Commit a6bd0eb5 authored by dlenev@brandersnatch.localdomain's avatar dlenev@brandersnatch.localdomain


into brandersnatch.localdomain:/home/dlenev/src/mysql-4.1-bg4508
parents 350ab6b6 f49d4f53
......@@ -244,3 +244,10 @@ NULL
select convert_tz( NULL, 'MET', 'UTC');
convert_tz( NULL, 'MET', 'UTC')
create table t1 (ts timestamp);
set timestamp=1000000000;
insert into t1 (ts) values (now());
select convert_tz(ts, @@time_zone, 'Japan') from t1;
convert_tz(ts, @@time_zone, 'Japan')
2001-09-09 10:46:40
drop table t1;
......@@ -187,3 +187,15 @@ select convert_tz('2003-12-31 04:00:00', 'SomeNotExistingTimeZone', 'UTC');
select convert_tz('2003-12-31 04:00:00', 'MET', 'SomeNotExistingTimeZone');
select convert_tz('2003-12-31 04:00:00', 'MET', NULL);
select convert_tz( NULL, 'MET', 'UTC');
# Test for bug #4508 "CONVERT_TZ() function with new time zone as param
# crashes server." (Was caused by improperly worked mechanism of time zone
# dynamical loading).
create table t1 (ts timestamp);
set timestamp=1000000000;
insert into t1 (ts) values (now());
select convert_tz(ts, @@time_zone, 'Japan') from t1;
drop table t1;
......@@ -307,7 +307,8 @@ then
i_tzn="$i_tzn INSERT INTO time_zone_name (Name, Time_Zone_id) VALUES"
i_tzn="$i_tzn ('MET', 1), ('UTC', 2), ('Universal', 2), "
i_tzn="$i_tzn ('Europe/Moscow',3), ('leap/Europe/Moscow',4);"
i_tzn="$i_tzn ('Europe/Moscow',3), ('leap/Europe/Moscow',4), "
i_tzn="$i_tzn ('Japan', 5);"
......@@ -327,7 +328,7 @@ then
if test "$1" = "test"
i_tz="$i_tz INSERT INTO time_zone (Time_zone_id, Use_leap_seconds)"
i_tz="$i_tz VALUES (1,'N'), (2,'N'), (3,'N'), (4,'Y');"
i_tz="$i_tz VALUES (1,'N'), (2,'N'), (3,'N'), (4,'Y'), (5,'N');"
......@@ -546,7 +547,8 @@ then
i_tzt="$i_tzt ,(4, 2045689222, 8) ,(4, 2058390022, 9)"
i_tzt="$i_tzt ,(4, 2077138822, 8) ,(4, 2090444422, 9)"
i_tzt="$i_tzt ,(4, 2108588422, 8) ,(4, 2121894022, 9)"
i_tzt="$i_tzt ,(4, 2140038022, 8);"
i_tzt="$i_tzt ,(4, 2140038022, 8)"
i_tzt="$i_tzt ,(5, -1009875600, 1);"
......@@ -584,7 +586,8 @@ then
i_tztt="$i_tztt ,(4, 4, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(4, 5, 14400, 1, 'MSD')"
i_tztt="$i_tztt ,(4, 6, 18000, 1, 'MSD') ,(4, 7, 7200, 0, 'EET')"
i_tztt="$i_tztt ,(4, 8, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(4, 9, 14400, 1, 'MSD')"
i_tztt="$i_tztt ,(4, 10, 10800, 1, 'EEST') ,(4, 11, 7200, 0, 'EET');"
i_tztt="$i_tztt ,(4, 10, 10800, 1, 'EEST') ,(4, 11, 7200, 0, 'EET')"
i_tztt="$i_tztt ,(5, 0, 32400, 0, 'CJT') ,(5, 1, 32400, 0, 'JST');"
......@@ -89,11 +89,6 @@ Item *create_func_conv(Item* a, Item *b, Item *c)
return new Item_func_conv(a,b,c);
Item *create_func_convert_tz(Item* a, Item *b, Item *c)
return new Item_func_convert_tz(a,b,c);
Item *create_func_cos(Item* a)
return new Item_func_cos(a);
......@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ Item *create_func_char_length(Item* a);
Item *create_func_cast(Item *a, Cast_target cast_type, int len, CHARSET_INFO *cs);
Item *create_func_connection_id(void);
Item *create_func_conv(Item* a, Item *b, Item *c);
Item *create_func_convert_tz(Item* a, Item *b, Item *c);
Item *create_func_cos(Item* a);
Item *create_func_cot(Item* a);
Item *create_func_crc32(Item* a);
......@@ -1649,18 +1649,28 @@ bool Item_func_from_unixtime::get_date(TIME *ltime,
