $save_name);
# Ignore any errors, as it's just a best-effort to keep the log if possible.
sub restore_error_log {
my ($mysqld)= @_;
my ($error_log_file, $save_name)= _preserve_error_log_names($mysqld);
my $res= rename($save_name, $error_log_file);
# Keep track of last position in mysqld error log where we scanned for
# warnings, so we can attribute any warnings found to the correct test
# suite or server restart.
my $last_warning_position= { };
# Called just before a mysqld server is started or a testcase is run,
# to keep track of which tests have been run since last restart, and
# of when the error log is reset.
# Second argument $test_name is test name, or undef for server restart.
sub pre_write_errorlog {
my ($error_log, $test_name)= @_;
if (! -e $error_log) {
# If the error log is moved away, reset the warning parse position.
delete $last_warning_position->{$error_log};
if (defined($test_name)) {
$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}= []
unless exists($last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names});
push @{$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}}, $test_name;
} else {
# Server restart, so clear the list of tests run since last restart.
# (except the last one (if any), which is the test about to be run).
if (defined($last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}) &&
@{$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}}) {
} else {
$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names}= [];
# Perform a rough examination of the servers
# error log and write all lines that look
......@@ -3479,18 +3578,14 @@ sub extract_warning_lines ($) {
# Open the servers .err log file and read all lines
# belonging to current tets into @lines
my $Ferr = IO::File->new($error_log)
or mtr_error("Could not open file '$error_log' for reading: $!");
my @lines;
while ( my $line = <$Ferr> )
if ( $line =~ /^CURRENT_TEST:/ )
# Throw away lines from previous tests
@lines = ();
push(@lines, $line);
or return [];
my $last_pos= $last_warning_position->{$error_log}{seek_pos};
$Ferr->seek($last_pos, 0) if defined($last_pos);
# If the seek fails, we will parse the whole error log, at least we will not
# miss any warnings.
my @lines= <$Ferr>;
$last_warning_position->{$error_log}{seek_pos}= $Ferr->tell();
$Ferr = undef; # Close error log file
# mysql_client_test.test sends a COM_DEBUG packet to the server
......@@ -3537,20 +3632,47 @@ sub extract_warning_lines ($) {
qr/Attempting backtrace/,
qr/Assertion .* failed/,
# These are taken from the include/mtr_warnings.sql global suppression
# list. They occur delayed, so they can be parsed during shutdown rather
# than during the per-test check.
# ToDo: having the warning suppressions inside the mysqld we are trying to
# check is in any case horrible. We should change it to all be done here
# within the Perl code, which is both simpler, easier, faster, and more
# robust. We could still have individual test cases put in suppressions by
# parsing statically or by writing dynamically to a CSV table read by the
# Perl code.
my @antipatterns =
qr/InnoDB: Error: in ALTER TABLE `test`.`t[12]`/,
qr/InnoDB: Error: table `test`.`t[12]` does not exist in the InnoDB internal/,
foreach my $line ( @lines )
my $match_count= 0;
LINE: foreach my $line ( @lines )
foreach my $pat ( @patterns )
PAT: foreach my $pat ( @patterns )
if ( $line =~ /$pat/ )
foreach my $apat (@antipatterns)
next LINE if $line =~ $apat;
print $Fwarn $line;
last PAT;
$Fwarn = undef; # Close file
if ($match_count > 0 &&
defined($last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names})) {
return $last_warning_position->{$error_log}{test_names};
} else {
return [];
......@@ -3717,6 +3839,22 @@ sub check_warnings ($) {
mtr_error("INTERNAL_ERROR: check_warnings");
# Check for warnings generated during shutdown of a mysqld server.
# If any, report them to master server, and return true; else just return false.
sub check_warnings_post_shutdown {
my ($server_socket)= @_;
my $testname_hash= { };
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds())
my $testlist= extract_warning_lines($mysqld->value('log-error'));
$testname_hash->{$_}= 1 for @$testlist;
my @warning_tests= keys(%$testname_hash);
if (@warning_tests) {
my $fake_test= My::Test->new(testnames => \@warning_tests);
$fake_test->write_test($server_socket, 'WARNINGS');
# Loop through our list of processes and look for and entry
......@@ -3814,6 +3952,7 @@ sub clean_datadir {
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
my $mysqld_dir= dirname($mysqld->value('datadir'));
if (-d $mysqld_dir ) {
mtr_verbose(" - removing '$mysqld_dir'");
......@@ -4142,6 +4281,7 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$) {
if ( defined $exe )
$mysqld->{'proc'}= My::SafeProcess->new
name => $mysqld->name(),
......@@ -4371,10 +4511,7 @@ sub get_extra_opts {
sub stop_servers($$) {
my ($tinfo, @servers)= @_;
# Remember if we restarted for this test case (count restarts)
$tinfo->{'restarted'}= 1;
my (@servers)= @_;
if ( join('|', @servers) eq join('|', all_servers()) )
......@@ -4466,6 +4603,7 @@ sub start_servers($) {
if (-d $datadir ) {
mtr_verbose(" - removing '$datadir'");
......@@ -4491,6 +4629,7 @@ sub start_servers($) {
unless -d $datadir;
# Create the servers tmpdir
my $tmpdir= $mysqld->value('tmpdir');
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
# Test of update statement that uses many tables.
# This is a big test.
--source include/
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