void Item_func_convert_tz::fix_length_and_dec()
String str;
thd= current_thd;
decimals= 0;
Item_func_convert_tz::fix_fields(THD *thd_arg, TABLE_LIST *tables_arg, Item **ref)
String str;
if (Item_date_func::fix_fields(thd_arg, tables_arg, ref))
return 1;
tz_tables= thd_arg->lex->time_zone_tables_used;
if (args[1]->const_item())
from_tz= my_tz_find(thd, args[1]->val_str(&str));
from_tz= my_tz_find(args[1]->val_str(&str), tz_tables);
if (args[2]->const_item())
to_tz= my_tz_find(thd, args[2]->val_str(&str));
to_tz= my_tz_find(args[2]->val_str(&str), tz_tables);
return 0;
......@@ -1701,10 +1711,10 @@ bool Item_func_convert_tz::get_date(TIME *ltime,
String str;
if (!args[1]->const_item())
from_tz= my_tz_find(thd, args[1]->val_str(&str));
from_tz= my_tz_find(args[1]->val_str(&str), tz_tables);
if (!args[2]->const_item())
to_tz= my_tz_find(thd, args[2]->val_str(&str));
to_tz= my_tz_find(args[2]->val_str(&str), tz_tables);
if (from_tz==0 || to_tz==0 || get_arg0_date(ltime, 0))
......@@ -531,9 +531,22 @@ class Item_func_from_unixtime :public Item_date_func
class Time_zone;
This class represents CONVERT_TZ() function.
The important fact about this function that it is handled in special way.
When such function is met in expression time_zone system tables are added
to global list of tables to open, so later those already opened and locked
tables can be used during this function calculation for loading time zone
class Item_func_convert_tz :public Item_date_func
THD *thd;
/* Cached pointer to list of pre-opened time zone tables. */
TABLE_LIST *tz_tables;
If time zone parameters are constants we are caching objects that
represent them.
Time_zone *from_tz, *to_tz;
Item_func_convert_tz(Item *a, Item *b, Item *c):
......@@ -542,6 +555,7 @@ class Item_func_convert_tz :public Item_date_func
double val() { return (double) val_int(); }
String *val_str(String *str);
const char *func_name() const { return "convert_tz"; }
bool fix_fields(THD *, struct st_table_list *, Item **);
void fix_length_and_dec();
bool get_date(TIME *res, uint fuzzy_date);
......@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ static SYMBOL sql_functions[] = {
{ "CONNECTION_ID", F_SYM(FUNC_ARG0),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_connection_id)},
{ "CONTAINS", F_SYM(FUNC_ARG2),0,CREATE_FUNC_GEOM(create_func_contains)},
{ "CONV", F_SYM(FUNC_ARG3),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_conv)},
{ "CONVERT_TZ", F_SYM(FUNC_ARG3),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_convert_tz)},
{ "COS", F_SYM(FUNC_ARG1),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_cos)},
{ "COT", F_SYM(FUNC_ARG1),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_cot)},
......@@ -500,7 +500,6 @@ int mysql_select(THD *thd, Item ***rref_pointer_array,
select_result *result, SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit,
SELECT_LEX *select_lex);
void free_underlaid_joins(THD *thd, SELECT_LEX *select);
void fix_tables_pointers(SELECT_LEX *select_lex);
int mysql_explain_union(THD *thd, SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit,
select_result *result);
int mysql_explain_select(THD *thd, SELECT_LEX *sl, char const *type,
......@@ -2373,7 +2373,8 @@ bool sys_var_thd_time_zone::check(THD *thd, set_var *var)
if (!(var->save_result.time_zone= my_tz_find(thd, res)))
if (!(var->save_result.time_zone=
my_tz_find(res, thd->lex->time_zone_tables_used)))
my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_TIME_ZONE, MYF(0), res ? res->c_ptr() : "NULL");
return 1;
......@@ -2418,7 +2419,8 @@ void sys_var_thd_time_zone::set_default(THD *thd, enum_var_type type)
if (default_tz_name)
String str(default_tz_name, &my_charset_latin1);
global_system_variables.time_zone= my_tz_find(thd, &str);
my_tz_find(&str, thd->lex->time_zone_tables_used);
global_system_variables.time_zone= my_tz_SYSTEM;
......@@ -908,6 +908,7 @@ ulong fix_sql_mode(ulong sql_mode);
extern sys_var_str sys_charset_system;
extern sys_var_str sys_init_connect;
extern sys_var_str sys_init_slave;
extern sys_var_thd_time_zone sys_time_zone;
CHARSET_INFO *get_old_charset_by_name(const char *old_name);
gptr find_named(I_List<NAMED_LIST> *list, const char *name, uint length,
NAMED_LIST **found);
......@@ -1670,7 +1670,22 @@ int open_and_lock_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
uint counter;
if (open_tables(thd, tables, &counter) || lock_tables(thd, tables, counter))
DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */
Let us propagate pointers to open tables from global table list
to table lists in particular selects if needed.
if (thd->lex->all_selects_list->next_select_in_list() ||
for (SELECT_LEX *sl= thd->lex->all_selects_list;
sl= sl->next_select_in_list())
for (TABLE_LIST *cursor= (TABLE_LIST *) sl->table_list.first;
if (cursor->table_list)
cursor->table= cursor->table_list->table;
......@@ -22,6 +22,16 @@
#include <m_ctype.h>
#include <hash.h>
Fake table list object, pointer to which is used as special value for
st_lex::time_zone_tables_used indicating that we implicitly use time
zone tables in this statement but real table list was not yet created.
Pointer to it is also returned by my_tz_get_tables_list() as indication
of transient error;
TABLE_LIST fake_time_zone_tables_list;
/* Macros to look like lex */
#define yyGet() *(lex->ptr++)
......@@ -1292,7 +1302,32 @@ bool st_select_lex_unit::create_total_list(THD *thd_arg, st_lex *lex,
TABLE_LIST **result_arg)
*result_arg= 0;
res= create_total_list_n_last_return(thd_arg, lex, &result_arg);
if (!(res= create_total_list_n_last_return(thd_arg, lex, &result_arg)))
If time zone tables were used implicitly in statement we should add
them to global table list.
if (lex->time_zone_tables_used)
Altough we are modifying lex data, it won't raise any problem in
case when this lex belongs to some prepared statement or stored
procedure: such modification does not change any invariants imposed
by requirement to reuse the same lex for multiple executions.
if ((lex->time_zone_tables_used= my_tz_get_table_list(thd)) !=
*result_arg= lex->time_zone_tables_used;
send_error(thd, 0);
res= 1;
return res;
......@@ -633,6 +633,12 @@ typedef struct st_lex
bool prepared_stmt_code_is_varref;
/* Names of user variables holding parameters (in EXECUTE) */
List<LEX_STRING> prepared_stmt_params;
If points to fake_time_zone_tables_list indicates that time zone
tables are implicitly used by statement, also is used for holding
list of those tables after they are opened.
TABLE_LIST *time_zone_tables_used;
st_lex() {}
inline void uncacheable(uint8 cause)
......@@ -661,6 +667,7 @@ typedef struct st_lex
TABLE_LIST *local_first);
} LEX;
extern TABLE_LIST fake_time_zone_tables_list;
void lex_init(void);
void lex_free(void);
......@@ -1897,7 +1897,8 @@ mysql_execute_command(THD *thd)
#endif /* !HAVE_REPLICATION */
if (&lex->select_lex != lex->all_selects_list &&
if ((&lex->select_lex != lex->all_selects_list ||
lex->time_zone_tables_used) &&
lex->unit.create_total_list(thd, lex, &tables))
......@@ -3875,6 +3876,7 @@ mysql_init_query(THD *thd, uchar *buf, uint length)
lex->lock_option= TL_READ;
lex->found_colon= 0;
lex->safe_to_cache_query= 1;
lex->time_zone_tables_used= 0;
lex_start(thd, buf, length);
thd->select_number= lex->select_lex.select_number= 1;
thd->free_list= 0;
......@@ -1407,7 +1407,8 @@ static int send_prepare_results(Prepared_statement *stmt, bool text_protocol)
DBUG_PRINT("enter",("command: %d, param_count: %ld",
sql_command, stmt->param_count));
if (select_lex != lex->all_selects_list &&
if ((&lex->select_lex != lex->all_selects_list ||
lex->time_zone_tables_used) &&
lex->unit.create_total_list(thd, lex, &tables))
......@@ -213,39 +213,6 @@ int handle_select(THD *thd, LEX *lex, select_result *result)
void relink_tables(SELECT_LEX *select_lex)
for (TABLE_LIST *cursor= (TABLE_LIST *) select_lex->table_list.first;
if (cursor->table_list)
cursor->table= cursor->table_list->table;
void fix_tables_pointers(SELECT_LEX *select_lex)
if (select_lex->next_select_in_list())
/* Fix tables 'to-be-unioned-from' list to point at opened tables */
for (SELECT_LEX *sl= select_lex;
sl= sl->next_select_in_list())
void fix_tables_pointers(SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit)
for (SELECT_LEX *sl= unit->first_select(); sl; sl= sl->next_select())
for (SELECT_LEX_UNIT *un= sl->first_inner_unit(); un; un= un->next_unit())
Function to setup clauses without sum functions
......@@ -463,6 +463,7 @@ bool my_yyoverflow(short **a, YYSTYPE **b, ulong *yystacksize);
%token CASE_SYM
%token CONCAT
%token CONCAT_WS
%token CURDATE
%token CURTIME
......@@ -2825,6 +2826,11 @@ simple_expr:
{ $$= new Item_func_concat(* $3); }
| CONCAT_WS '(' expr ',' expr_list ')'
{ $$= new Item_func_concat_ws($3, *$5); }
| CONVERT_TZ_SYM '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')'
Lex->time_zone_tables_used= &fake_time_zone_tables_list;
$$= new Item_func_convert_tz($3, $5, $7);
| CURDATE optional_braces
{ $$= new Item_func_curdate_local(); Lex->safe_to_cache_query=0; }
| CURTIME optional_braces
......@@ -5308,6 +5314,12 @@ internal_variable_name:
$$.var= tmp;
If this is time_zone variable we should open time zone
describing tables
if (tmp == &sys_time_zone)
Lex->time_zone_tables_used= &fake_time_zone_tables_list;
| ident '.' ident
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ class Time_zone: public Sql_alloc
extern Time_zone * my_tz_UTC;
extern Time_zone * my_tz_SYSTEM;
extern Time_zone * my_tz_find(THD *thd, const String *name);
extern TABLE_LIST * my_tz_get_table_list(THD *thd);
extern Time_zone * my_tz_find(const String *name, TABLE_LIST *tz_tables);
extern my_bool my_tz_init(THD *org_thd, const char *default_tzname, my_bool bootstrap);
extern void my_tz_free();
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